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晓庄 《中外管理》2005,(8):94-95
从1996年李东生执掌TCL集团帅印开始,其“TCL之父”的绝对权威地位一直无人撼动。但自从“手机狂人”万明坚崛起后,他创造的辉煌业绩有目共睹,而且个性极度张扬的万明坚,风头一度压过了李东生。  相似文献   

景素奇 《中外管理》2005,(6):100-102
名牌企业必然会培养出大批名牌人才。然而,名牌人才在离开名牌企业后,却往往在两三年内都无法适应“新鲜”的平庸环境,而失落彷徨……这已成为全球职场都普遍存在的精英难题。  相似文献   

俞先生(某人才信息服务中心主管):工程技术人员等人才的跳槽,无疑会给企业带来一定的损失。为此,现在有不少企业为了防止本企业员工尤其是重量级人才的流失,都相继采取了一些预防措施,除了给各类人才增加薪水及提高待遇外,在引进人才签订劳动合同时就对本企业人员流动作了一些具体规定,例如雇员在合约期内未经企业同意就跳槽,  相似文献   

“二十一世纪什么最贵?人才!”葛优的这句台词,笑翻了很多观众,却也道出了实情。2005年,保险市场竞争尤为激烈,外资公司抢摊,中资公司圈地。而其中最惨烈的斗争莫过于人才挖角了。面对挖角的诱惑,作为一个有丰富经验的保险人才,跳槽到底对不对?这恐怕是不少人心中的困惑。本刊记就这一疑问,采访了一些相关人物,以冀对大家有所参考。  相似文献   

当一些企业的老总们在闲聊时,总是抱怨自己没有好的人才,无法替自己分忧、分责.可能您也有同感.不记得是哪一年了,有一位外国记者采访新加坡总理李光耀先生,问他说:"你认为新加坡目前有什么大的问题或困难吗?"李先生答复说:"新加坡没有大的问题,只有‘人才'的问题."  相似文献   

目前,企业并购运动风起云涌,阿里巴巴并购雅虎中国,明基并购西门子.盛大并购新浪,联想并购IBM等,大规模的并购所引起的震荡.使很多企业面临着团队跳槽的危机。集体跳槽已经不是新闻了。方正集团的助理总裁周险峰携30位方正科技PC部门的技术骨干加盟海信;近期又传出TCL手机事业部高层集体跳槽到长虹;此前,陆强华离开创维时,带着一群人去独自创业;”小霸王”段永平出走后,率众创立了”步步高”。团队跳槽引起的巨大震荡,足以使任何东家心惊胆战。“最亲密的朋友,就是最危险的敌人“。江湖片中的谶语,不幸在企业中变成现实。曾经的战友,突然变成了敌人,而且这个敌人熟悉自己的全套路数,这无疑是最可怕的事情。对于职业经理人来说,不管怎样,前尘往事,总是生命中的羁绊,总是今日反戈,也难以掩盖心中的伤痛和遗憾。企业如何防止团队跳槽,职业经理人在走与留之间如何取舍,都是引起普遍关注的话题。  相似文献   

公司高层管理者和关键岗位员工“跳槽”如今已经是司空见惯的事情,由于他们在企业里的特殊位置,他们的突然离职可能会给企业带来更多的经营风险和法律风险。  相似文献   

苌娟 《人力资源》2004,(8):18-19
今年上半年,“集体跳槽”的字眼频频出现在各财经媒体的显著位置:先是20多名原“南极人”负责产品研发、生产、销售的技术高层集体跳槽“波司登”;然后是北大方正集团助理总裁周险峰率PC骨干集体跳槽,加盟“海信数码”;接踵而至的是“清华同方”4员销售猛将转投“长城电脑”;随后又传出健力宝销售公司总经理蒋兴洲与20多位销售经理集体离职的消息。接二连三的集体跳槽事件在媒体上掀起了轩然大波,引起了各界人士的极大关注。  相似文献   

陆军 《英才》2004,(5):87-87
公司地震!沐泽电脑公司的40名售后服务人员竞集体不辞而别!此事就在临近春节发放年终奖前夕,不久之后,他们多数出现在沐泽的各个竞争对手的公司里。“这是一起蓄谋已久的跳槽,这批人占沐泽电脑整个售后服务部门的三分之二。”一位知情向媒体透露。  相似文献   

斯剑 《公司》2003,(5):72-73
3月份以来,许多读者给我发来E-mail,不约而同地谈到了跳槽问题。原因很多:有的春节后一上班,发现新来的上司做事风格怪怪的,自己干得好好的却被换了一个销量很低的区域,所以不想干了;有的说,老板给销售人员订的年度目标比去年增加了50%,而底薪和奖金却没增加,感觉压力很大;有的说,新来的主管不喜欢自己,春节过后就以工作需要为名,将他调离了销售管理岗位,去到一个自己不愿意干的岗位;等等。  相似文献   

我国上市公司治理问题的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国的上市公司是经济转轨过程中企业体制改革的产物.一些上市公司经济效益低下,甚至出现虚假报表,非法抽调资金等损害中小股东利益的问题.文章讨论了我国上市公司治理中出现的问题,剖析其原因,并从强化内部治理结构完善外部环境两个方面提出了完善我国上市公司治理的措施,特别强调了加强公司内部监督、制衡机制的重要性.  相似文献   

Managements, unions, and arbitrators have been plagued by a very simple but long-standing problem involving what might be termed a routine human resource action. The problem stated simply is: When is a quit a quit? Where employees are represented by a bargaining agent, the company cannot always be sure that a “quit is a quit.” It is clear that employers who do not understand the “I quit” syndrome are in an uncertain position with respect to handling such problems. The authors have also discovered that unions do not understand the “I quit” syndrome either and at times go to arbitration with all of its attendant costs when the employee has actually “quit.” The purposes of this article are to study how arbitrators have ruled, to establish the principles involved in this little-known area of union/management relations and to provide parties to such cases with information to guide them. Arbitrators have upheld grievances and reversed company actions often enough that there is a need to clarify what is a “quit” as well as a need to clarify what the rights are of both parties under the collective bargaining agreement. The authors found that many managements use the “I quit” syndrome as a substitute for disciplinary action. It is clear from arbitral decisions that it is best from the company point of view to allow the disciplinary system to handle problem employees. The authors also found that reasonable resignations by employees were upheld by arbitrators. If employers carefully handle and document employee resignations, the resignations will stand. Further, it is clear that employers must issue clear policy statements concerning resignations; this includes avoiding resignations under duress. Finally, parties to collective bargaining agreements need contract language defining a quit.  相似文献   

Despite an increasing number of studies showing a positive relationship between collective organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) and unit or organisational performance, relatively little is known about the antecedents of collective OCB. In this study, we developed a collective social exchange approach to collective OCB. We hypothesised that a high performance work system (HPWS) is positively related to collective OCB through collective affective commitment (AC). We obtained data on HPWS, collective AC and collective OCB, all at the middle management group level, from 454 firms in China. Empirical results support the hypotheses.  相似文献   

The contract cleaning industry has hitherto managed to avoid the establishment of collective bargaining machinery. Will this situation be remedied in the light of the N.B.P.I, report, pressure from the unions concerned and the T.U.C. ?  相似文献   

In this paper a tournament between teams (a collective tournament) is considered, where each contestant may spend productive effort in order to increase his team’s performance or sabotage the members of the opponent team. It is shown that each team directs all its sabotage activities at exactly one of the opponent team’s least able members. This is due to two effects, a decreasing-returns effect and a complementarity effect. The result is of particular interest, as findings on individual tournaments indicate that very able players should usually be sabotaged most strongly.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of choosing a subset of a feasible set over which each agent has a strict preference. We propose an invariance property, reduction-consistency, of choice rules and study its implications. The property is a natural expression for the problems of a general principle of consistency having been studied extensively in resource allocation problems. We show that no scoring rule satisfies reduction-consistency, and base a characterization of the top rule on the property. We also investigate the minimal extension of a rule needed to recover reduction-consistency, and identify the minimal extensions of several rules including the Borda and plurality rules.  相似文献   

Elizabeth Chell and Derek Cox report on some of their findings of a study into worker directors and collective bargaining which was carried out between 1976 and 1979 and funded by the Department of Employment. The research involved seven private sector companies which have some form of worker director system.  相似文献   

Kevin Hawkins argues that collective bargaining, long regarded as the most effective method of controlling industrial conflict, is no longer in accordance with accepted norms of behaviour. He contends that this is the most important single factor which should influence the future development of collective bargaining.  相似文献   

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