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Technology transfer is widely seen as an important means by which developing countries can both acquire the technologies and develop the human resources needed to compete internationally. However, there are different types of technology transfer which may stimulate or inhibit local human resource development. Foreign direct investment may inhibit local human resource development unless the foreign partner is committed to the indigenous enterprise becoming internationally competitive. Technology transfer through licensing and off-the shelf purchase allows greater indigenous management autonomy which, together with the more direct exposure to international competitive forces, may be more conducive to indigenous human resource development.  相似文献   

We present a multilevel conceptual framework of expatriate knowledge utilization. Drawing from the resource-based view and multilevel approaches to expatriate utilization, we describe how individual expatriate characteristics (task-related and intercultural competencies, and motivation to transfer knowledge) and international adjustment, as well as subsidiary characteristics (absorptive capacity and knowledge sustainability) influence knowledge transfer effectiveness. We also draw from outward knowledge transfer and expatriate learning perspectives to address the cyclical nature of the process. As such, we include the effect of expatriate learning not only in continued knowledge flows to the subsidiary, but also in knowledge flows to the home division. We offer several implications for research on practice, including the notion that knowledge transfer to the subsidiary should continue upon repatriation, and that outward knowledge transfer can begin before repatriation. The framework reiterates that expatriates are valuable human capital and a source of sustained competitive advantage to the MNE.  相似文献   

<正>物业服务企业只有更好地满足客户需求,提高客户满意度及忠诚度,使科技成为企业核心竞争力中最核心的部分,行业才会有希望。仔细拜读数遍中国物业管理协会沈建忠会长关于科技是企业最核心的竞争力的讲话,笔者感慨万千。沈建忠会长以积极的、辨证的、清晰的观念,阐明了物业管理与科技的关系,科技应用与客户需求的关系。为物业管理行业向现  相似文献   

A typology of project-level technology transfer processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper develops a conceptual typology of inward technology transfer (ITT), which explicitly considers technology transfer at the project, rather than the firm, level of analysis. Building on extant technology management literature and the organizational theories of information processing and interdependence, we carefully characterize the three dimensions of the typology: the technology uncertainty of the technology that is transferred, the organizational interaction between the technology source and recipient, and transfer effectiveness. Appropriate matches of technology uncertainty and organizational interaction result in four archetypal cases called “transfer process types”, which represent the most effective approaches to technology transfer. Real-life examples of effective and ineffective matches are presented, and implications of the typology for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Factors governing MNE investment are typically divided into three groups-infrastructural variables, location-specific risk factors and government policy variables. The first objective of this paper is to assess the influence of these factors on MNE location decisions. The second objective is to test whether government participation in location tournaments (whereby local governments offer incentives to MNEs to influence their location decisions) is worthwhile. Arthur (1986,1990) points out that such participation is worthwhile if government policy has irreversible effects that persist after policy is withdrawn. In the estimation of the model, neither risk nor infrastructural factors are found to have a significant effect on the MNE investment location decision. However, there seems to be some evidence indicating that past investment decisions tend to have irreversible effects. Thus, government participation in location tournaments may be worthwhile.  相似文献   

文章介绍了社区信息化建设的现状及特点,探讨了目前社区信息化建设过程中存在的问题,并针对高邮社区的信息化建设提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

This article examines the institutional strategies of multinational enterprises (MNEs) operating in an emerging market, drawing attention to how longstanding foreign subsidiaries proactively negotiate their involvement with socio-political actors. We build on institutional logics to explain how MNE subsidiaries develop sustained political, cultural, and cognitive embeddedness. Using an inductive, interpretive study of four century-old Dutch MNE subsidiaries with a colonial legacy in Indonesia, we examine these three dimensions of the institutional environment, finding that local employees embedded in both the MNE and the host country sets of logics ‒ rather than expatriate managers ‒ most effectively facilitated sustained institutional embeddedness. Our findings also suggest that embedding practices in host institutional contexts and developing structures that align with host institutional expectations provided a platform for the unfolding of institutional strategies by local employees. However, MNE subsidiaries face contrasting logics between home and host country institutions, placing significant strains on MNEs’ ability to enact change.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of research on the role of interorganizational network relations concerning the transfer of technology and information to small and medium enterprises in Japan. It is die result of empirical research conducted in Japan between April 1988 and April 1989. The electronics industry has hereby served as a case-study.

It will be argued that the quasi-vertically integrated subcontracting system with its hierarchical relationships is expanding into an industrial production system which shows characteristics of more quasi-horizontal integration with loosely-knit relationships. A distinction between these industrial networks is based on the different way they support the technologicaJ development of small and medium sized business.  相似文献   

Innovation is the most important competitive advantage of the United States. However, the infringement of intellectual property and the forcing of US firms to transfer technology to foreign firms have become increasingly important issues in recent years. This article discusses the implications of China's forced technology transfer regime.  相似文献   

This work presents the Delphi method, in its Policy Delphi variant, as an efficient mechanism for carrying out consultations regarding regulatory actions that affect professional bureaucracies, and also, in the last analysis, for forecasting and constructing their future. The Delphi application presented here incorporates some specific characteristics which are aimed at making the plurality of opinions in the organisation under analysis visible, facilitating reasoned debate, minimising the risk of manipulation by study leaders, and maximising the generalised acceptance of the results by the whole collective.This study was performed on the university community of the Basque Country, prior to the enactment of the Act which was to organise the Basque university system. Its results, which were accepted as being representative of the real dissensus existing in the community, constituted a valuable input for the final drawing up of the Act, and for its acceptance without conflict.This Delphi application cannot be classified within its traditional field of exploratory forecasting, but it can be situated within the normative sphere, geared towards the construction of a desired future.  相似文献   

Diverse and different research studies have approached the impact of the quality of public institutions on entrepreneurship, innovation and competitiveness. However, this relationship has not hitherto been subject to simultaneous study but rather only separately. In turn, our research thus holds the objective of simultaneously evaluating the impact of the quality of public institutions on entrepreneurship, innovation and competitiveness based on data aggregated at the OECD member state level. We therefore seek to demonstrate how the higher the perceptions of public institution quality held by individuals, the higher the indices of entrepreneurship, innovation and competitiveness. To this end, we deploy data collected from various sources, specifically the United Nations (UN), the World Bank (WB), the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), World Economic Forum (WEF), International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and Freedom House (FH), for the years between 2006 and 2018 (13 years). For the analysis of this data, we apply an econometric methodology based on multiple regression models for unbalanced panel data. We may thus report that the higher the perception of quality of public institutions, the greater the level of the variables applied for entrepreneurship, innovation and competitiveness. We believe our empirical results contain important implications whether for researchers, politicians and decision-makers involved in drafting public policies.  相似文献   

The objective of the project on which this paper is based was to find effective methods of stimulating technology transfer between academic institutions and small businesses. A major thrust was to find means to reduce existing barriers to useful interaction between these two groups.Small businesses in the Western Pennsylvania region were initially contacted by a questionnaire and a larger sample was approached later by a widely distributed letter to solicit interest. Visits were made to interested businesses to identify problem areas, and these were then transmitted to appropriate resources. Carnegie-Mellon University was originally the prime resource. As the project progressed, a number of other academic institutions were invited and agreed to participate. The case method of data assessment was utilized since the type of information obtained did not lend itself to quantitative analysis.Many contacts occurred between academic and small-business personnel. Two work contracts resulted, both between small businesses and another private firm. Major results included the finding that great differences exist between small-business and academic personnel in perception of problem importance, time required to solve problems, and appropriateness of cost factors. These differences tended to dampen initial enthusiasm and interfered with the development of effective working relationships. Plans to establish consortia of small businesses to seek assistance with common problems at reasonable cost to each member were uniformly rejected by the businesses. They did not wish competitors to gain similar technological advantages.It was originally felt that different sizes and types of academic institutions would show differences in motivation to participate, in particular that smaller colleges or universities would be more active than major research institutions. Such differences were observed at the verbal level, but did not materialize as behavioral manifestations.A major conclusion was that no general system for effective technology transfer exists in the united States with reference to the types of small businesses involved in the study. While many successful formal and informal systems are in operation, some of long duration, the majority of small manufacturing and material producing firms are not involved in or aware of such programs.In addition to often studied economic, technical, and political variables affecting technology transfer, it is suggested that greater research and system design attention be directed toward psychological and sociocultural factors observed as having inhibiting effects. Improved communication and cooperation between small businesses and academic technological resources are likely to occur only through re-education of pertinent attitudes and perceptions of the parties involved.  相似文献   

京沪深穗高新技术产业竞争力比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张赛飞  彭澎  江彩霞 《城市问题》2006,(1):40-43,51
建立了一个含8个一级指标、48个二级指标的评价体系,运用SPSS软件,测算我国16个城市的高新技术产业竞争力。在此基础上,对北京、上海、深圳和广州四城市的高新技术产业竞争力进行全面比较,为政府指导高新技术产业发展提供决策依据。  相似文献   

Opportunity recognition in technology transfer organizations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The task of recognizing valuable technological opportunities is crucial for the organizations in charge of transferring technology from universities and publicly funded research institutes to the market. Difficulties in understanding the true commercial potential of an application result in failed subsequent commercialization and excess costs of technology transfer. This paper describes how the task of opportunity recognition is performed in five Technology Transfer Organizations (TTOs). The analyzed TTOs had different degree of independence to the structure of the parent and make use of information and competencies acquired through their formal and informal network ties.
Chiara FranzoniEmail:

This paper examines the pivotal role of human resources in the successful acquisition, assimilation, diffusion and development of technology across international boundaries. A model of technology transfer which shows the interplay of factors that can affect the efficacy of technology transfer between entities across nations is presented. Other important considerations (on both the supplier and recipient sides) that can facilitate or impede the successful transfer of technology between entities or countries are also identified.  相似文献   

The capability of firms to survive and to have a competitive advantage in global markets depends on, amongst other things, the efficiency of public institutions, the excellence of educational, health and communications infrastructures, as well as on the political and economic stability of their home country. The measurement of competitiveness and strategy development is thus an important issue for policy-makers. Despite many attempts to provide objectivity in the development of measures of national competitiveness, there are inherently subjective judgments that involve, for example, how data sets are aggregated and importance weights are applied. Generally, either equal weighting is assumed in calculating a final index, or subjective weights are specified. The same problem also occurs in the subjective assignment of countries to different clusters. Developed as such, the value of these type indices may be questioned by users. The aim of this paper is to explore methodological transparency as a viable solution to problems created by existing aggregated indices. For this purpose, a methodology composed of three steps is proposed. To start, a hierarchical clustering analysis is used to assign countries to appropriate clusters. In current methods, country clustering is generally based on GDP. However, we suggest that GDP alone is insufficient for purposes of country clustering. In the proposed methodology, 178 criteria are used for this purpose. Next, relationships between the criteria and classification of the countries are determined using artificial neural networks (ANNs). ANN provides an objective method for determining the attribute/criteria weights, which are, for the most part, subjectively specified in existing methods. Finally, in our third step, the countries of interest are ranked based on weights generated in the previous step. Beyond the ranking of countries, the proposed methodology can also be used to identify those attributes that a given country should focus on in order to improve its position relative to other countries, i.e., to transition from its current cluster to the next higher one.  相似文献   

The effect of technology transfer cost on the choice between horizontal foreign direct investment (FDI) and licensing is well established. We explore this “make or buy” decision in the offshoring context when offshore input production involves costly technology transfer. The burden of technology transfer cost that falls on the sourcing firm depends not only on the technological complexity of the offshored input but also on the mode of organizing offshoring. Outsourcing entails low technology transmission cost but a higher distortion in input production by the arm's length supplier while vertical FDI involves a higher technology transmission cost but a lower distortion in input production by the affiliated supplier. Contrary to the existing literature, we find that, irrespective of the type of good, outsourcing is the preferred mode at higher ends of technological complexity.  相似文献   

在当今的国内企业界,企业文化建设已经成为具有战略意义的潮流.这一潮流的涌现,蕴含着两个方面的客观必然性:一方面,先进的企业文化是中国先进文化的有机组成部分,在构建社会主义和谐社会的新阶段,它将直接为社会主义市场经济发展提供来自市场主体的思想保证与精神动力;另一方面,进入21世纪,世界企业之间的竞争潮流已经从以往的产品竞争、技术竞争层面变迁演进到文化竞争的更高层面,企业文化被认知为企业核心竞争力的支柱之一.  相似文献   

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