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We analyze the hypothesis about the effectiveness of energy saving technologies to reduce the trade-off between economic growth and energy preservation. In a general equilibrium vintage capital model with embodied energy saving technical progress, we show that positive growth is only possible if the growth rate of the energy saving technical progress exceeds the decreasing rate of the energy supply.  相似文献   

We study an economy in which firms use labor and various vintages of capital in a CES production function for the final good. We explicitly solve for the investment in capital of a given vintage as a function of its age, and for the resulting stocks of capital. We show that for reasonable parameter values, inverted-U-shaped dynamics of investment and S-shaped dynamics for capital arise in equilibrium. We view the model as an explanation of intra-firm adoption lags, i.e., the observation that firms adopt innovations over time and not instantaneously.  相似文献   

Due to embodied technological progress new generations of capital goods are more productive. Therefore, in order to study the effects of technological progress, a model must be analyzed in which different generations of capital goods can be distinguished. We determine in what way the firm adjusts current investments to predictions of technological progress. In the presence of market power we show that a negative anticipation effect occurs, i.e. current investments in recent generations of capital goods decline when faster technological progress will take place in the future, because then it becomes more attractive to wait for new generations of capital goods. In case that only investments in new machines are possible, actually a whole wave of anticipation phases arises.  相似文献   

A perfectly competitive vintage-knowledge model of Schumpeterian growth is introduced to study the relation between growth, technology-lifetime, entry, and productivity-dispersion. The incentive to innovate is generated by the productivity-dispersion (latent in traditional vintage models) between new and old plants, rather than by monopoly rents. The model has a unique steady-state REE with endogenous growth. The endogenous extent of entry constitutes a buffer, dampening the effect of research-efficiency and completely neutralizing the effect of population size or population growth rates on per-capita income levels and growth rates. Variations of research-efficiency lead to a negative relation between growth and vintage-lifetime and a non-monotonic relation between growth and productivity-dispersion.  相似文献   

Catching up and falling behind,a vintage model approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The literature on catching up suggests that due to diffusion and imitation, relatively backward countries should grow at a faster rate. A model along lines suggested by Abramovitz is constructed to examine this. A country's change in productivity (technological gap) is supposed to depend on the productivity gap itself (relatively backwardness), social capability of adopting new technology, and R&D-activity. Together with a vintage growth model, this set-up gives a lot of different possible explanations of why growth rates differ among nations. The possibilities of both catching up and falling behind are considered.  相似文献   

The decline in the service flow from a stock of capital goods with age, due to the physical retirement of capital units and to the gradual loss of efficiency of each unit remaining, can be described by survival curves and efficiency curves. The paper reconsiders the relationship between these curves and the vintage prices of capital under neo-classical assumptions about perfect second hand markets and malleability, using duality between quantites and prices. Three examples with parametric survival and efficiency curves are presented. Concavity of the survival and efficiency curves may be compatible with convexity of the age-price profile. This approach is contrasted with the frequently cited Hulten-Wykoff approach. Empirical illustrations, focusing on the cenvexity/concavity issue, are given.  相似文献   

This paper deals with an endogenous growth model with vintage capital and, more precisely, with the AK model proposed in [R. Boucekkine, O. Licandro, L.A. Puch, F. del Rio, Vintage capital and the dynamics of the AK model, J. Econ. Theory 120 (1) (2005) 39-72]. In endogenous growth models the introduction of vintage capital allows to explain some growth facts but strongly increases the mathematical difficulties. So far, in this approach, the model is studied by the Maximum Principle; here we develop the Dynamic Programming approach to the same problem by obtaining sharper results and we provide more insight about the economic implications of the model. We explicitly find the value function, the closed loop formula that relates capital and investment, the optimal consumption paths and the long run equilibrium. The short run fluctuations of capital and investment and the relations with the standard AK model are analyzed. Finally the applicability to other models is also discussed.  相似文献   

The age structure of capital plays an important role in the measurement of productivity. It has been argued that the slowdown in the 1970s can be ascribed to the aging of the stock of capital. In this paper, we incorporate the age structure in productivity measurement. One proposition proves that Nelson's [Nelson, R.R., 1964. Aggregate production functions and medium-range growth projections. American Economic Review 54 (September), 575–605] formula is only an approximation. Our final proposition shows that inclusion of the vintage effect prompts an upward correction of measured productivity growth in times of an aging stock of capital. Here capital ages if the investment/capital ratio falls short of the inverse of the capital age, as a first proposition shows. The analysis rests on a rigorous accounting for vintages. We translate the Bureau of Economic Analysis’ age of capital data into a measure of rates of obsolescence. Empirically, the correction of productivity growth for the vintage effect requires an estimate of the obsolescence and depreciation parameters on the basis of age data. The results indicate that the use of capital stock in efficiency units does cause some smoothing of total factor productivity growth over time. In the 1950s, when investment accelerated, the vintage-adjusted capital growth rate well exceeded the BEA growth rate, and vintage-adjusted TFP-growth is significantly lower than unadjusted TFP-growth. The measured productivity slowdown of the 1970s is somewhat ameliorated.  相似文献   

I investigate macro effects of higher bank capital requirements on the Norwegian economy and their use as a macroprudential policy instrument under Basel III. To this end, I develop a macroeconometric model where the capital adequacy ratio, lending rates, asset prices and credit interact with each other and with the real economy. The empirical results suggest that changes in capital requirements are primarily transmitted via lending rates to the other variables in the model. The proposed increases in capital requirements under Basel III are found to have significant effects especially on house prices and credit. I also derive optimal paths for the countercyclical capital buffer in response to various shocks. The buffer is found to equal its imposed ceiling of 2.5% in response to most of the shocks considered while its duration varies in the range of 1–12 quarters depending on the shock and its persistence.  相似文献   

Bank capital requirements aim at reducing the likelihood of banks' failure. However, these policies may generate externalities on the overall economy. By investigating the pathways from capital requirements to housing tenure using structural equation modelling, we show that community banks' capital requirements increase the gap between the regional real estate loans-based and non-real estate loans-based housing purchase rate and act as driving factors of housing market imbalance. The drop in residential real estate loans caused by the increase in capital requirements has two opposite effects: the direct effect motivates residents to rent properties, while the indirect effect motivates residents to purchase them due to the fall in housing prices. When both effects exist in housing purchases with real estate loans, the former effect is more influential than the latter one. Our findings suggest that the impact of capital requirements on housing tenure will depend on residents' reliance on real estate loans. If a housing purchase requires real estate loans, capital requirements will have a negative impact on the housing purchase, and vice versa.  相似文献   

We analyze the interplay of capital requirements and mandatory deferral of compensation in reducing banks’ risk taking incentives. Two heterogenous banks fund uncorrelated projects with fully diversifiable risk or correlated projects with systematic risk. One of both banks can identify project types and is superior at managing risks. If projects are in abundant supply, full mandatory deferral of compensation is optimal as it allows a larger banking sector without increasing the default risk. With limited supply of projects, deferred compensation may misallocate risky projects to the bank that is inferior at managing risks, so that early compensation may be optimal.  相似文献   

The efficiency and distributional effects of sundry capital taxes are analyzed in a simple two-sector specific factor model where capital is mobile both between the two sectors and between the home country and the rest of the world. Two cases are discussed: the small country case where factor and commodity prices are parametric; and the large country case. The optimal tax on capital export is illustrated when commodity prices are parametric. A simple approach to the case when both factor and commodity prices are variable is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Empirica - The existing literature has displayed mixed results in terms of the relationship between tighter bank capital regulation and lending, which may be due to poor approximation of capital...  相似文献   

In time series data, energy use does not change much with energy price changes. However, energy use is responsive to international differences in energy prices in cross-section data across countries. In this paper we consider a model of energy use in which production takes place at individual plants and capital can be used either to directly produce output or to reduce the energy required to run the plant. We assume that reallocating capital from one use to another is costly. This turns out to be crucial for the quantitative properties of the model to be in conformity with the low short-run and high long-run elasticities of energy use seen in data.  相似文献   

The consumption of energy by urban populations depends in part upon the efficiency of the process used to provide residential, commercial, and industrial heat. This paper explores the systemic determinants of the adoption of district heating and co-generation, evaluates the extent of resulting energy savings, and appraises USSR practice. Differences between economic systems in the specification of property rights cause differences in both transaction costs and the treatment of externalities and partially explain the greater utilization of district heating and co-generation in planned economies. Institutional changes required in market economies to adopt this urban-design strategy are suggested.  相似文献   

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