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从经济学角度对乳品质量安全问题进行分析,从中得出的基本结论是:乳品安全问题是现代生产和消费方式的产物,政府进行公共管理的目标应该是食品风险最小化.通过维护市场公正以及提供相关信息改变消费者支付意愿,将是发挥市场机制解决问题的最有效手段.  相似文献   

基于乳制品的安全问题,本文以在校本科生为调研对象,对可追溯乳品的购买意向和支付水平进行实证研究,研究表明:大学生消费群较为关注乳品的安全问题,对可追溯性乳品的认知度与购买率较低,其支付意愿与支付水平受到可追溯性乳品的认知与态度、乳品安全关注度、性别与月消费等因素影响。  相似文献   

消费者对畜产食品质量安全的意愿支付价格研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王可山 《中国物价》2006,(12):10-15
本研究利用意愿调查评估法对北京市消费者进行调研。研究表明,尽管价格是影响消费者选择安全食品的主要因素之一。但消费者对安全因素的关注程度远远超过对价格因素的关注程度.消费者愿意为质量安全畜产食品支付更高的价格。目前无公害猪肉的价格对生产者来说还不足以形成生产激励,抑制了其生产和供给。  相似文献   

森林认证是一种运用市场机制来促进森林可持续经营的工具,对提高和加强合理利用森林的意识有重要的作用。为了解消费者对森林认证产品的认知与支付意愿,籍此探讨森林认证产品是否为大众所接受,该研究对上海市民进行调查,对影响消费者购买认证产品的因素进行深入分析,最后给出了结论和建议,以期为相关决策者和研究者提供参考。  相似文献   

森林认证是一种运用市场机制来促进森林可持续经营的工具,对提高和加强合理利用森林的意识有重要的作用。为了解消费者对森林认证产品的认知与支付意愿,籍此探讨森林认证产品是否为大众所接受,该研究对上海市民进行调查,对影响消费者购买认证产品的因素进行深入分析,最后给出了结论和建议,以期为相关决策者和研究者提供参考。  相似文献   

针对当前高品质乳品不断进入市场,而消费者对该类商品缺乏基本认知的问题,本文以高品质有机液态奶为例,通过实地调研数据分析了消费者的认知对高品质有机液态奶支付意愿的影响。研究表明,消费者对有机液态奶的认知显著影响其支付意愿。在其他因素不变的前提下,被告知有机液态奶相关信息的消费者愿意购买有机液态奶的概率,比没有被告知相关信息的消费者高出11个百分点,即随着消费者对高品质液态奶认知水平的提高,其购买高品质乳品的概率也随之上升。  相似文献   

二十一世纪以来,国际上不断加强对人类认知心理学的研究,在诸多知名学者的共同努力之下,构建出轰动全球的S-O-R模型,该模型以信息加工理论为主要指导依据,通过利用信息处理器,实现对信息的输入、编码、加工、存储、提取以及使用等。根据消费者的购买状况可将其分为五个阶段,即确认需求、收集信息、评价方案、购买决策以及购买行为,一个完整的购买过程离不开以上五个阶段的参与。总结来说,消费者在形成电子支付的使用意愿之前,必须经过三个阶段,即确认需求阶段、收集信息阶段以及评价方案阶段,较为全面的分析与探究消费者对电子支付的使用意愿影响因素。  相似文献   

南京市消费者蔬菜消费安全认知度实证分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
常向阳  李香 《消费经济》2005,21(5):72-76
本文在对南京市消费者进行问卷调查的基础上,主要运用描述性统计分析和Pearson相关关系分析,阐述了消费者对当前市场上的蔬菜质量与安全状况的总体评价,消费者对于绿色蔬菜和有机蔬菜的认知程度,以及消费者对于绿色蔬菜的支付意愿及其影响因素。  相似文献   

胡林元  余志刚 《中国市场》2011,(28):102-103
本文以食品安全现状为背景,通过对哈尔滨市等地区的消费者问卷调查表明:大部分消费者认为乳制品质量安全现状并没有因为监管而得到提高;有1/2以上的消费者"听说过"HACCP认证,其中80%的消费者对其持认可态度。进而分析出黑龙江省乳制品消费存在的主要问题并提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

畜产食品质量安全消费者购买意愿的调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究利用意愿调查评估法对北京市消费者进行调研。研究表明,消费者愿意为质量安全畜产食品支付更高的价格;无公害猪肉的价格仍有上升空间,目前无公害猪肉的价格对生产者来说还不足以产生生产激励,抑制了无公害猪肉的生产和供给。  相似文献   

We estimated students’ willingness to pay for golden rice by using the double-bounded contingent valuation method. We found that nearly 55% of the students are willing to buy golden rice at the same price as that of conventional rice, and around 85% at a certain discount. The estimated mean willingness to pay is a 4% price premium. Furthermore, we found that global (food security) and personal (health) benefit perceptions have a positive significant influence, and risk perceptions and sociodemographic variables have an insignificant influence on willingness to pay for golden rice. Overall, our findings indicate that India has a potential market for golden rice.  相似文献   

This study analyzes Canadian consumer willingness to pay for omega-3 enhanced beef, pork, and chicken. Using a nationwide survey conducted by ACNielsen in 2006 and choice modeling framework, results indicate that smaller household, households with high incomes, and households that have previously purchased an omega-3 product are willing to pay a premium for omega-3 beef, pork and chicken. The results also suggest that consumers that have previously purchased an omega-3 product are willing to pay a higher premium for the respective omega-3 meats compared to households that have never purchased an omega-3 product. Also, premiums are highest for omega-3 beef, followed by omega-3 pork, and last, omega-3 chicken.  相似文献   

基于对江苏、江西、内蒙、云南、安徽五省(区)756户农户的信息服务调查,运用支付意愿方法,得到上述地区农户的信息服务支付意愿,并通过Logistic回归模型对农户信息服务支付意愿的影响因素进行分析。研究结果表明,影响农户信息服务支付意愿的因素除了农户家庭和生产等一些常见的特征变量外,还有农户所在社区信息服务可及性等多方面的因素。基于这些实证研究结果,政府应增加投入,完善农村公共服务基础设施建设等。  相似文献   

Food Safety and Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Labelled Beef in Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The objective of this paper is to assess the quality/safety value for beef consumers, measuring their willingness to pay a price premium for labelled beef. From a survey conducted among food shoppers within the household, consumers are segmented according to their safety perception of specific food products. For each segment, their willingness to pay for labelled beef is calculated. Finally, the main factors explaining such a decision are considered. The results indicate that food scares, the perception of a negative impact of agricultural production on the environment and health concerns are having a major impact on the food consumer purchasing decisions for beef. However, most consumers are not willing to pay a price premium for labelled beef.  相似文献   

This study attempts to elucidate the characteristics of price premiums for food products from the consumers' viewpoint. After conducting a survey, consumers' willingness to pay (WTP) for 13 important food elements is analyzed for 10 food categories. The main findings were first, the categories that can easiest achieve a price premium are fruit and vegetables and meat and fish with the hardest being snacks and sweets and frozen foods. Second, the food element most related to price premiums is safety while the least related is convenience. Finally, an appropriate level for price premiums for food products is generally about 20%.  相似文献   

以调查数据为依据,通过Probit模型对稻作经营大户对农业有偿技术服务的支付意愿及其影响因素进行实证分析。研究表明支付意愿受到户主的文化程度、非农业劳动力比重、对农技部门提供服务的评价、生产资金来源等多方面因素的影响,提出加强农村基础教育投入、完善农业科技推广体系和农村信贷服务等相关政策建议。  相似文献   

This study examines consumer willingness to pay (WTP) for packaged ice cream with local, private label, and national brands at the retail level. Data were collected through in-person surveys conducted at retail grocery outlets in Utah in 2012. Study results suggest that shoppers are willing to pay significantly more for the national and local brands over the retailer’s private label brand. In fact, the local brand with the state-sponsored designation (Utah’s Own) had a WTP equal to that of the national brand. The use of local designations or labels is important as shoppers were not willing to pay a premium for the local brands in absence of the locally produced or state-sponsored designation label. Additionally, consumer WTP for different brands and the degree of response to local designations varies substantially by consumer attributes. These differences suggest that locally designated products do not compete directly with private label products in the market. This study provides clear evidence of the value of state-sponsored designations, as well as locally produced labeling for food products marketed in a traditional retail setting.  相似文献   

In Spain, consumption of organic products has not kept pace with production. Up till now, foreign markets have been a natural destination for excess supply. However, world trade liberalization might cause important commercial problems to Spanish producers that could be partially solved by enlarging the domestic market. The goal of this paper is to assess the opportunity for such enlargement focusing on two main aspects: consumers’ and retailers’ attitudes and willingness to pay for organic products. Concerns about health, natural diets or environmental issues could stimulate consumption, while retailing dynamism and competition to gain new market segments might favour distribution. Both aspects are investigated through two surveys addressed to consumers and retailers in two Spanish towns. The results confirm that only a small proportion of consumers and distributors show attitudes that might favour demand expansion. The most sensitized segments are willing to pay more for organic products, but this premium is still very far from the prevailing gap between conventional and organic food products.  相似文献   

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