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The present study extends previous research efforts and examines relationships between commonly discussed strategic acquisition factors and long-term financial performance measures of acquiring firms. The factors of interest include relative size, previous acquisition experience, organizational age, industry commonality, contested versus uncontested acquisitions, and percentage of stock acquired. The financial performance measures include both accounting and capital market data for the 4-year period preceding acquisition activity and the 4-year period following such activity. The study presents bivariate and multivariate analyses for 42 industrial manufacturing firms that engaged in the tender offer form of acquisition. The findings indicate that, on the average, post-acquisition financial performance improved significantly for organizations that had previous acquisition experience, acquired a higher percentage of a target, or were older. Post-acquisition performance decreased significantly for acquiring firms when target firms contested an acquisition.  相似文献   

This paper examines the factors affecting the decision to acquire external technology and the relative importance of different technology acquisition strategies pursued by British and Japanese firms. The paper draws on a study of 38 firms, consisting of 23 UK-based and 15 Japanese firms. This is not a comparative study of British and Japanese technology acquisition strategies. Rather, we aim to identify common factors affecting the decision to acquire external technology and the means by which firms attempt to do this. We identify two clusters of variable which appear to affect the decision to acquire technology. Firstly, an organization's inheritance, which includes corporate strategy, competencies, culture and what we refer to as management's 'comfort' with the technology. Secondly, the characteristics of the technology to be acquired, specifically, its competitive impact, complexity, codifiability and what we refer to as 'credibility' potential. Together, these factors will determine the degree and nature of technology acquisition strategy. We find that contrary to the present academic preoccupation with alliances and joint ventures, the firms examined ranked universities, research consortia and licensing as the most important sources of external technology.  相似文献   

This study addresses a long‐standing debate in the literature regarding the appropriateness and performance consequences of marketing strategy standardization vs. adaptation. Much of the relevant literature represents the headquarters' viewpoint and broadly assesses antecedents of standardization or adaptation across widely varying markets. Using strategic fit as the theoretical platform for analysis, the study investigates international marketing strategy for a specific product or line within subsidiaries of U.S., Japanese, and German multinational corporations (MNCs) operating in the U.K. The results indicate that degree of strategy standardization is significantly related to similarity between markets with respect to regulatory environments, technological intensity and velocity, customs and traditions, customer characteristics, a product's stage in its life cycle, and competitive intensity. On the critical question of performance consequences, the findings suggest that superior performance results from strategy standardization only to the extent that there is fit or coalignment between the MNC's environmental context and its international marketing strategy choice. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the relationship between market orientation and organizational learning and, in particular, the former's contribution to the generation of double-loop learning. Although prior contributions on this topic have been controversial, the authors, departing from the principles of RBV, consider market orientation a resource capable of generating higher order organizational learning and, in this way, capable of additionally reinforcing firms' sustainable competitive advantage. The empirical study provides evidence on the existing relationship between a firm's learning and market orientation degree and the organization's economic and non-economic results. Findings indicate that learning orientation stimulates the market-oriented behavior and that it also positively affects the establishment of long-term relationships with strategic clients. Contrary to prior research a significant and positive effect on business performance is only contrasted in the case of market orientation.  相似文献   

This research investigates the conceptual argument that acquisitions which are related in product/market or technological terms create higher value than unrelated acquisitions. Related acquisitions are found to have greater total dollar gains than unrelated acquisitions. Acquired firms in related acquisitions have substantially higher gains than acquired firms in unrelated acquisitions. These findings indicate that related target firms benefit more from acquisition than unrelated target firms. Implications of these findings for managers are discussed.  相似文献   

A series of five Strategic Management Journal articles has debated several issues concerning the role of market orientation in shaping firm performance. This debate has defined market orientation as a cultural emphasis. Yet, a large body of research in the marketing field views market orientation as an emphasis on certain market information‐processing activities. Using data from 217 firms, we test a model that includes both cultural and information‐processing elements. The findings suggest that both approaches to market orientation help explain performance, but their effects are mediated by organizational responsiveness. Thus, researchers should not only account for both definitions of market orientation, but they should also investigate market orientation in combination with other important performance antecedents. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study analyzed various strategy and structure choices to determine their fit relationship with flexible automation (FA). 1Using the moderator hypothesis, we proposed that the more strategy and structure choices complemented FA's competences, the higher would be the performance impact of FA. Data from 87 FA users indicate that quality and flexibility strategies, described as complementary to FA's strengths, interact positively with FA. Low cost strategy, described as conflicting with FA, interacts negatively. Organic structure, viewed as complementary to FA, has only main effects whereas a mechanistic structure interacts negatively. At the manufacturing level, skill diversity and team approaches, considered as complementary to FA, interact positively. While a subgroup analysis of high-low performers lends additional support to these relationships, analysis of industry subgroups indicates that some relationships are industry specific. We discuss the implications of these findings for research and practice.  相似文献   

Organizational slack and firm performance during institutional transitions   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
The conflicting views about the impact of organizational slack on firm performance call for more powerful theoretic lens to explore this link. This study finds that institutional theory is insightful to add a deeper and finer-grained understanding on what is behind the relationship between organizational slack and firm performance during institutional transitions. As a replication with extension of the research of Tan and Peng (Strategic Management Journal, 24: 1249–1263, 2003), this study not only replicates the impact of organizational slack on firm performance in a broader and more recent context, but also extends previous work by advocating and enriching the impact of institutional transitions on this link. Using a large sample of Chinese listed firms, we find that unabsorbed slack is critical for firms to sustain their competitive advantages. Further, such a positive impact is especially likely to be profound for firms confronting resource scarcity and environmental dynamism caused by institutional transitions.
Yuan LiEmail:

We examine the fit between a firm's product market strategy and its business model. We develop a formal model in order to analyze the contingent effects of product market strategy and business model choices on firm performance. We investigate a unique, manually collected dataset, and find that novelty‐centered business models—coupled with product market strategies that emphasize differentiation, cost leadership, or early market entry—can enhance firm performance. Our data suggest that business model and product market strategy are complements, not substitutes. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The relationship between organizational configurations and performance has been a frequent albeit controversial subject of research in the field of strategic management. Many studies have failed to find a link between configurations and performance, leading prominent researchers to question the value of the concept of organizational configurations. Before the concept can be discarded, however, other plausible explanations for the lack of findings should be examined. This paper examines the possible role of statistical power. Specifically, it may be that the sample sizes in many studies are too small to detect relationships between configurations and performance when such links are, in fact, present. Analysis of 24 tests of the configurations–performance link revealed that only 8 percent had samples large enough to detect all important relationships. Thus, there is reason to suspect that insufficient statistical power may help to explain extant results. Given these findings, suggestions are presented for improving the ability of configurational studies to detect relationships. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research examines the relationship between the organizational boundaries of entrepreneurial firms and their economic performance. The theoretical basis for this work is transaction cost economics research regarding when internalizing certain activities will be preferred over contracting. To consider the conditions under which contracting is costly we compare across three functional areas and three firm strategies. The results of a longitudinal analysis of 122 entrepreneurial firms in the computer industry show that performance effects are associated with contracting activities and that product market strategies moderate the performance effects of contracting. The results are mixed in their support for the predictions of transaction cost economics.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a comprehensive model of M&A success. We integrate fundamental constructs of different schools and discuss their interdependencies with M&A success. Our theoretical framework was tested empirically across a sample of 106 SME transactions in the machinery, electronic, and logistic industries in the German‐speaking part of Central Europe. The results of our study support the demand for an integrative perspective and theory on M&A. M&A success is a function of strategic complementarity, cultural fit, and the degree of integration. Strategic complementarity also positively influences cultural fit and the degree of integration. Cultural fit positively influences M&A success, but surprisingly has a negative impact on the speed and degree of integration. The degree of integration is positively related to speed of integration. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In studying the antecedents of alliance performance, one stream of research has underscored the alignment between partners' characteristics whereas another has concentrated on relational mechanisms such as mutual trust, relational embeddedness, and relational commitment. We integrate these two perspectives by examining how congruence of the partners' cultures and organizational routines facilitates the emergence of relational mechanisms in non‐equity alliances. Our analysis of 420 non‐equity alliances in the information technology industry demonstrates how differences in partners' internal task routines undermine relational mechanisms that in turn impact alliance performance. Partners who acknowledge their latent differences can overcome some of these negative consequences. We advance alliance research by studying the performance implications of alliance partners' organizational differences and by demonstrating how these effects are mediated by relational mechanisms. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study explores the influence of governmental regulation on organizational strategies and performance outcomes. Drawing on literature in strategic management, we provide a longitudinal empirical analysis of viable strategies in the U.S. domestic airline industry during a 6-year period (1965-70) when it was regulated by the Civil Aeronautics Board. Results indicate that air carriers were indeed able to articulate coherent strategic postures despite regulatory constraints, and were thus able to influence profitability.  相似文献   

Supply chain integration is widely considered by both practitioners and researchers a vital contributor to supply chain performance. The two key flows in such relationships are material and information. Previous studies have addressed information integration and material (logistics) integration in separate studies. In this paper, we investigate the integrations of both information and material flows between supply chain partners and their effect on operational performance. Specifically, we examine the role of long-term supplier relationship as the driver of the integration. Using data from 232 Australian firms, we find that logistics integration has a significant effect on operations performance. Information technology capabilities and information sharing both have significant effects on logistics integration. Furthermore, long-term supplier relationships have both direct and indirect significant effects on performance; the indirect effect via the effect on information integration and logistics integration.  相似文献   

Past research has given contradictory answers to the question of how strategic change is linked to firm size and performance. This paper resolves the contradictory predictions of performance feedback theory and threat rigidity theory by positing that small and large firms have distinct responses to performance because of differences in risk aversion and internal rigidity. To examine these differences, it is necessary to distinguish risk taking from rigidity in the strategic position, which is accomplished by separate analysis of the amount of resource acquisition and the difference of acquired and existing resources. Analysis of data from the shipping industry supports the predicted interactions of firm size and performance. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examines the conditions in which professional firms use client engagements to get clients to subsequently hire them. The central thesis is that professional firms derive power from their specialized expertise and lead clients towards complex problems that apply the expertise. In particular, relative to cash‐financed acquisitions, stock‐financed acquisitions more intensively apply investment banks' expertise. Consistent with expectations, results from a sample of 404 acquisitions show that firms are more likely to hire banks on stock‐financed acquisitions when they have previously used banks. Evidence also suggests that clients that hire banks on such acquisitions are prone to adverse performance from them. Overall, these results suggest that professional firms lead clients to complex solutions with problematic outcomes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Even though knowledge‐based acquisitions (KBAs) are common, their performance often lags expectations due to difficulties during integration. Building on Penrose’s foundational ideas that managers limit firm growth, we outline a theoretical model that explores how an acquirer’s integration capacity mediates the impact of acquirer and target characteristics (influenced by contextual conditions) on the performance of KBAs. Our theoretical model, based on research consistent with the resource‐based view and resource orchestration, suggests the success of acquisitive growth rests on the quality and quantity of an acquirer’s managerial talent. This contributes to research by identifying conditions where acquisitions can provide a means of growth. Additionally, it provides managers a means to assess whether an identified target firm is within an acquirer’s integration capacity.  相似文献   

An Erratum has been published for this article in Strategic Management Journal 25(3) 2004, 307. How does organizational slack affect firm performance? Organization theory posits that slack, despite its costs, has a positive impact on firm performance. In contrast, agency theory suggests that slack breeds inefficiency and inhibits performance. The empirical evidence, largely from developed economies, has been inconclusive. Moreover, little effort has been made to empirically test whether such an impact (positive or negative) is linear or curvilinear. This article joins the debate by extending empirical work to the largely unexplored context of economic transitions. Specifically, two studies, based on survey and archival data (N = 57 and 1532 firms, respectively), are undertaken in China's emerging economy. Our results suggest (1) that organization theory generates stronger predictions when dealing with unabsorbed slack, and (2) that agency theory yields stronger validity when focusing on absorbed slack. Furthermore, we also find that the impact of slack on performance is curvilinear, which resembles inverse U‐shaped curves. Overall, our findings call for a contingency perspective to specify the nature of slack when discussing its impact on firm performance. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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