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This paper analyses the empirical relationship between inflation and growth using a panel data estimation technique, multiple-regime panel smooth transition regression, which takes into account the nonlinearities in the data. By using a panel data set for 10 countries in the Southern African Development Community permitting us to control for unobserved heterogeneity at both country and time levels, we find that a statistically significant negative relationship exists between inflation and growth for inflation rates above the critical threshold levels of 12 and 32% which are endogenously determined. Furthermore, we remedy the cross-section dependence with the common correlated effects estimator.  相似文献   

The issue of the Permanent Income Hypothesis (PIH) is revisited in this paper by examining the relationship between U.S. consumption and income through new statistical techniques based on fractional integration and cointegration. Using a procedure by Robinson [1994a] that permits the testing of I(d) statistical models, the results show that both individual series are I(1). However, the differences seem to be I(d), with d being smaller than 1 in some cases. Also, when performing different regressions of consumption on income, the estimated residuals from the cointegrating regressions appear to be mean reverting. This implies that consumption and income may be fractionally cointegrated, so that deviations from equilibrium are highly persistent. Thus, the results provide further evidence regarding the validity of the PIH for the U.S.The author gratefully acknowledges the comments from an anonymous referee. Financial support from the Minsterio de Ciencia y Technologia (SEC2002-01839, Spain) is also acknowledged.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a seasonal version of the Solow–Swan growth model and acquire an empirical income convergence equation. We take this equation as a basis to investigate whether income convergence exists in an OECD sample. To do this, we propose the test statistics under various asymptotic properties for some of the seasonal frequencies in the context of nonstationary heterogeneous panels. Critical values and moments of our statistics are generated and their finite sample performances are examined via Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Gerhard Thury 《Empirica》1990,17(1):61-74
Zusammenfassung Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Spezifikation einer Gleichung zur Erklärung des gesamtwirtschaftlichen Stundenlohnsatzes. Zunächst soll ein Satz von Variablen gefunden werden, die als Erklärungsgrößen einer langfristigen Gleichgewichtsrelation angesehen werden können. Zur Klärung dieser Frage werden Kointegrationstests verwendet. Es zeigt sich, daß Realstundenlohnsatz, Produktivität, geleistete Arbeitsstunden und Arbeitslosenrate eine solche Beziehung bilden. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden durch dynamische Spezifikation die kurzfristigen Anpassungsvorgänge an dieses langfristige Gleichgewicht modelliert.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the long-run relationship between religiosity and income using retrospective data on church attendance rates for a panel of countries from 1930 to 1990. We employ panel cointegration and causality techniques to control for omitted variable and endogeneity bias and test for the direction of causality. We show that there exists a negative long-run relationship between the level of religiosity, measured by church attendance, and the level of income, measured by the log of GDP per capita. The result is robust to alternative estimation methods, potential outliers, different samples, different measures of church attendance and alternative specifications of the income variable. Long-run causality runs in both directions, higher income leads to declining religiosity and declining religiosity leads to higher income.  相似文献   

In this article, whether an increase in government spending will crowd out the private consumption is re-examined. This article augments the empirical literature by extending this issue to panel data. The empirical framework applies the panel cointegration model, dynamic OLS (DOLS), proposed by Kao and Chiang [On the estimation and inference of a cointegrated regression in panel data. Working Paper, Economics Department, Syracuse University, 1999.]. Evidence from 24 OECD countries indicates a significant degree of substitutability between government spending and private consumption when the real disposable income is included, which rejects the permanent income hypothesis. The existence of crowding out renders the Keynesian plea for expansionary fiscal policy unconvincing.  相似文献   

The long-run equilibrium relationship among money, income, prices, and interest rates in Japan is investigated by the threshold cointegration test, which allows for asymmetric adjustment, introduced by Enders and Siklos (2001 Enders, W and Siklos, PL. 2001. Cointegration and threshold adjustment. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 19: 16676. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The threshold cointegration approach provides clear evidence of the cointegration relationship characterized by asymmetric adjustment. By allowing for asymmetric adjustment, results are obtained showing the stability of the money demand function, similar to Lucas (1988 Lucas, RW Jr. 1988. Money demand in the United States: a quantitative review. Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 29: 13768.  [Google Scholar]), who pointed out that the money demand function is stable if unit income elasticity is imposed. In particular, the estimated results show that the adjustment process toward equilibrium is highly persistent above an appropriately estimated threshold, whereas the adjustment process toward equilibrium quickly converges below it. This finding indicates that deviations from equilibrium resulting from increases in money or decreases in income and prices are highly persistent.  相似文献   

This paper examines the long-run effect of foreign aid on income inequality for 21 recipient countries using panel cointegration techniques to control for omitted variable and endogeneity bias. We find that aid exerts an inequality increasing effect on income distribution.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with subjecting two popular assumptions about the behavior of stock market prices to empirical tests: first, the random walk hypothesis developed by Bachelier (1900), Osborne (1959), and Mandelbrot (1963); second, the stable distributions hypothesis by Mandelbrot (1963) and Fama (1965). For this purpose, ten time series from the Vienna Stock Exchange were used. The first hypothesis was tested using both non-parametric and parametric methods. To obtain evidence with regard to the seond hypothesis, a graphical procedure and statistical estimation on the basis of the empirical characteristic function were applied. On analysis of our data, it turned out that, at least for the time period under consideration (1985–1990), severe doubts are cast on the above assumptions.We gratefully acknowledge the help of Peter Mitter, Institute for Advanced Studies, and Franz Köstl, Österreichische Kontrollbank, who provided us with the necessary data, and the comments of the anonymous referees.  相似文献   

The paper quantifies the most likely trade effects of the exceptional cases of the GATT/WTO system, namely, Regional Integration Agreements, on the selected member as well as non-member countries of the EU, NAFTA, MERCOSUR and AFTA. To this end, the gravity model was estimated through fixed effects model and panel cointegration analysis. It was found that the explanatory power of the latter has superseded the former one. For the case of EU, it was found that the intra-union trade-creation effect is approximately six times larger than extra-union effects. In NAFTA, exports to outside countries are significantly diverted. For MERCOSUR, on the other hand, results indicate that the integration has not contributed to intra-union trade. The members are still significantly dependent on extra-union imports, just like the members of AFTA.  相似文献   

A long run income and price elasticities of demand is estimated for Colombian nontraditional exports through a multivariate cointegration analysis. Based on the combination of cointegration and exogeneity concepts and the inclusion of the complete dynamic system, the paper shows the existence of a long-run relationship among nontraditional exports, relative price and foreign demand, and higher long-run elasticities than those provided by the long-run cointegration vector coefficients that are usually reported in the trade literature.  相似文献   

Seasonal cointegration generalizes the idea of cointegration to processes with unit roots at frequencies different from 0. Here, common seasonals, also a dual notion of common trends, is adopted for the seasonal case. The features are demonstrated in exemplary models for German and U.K. data. An evaluation of the predictive value of accounting for seasonal cointegration shows that seasonal cointegration may be difficult to exploit to improve predictive accuracy even in cases where seasonal non-cointegration is clearly rejected on statistical grounds. The findings from the real-world examples are corroborated by Monte Carlo simulation.Part of this paper was written while the author was visiting professor at the University of California San Diego.  相似文献   

Under the dominant role of a belief function, Farmer argues that the stock market is the Granger cause of the unemployment rate, which implies that the natural rate hypothesis is an outdated idea. This article provides some new empirical evidence supporting this view using threshold cointegration and asymmetric error correction models. The results show that these models can assess asymmetric dynamics between unemployment and the stock market. Moreover, regime switches of the momentum threshold autoregressive adjustment specification are highly consistent with recessions in the US economy during the last 60 years.  相似文献   

Jeng Bau Lin 《Applied economics》2013,45(22):2897-2907
This article examines the existence of threshold cointegration between futures and spot prices for the Brent petroleum market. We then estimate the asymmetric error-correction specification utilizing the Momentum Threshold Autoregressive Consistent (M-TAR-C) approach particularly proposed by Enders and Siklos (2001 Enders, W and Siklos, PL. 2001. Cointegration and threshold adjustment. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 19: 16676. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). We find that, for the daily data over 2 January 2001 through 15 October 2006, the petroleum futures prices are cointegrated with the spot prices. This effectively confirms the expectations hypothesis and that asymmetric adjustments for the futures basis towards the long-run value display a negative basis from the long-run equilibrium level more persistently than a positive basis from that level. The empirical result suggests that short-run arbitrages manipulating buy-long (sell-short) futures contracts be profitable when a positive basis is weakening (a negative basis is strengthening).  相似文献   

Monthly seasonally unadjusted data can exhibit roots with possibly fractional orders of integration, corresponding to the monthly but also to the quarterly and to the long-run or trending components of the series. In this paper we use a procedure which is suitable to test simultaneously for the order of integration of each of these components and apply it to several US monetary aggregates.
Guglielmo Maria CaporaleEmail:

Empirical tests of household consumption have yielded mixed results regarding the validity of the life cycle/permanent income (LCPI) hypothesis. A significant problem with such studies is the difficulty in finding sufficient micro-level data on household expenditures. By using the recent rich quantity of such data in the Farm Business Farm Management (FBFM) data for Illinois farms from 1995 to 2009, the study reported here for farm households should provide more consistent results regarding the LCPI hypothesis. Applying an empirical model based on the LCPI hypothesis, this article identifies the determinants of farm consumption and the relationship to income. This study provides evidence that current income changes are not significant in explaining the consumption changes of farm households, thus supporting the LCPI hypothesis for farm households.  相似文献   

How the valuation of environmental goods is related to income is a key question for economics, but the role of income inequality is often neglected. We study how income inequality affects the international transfer of the estimated value of environmental goods from a study to a policy site—a practice called value or benefit transfer. Specifically, we apply theory-driven, structural transfer factors to test whether adjusting for income inequality affects errors made in benefit transfer, drawing on a multi-country valuation study on water quality improvement. Our convergent validity analysis shows that the structural income inequality adjustment reduces benefit transfer errors by between 1.5 and 1.8 percentage points on average across all transfers. We therefore find that adjusting for income inequality offers only a minor improvement of benefit transfers as compared to adjusting for differences in mean income. Overall, our results shed light on the potential of structural approaches to benefit transfer for environmental valuation and public policy appraisal.  相似文献   

This paper examines several US monthly financial time series using fractional integration and cointegration techniques. The univariate analysis based on fractional integration aims to determine whether the series are I(1) (in which case markets might be efficient) or alternatively I(d) with \(d < 1\) , which implies mean reversion. The multivariate framework exploiting recent developments in fractional cointegration allows to investigate in greater depth the relationships between financial series. We show that there might exist many (fractionally) cointegrated bivariate relationships among the variables examined, for some of which only standard cointegration tests had previously been carried out.  相似文献   

This paper aims to estimate a parsimonious data-congruent model for aggregate real consumption in Japan using quarterly data over the past two decades. Testing co-breaking, cointegration and weak exogeneity plays an important role in pursuing the model reduction. It is demonstrated that co-breaking removes a deterministic shift caused by the collapse of the bubble economy in Japan in the early 1990s. Multivariate cointegration analysis then reveals that inflation plays a critical role in accounting for the long-run behaviour of the aggregate consumption. Further analysis finds that inflation and aggregate income are weakly exogenous with respect to a set of parameters of interest. Finally, a parsimonious data-congruent model for the aggregate consumption is estimated conditional on the set of weakly exogenous variables.  相似文献   

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