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郭玉杰  郭屏 《辽宁经济》2006,(10):78-79
在社会历史发展过程中,社会总资本的构成是随着生产方式变革和经济发展水平而变化的,在农业经济时代,土地是最大的生产要素和财富,土地资本是社会总资本的主体.在工业经济时代,人们看重的是资金和设备,资金和设备是最大的生产要素和财富.  相似文献   

自然资本:概念、内涵及其分类探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、自然资本概念的提出 1948年Vogt第一个提出了自然资本的概念.他指出,耗竭自然资源资本,就会降低美国偿还债务的能力.后来,自然资本最初以土地的方式出现在配第的二要素理论中,其基本特征是和劳动一起生产财富,并以地租的方式获得收入.  相似文献   

自然资本为协调解决人口、费源、环境和经济发展问题提供了新的研究视角.目前,自然资本理论与方法还不完善,对自然资本的概念及其内涵研究尚未形成统一的认识.文章在回顾和总结自然资本思想起源的基础上,对自然资本的概念、内涵及其特点进行深入的分析和讨论,以促进自然资本基础理论研究的发展.文章认为自然资本观是环境价值的基础和依据,自然资本观包含了丰富的可持续发展与生态化意蕴,深化了人与自然之间关系的认识:自然资本是指在一定时空条件下,自然资源及其所处的环境在可预见的未来能够产生自然资源流和服务流的存量:自然资本将生态系统及其所处的环境纳入资本范畴进行考察,而生态系统及其所处的环境在现代社会中被视为稀缺责泺而具有经济价值:自然资本具有增殖性、不可替代性、存量与流量特性以及非完全资本折旧特性.上述特性说明:无论科学技术如何进步,自然资本提供的功能和服务也无法替代.生态资本和环境资本作为关键自然资本,在可持续发展中具有重要作用.  相似文献   

本文在Barro(1990)与Barro和Sala-I-Martin(1992)研究的基础上,将基础设施资本及其拥挤性纳入生产函数来构建经济增长的动态一般均衡模型,以此考察基础设施与经济增长之间的关系。其结果显示,稳态人均资本存量和人均产出与基础设施资本存量占比之间均呈现“倒U型”关系,且最优的基础设施资本存量占比是由生产资本的产出弹性、有效基础设施资本的产出弹性和基础设施资本存量占比的有效比重弹性共同决定的。为从实证上检验基础设施影响经济增长的理论命题,本文进一步建立静态面板模型并使用中国1993—2017年的省级面板数据进行估计,实证结果在证实人均产出与基础设施资本存量占比之间存在“倒U型”关系的同时,求解出“倒U型”顶点处所对应的最优基础设施资本存量占比为0.330,即当基础设施资本存量占比低于0.330时,人均产出随着基础设施资本存量占比的提高而上升;而当基础设施资本存量占比高于0.330时,人均产出则随着基础设施资本存量占比的提高而下降。  相似文献   

刘虹 《中国集体经济》2008,(22):120-120
<正>21世纪是知识经济时代。伴随着新时代的到来,人力资源的开发和利用起着举足轻重的作用,人力资本已超过物质资本和自然资本,成为最主要的生产要素和社会财富,是经济、财富增长的源泉。对人力  相似文献   

虚拟经济和虚拟财富的内涵--与刘骏民等学者商榷   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
虚拟资本包括两种形态,第一形态是商业信用和银行信用产生的各种信用票据,第二形态是代表资本所有权的各种公共有价证券。虚拟经济是以货币和虚拟资本为基础的经济活动。虚拟财富和物质财富是财富的两个属性,认为只有物质财富是财富或更应该看重虚拟财富的观点,都是欠妥当的。  相似文献   

文化资本理论在布厄迪的资本理论体系中处于核心地位,这不仅因为文化资本理论概念的提出拓展了原有的资本概念,同时还为其进行社会结构分析提供了独特的视角。文化资本是以财富的形式表现出来的文化价值的积累,这种积累引起物品服务的不断流动,形成了本身具有文化价值和经济价值的商品。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,世界经济发展形态主流正从过去的农业文明、工业文明过渡到以可持续发展为根本价值取向,以现代科技为支撑,以生态资本和自然财富为基础要素的生态文明,以实现可持续发展为主旨的绿色经济体系已经成为21世纪人类经济发展的主题。  相似文献   

资本深化、人力资本积累与中国经济持续增长   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文针对近年来中国经济转轨过程中呈现资本深化的特征,引入人力资本积累因素进行分析。分析表明:中国的资本-产出比在1978~1994年呈现逐年下降的态势,1994~1998年呈现上升趋势,1999~2003年出现缓慢下降趋势;1978年以来,中国人力资本存量不断提高,并且由于存在人力资本的外部性,导致人均物质资本上升,但这种人均物质资本和资本-产出比的上升由于人力资本边际报酬递增的作用,使整个经济具有可持续的增长;物质资本积累是中国过去20多年经济增长的主要贡献因素,人力资本存量增长缓慢,但在近几年有所改善。  相似文献   

基于五大资本的分析框架,作者利用世界银行的发展指标数据库,从国际比较视角分析当代中国的发展趋势。中国五大资本不同程度的提高导致总资本大幅度跃升,在世界大国之中变动最快,占世界总量的比重明显上升。中国总资本积累明显超前于经济发展水平,属于世界上总资本积累水平最高的国家之一,其主要是依靠较高的物质资本积累来支撑。中国五大资本构成的突出问题是物质资本投资率过高,人力资本投资率过低。中国进一步发展需要优化配置五大资本,改善物质资本的投资效率,大幅度提高对人力资本的投资。  相似文献   

Abstract: Several strategies are open to an economy in its attempt to attain sustainable economic development, depending on its historical background and resource endowment. One such strategy is the resource‐led strategy. Nigeria is very rich in crude oil and has reaped billions of petrodollars. However, the country faces the problem of successfully translating this huge oil wealth into sustainable development. This paper employs the vector error correction technique in examining the long‐run impact of the huge oil wealth accruing to Nigeria on its economic development. Basic indicators such as growth, private consumption, infrastructure (electricity), agriculture and manufacturing output growth rates are examined. The empirical results suggest a significant positive long‐run impact of per capita oil revenue on per capita household consumption and electricity generation while a negative relationship is established for GDP, agriculture and manufacturing. Even for those with a negative relationship at current period, there exist positive relationships at subsequent lags. Thus, oil revenue, if properly managed and invested, could be effectively used to induce oil‐led development for Nigeria provided that the initial inhibitions of corruption, lack of transparency, accountability and fairness in its use and distribution are removed.  相似文献   

In this paper, the new content, estimations, structure, and model of national wealth; the correlation between wealth and gross product; and the tendency of marginal revenue fluctuation are considered. Factors of the national wealth dynamics and the role of intangible capital and its components, in particular, education, in the acceleration of economic dynamics are studied.  相似文献   

国家重点生态功能区是关系到全国生态环境安全的敏感性区域,其中人口因素是经济社会发展的关键性因素.以全国重点生态功能区为研究范围,以区域内县域为分析单位,对2007—2018年数据进行分析.结果表明,重点生态功能区区域人口增长率、人口城镇化水平、人均GDP、人均财政收入和人均受教育程度显著低于全国平均水平;区域人口主要分布于中西部地区,且少数民族人口多,为人口净迁出区,劳动力人口占比较低.区域存在人口总量不利于生态环境保护、城镇发展水平低、外出打工农民比例大、农业人口迁移意愿不强烈、劳动力素质低、区域贫困人口多等问题.最后,针对重点生态功能区人口的发展问题提出对策建议,为实现区域人口的均衡发展提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

我国人力资本安全的现状、影响及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着全球化的发展,作为战略性生产要素的人力资本的大量流失,对国家经济安全构成了严重威胁。它导致国家投资—收益失衡,高层次人才青黄不接,商业、技术信息流失,就业机会减少,贫富差距拉大等一系列问题。因此,要保障我国经济安全,必须保障我国人力资本安全,构筑人力资本安全监测预警体系,创建“双赢竞局”的人力资本管理制度,构建人力资本可持续流动的国际协调机制。  相似文献   

In recent decades, national income has become increasingly important as a measure of a nation's economic health. In this study, we used a wide array of primary and secondary sources to arrive at values of the Chinese per capita gross domestic product during the period of 1661–1933. We found a persistent decline in the per capita gross domestic product between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, followed by a period of stagnation. This pattern, which shows up in many Asian countries, with the exception of Japan, provides a basis for improving our understanding of the patterns of global economic convergence and divergence.  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue that the answer to the question of whether the impact of corruption on development is homogenous, is no. Our optimism rest on how development may be conceptualised. When equated to a narrow measure in economic‐wise which fundamentally ignores critical issues, then there is a possibility the outlook could be positive. But when conceptualised using a broad‐based approach such as sustainable development, then the outlook could be negative. We assess a panel of 22 economies in Sub‐Sahara Africa with the most recent dataset (1996–2013) from the World Bank and other reputable agencies. Our finding is quite robust. It holds in pooled OLS, Fixed effects and GMM within IV settings; and it also holds for different measures of institutions and different measures of development using growth per capita GDP and genuine wealth per capita, respectively. Taking stock of major policy blue‐prints of selected countries in the region on the fight against corruption, we are able to point out that institutions play important role in insulating citizens against the devastation caused by corruption. Overall, through this comparison, we are able to signal that both incidental and systematic corruption poses a long‐term threat to sustainable development.  相似文献   

The paper discusses China's post-reform regional economic growth imbalance relative to input disparity in technology, physical and human capital. Financial sources and types of ownership are used to construct physical capital. Technology is measured by innovation investment, and human capital is constructed from schooling years per capita. The results show that domestic bank loans and foreign-owned enterprises are important in coastal provinces, while state appropriation and state-owned enterprises are important in inner provinces. Technology and foreign investment have a larger impact on output growth in coastal provinces. Human capital is endogenous for coastal provinces, but is exogenous for inner provinces.  相似文献   

毛新雅 《特区经济》2007,225(10):20-23
本文采用联合国贸易和发展会议关于外商直接投资(FDI)的相对规模指标,测算了1992年我国市场经济体制转型以来,首都圈、长三角及珠三角这三大都市圈FDI流入量占固定资产形成总额的比例、FDI存量与GDP的比值、人均FDI流入量等利用FDI的相对规模水平,并与全国及世界水平进行了比较。研究表明,三大都市圈利用FDI的相对规模水平总体而言高于全国水平;以相对规模指标衡量,珠三角FDI在经济总量和投资中的地位较长三角和首都圈更为重要;与珠三角和长三角相比,首都圈FDI在其经济总量和投资中的地位尚不突出;在世界范围以人均FDI流入量考量,三大都市圈需进一步扩大利用FDI的规模。  相似文献   

By examining the period 2013–2018, this paper follows up a previous one which analysed the increase in the inequality of China's wealth per capita over the period 2002–2013. It finds that the Gini coefficient, having risen rapidly over the earlier period, continued to grow but did so more slowly in the later period, at the national level and in both urban and rural China. Counterfactual analysis identifies the lower rate of house price inflation as an important reason for the slowdown. Policies and policy options are examined, both directly on wealth inequality and indirectly through control of house price inflation. Nevertheless, the rising inequality of wealth per capita among households does indeed pose a challenge to the achievement of ‘common prosperity’ in China. It deserves more policy attention.  相似文献   

杨伊侬  冯献 《乡镇经济》2009,25(12):64-67
人力资本投资对农村居民收入起到重要作用。文章通过我国31个省、市、自治区的横截面数据,建立双对数模型,重点分析了人力资本投资对我国农村居民收入的影响。研究结果表明,人力资本投资增加1%,可促使我国农村居民家庭人均纯收入增加0.23%,比固定资产投资增加的比率高出3.5614%。同时,文章通过将人均收入和人力资本投资作为两个指标对样品进行聚类分析,认为政府政策应当更加倾斜于贵州、云南、西藏、陕西、新疆、甘肃、青海、宁夏、广西等省、自治区,从而统筹中、东、西部地区的和谐发展。  相似文献   

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