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The demand for real cash balances deduced from an underlying portfolio model of the financial market is shown to depend upon domestic variables and foreign monetary developments. The model is estimated using quarterly postwar data for Canada, Germany, UK and US. There is clear evidence that demand for money is affected not only by changes in domestic variables such as permanent income, domestic interest rate and price expectations but also by fluctuations in exchange rate expectations and foreign interest rates. The conclusion, that domestic monetary policy is fairly ineffective and domestic financial markets are highly vulnerable to changes in foreign financial and monetary developments need to be modified in light of the results presented in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of credit restraint variables in the demand for money function for developing countries where interest rates are inoperative. A simultaneous equation model is proposed to allow for the interaction between these variables and the supply of money. Statistical results indicate that credit restraint variables in the demand for money function have stronger explanatory power than either the inflation rate or the real rate of return on money. The paper also deals with partial demand adjustment and adaptive expectations mechanisms with particular reference to the existence of credit rationing and substitution between money and real assets.  相似文献   

我国广义货币供应量M2的回归模型与预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
货币供应量是货币政策工具重要的中介变量。该文通过分解我国货币供应量的诸多宏观影响因素,尝试建立一个较为完整的货币供应量多变量回归模型,揭示宏观经济变量对货币供应量的影响程度,并运用该模型对货币供应量的短期变化进行预测,以期为把握宏观经济形势、理解货币政策变化及预判金融市场走势提供参考依据。检验结果表明,该模型对货币供应量的预测比较符合实际情况。  相似文献   

中央财政管理的国库资金是社会资金流量中的一个重要组成部分,对中央银行制定货币政策、调控货币供应量和公开市场操作都影响重大,在现代市场经济条件下,国库已成为连接财政和金融的窗口和桥梁,对财政政策和货币政策的有机配合发挥着重要的作用。本文以近年来我国正在开展的国库集中支付制度改革为背景,实证分析了国库现金管理对我国货币政策格局的影响,提出了我国进一步提高国库管理水平、加强货币政策管理的政策建议。  相似文献   

An important ‘empirical regularity’ is the strong positive effect of money shocks on output and employment. One strand of business cycle theory relates this finding to temporary confusions between absolute and relative price changes. These models predict positive output effects of unperceived monetary movements, but the quantitative importance of unperceived shifts in nominal aggregates is subject to question. Another strand of theory, based on long-term nominal contracts and analogous price-setting institutions, generates output effects from unanticipated, but not necessarily contemporaneously unperceived, money shocks. However, the real effects of unpredicted, but contemporaneously understood, monetary changes are not obviously consistent with efficient institutional arrangements. The present paper provides some empirical evidence on the two types of theories by analyzing the output effects associated with revisions in the money stock data, where the revisions are interpreted as components of unperceived monetary movements. The revisions turn out to have no significant explanatory power for output. Previous findings that innovations from an estimated money growth equation have a significant output effect remain intact when the revisions are included as separate explanatory variables. Overall, the study provides a small amount of evidence against the special role of unperceived, as opposed to unanticipated, money movements as a determinant of business fluctuations.  相似文献   

金融创新、基本普尔分析与我国货币政策中介目标选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将金融创新因素纳入基本普尔分析之中,对货币政策中介目标选择问题进行了分析,并得出了两个基本结论:(1)在金融创新发展的初期,总需求冲击方差相对于货币需求冲击方差仍然较大,同时IS曲线相对LM曲线会变得更加陡峭,此时中央银行将优先选择货币供给量作为中介目标;(2)在金融创新的快速发展阶段,货币需求函数将变得极不稳定,以致于货币需求冲击远远超过总需求冲击时,无论IS曲线和LM曲线的斜率如何,选择利率充当中介目标将变得更加有吸引力。就我国而言,现阶段货币供给量作为中介目标还是较优的选择;长期来看,利率作为中介目标也会因金融创新而失效,一个可行的选择是通货膨胀目标制度。  相似文献   

基于状态空间模型的贷币政策传导效率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
货币政策变量间的作用强度是反映传导效率的关键指标。基于以货币供给为中介的传导框架,通过构建状态空间模型来研究货币政策内、外部传导系统关键变量间的弹性及其时变情况,我们发现,不同环节传导效率的变动趋势差异性大;存款准备金是效率最高的货币政策手段;货币供应量目前仍是中国货币政策中介的最优选择;货币政策对物价的调控低效等。通过HP滤波刻画变量状态表明,货币政策传导效率与政策状态没有必然联系。  相似文献   

尹志超  公雪  潘北啸 《金融研究》2019,472(10):40-58
本文运用2017年中国家庭金融调查(CHFS)数据,基于鲍莫尔—托宾模型研究了移动支付对家庭货币需求的影响。为了克服移动支付的内生性,本文选取工具变量,用两阶段最小二乘法(2SLS)进行了估计。研究发现,相较于没有移动支付的家庭,拥有移动支付的家庭现金在金融资产的占比下降25%,对其他层次的货币需求也有显著的负向影响,表明移动支付的使用减少了家庭不同层次的货币需求。机制分析表明,交易成本变化是导致移动支付影响现金需求的重要渠道。进一步,本文用分位数回归发现,移动支付对预防性货币需求的影响大于交易性货币需求。移动支付对货币需求的影响在不同的年龄水平、教育水平、城乡地区、东中西部地区和不同城市之间也存在显著差异。本文的研究为理解中国家庭货币需求的变化提供了新的证据,可为相关政策的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

我国货币供应量变动对保险需求传导效应的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过建立STR模型,实证分析了1999年第一季度至2010年第一季度我国货币供应量变动对保险需求的传导效应。结果表明:货币供应量变动对保险需求的影响具有显著的非对称性和非线性特征,即扩张性货币政策对当期保险需求的影响显著,而紧缩性货币政策对当期保险需求的影响有限。具体来讲,宽中趋紧与紧中趋紧的货币政策都将导致当期保...  相似文献   

Precautionary demand for money is significant in the data, and may have important implications for business-cycle dynamics of velocity and other nominal aggregates. Accounting for such dynamics is a standing challenge in monetary macroeconomics: standard business-cycle models that have incorporated money have failed to generate realistic predictions in this regard. In those models, the only uncertainty affecting money demand is aggregate. We investigate a model with uninsurable idiosyncratic uncertainty about liquidity need. The resulting precautionary motive for holding money produces substantial improvements in accounting for business-cycle behavior of nominal variables, at no cost to real variables.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze whether a monetary policy based on three main variables (inflation, money supply, and output gap) has a nonlinear impact on real estate investment trust (REIT) markets. In addition, we extend our analysis to examine whether these monetary policy components impact the possibility of boom and bust regimes occurring in the market. Empirically, we propose different Markov-switching model variants to determine the nonlinear time-varying impact of monetary policy on the REIT market. Our results show the monetary policy environment is supposed to affect, on one hand, the REIT returns and, on the other hand, the possibility of boom and bust markets. We prove that expansionary monetary policy has an impact only in the case of boom market. However, an increase in the inflation rate decreases the probability of remaining in the bust regime. As a consequence, we have already outlined several monetary transmission mechanisms that show house prices to have important effects on aggregate demand. Our results confirm that REIT markets are not efficient.  相似文献   

The rapidly increasing use of more sophisticated cash management practices is a factor influencing the demand for money that is not considered in standard models of money demand. Within the framework of an inventory theoretic model of money demand, this paper provides theoretical grounds for using the number of electronic funds transfers as an indication of increasing cash management sophistication. Specifically, the demand for demand deposits is determined from the solution of a simultaneous equation system that also determines the optimal level of cash management. Therefore, the level of cash management services influences transactions costs, implying that transactions costs are endogenous. The number of electronic funds transfers is closely linked to the level of cash management services and is therefore related to transactions costs. Models of money demand that treat transactions costs as exogenous and fixed are therefore misspecified and will not perform well when transactions costs are changing. By explicitly incorporating the changing nature of transactions costs through the use of electronic funds transfers, the problems of instability and poor predictive power associated with the demand for money in the 1970's are overcome.  相似文献   

国库现金转存商业银行的货币效应分析及管理建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国国库现金余额因国家财力增长及预算收支进度不均衡等因素出现大幅上升,闲置国库现金运用对货币供应的影响日益显著。该文根据商业银行资产运用特点,通过模型构建简单分析了国库现金转存商业银行的年度货币效应,以揭示其货币效应的影响因素,并从建立健全法规规章、提高国库收支预测水平等方面,提出进一步完善国库现金业务管理的相关建议。  相似文献   

Foreign fiscal expansion has a contractionary, and monetary expansion an expansionary, effect on the small economy in the real wage model. The reverse conclusions hold in the money wage model only if the income elasticity of the demand for money is one or greater. The same results hold also for the stationay state effects. This theory provides an explanation—in the policy mix of the United States—for the recent lacklustre performance of Europe. Under rational expectations, foreign monetary expansion leads to an overshooting appreciation, fiscal expansion leading to several possible exchange rate responses. The new results are produced by consistently specified money demand and import functions, the supply side, and the wealth effect.  相似文献   

当前,我国宏观经济形势复杂多变,货币政策实施效果的影响因素随之呈现多样化特征。在此背景下,本文试图以风险偏好为研究视角,对我国居民风险偏好水平变动与货币政策宏观经济效应之间的关系进行分析。本文以标准新凯恩斯模型为基础,构造符合我国宏观经济现实特征的DSGE(动态随机一般均衡)模型,并对转型时期的最优混合型货币政策规则进行研究;为进一步强调货币在中国宏观经济波动中所扮演的重要角色,模型中引入消费和实际货币余额不可分的跨期效用函数形式。研究结果表明:(1)包含名义货币增长的混合型泰勒规则拟合我国转型时期的货币政策规则效果最佳,因此货币供应量仍是重要的政策工具;(2)与可分性模型相比,不可分模型拟合我国宏观经济现实特征的效果更优。在不可分效用函数下,与货币供应量相关的实际货币余额将影响经济的产出缺口和通货膨胀,使得居民风险偏好成为决定货币政策效果的重要因素。具体而言,当居民风险偏好水平上升时,货币政策对我国宏观经济波动的影响随之增强。因此,在选择货币政策实施时点上,应充分考虑市场中的风险偏好情况,从而更好地发挥货币政策调控宏观经济的职能。  相似文献   

An important function of banks is to issue liabilities, like demand deposits, that are relatively safe and liquid. We introduce a risk of theft and a safe-keeping role for banks into modern monetary theory. This provides a general equilibrium framework for analyzing banking in historical and contemporary contexts. The model can generate the concurrent circulation of cash and bank liabilities as media of exchange, or inside and outside money. It also yields novel policy implications. For example, negative nominal interest rates are feasible, and for some parameters optimal; for other parameters, strictly positive nominal rates are optimal.  相似文献   

当前,我国宏观经济形势复杂多变,货币政策实施效果的影响因素随之呈现多样化特征。在此背景下,本文试图以风险偏好为研究视角,对我国居民风险偏好水平变动与货币政策宏观经济效应之间的关系进行分析。本文以标准新凯恩斯模型为基础,构造符合我国宏观经济现实特征的DSGE(动态随机一般均衡)模型,并对转型时期的最优混合型货币政策规则进行研究;为进一步强调货币在中国宏观经济波动中所扮演的重要角色,模型中引入消费和实际货币余额不可分的跨期效用函数形式。研究结果表明:(1)包含名义货币增长的混合型泰勒规则拟合我国转型时期的货币政策规则效果最佳,因此货币供应量仍是重要的政策工具;(2)与可分性模型相比,不可分模型拟合我国宏观经济现实特征的效果更优。在不可分效用函数下,与货币供应量相关的实际货币余额将影响经济的产出缺口和通货膨胀,使得居民风险偏好成为决定货币政策效果的重要因素。具体而言,当居民风险偏好水平上升时,货币政策对我国宏观经济波动的影响随之增强。因此,在选择货币政策实施时点上,应充分考虑市场中的风险偏好情况,从而更好地发挥货币政策调控宏观经济的职能。  相似文献   

温家宝总理在2011年政府工作报告中提出,要把稳定物价总水平作为宏观调控的首要任务,而保持物价稳定需要以合理的货币供给为基础。本文在麦克林模型视角下。探索货币供给量对物价的动态影响方式、途径,提出货币可以作为变量来对物价水平进行预测.在此基础上运用自回归模型证明货币政策对整个社会的名义产出产生巨大冲击。  相似文献   

探讨股市和房市对货币流速的效应是对货币流速影响因素进行实证研究的一个方向。实证结果表明,我国股市、房市变量与狭义货币流速、广义货币流速均存在长期均衡关系,且与货币流速负相关,狭义货币流速主要受股市影响,广义货币流速主要受房市影响。股市和房市导致货币流速下降的原因,有助于解释我国的一些经济现象,同时也提醒我们应进一步规范股市和房市的发展,央行制定货币政策时应该考虑股市和房市对货币需求的影响,要采取预防性货币政策,保持经济与金融的稳健运行。  相似文献   

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