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We study the macroeconomic effects of nonzero trend inflation in a simple dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model under three common time-dependent pricing schemes: Calvo, truncated-Calvo, and Taylor. We show that, regardless of the pricing mechanism, trend inflation leads to a reduction in the stochastic means of output, consumption and employment, and an increase in the stochastic mean of inflation beyond its deterministic steady-state level. The variability of most aggregates also increases. These effects are quantitatively much stronger with Calvo pricing.  相似文献   

The simplest macroeconomic models in which markets clear instantaneously, and expectations are rational preclude the existence of ‘business cycles’, that is, of serially correlated deviations of output from trend. This paper studies one of several mechanisms that can be used to make these so-called ‘new-classical’ models produce business cycles; the mechanism is the gradual adjustment of inventory stocks. Two macroeconomic models of inventory holdings are formulated. Both imply, first, that current output should be a decreasing function of the stock of inventories and, second, that inventories, once perturbed from equilibrium levels, should adjust only gradually. These two features are then embedded into an otherwise standard macroeconomic model in which markets clear instantaneously and expectations are rational. Two principal conclusions are reached. First, disturbances such as unanticipated changes in money will set in motion serially correlated deviations of output from trend. Second, if desired inventories are sensitive to the real interest rate, then even fully anticipated changes in money can affect real variables.  相似文献   

This essay examines the role of wage indexation in dampening macroeconomic fluctuations in a simple neoclassical model modified to incorporate short-term wage rigidities and uncertainty. The analysis departs from most of the previous literature on indexing in its explicit consideration of real disturbances. It is found that while indexing insulates the real sector from the effects of monetary shocks, it may exacerbate the real effects of real shocks. Thus the analysis suggests an optimal degree of partial indexation that depends on the underlying stochastic structure of the economy. Consequently, optimal indexing will not, in general, insulate the real sector from monetary variability.  相似文献   

The paper investigates linkages between general macroeconomic conditions and the housing market for the G-7 area. Among the key results of the paper, we find that the US are an important source of global fluctuations not only for real activity, nominal variables and stock prices, but also for real housing prices. Secondly, albeit distinct driving forces for real activity and financial factors can be pointed out, sizeable global interactions are also evident. In particular, global supply-side shocks are an important determinant of G-7 house prices fluctuations. The linkage between real housing prices and macroeconomic developments is however bidirectional, with investment showing in general a stronger reaction than consumption and output to housing price shocks. Implications for the real effects of the sub-prime crisis are also explored.  相似文献   

Point and interval estimation of future disability inception and recovery rates is predominantly carried out by combining generalized linear models with time series forecasting techniques into a two-step method involving parameter estimation from historical data and subsequent calibration of a time series model. This approach may lead to both conceptual and numerical problems since any time trend components of the model are incoherently treated as both model parameters and realizations of a stochastic process. We suggest that this general two-step approach can be improved in the following way: First, we assume a stochastic process form for the time trend component. The corresponding transition densities are then incorporated into the likelihood, and the model parameters are estimated using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm. We illustrate the modeling procedure by fitting the model to Swedish disability claims data.  相似文献   

King et al. ( 1991 ) evaluate the empirical relevance of a class of real business cycle models with permanent productivity shocks by analyzing the stochastic trend properties of postwar U.S. macroeconomic data. They find a common stochastic trend in a three‐variable system that includes output, consumption, and investment, but the explanatory power of the common trend drops significantly when they add money balances and the nominal interest rate. In this paper, we revisit the cointegration tests in the spirit of King et al., using improved monetary aggregates whose construction has been stimulated by the Barnett critique. We show that previous rejections of the balanced growth hypothesis and classical money demand functions can be attributed to mismeasurement of the monetary aggregates.  相似文献   

This paper examines the macroeconomic effects of oil price shocks and the oil shock transmission mechanism in an oil-exporting country, Canada. We use a structural VAR with sign restrictions that comes from a two-country dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model to jointly identify oil price, domestic supply and U.S. and domestic monetary policy shocks. This identification strategy not only controls for reverse causality from the Canadian and U.S. macroeconomic conditions to the real oil prices, but more importantly, it also allows for contemporaneous interactions between the Canadian and U.S. variables. We find that oil shocks have a stimulative effect on Canadian aggregate demand, appreciate the Canadian dollar, improve the terms of trade and reduce real wages. Foreign disturbances, including innovations in oil prices and the U.S. interest rate, have a significant influence on Canadian economic activities. Our counterfactual analysis indicates that the reaction of the U.S. interest rate as an indirect transmission channel for oil price shocks plays a moderate role in explaining the real exchange rate and inflation, but has negligible impacts on the Canadian output and interest rate.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the feedback relationship between stock market returnsand economic fundamentals in an emerging market. Starting from an intertemporalconsumption-based CAPM (CCAPM), we obtain a restricted VAR model for stockreturns and macroeconomic variables. We then apply this model to Korea and findstatistically significant departures from the restrictions implied by CCAPM.Consequently, an unrestricted VAR model is used to analyze the variations of expectedand unexpected returns in the Korean stock market. It is shown that the expectedmarket returns vary with a set of macroeconomic variables, and that thepredictable component is substantial. Reflecting richer dynamics in the data,relative to the usual single equation modeling in the literature, the estimatedVAR model shows considerable predictive ability for both real economic activityand real returns. Using the model for a variance decomposition of unexpectedreturns, we find that, although we cannot directly observe the market's revisionof expected future dividend growth, we can estimate a large part of therevision with the news in the expected industry output growth from our VAR model.Finally, we also find that economic fundamentals can explain only a smallportion of the variation in unexpected returns in the Korean stock market.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a general procedure for decomposition of non-stationary time series into a permanent and transitory component allowing both components to be stochastic. The permanent component is shown to be a random walk with drift and the transitory or cyclical component is a stationary process with mean zero. The decomposition methodology, which depends only on past data and therefore is computable in ‘real time’, is applied to the problem of measuring and dating business ‘cycles’ in the portwar U.S. economy. We find that measured expansions and contractions are of roughly equivalent duration and that our dating of cyclical episodes tends to lead the traditional NBER dating and, to a lesser extent, the ‘growth cycle’ chronology of Zarnowitz and Boschan (1977).  相似文献   

A study of business cycles does not require trend estimation and elimination, but a study of growth cycles does. Major cyclical slowdowns and speedups deserve to be analyzed, but the needed time series decomposition presents difficult problems, mainly because trends and cycles influence each other. We compare cyclical movements in levels, deviations from trend, and smoothed growth rates for both the quarterly real GDP and the monthly U.S. Coincident Index—using the phase average trend (PAT). Then we compare alternative trend estimates, deterministic and stochastic, linear and nonlinear, and the corresponding series of deviations from these trends. We discuss how the resulting estimates differ for U.S. growth cycles in the post-World War II period. The results of PAT show great similarity to the results obtained with the Hodrick-Prescott, local linear trend, band-pass filtering methods.  相似文献   

Most current explanations of the effect of money supply announcements on the rate of interest center on central bank policy. This paper analyzes a flexible price macroeconomic model where present and future monetary policy have no influence on either interest rates or real output, but monetary data signal information about real economic activity which influences both short- and long-term real rates of interest. The magnitude of the interest rate response is shown to depend on the difference in the income elasticities of currency and deposit demand and the relative size of monetary and real disturbances to the economy.  相似文献   

We develop a new way of modeling time variation in term premia, based on the stochastic discount factor model of asset pricing. The joint distribution of excess U.S. bond returns of different maturity and the observable fundamental macroeconomic factors is modeled using multivariate GARCH with conditional covariances in the mean to capture the term premia. By testing the assumption of no arbitrage we derive a specification test of our model. We estimate the contribution made to the term premia at different maturities through real and nominal sources of risk. From the estimated term premia we recover the term structure of interest rates and examine how it varies through time. Finally, we examine whether the reported failures of the rational expectations hypothesis can be attributed to an omitted time-varying term premium.  相似文献   

We examine the determinants of return comovements of three different asset classes and provide critical insights on the key macroeconomic and non-macroeconomic factors which drive the asset return comovements during economic contraction and expansion regimes. We show that amongst the macroeconomic factors, interest rate and inflation have significant effect on the return comovements during the economic contraction regime whilst risk aversion significantly affects the return comovements during the economic expansion regime. The non-macroeconomic factors, output uncertainty, bond illiquidity and depth of recession contribute significantly in explaining the variations of return comovements for all asset pairs during both economic contraction and expansion periods except for real estate-based portfolios. Our results are robust to alternative model specification that uses regime switching MGARCH model.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to determine the causal interaction between structural trend and cycle innovations in an unobserved components framework of aggregate output. For the purpose of identification, I propose allowing for shifts in volatility. This strategy provides good estimation precision when applied to U.S. industrial production. In the early 1980s, predominance of cycle shocks gives way to strong negative spillovers of trend impulses, consistent with real business cycle theories. The coincident reduction of macroeconomic volatility was mainly caused by pronounced dampening of transitory disturbances. This is in accordance with an important role of macroeconomic policy in explaining the Great Moderation.  相似文献   

This paper structurally investigates the changes in the Fed's communication strategy since the mid‐1990s through the lens of anticipated and unanticipated disturbances to a Taylor rule. The anticipated disturbances are identified using Treasury bond yield data in estimating a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model with a term structure of interest rates. Our estimation results show that the Fed's decisions were unanticipated for market participants until 1999, but thereafter a larger portion of its future policy actions tended to be communicated in advance. We also find that the relative contribution of the anticipated monetary policy disturbances to macroeconomic fluctuations became larger after 1999. The bond yield data is indispensable to these results, since it contains crucial information on an expected future path of the federal funds rate.  相似文献   

This study assess the nonlinear behavior of U.K. Construction and Real Estate indices. Standard unit root tests show that both time series are I(1) processes. However, the empirical results show that the returns series for both indices deviate from the null hypothesis of white noise. Moreover, we have found evidence of nonlinearity but strong evidence against chaos for the returns series. Further tests show that the source of nonlinearity is rather different. Hence, the Construction index returns series displays weak nonlinear forecastability, typical of nonlinear deterministic processes, whereas the Real Estate index could be characterized as a stationary process about a nonlinear deterministic trend.  相似文献   

We analyze the specifications of option pricing models based on time-changed Lévy processes. We classify option pricing models based on the structure of the jump component in the underlying return process, the source of stochastic volatility, and the specification of the volatility process itself. Our estimation of a variety of model specifications indicates that to better capture the behavior of the S&P 500 index options, we need to incorporate a high frequency jump component in the return process and generate stochastic volatilities from two different sources, the jump component and the diffusion component.  相似文献   

This paper discusses detrending economic time series, when the trend is modelled as a stochastic process. It considers unobserved components models in which the observed series is decomposed into a trend (a random walk with drift) and a residual stationary component. Optimal detrending methods are discussed, as well as problems associated with using these detrended data in regression models. The methods are applied to three time series: GNP, disposable income, and consumption expenditures. The detrended data are used to test a version of the Life Cycle consumption model.  相似文献   

Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Developing Countries: Some Stylized Facts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This article documents the main stylized features of macroeconomicfluctuations for 12 developing countries. It presents cross-correlationsbetween domestic industrial output and a large group of macroeconomicvariables, including fiscal variables, wages, inflation, money,credit, trade, and exchange rates. Also analyzed are the effectsof economic conditions in industrial countries on output fluctuationsin the sample developing countries. The results point to manysimilarities between macroeconomic fluctuations in developingand industrial countries (procyclical real wages, countercyclicalvariation in government expenditures) and some important differences(countercyclical variation in the velocity of monetary aggregates).Their robustness is examined using different detrending procedures.  相似文献   

The returns of stocks are partially driven by changes in their expected cashflow. Using revisions in analyst earnings forecasts, we construct an analyst earnings beta that measures the covariance between the cashflow innovations of an asset and those of the market. A higher analyst earnings beta implies greater sensitivity to marketwide revisions in expected cashflow, and therefore higher systematic risk. Our analyst earnings beta captures exposure to macroeconomic fluctuations and has a positive risk premium that provides a partial explanation for the value premium, size premium, and long-term return reversals. From 1984 to 2005, 55.1% of the return variation across book-to-market, size, and long-term return reversal portfolios is captured by their analyst earnings betas.  相似文献   

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