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<正>物业管理行业是承担责任多、获取收入少的行业,如果真正用互联网思维思考,其实摆在物业人身上的责任恰恰是价值。今天有两场特别重要的会议,一场在西雅图,习大大带着互联网企业在美国作交流;另外一场是在武汉,就是今天的论坛。所有的互联网的大公司都跟着习大大去了西雅图,所有想成为互联网公司的物业服务公司都在武汉开会。目前,同行们谈到物业管理行业的明天,普遍认为未来很美好,但其实现实很骨感。  相似文献   

On-site service encounters blur the organizational boundary between employees and customers. The strategic trade-offs involved in having customers on-site, and the HRM practices that can influence the satisfaction and performance of customers within the organization, are described. Central points include the HRM practices that foster a climate for service and that provide customers the role clarity, ability, and motivation they require to contribute to service production and delivery.  相似文献   

拥有家电、自动车、新能源三大支柱产业的春兰集团,是集科研、制造、投资、贸易于一体的多元化、高科技、国际化大型现代企业,名列中国最大企业集团50强和江苏省10强.  相似文献   

做好营销管理,提供高品质的服务永远是营销人员的追求。营业厅是供电局对外的窗口,营业厅的服务品质如何直接影响到企业在客户心目中的形象以及客户满意度。  相似文献   

In group decision making, most researches often assume the linguistic ways with personal preferences have been given and ignore the linguistic evaluated formats involving their knowledge and experience. In practice, people contributing to the judgment tend generally to give ratings about their personal preferences depending on their background. Thus, problems in multiple linguistic preferences go undetected, resulting in the evaluation process not satisfying with decisions’ expectations. In this study, we provide a fuzzy multiple preference integrated model with two stages to better reduce the bias for group decision makings. The first stage focuses on making the information unify on the alternatives according to the individual linguistic preferences, then we compute collective performance values and solve the problems lacking on the integration of respective fuzzy choice subsets. The second stage, we choose the alternatives of retailing service innovations according to the collective performance values by stage one. The goal of the decision process is to reach the subjective fuzzy cognitions in terms of the preference values of all the decision makers. Finally, the survey data of the chain wholesale using multiple preference formats in service innovations determination is verified.  相似文献   

Organisations increasingly outsource service delivery to specialist subcontractors. These buyers, their subcontractors and their end customers operate in a triadic service relationship. In these triads, the buyer lacks direct control over service delivery and completely depends on the subcontractor for its performance towards its end customers. Subcontractors are confronted with two principals (buyer and end customer) who may have conflicting objectives.Although traditionally focusing on dyadic buyer–seller relationships rather than triads, Agency Theory provides valuable suggestions on the type of contract to be used and the type of monitoring to be employed. We adopt Agency Theory as a theoretical lens to look at the buyer–subcontractor–end customer triad and develop propositions on the design of contractual arrangements and monitoring activities. We use the results of two cases of service triads to provide some initial validation for these propositions.  相似文献   

文章从坚持产业选择特色化、坚持产业组织集群化、坚持产业准入生态化、坚持建设开发协调化、坚持资源利用循环化等方面,论述了推动江苏服务贸易特色集聚化发展的原则,并从政策层面上提出了建议,以期提供参考。  相似文献   

台励福公司创立于1973年,自1975年开始生产摇臂钻床之后,着手研发叉车与CNC转塔式数控冲床,目前是台湾地区最大的叉车生产厂,在全球叉车销量排行榜上位居前20名。台励福机器设刨青岛)有限公司于2001成立。厂务总监王钦佩认为:“台励福是一家非常具有生命力和特点的叉车企业。台励福叉车的个性化程度比较高。通过大力研发个性化的叉车产品,台励福的市场份额会不断扩大。”  相似文献   

“顾客就是上帝”,这是每个企业都知道的道理,但是似乎人们的注意力更集中在如何获得顾客上,而忽视了如何保持现有的顾客。据美国技术协助研究项目的结果显示,高品质产品或服务于顾客忠诚度非常关键。然而,通过良好的顾客服务解决问题同样重要。在某些行业,那些问题解决了的顾客要比从未碰到过问题的顾客更忠诚。  相似文献   

中国大陆首富丁磊是靠网易网站发家的,网易最初只做电子邮箱业务,后来依靠网上社区、短信、网络游戏和网易泡泡快速成长起来,最近又引入了博客技术.  相似文献   

随着客户需求的增加,西门子物流与装配系统有限公司在中国市场加快了发展的脚步,成功地进入医药、电子、汽车、零售、烟草等行业领域,树立起高端品牌形象。该公司配送和工业物流部产品解决方案总监卡格瑞,拥有22年专业经验,身为澳大利亚人,但过去12年来一直在亚洲工作,接触中国大陆项目也有6年时间了,最近3年更是长驻中国。作为公司的技术专家,卡格瑞的工作十分繁忙。在2005年12月上海亚洲物流展会期间,卡格瑞接受了采访。虽然准备时间比较仓促,但他还是连夜将要点密密麻麻写了好几页纸,显示出严谨的个人风格以及对此次采访的重视。  相似文献   

Customer relationship management seeks to nurture relationships with customers by providing appropriate services for particular customers. Previous studies in this area have tended to examine either: (i) the improvement of service quality or (ii) the identification of customers who will bring the most value (and thus greatest profit). Few studies have attempted to integrate the two aspects of the problem. The present study addresses this deficiency by proposing a comprehensive assessment model that integrates a novel categorization of customers (using a customer pyramid) with a detailed analysis of particular service-quality attributes (using a performance control matrix) to provide more accurate guidance for practitioners in designing specific service-improvement strategies for particular quality attributes and particular customer categories. This integrated assessment model promises to be of particular benefit to service providers whose business resources are limited because it facilitates the design of appropriate service-improvement strategies that are tailored to specific customer groups and the service-quality attributes that are of importance to them.  相似文献   

沃尔沃集团是世界最大的运输解决方案供应商之一,一直致力于卡车、客车、建筑机械、应用船舶和工业用途动力系统、航空发动机及其部件制造的开发,并为客户定制金融、租赁、保险和维修总体解决方案,提供基于IT技术的运输信息和管理的整体解决方案,总部设在瑞典。经过近80年的发展,在其“质量、安全、环保”三个核心价值观的引领下,沃尔沃已成功地将产品覆盖到世界140多个国家和地区。  相似文献   

Controlling a linear dynamic system according to asymmetric preferences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper an attempt is made to introduce an asymmetric loss function in the context of a dynamic decision problem, where the target variables and instruments are related linearly, and where uncertainty is introduced by means of additive disturbances. Because of the particular form of the loss function an optimal linear feedback rule and an analytical expression for the minimal expected loss can only be formulated in the case of as many instruments as target variables. In the case of more targets than instruments an open-loop policy has to be adopted. Numerical experiments with a small artificial model, in which this open-loop policy is compared with the closed-loop policies resulting from two quadratic approximations are presented. Both in the case of a deterministic as well as a stochastic model the open-loop policy turns out to be better than or at least as well as the other approaches.  相似文献   

从顾客角度解析体验营销   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,一种新的消费需求--体验需求,正在引起越来越多的企业关注.逐渐意识到要以顾客为导向的企业也更加注重这一体现顾客消费形式的需求,于是,体验营销破壳而出,营销也将随之步入体验营销时代.  相似文献   

A heuristic rule for routing customers to parallel servers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A practically important problem is the assignment of stochastically arriving service requests to one of several parallel service groups so as to minimize the long-run average sojourn time per service request. An exact solution of this multi-dimensional optimization problem is computationally infeasible. A simple heuristic solution method yielding a good suboptimal rule will be given for the case of server groups with different and generally distributed service times. This solution method is based on a decomposition approach and first principles from Markov decision theory. The main idea of the heuristic method is to apply one step of policy improvement to the best Bernoulli-splitting rule.  相似文献   

构建以客户为中心的战略是所有企业良性发展的必要条件,信托公司也不例外。文章围绕高端客户全面理财业务,借鉴国外同行财富管理的经验,寻找信托公司相比银行的优势,分析了信托公司实施客户专业化战略的必要性和可行性,有助于最终确立信托公司在财富管理中的独特地位。  相似文献   

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