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Let ( St ) tεI be an Rd-valued adapted stochastic process on (Ω, , ( t ) tεI , P ). A basic problem occurring notably in the analysis of securities markets, is to decide whether there is a probability measure Q on  equivalent to P such that ( St ) tεI is a martingale with respect to Q. It is known (see the fundamental papers of Harrison and Kreps 1979; Harrison and Pliska 1981; and Kreps 1981) that there is an intimate relation of this problem with the notions of "no arbitrage" and "no free lunch" in financial economics. We introduce the intermediate concept of "no free lunch with bounded risk." This is a somewhat more precise version of the notion of "no free lunch." It requires an absolute bound of the maximal loss occurring in the trading strategies considered in the definition of "no free lunch." We give an argument as to why the condition of "no free lunch with bounded risk" should be satisfied by a reasonable model of the price process ( St ) tεI of a securities market. We can establish the equivalence of the condition of "no free lunch with bounded risk" with the existence of an equivalent martingale measure in the case when the index set I is discrete but (possibly) infinite. A similar theorem was recently obtained by Delbaen (1992) for continuous-time processes with continuous paths. We can combine these two theorems to get a similar result for the continuous-time case when the process ( St ) t εR+ is bounded and, roughly speaking, the jumps occur at predictable times. In the infinite horizon setting, the price process has to be "almost a martingale" in order to allow an equivalent martingale measure.  相似文献   

The present note addresses an open question concerning a sufficient characterization of the variance-optimal martingale measure. Denote by S the discounted price process of an asset and suppose that   Q   is an equivalent martingale measure whose density is a multiple of  1 −φ· S T   for some S -integrable process φ. We show that   Q   does not necessarily coincide with the variance-optimal martingale measure, not even if  φ· S   is a uniformly integrable   Q   -martingale.  相似文献   

We optimize the ratio     over an (arbitrage-free) linear sub-space     of attainable returns in an incomplete market model. If a solution exists for  1 < r < ∞  , then the 1st order optimality condition allows to construct an equivalent martingale measure for     , which is shown to be the solution of an appropriate dual minimization problem over the set of all equivalent martingale measures for     . The dual minimization problem admits a solution iff there exists an equivalent martingale measure for     and its optimal value     equals the lowest upper bound     of all α-ratios over     . This new type of non-concave duality also provides an indifference pricing method. The duality result can be extended to the case     and leads to a new no (approximate) arbitrage condition: "no great expectations with vanishing risk."  相似文献   

A Counterexample to Several Problems In the Theory of Asset Pricing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We construct a continuous bounded stochastic process ( S t,) 1E[0,1] which admits an equivalent martingale measure but such that the minimal martingale measure in the sense of Föllmer and Schweizer does not exist. This example also answers (negatively) a problem posed by Karatzas, Lehozcky, and Shreve as well as a problem posed by Strieker.  相似文献   

Based on a certain notion of "prolific process," we find an explicit expression for the bivariate (topological) support of the solution to a particular class of 2 × 2 stochastic differential equations that includes those of the three-period "lognormal" Libor and swap market models. This yields that in the lognormal swap market model (SMM), the support of the 1 × 1 forward Libor   L * t   equals  [ l * t , ∞)  for some semi-explicit  −1 ≤ l * t ≤ 0  , sharpening a result of Davis and Mataix-Pastor (2007) that forward Libor rates (eventually) become negative with positive probability in the lognormal SMM. We classify the instances   l * t < 0  , and explicitly calculate the threshold time at or before which   L * t   remains positive a.s.  相似文献   

David  Hobson 《Mathematical Finance》2004,14(4):537-556
The aim of this paper is to study the minimal entropy and variance-optimal martingale measures for stochastic volatility models. In particular, for a diffusion model where the asset price and volatility are correlated, we show that the problem of determining the q -optimal measure can be reduced to finding a solution to a representation equation. The minimal entropy measure and variance-optimal measure are seen as the special cases   q = 1  and   q = 2  respectively. In the case where the volatility is an autonomous diffusion we give a stochastic representation for the solution of this equation. If the correlation ρ between the traded asset and the autonomous volatility satisfies  ρ2 < 1/ q   , and if certain smoothness and boundedness conditions on the parameters are satisfied, then the q -optimal measure exists. If  ρ2≥ 1/ q   , then the q -optimal measure may cease to exist beyond a certain time horizon. As an example we calculate the q -optimal measure explicitly for the Heston model.  相似文献   

We give an example of a subspace K of     such that     , where     denotes the closure with respect to convergence in probablity. On the other hand, the cone   C ≔ K − L +  is dense in   L   with respect to the weak-star topology  σ( L , L 1)  . This example answers a question raised by I. Evstigneev. The topic is motivated by the relation of the notion of no arbitrage and the existence of martingale measures in Mathematical Finance.  相似文献   

The pioneering work of the mean–variance formulation proposed by Markowitz in the 1950s has provided a scientific foundation for modern portfolio selection. Although the trade practice often confines portfolio selection with certain discrete features, the existing theory and solution methodologies of portfolio selection have been primarily developed for the continuous solution of the portfolio policy that could be far away from the real integer optimum. We consider in this paper an exact solution algorithm in obtaining an optimal lot solution to cardinality constrained mean–variance formulation for portfolio selection under concave transaction costs. Specifically, a convergent Lagrangian and contour-domain cut method is proposed for solving this class of discrete-feature constrained portfolio selection problems by exploiting some prominent features of the mean–variance formulation and the portfolio model under consideration. Computational results are reported using data from the Hong Kong stock market.  相似文献   

We prove a version of the Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing, which applies to Kabanov's modeling of foreign exchange markets under transaction costs. The financial market is described by a   d × d   matrix-valued stochastic process  (Π t ) T t =0  specifying the mutual bid and ask prices between d assets. We introduce the notion of "robust no arbitrage," which is a version of the no-arbitrage concept, robust with respect to small changes of the bid-ask spreads of  (Π t ) T t =0  . The main theorem states that the bid-ask process  (Π t ) T t =0  satisfies the robust no-arbitrage condition iff it admits a strictly consistent pricing system. This result extends the theorems of Harrison-Pliska and Kabanov-Stricker pertaining to the case of finite Ω, as well as the theorem of Dalang, Morton, and Willinger and Kabanov, Rásonyi, and Stricker, pertaining to the case of general Ω. An example of a  5 × 5  -dimensional process  (Π t )2 t =0  shows that, in this theorem, the robust no-arbitrage condition cannot be replaced by the so-called strict no-arbitrage condition, thus answering negatively a question raised by Kabanov, Rásonyi, and Stricker.  相似文献   

This paper solves the mean–variance hedging problem in Heston's model with a stochastic opportunity set moving systematically with the volatility of stock returns. We allow for correlation between stock returns and their volatility (so-called leverage effect). Our contribution is threefold: using a new concept of opportunity-neutral measure we present a simplified strategy for computing a candidate solution in the correlated case. We then go on to show that this candidate generates the true variance-optimal martingale measure; this step seems to be partially missing in the literature. Finally, we derive formulas for the hedging strategy and the hedging error.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to compute the quadratic error of a discrete time-hedging strategy in a complete multidimensional model. This result extends that of Gobet and Temam (2001) and Zhang (1999) . More precisely, our basic assumption is that the asset prices satisfy the d -dimensional stochastic differential equation   dXit = Xit ( bi ( Xt ) dt +σ i , j ( Xt ) dWjt )  . We precisely describe the risk of this strategy with respect to n , the number of rebalancing times. The rates of convergence obtained are     for any options with Lipschitz payoff and  1/ n 1/4  for options with irregular payoff.  相似文献   

Dynamic Minimization of Worst Conditional Expectation of Shortfall   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a complete financial market model, the shortfall-risk minimization problem at the terminal date is treated for the seller of a derivative security F . The worst conditional expectation of the shortfall is adopted as the measure of this risk, ensuring that the minimized risk satisfies certain desirable properties as the dynamic measure of risk, as proposed by Cvitanić and Karatzas (1999) . The terminal value of the optimized portfolio is a binary functional dependent on F and the Radon-Nikodym density of the equivalent local martingale measure. In particular, it is observed that there exists a positive number x * that is less than the replicating cost xF of F , and that the strategy minimizing the expectation of the shortfall is optimal if the hedger's capital is in the range [ x *, xF ].  相似文献   

Jianming  Xia 《Mathematical Finance》2005,15(3):533-538
In this paper we investigate the problem of mean–variance portfolio choice with bankruptcy prohibition. For incomplete markets with continuous assets' price processes and for complete markets, it is shown that the mean–variance efficient portfolios can be expressed as the optimal strategies of partial hedging for quadratic loss function. Thus, mean–variance portfolio choice, in these cases, can be viewed as expected utility maximization with non-negative marginal utility.  相似文献   

We consider a cash flow   X ( c ) ( t )  modeled by the stochastic equation where B (·) and     are a Brownian motion and a Poissonian random measure, respectively, and   c ( t ) ≥ 0  is the consumption/dividend rate. No assumptions are made on adaptedness of the coefficients  μ, σ, θ  , and c , and the (possibly anticipating) integrals are interpreted in the forward integral sense. We solve the problem to find the consumption rate c (·), which maximizes the expected discounted utility given by Here  δ( t ) ≥ 0  is a given measurable stochastic process representing a discounting exponent and τ is a random time with values in (0, ∞), representing a terminal/default time, while  γ≥ 0  is a known constant.  相似文献   

We analyze the optimal risky investment policy for an investor who, at each point in time, wants to lose no more than a fixed percentage of the maximum value his wealth has achieved up to that time. In particular, if M t is the maximum level of wealth W attained on or before time t , then the constraint imposed on his portfolio choice is that Wtα M t, where α is an exogenous number betweenα O and 1. We show that, for constant relative risk aversion utility functions, the optimal policy involves an investment in risky assets at time t in proportion to the "surplus" W t - α M t. the optimal policy may appear similar to the constant-proportion portfolio insurance policy analyzed in Black and Perold (1987) and Grossman and Vila (1989). However, in those papers, the investor keeps his wealth above a nonstochastic floor F instead of a stochastic floor α M t. the stochastic character of the floor studied here has interesting effects on the investment policy in states of nature when wealth is at an all-time high; i.e., when Wt = M t. It can be shown that at W t= M t, α M t is expected to grow at a faster rate than W t, and therefore the investment in the risky asset can be expected to fall. We also show that the investment in the risky asset can be expected to rise when W t is close to α M t. We conjecture that in an equilibrium model the stochastic character of the floor creates "resistance" levels as the market approaches an all-time high (because of the reluctance of investors to take more risk when W t= M t).  相似文献   

Denis  Talay  Ziyu  Zheng 《Mathematical Finance》2003,13(1):187-199
In this paper we briefly present the results obtained in our paper ( Talay and Zheng 2002a ) on the convergence rate of the approximation of quantiles of the law of one component of  ( Xt )  , where  ( Xt )  is a diffusion process, when one uses a Monte Carlo method combined with the Euler discretization scheme. We consider the case where  ( Xt )  is uniformly hypoelliptic (in the sense of Condition (UH) below), or the inverse of the Malliavin covariance of the component under consideration satisfies the condition (M) below. We then show that Condition (M) seems widely satisfied in applied contexts. We particularly study financial applications: the computation of quantiles of models with stochastic volatility, the computation of the VaR of a portfolio, and the computation of a model risk measurement for the profit and loss of a misspecified hedging strategy.  相似文献   

We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for an H1-martingale to be representable with respect to a collection, of local martingales. M H1( P ) is representable if and only if M is a local martingale under all p.m.'s Q which are "uniformly equivalent" to P and which make all the elements of local martingales (Theorem 1.1). We then give necessary and sufficient conditions which are easier to verify, and only involve expectations (Theorem 1.2). We go on to apply these results to the problem of pricing claims in an incomplete financial market-establishing two conjectures of Harrison and Pliska(1981).  相似文献   

Under the efficient market hypothesis, option‐implied forward variance forms a martingale and changes in forward variance follow a random walk. In this study, we extract forward variance from option prices following a model‐free approach and empirically test the random walk hypothesis. Although results from standard orthogonality tests support the martingale restriction, further results from autoregressive regressions seem to reject the martingale restriction as daily changes in forward variance are found to exhibit negative autocorrelation. However, this anomalous pattern of negative correlation is fully explained by illiquidity effects. Overall, the findings support the random walk hypothesis and informational efficiency of the options market. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 32:505–535, 2012  相似文献   

In this paper we give upper bounds for both the Value at Risk   VaR α,  0 < α < 1  , and for ruin probabilities associated with the supremum of a process driven by a Brownian motion and a compound Poisson process. We obtain lower bounds for the same Value at Risk, and for different cases we discuss the behavior of the bounds for small α. We prove our bounds are "asymptotically" optimal, as α tends to zero. The ruin probabilities obtained are related to other bounds found in recent literature.  相似文献   

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