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In this paper the authors analyze the change in dividend yield (and capital gains yield) patterns of the group of 1108 firms listed on the monthly CRSP tapes from 1984 to 1988. It was anticipated that the Tax Reform Act of 1986 would lead to a pattern of increasing dividend yields and decreasing capital gains yields in 1987 and 1988 due to the elimination of the capital gains tax rate by 1988 and the overall reduction in personal tax rates. The results were consistent across all dividend groups as expected.  相似文献   

This study of internal migration at the state level empirically investigates the Tiebout hypothesis (as extended by Tullock) of “voting with one’s feet.” In addition to its adoption of more current data (net migration from July, 2000 through July, 2008) than other related studies to date, the model differs from most previous comparable studies by including a separate cost of living variable and a measure of per capita state income tax burdens. We also test the hypothesis using two alternative specifications: one linear and the other semi-log. Finally, the analysis also provides both OLS and 2SLS estimates. The advantage of this multi-faceted approach is that it permits an assessment of how sensitive the results are to specification changes and to different estimation procedures. After controlling for economic factors and a quality of life/climate variable, migrants (consumer-voters) appear to prefer lower state income tax burdens, lower state plus local property tax burdens, and higher per pupil outlays on primary and secondary public education.  相似文献   

Information about human resource management (HRM) practices in foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) in China has been limited to studies involving a small number of cases. This study provides an empirical assessment of HRM practices used in 158 FIEs operating in Shenzen Special Economic Zone (SEZ) of the Guangdong Province in southern China. Results suggest that FIEs have moved away from centrally planned job allocation, life-time employment and egalitarian pay towards open job markets at management and non-management levels, contractual employment where pay and longevity are based on individual worker and company performance and compensation plans that recognize differences in skills, training and job demands. These practices seem to reflect the influence of the economic reform in China. Other aspects of HRM practices used by FIEs, such as approximate equality of pay for men and women, limited differences between management and non-management salaries and widespread provision of housing and other benefits for employees, seem to reflect the influence of the Chinese socialist ideology.  相似文献   

The world has been globalized much more than ever before and this process integrates the economies of countries. Moreover, one means of integrating the economies of countries is trade. In this instance, the export-led economic growth emerges as a considerable determinant. Export-led economic growth is beneficial for the countries since it facilitates the inflow of foreign exchange, increases production, creates new employment opportunities and enhances the overall commercial volume. In this study, the correlation between export-led economic growth is explored for Brazil. Therefore, according to the findings of this paper as well as econometric and statistical applications, there is a bi-directional causality in Brazil since 1960s between economic development and exports in the long-run (this could also be termed as feedback); furthermore, in the short-run, there is export-led economic growth. The novelty of this paper is that, it is one of the latest studies investigating export-led economic growth for Brazil.  相似文献   

Policy makers are increasingly recognizing the catalytic role of academics’ spin-off companies in a national economy, which derives from their innovativeness that result in new value generation, and job creation. Although research on academics’ spin-off companies has been increasing, knowledge gaps exist as to the specific determinants and processes that characterize the emergence of academics’ entrepreneurial intentions that lead them to spin off companies. This research aims to fill this gap. Drawing from psychological and entrepreneurship research on intentionality, the authors propose a conceptual model of academics’ entrepreneurial intentions. They empirically test the model using structural equation modeling and a robust data set collected in two European academic settings to guide future research on this important topic.  相似文献   

With data from 12,689 associates of human resource (HR) professionals in 1500 businesses in 109 firms, this research represents an extensive assessment of HR competencies. It extends current HR theory and practice in two ways. First, it proposes specific competencies HR professionals may demonstrate to add value to a business. Second, it offers an empirical assessment of how these competencies affect the performance of HR professionals as perceived by their Associates. The results indicate that when HR professionals demonstrate competencies in business knowledge, delivery of HR, and management of change, then HR professionals are perceived by their associates as more effective. © 1995 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Since the mid-1970s, authors from academia and from business have recognized that the strategic contribution made by supply is multi-faceted, although their work does not distinguish among the levels of strategic contribution. This study makes this differentiation by using a systematic literature review of the last 30 years and by performing a content analysis of 131 selected articles. The analysis of the increasing sophistication of supply's strategic contributions leads to three main observations: 1) the different types of contributions can indeed be classified into categories: category I (support to corporate improvement targets), category II (support to the organizational competitive advantage), and category III (source of sustainable competitive advantage); 2) contribution types in category I have been recognized since at least the early 1980s, while recognition has progressively taken place mostly in the 1990s for categories II and III; and 3) the contribution types in category I are perceived both as contributions that the supply function must master before it can take on those in categories II and III, and as contributions expected even when the supply function already contributes well to categories II and III. Therefore, supply professionals should develop their ability to better utilize the currently acknowledged strategic contributions, while being ready to take advantage of the new types of contributions.  相似文献   

The successful quantification in monetary terms of the value of a donor to a voluntary organisation is absolutely essential to the subsequent development of fundraising strategy. The question most voluntary organisations have failed to address, however, is how best to calculate this value. Many fundraisers continue to examine value historically, looking at the total amounts given to date. Such an approach fundamentally ignores the future or lifetime potential of a given charity donor and can lead to the development of contact strategies that are wholly inappropriate given the worth of that individual. It is the purpose of this paper to calculate the lifetime value (LTV) of various categories of donor and to explain how charities might use such information to inform the development of their fundraising strategy.  相似文献   

Scientific research concerning R&D staff structures has already been based on networks as they are mapped by co-patent data. The present paper combines the method of patent analysis with network analysis techniques and shows by means of a patent sample from cardiac pacemaker technology, that the different communication functions a star inventor accomplishes in their network are mirrored not only by quantity, but also by quality of patents. The mere patent quantity has a significant positive impact on the size of an inventors’ personal network and the number of inventors they can directly pass information to. But more importantly, there is significant empirical evidence that high technical specialisation has a positive impact on an inventor’s potential to mediate between others as well as on the efficacy to reach them on short notice. For the latter, likewise the number of citations received is a positive predictor. Thus, we characterise stars as industrious, well-known technical specialists and contradict the general assumption that generalists would be the ideal gatekeeper in an R&D network.  相似文献   

Some economists have analysed empirically linear aggregation problems from various view-points and get results which seem to justify the use of aggregated data. However, some were based on only one experiment. Using more experiments we shall analyse empirically two important aggregation problems for the case of the investment behavior of firms. In contrast to earlier studies, our results indicate that the aggregation biases of macroparameters are rather large and the explanatory power of the macroequations is not necessarily higher than that of a sum of microequations.  相似文献   

The criminal justice system consists of interacting parts and represents a dynamic process through which the accused moves in stages. This study focuses on felony criminal offenses and the court stage of the judicial process. Specifically this study examines and evaluates utilization of the courtrooms of a legal system under pre-trial policy considerations governing case flow, and identifies problem areas of under-capacity, or bottlenecks. The model presented utilizes simulation as a means of describing the system, and conducting alternative (scheduling) policy requirements. The results of the study reveal that due process can be achieved while minimizing interference with those who want a “speedy trial”.  相似文献   

Companies today are increasing efforts to develop their vendor evaluation system (VES) to qualify and select the best suppliers, monitor their performance and foster continuous improvement. VES lies at the intersection of three disciplines: purchasing management, supply chain management, and performance management. The extant literature especially focuses on vendor rating tools from a mathematical modeling standpoint, whereas firms are mostly concerned with guidelines necessary to design and implement an effective VES. The present study develops an encompassing research framework to investigate VES by means of thirteen case studies. In particular, the paper investigates VES design in terms of strategic alignment, process configuration and execution, as well as corresponding benefits and costs, exploring how the combination of the previous elements determines company satisfaction. Three groups of VESs are identified, leading to different levels of satisfaction.  相似文献   

The relative performances of forecasting models change over time. This empirical observation raises two questions. First, is the relative performance itself predictable? Second, if so, can it be exploited in order to improve the forecast accuracy? We address these questions by evaluating the predictive abilities of a wide range of economic variables for two key US macroeconomic aggregates, namely industrial production and inflation, relative to simple benchmarks. We find that business cycle indicators, financial conditions, uncertainty and measures of past relative performances are generally useful for explaining the models’ relative forecasting performances. In addition, we conduct a pseudo-real-time forecasting exercise, where we use the information about the conditional performance for model selection and model averaging. The newly proposed strategies deliver sizable improvements over competitive benchmark models and commonly-used combination schemes. The gains are larger when model selection and averaging are based on both financial conditions and past performances measured at the forecast origin date.  相似文献   

Cross section data are used to test two types of regional growth models: the demand and the supply based models. While the demand based model explained twice as much of the interregional variations in growth rates as did the supply model, we found that the basic element of the supply model, factor mobility, contributes significantly to the determination of regional growth. A model combining both demand and supply is developed and fitted tothe data. The performance of this model as judged by goodness of fit and dynamic simulations is remarkable. Long-run implications are derived from dynamic simulations.  相似文献   

Does co-integration help long-term forecasts? In this paper, we use simulation, real data sets, and multi-step-ahead post-sample forecasts to study this question. Based on the square root of the trace of forecasting error-covariance matrix, we found that for simulated data imposing the ‘correct’ unit-root constraints implied by co-integration does improve the accuracy of forecasts. For real data sets, the answer is mixed. Imposing unit-root constraints suggested by co-integration tests produces better forecasts for some cases, but fares poorly for others. We give some explanations for the poor performance of co-integration in long-term forecasting and discuss the practical implications of the study. Finally, an adaptive forecasting procedure is found to perform well in one- to ten-step-ahead forecasts.  相似文献   

Ben-Chieh Liu 《Socio》1977,11(1):19-24
This paper attempts to evaluate the impacts of a Corps of Engineers multimillion dollar channelization project authorized in 1948 upon a regional economy in an economic depressed area in the western part of Tennessee.Using a cost/benefit approach, this paper analyzes some major benefits and costs of the project such as flood control, land utilization, regional economic development and recreational losses. On a reach-by-reach basis this paper illustrates how tangible benefits and costs are measured empirically with available hydrological, historical, economic and other statistics. Alternatives such as reservoir building and channel clean-out are considered together with the proposed channelization work. Problems on intangibles and externalities are also delineated.The most interesting findings of this study are not those pertaining to the successes and failures of the benefit-cost approach. Rather, they are the insights into which differences between social and private considerations, joint and separated projects, authorized and not proposed alternatives, current and future choices, etc., can be enlightened. The importance of this empirical study hinges upon its results highlighting the conflicts between efficiency in resource allocation and the equality in income distribution.  相似文献   

Mining represents an important economic sector in almost all countries, especially the developing ones. The planning in this area is complex due to the interaction between different aspects like economic factors, environmental and social issues, and government regulation. A tool for policy analysis is needed to understand and test the effects of new and existing policies and avoid unanticipated side effects. The article develops a generic model for analyzing the mining sector of a country and demonstrates how it can be calibrated to test a set of alternative scenarios for the future of mining in Colombia.  相似文献   

Cognitive skills are robustly associated with good national economic performance. How much of this is due to high-skill countries doing a better job of absorbing total factor productivity from the world's technology leader? Following Benhabib and Spiegel (Handbook of Economic Growth, 2005), who estimated the Nelson–Phelps technology diffusion model, I use the database of IQ tests assembled by Lynn and Vanhanen, 2002, Lynn and Vanhanen, 2006 and find a robust relationship between national average IQ and total factor productivity growth. Controlling for IQ, years of education is of modest statistical significance. If IQ gaps between countries persist and model parameters remain stable, TFP levels are forecasted to sharply diverge, creating a “twin peaks” result. After controlling for IQ, few other growth variables are statistically significant.  相似文献   

Surendra Gera  Peter Kuhn 《Socio》1980,14(2):57-65
In this paper we present and estimate a single equation model designed to explain the job-location behaviour of individuals living in a multi-centered metropolitan area. We test the model separately for heads of households and non-heads of households, as well as for the total working population, in order to isolate differences in commuting behaviour between primary and secondary wage earners. The relationships are estimated from 1971 Census, cross-section data using least squares multiple regression.The results of the location equation indicate that wage gradient variables are important determinants of job location for heads of households. On the other hand, non-heads are rather insensitive to the wage gradient. Rather, contrary to the decisions of heads, the job-location choices of non-heads are strongly influenced by socio-economic attributes, notably occupation, family size and age. Clearly, job-location decisions of primary wage earners (usually the household heads) are influenced by earnings-maximizing considerations while secondary earners (non-heads in general) put more weight on other socio-economic factors. The results also suggest that there is a hidden cost associated with uneven directional growth in the Toronto CMA. It is suggestive that urban planning strategies should reflect consideration of the greater desire or need for accessibility on the part of secondary wage earners (non-heads) and the need to balance residential and job opportunities at the extending margin of the urban area.  相似文献   

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