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本文以阿波罗和金阿波罗作为试验材料,主要研究不同光照强度对盆栽郁金香生长发育的影响。试验结果表明:光照强度影响盆栽郁金香的株高生长、叶片形状发生改变,光照强度降低,整个叶片由短宽、褶皱变得狭长,颜色由暗绿色变为淡绿色,花期与对照相比延长3天,但成花率降低。  相似文献   

李素伟 《农家之友》2011,(10):18-18
选盆、土及品种。盆栽草莓用盆选择径口在20~30厘米的陶瓷盆为宜,盆土选用腐殖质含量较高的土壤,品种采用欧洲四季红、长虹2号、83-38等优良的四季草莓品种盆栽为  相似文献   

<正>四月的春风欢快地在东海之滨轻轻吹拂,300万株郁金香潇洒地在30公顷土地上自由摇曳。每一次来鲜花港,都会对郁金香的美仑美奂有新的感受——花的艳丽,花的感动,花的精彩。经过上海鲜花港人十年奋斗,建设中国最大的郁金香培育、展示、科普、观光基地的梦想终成现实。今年,他们依靠科技创新的力量,倾注园丁般的挚爱,使300多个品种的郁金香更加多姿多彩。走进鲜花港可谓是花之絮语,美之重逢,人之相聚。冬日,当白雪覆盖着田野,郁金香不畏严寒破土  相似文献   

近日,云南昆明捞鱼河湿地公园内23个品种约100万株郁金香进入盛花期,吸引不少市民游客前来赏花.  相似文献   

荷兰以花卉闻名于世,是世界花卉主要的生产国和最大的出口国。花卉在荷兰的经济生活中具有重要的地位和广泛的影响。 荷兰种植的花卉,包括各种切花、盆花和球茎,达到数千种之多。主要品种有:玫瑰、郁金香、月季、香石竹、菊花、丁香、鸢尾和水仙等,特别是郁金香的栽培已有400多年的  相似文献   

随着居民生活水平的不断提高,郁金香进入到大众的日常生活中,特别是在园林景观中,郁金香的使用更为广泛。为进一步提高郁金香的栽培质量,提高其繁殖的效果,发挥郁金香在园林景观绿化中的巨大价值,在分析郁金香栽培和繁殖情况的基础上,论述了郁金香的主要栽培方法及其在园林景观中的应用方式。  相似文献   

一、品种和容器的选择 选用巨蜂、黑罕、玫瑰香、康拜尔、金后、奖尝等品种。容器选用直径与深度各为35厘米左右的瓦盆、瓷盆、缸等,要求底部均应有较大透水孔。 二、土壤要求 盆栽葡萄因土少施肥不便,对土壤要求比大田高得多。除利用天然腐殖土外,还可用晒干  相似文献   

中国菊文化历史悠久.古人素有重阳节赏菊、饮菊花酒的习俗。与切花菊相比.盆栽菊的栽培类型及观赏性更为多样.其中盆栽小菊尤其突出。目前国内的盆栽小菊一般指多头球菊.品种大多从国外引进,经过近几年的推广。其市场表现越来越好。品种更丰富颜色更多国内盆栽小菊的生产主要集中在北京和广东小榄.由于盆栽小菊观花期长。  相似文献   

国际花卉生产布局基本形成,世界各国纷纷走上特色道路。 荷兰以郁金香为代表的球根花卉,已成为荷兰的象征;泰国大兰花实现了工厂化生产,每年大约有1.2亿株兰花销往日本,在日本的兰花市场占有80%的份额。特色花卉产业己渐成趋势。 花卉生产的品种由传统花卉向新优花卉及品种多样性发展。 世界切花品种从过去的四大切花为主导,变为以月  相似文献   

盆栽果蔬花果期长,造形美,既能起到绿化效果,又能增添情趣,摆在室内,能够较长时间欣赏到果蔬开花的全过程。盆栽果蔬既有夏季品种,也有冬季品种,一年四季都可种植。如果开办一家盆栽果蔬园,满足人们观赏和食用需要,是一个生财的门路。效益分析:一盆盆栽果蔬的售价少则几元,多则  相似文献   

简要介绍了国内外盆栽花卉培养介质,分为天然壤土堆肥和无壤土堆肥,其施肥方式也有区别;对盆栽花卉活力剂研究特点进行了综述,根据我国盆土实际情况,研制出了盆栽花卉活力剂。  相似文献   

The Alberta Field Crop Development Centre (FCDC) at Lacombe has carried out an extensive research and development program on feed barley since 1973. Prior to 2002, FCDC released 11 hulled and six hull-less barley varieties that have been adopted by farmers. The primary objective of this study is to estimate an economic rate of return to the FCDC barley research and development program from 1973 to 2001. A secondary objective is to include benefits arising from research that improved feed barley disease resistance in new cultivars in addition to benefits from purely higher-yielding cultivar research. The analysis uses an ex post economic surplus methodology. Benefits are identified and empirically investigated for three separate FCDC feed barley research thrusts:
• benefits arising from FCDC research that developed new, higher-yielding feed barley cultivars that give a yield advantage
• benefits arising from FCDC research that improved feed barley disease resistance in new cultivars that result in yield loss avoidance from disease
• benefits arising from FCDC research that developed new feed barley cultivars that yield higher silage production.
Of the total benefits from research on feed grain varieties, 52% can be attributed to yield advantage research and 48% to yield loss avoidance research. The overall internal rate of return with base elasticity parameters is estimated at 27%, ranging between 23% and 31%, depending on the assumptions made about the yield advantage and base variety. The IRR was sensitive to changes in supply elasticities and ranges from 20% (∈= 1.5) to 54% (∈= 0.1).  相似文献   

The Dutch Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) provides managerial reports to participants of the network. This article analyzes the impact of this type of management information on the profitability of agricultural producers. A dual system of input demand and output supply equations is applied to measure the effect of management information. The approach is applied to a panel data set of Dutch potted‐plant firms over the period of 1975–1995. Management information provided by the FADN resulted in savings in materials and services and a more intensive use of energy. Shadow prices of structure, machinery, and labor increased as a result of management information. The results show that management information is more likely to have a positive effect on profitability of potted‐plant firms in the long run than in the short run. The results suggest that the availability of management information allows firms to operate on a larger scale in the long run.  相似文献   

为合理开发与利用观赏蕨类植物资源,对福建省尤溪县九阜山省级自然保护区的观赏蕨类植物资源进行调查,发现具有观赏价值的野生蕨类植物共有33科53属87种;对该区各种观赏蕨按观赏用途进行分类,对其种类组成、垂直分布、水平与生态分布、优势资源以及利用途径进行分析,并提出保护与开发利用建议。  相似文献   

为系统开展植物净化大气功能研究,我们从植物净化PM2.5的角度进行了室内实验设计—利用盆栽植物罩扣扎孔塑料袋营造小环境、香烟熏气、便携式PM2.5测量仪检测的方法,初步实验分析了绒毛香茶菜(Plectranthus hadiensis var.tomentosus)和白背三七(Gynura divaricata(L.)DC.)净化PM2.5效果,在不考虑其他因素的情况下,实验结果是净化PM2.5能力绒毛香茶菜白背三七。  相似文献   

Altering production systems and land management of tree crops is a costly, disruptive and ultimately irreversible decision. Using traditional valuation methods to appraise long‐term land management outcomes ignores the full impact of irreversible or delayed decisions. We employ a variant of the real options decision process to examine uncertainties around climatic effects on macadamia growers and the explicit decision to adapt via cultivar replacement. We examine the trade‐offs between the timing of the decision to replace macadamia cultivars by considering both the value of flexibility as well as the value of new information that can be used to resolve uncertainty. We compare the relative responses that generate the most value for growers across four geographical locations. We show that simple switching decisions using traditional valuation methods are found to be suboptimal and initiate poor decisions, potentially undermining adaptation efforts. As the rate of orchard degradation increases, the need to transition to higher‐yielding cultivars becomes greater, especially for Hawaii, California and Australia where gross margins are leaner. Investment decisions are thus highly dependent on both local conditions and the economic structure of existing production systems.  相似文献   

以花园中心产品的消费者购买影响因素作为出发点,通过实证调研的方式获取相关数据,构建评价消费者购买意愿的指标体系,并运用二元Logistic回归分析方法研究了北京市五棵松城市公园花园中心产品的消费者购买影响因素问题。通过研究发现:消费者住房因素、室内空气净化需求因素、对花园中心概念了解程度因素、对小绿植、小盆花和阳台园林小品等产品有需求因素对消费者的购买意愿产生显著的正向影响作用;对花种、工具和肥料等产品有需求因素产生负向影响作用;消费者的年龄、职业、花卉购买渠道和每年在家居花卉的消费总额因素所产生的影响效果不显著。  相似文献   

Speed of adoption of modern cereal cultivars in India is measured and its inter-regional variation is investigated. Adoption speed varies widely across regions and between cereals. While profitability and production risk have been important determinants of adoption speed of high-yielding wheat and rice varieties, such factors fail to explain adequately the uptake of modern cultivars of sorghum, pearl millet and maize. A comparison with the results of other studies confirms the responsiveness of Indian farmers to economic opportunities.  相似文献   

The world–wide capacity of genebanks for ex situ conservation of crop genetic resources has increased greatly since the 1970s, improving the access of crop breeders to landraces and wild and weedy relatives. But utilization of genebank resources has not kept pace. The set of popular cultivars in major crops is typically rather small, and their ancestry encompasses only a fraction of the genetic diversity currently available in other cultivars. Discussions of farmers' rights that focus on compensation for current incorporation of farmers' varieties in new cultivars have diverted attention from the question of why so little of the newly accessible genetic diversity is currently being utilized by public and private breeders. To optimize the future provision of genebank services, research is needed on the costs of genebanks, the market for their services, the use of genetic resources by breeders, and the implications of recognition of farmers' rights, evolving intellectual property rights, continued funding problems and developments in biotechnology.  相似文献   


The objective of this paper is to discuss the impact of the information network and trust on collaborative relationships as well as the impact of the collaboration on the performance of suppliers (i.e., growers). Combining network and trust, growers can build collaborative efforts, namely joint action and the norm of flexibility. Network in this paper is analyzed in terms of its information that can support a supplier in coordinating the channel relationship. By means of trust, a grower and his distributor may have adequate mutual understanding and shared experience to creatively solve problems, set up effective planning and be flexible in the day-to-day management. The discussion is based on the network approach to channel relationships and considers elements of the transaction cost economics and marketing channels. One hundred seventy-five growers of the Dutch potted flower and plant industry answered the questionnaires about their relationships with distributors. This data was analyzed through structural equation modeling in Lisrel. The results show the safeguarding effects of the information network to encourage joint action and flexibility. Also, trust influences directly flexibility and indirectly joint action. Flexible growers achieve high profitability and growth rate. This study implies that the network and trust should be considered in making the decision about the degree of collaboration in a channel relationship. To achieve an efficient mechanism of coordination, managers need to draw special attention to the development and maintenance of trust and the network.  相似文献   

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