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河南省家庭农场发展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国内外家庭农场发展的实践证明,适宜的家庭农场模式是农业现代化乃至经济崛起的关键.本文首先运用实证分析法对我国发展家庭农场典型地区及河南省已有家庭农场和种养大户进行实例调查与分析,总结了我国及河南发展家庭农场的历程和现状;其次,运用归纳法得出了河南发展家庭农场存在土地流转难、政策支持不明朗、职业农场主人才缺乏等现实困境的结论;再次,结合土地流转情况以及现有土地所有者、经营者的能力和愿景,参考国内外家庭农场选择模式的经验,为河南设计”小规模兼营型家庭农场”的发展模式,并从经营主体、经营规模、认可模式、土地流转模式及规模4个主要方面提出了具体的推进思路;然后,运用演绎法得出家族企业的公司治理模式为其发展趋势的观点;最后,从河南省角度提出加快土地流转制度改革,确立相关法规,制定与完善财政、税收、金融、保险等扶持政策,培育具有企业家素质的新型职业农民的政策建议,构建了制度保障体系.  相似文献   

[目的]将平衡计分卡(BSC)应用于家庭农场经营绩效评价,反映家庭农场经营绩效的综合水平和发展潜力,把握家庭农场经营绩效的产业与区域差异。[方法]文章从经济、协调、管理、生态、创新5个维度构建家庭农场经营绩效评价指标体系,基于2019年吉林省东中西部4种产业类型家庭农场的问卷调查数据,使用模糊综合评价(FCE)对被调查农场经营绩效进行综合评价与比较分析。[结果]被调查家庭农场总体绩效处于一般和较好之间。其中,协调绩效良好,创新绩效处于一般和良好之间,经济绩效一般,管理绩效和生态绩效偏低;特别是在营销和融资渠道多元化,品牌化与有机化生产方面存在发展瓶颈;不同产业类型家庭农场经营绩效存在明显差异,种养结合类家庭农场绩效最为突出,果蔬类和粮食类家庭农场次之,养殖类家庭农场得分最低;家庭农场经营绩效的区域差异不显著。[结论]应加大政策扶持力度,规范土地流转形式,加强金融服务建设,拓宽融资渠道,加快职业农场主培养,促进家庭农场全面、健康与协调发展。  相似文献   

[目的]通过实证分析黑龙江省家庭农场的经营效率与经济效益,以期为未来家庭农场的发展提供建议。[方法]文章选取黑龙江省4个县(市、区)83个家庭农场作为研究样本,运用DEA方法对调研数据进行经营效率测算,并与其经济效益进行对比分析。[结果](1)黑龙江家庭农场综合效率平均值为0.459,总体处于中等水平,有很大的提升空间;(2)黑龙江家庭农场户均纯收益较高,但政府各种形式的补贴明显高于纯收益。[结论](1)黑龙江省家庭农场技术效率值偏低,在未来发展过程中要努力提升技术能力与管理水平;(2)经营效率与经济效益之间存在正相关性;(3)经营规模并非越大越好,应发展适度规模经营;(4)土地流转费用过高,导致家庭农场经济效益降低。应调整土地流转价格,协调好土地所有者与经营者之间的关系;(5)财政补贴能显著提升家庭农场的收益,应充分发挥政府的调节作用。  相似文献   

This study examines the rates of return to resources in commercial agriculture in Ontario relative to the rates of return that similar resources could expect to earn in the nonfarm sector. Farm returns, which are defined to include net farm income plus capital gains to farm real estate, are measured for a selected group of Ontario farms over a four year period from 1971 to 1974. Two farm to nonfarm returns comparisons are made, based on comparable nonfarm earnings for farm resources calculated in terms of 1) a self-employment standard, and 2) a wage-earner-stockholder standard. Each comparison examines four return components for both farm and nonfarm returns: the labour return, the management return, the investment yield, and capital gains. Returns ratios are calculated, both including and excluding capital gains, to compare farm to nonfarm returns for each comparison. The overall returns comparisons indicate that rates of return to resources in commercial agriculture are generally quite close to comparable nonfarm rates of return, with capital gains constituting an important component of farm returns. At the same time the returns comparisons reveal a high degree of variability of rates of return among farms and over time. La présente étude compare les taux de rémunération des ressources des l'agriculture commerciale en Ontario et qu'engendreraient ces mêmes ressources dans un secteur d'activité non agricole. Les revenus agricoles, que Ton définit comme la somme du revenue net d'un exploitant et des gains provenant de ses placements immobiliers, ont étéévalués en Ontario pour un groupe d'exploitations pendant une période de quatre ans, 1971 à 1974. Deux normes de revenus non agricoles, à savoir l'entreprise privée et le salariéactionnaire, ont été retenues et compareées avec le revenu de l'exploitant agricole. Chaque norme comporte quatre éléments de rémunération: le travail, la gestion, le rendement de l'investissement et les gains en capitaux. Les rapports ont été calculés pour chaque norme de deux façons, avec ou sans les gains en capitaux, afin de comparer les revenus agricoles aux revenus non agricoles escomptés. La comparaison générate montre que dans l'ensemble le taux de revenu des ressources de l'agriculture commerciale se rapproche de ceux escomptés pour les activités non agricoles, et que les gains en capitaux constituent une bonne part des revenus de l'exploitant agricole. En outre, l'analyse révèle un degréélevé de variabilité des taux de revenu en fonction des divers exploitants et du facteur temps.  相似文献   

Nitrogen response curves derived from experimental data are used with a profit maximising condition to obtain optimum N rates, yields and gross margin losses for a range of nitrogen and cereal prices. These results are used with a linear programming model of an arable farm to estimate changes in the optimal cropping allocation and hence the farm scale effects of relative price changes. Total nitrogen applied is found to have a limited response: a doubling of the N price reduces the total used by between 24% and 10% depending on the availability of low-N break-crops. Cereal price changes reduce profitability severely before having any significant effect on N use.  相似文献   

[目的]作为农业产业化联合体的基础,家庭农场的价值共创意愿对各利益相关主体实现深度融合、共赢发展至关重要。[方法]文章运用有调节的中介效应模型,基于安徽省农业产业化联合体中的284个家庭农场调查数据,实证分析了联合体内部互动对家庭农场参与价值共创意愿的影响及其作用机制,探讨了利益分配合理程度的中介效应以及合作社服务能力的调节效应。[结果](1)资源互动、生产互动和约束互动均对家庭农场的价值共创意愿具有显著的正向促进作用;(2)利益分配合理程度在资源互动、生产互动和约束互动对家庭农场的价值共创意愿的影响过程中均发挥中介效应;(3)合作社服务能力在利益分配合理程度对家庭农场的价值共创意愿的影响过程中不具有显著的调节作用。[结论]联合体内部互动能够有效提高家庭农场参与价值共创的意愿,并且通过互动,可以提高联合体内部利益分配的合理程度,进而对家庭农场的价值共创意愿产生显著的正向影响。  相似文献   

This paper measures farm-specific technical efficiencies of rice farms in Central Luzon, the Philippines, at discrete points in time. Stochastic frontier production functions are estimated from the International Rice Research Institute's Loop Survey for the years 1970, 1974, 1979 and 1982. From the results, a measure of relative technical efficiency is calculated for each farm for each year. The four distributions of technical efficiencies are examined. Results show that technical inefficiency is the major reason for deviation from the frontier production function. All four samples show a large range of inefficiency but in general efficiency has improved, particularly between 1979 and 1982.  相似文献   

Official statistics do not reveal the nature of the contribution which farmers' wives make to the farm labour force. On the basis of a pilot study, three roles for women on farms were identified. Main distinguishing features were division of labour between husband and wife, frequency of manual work, responsibility for farm enterprises, participation in formal organisations and approach to housework. Home-centred farm housewives only work on the farm occasionally, working farmwives assist their husbands regularly while women farmers threaten male status by doing “man's” work. Reasons for women playing one role rather than another are discussed. Trends in agriculture suggest that the farmer's wife's contribution to the farm business will become still more significant in future. “The concept of ‘the farmer and his wife’ so often used by agricultural economics is far from having universal validity” (Ashby, 1953: 97).  相似文献   

关于财务管理问题的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者从地质大队领导的角度论证了如何抓好财务管理,强调:首先要抓好融资,搞活机制;其次要用好资金,扩大规模,增加效益;第三,抓住重点,培植财源。最后强调抓好基础工作,促进管理规范化  相似文献   

The beef production function of different enterprises has been estimated for the sample farms in Nova Scotia. The returns to scale and marginal productivity of resources are derived from the production functions. It indicates decreasing returns to scale and the low marginal productivities of grain, labor, and variable costs for all enterprises. Grain and hay are the most important feeds for beef production. Many beef farms in the province produce more roughage than grain. The marginal rate of substitution of hay for grain is diminishing. Beef farmers can produce equal amounts of product with different combinations of the two feeds. The results provide the possibility of finding the least-cost combination of inputs. This study has specified the optimum input levels under different prices of inputs. It will help beef farmers to allocate their resources properly in order to maximize profits. Les fonctions de production de boeuf de différentes entreprises ont été eslimées à partir de fermes selectionées en Nouvelle-Ecosse. Les économies ?échelle et la productivté marginale des ressources sont dérivées des fonctions de production. On retrouve dans toutes les entreprises des économies ?échelle décroissantes et une faille productivity marginale du grain, du travail et des couts variables. Le grain el le foin constituent la plus importanle source ?alimentation dans la production de boeuf. Plusieurs fermes ?élevage de boef produisent plus de fourrage que de grain. Le laux marginal de substitution du foin pour le grain va en diminuant. Les éleveurs de boeuf peuvent produire des quantités egales par des combinaisons différentes de ces deux aliments. Les résultats ptrmettent de déterminer la combinaison la moins coûteuse pour la consommation des aliments, Cette étude a détérmine les niveaux optime de consommation selon les différents prix des aliments. Elle aidera les producteurs de boeuf à distribuer adéquatement les aliments afin de maximiser les profits.  相似文献   

艾比湖区生态环境极其脆弱,尤其建国以后的大规模开垦,减少了入湖水量,导致湖面萎缩,风沙危害严重,对沿岸团场的生产和生活产生了较大的影响,针对近年来日益严重的生态环境问题,对艾比湖流域自然资源的合理开发和利用,生态环境的防治与保护提出了相应的措施,搞好生态环境建设,对保证该区绿洲农业的可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

As a basis for both planning and evaluation, improved statistical information is required on the peasant section of developing economies. Developments made in Kenya since 1960 are discussed, covering the trial of various methodological approaches to the economic study of small farms, and the evolution of satisfactory procedures which can be applied in a large government research organisation in which technical accuracy and efficiency must be combined with administrative simplicity and the quick production at reasonable cost of specific information that is required for economic planning. Consideration is given to full farm business studies, enterprise studies and the collection of agricultural statistics in conditions where the complexities of mixed farming systems create unusual problems.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to estimate a bias-free agricultural production function with a view to examining efficiency differences among small rice farmers. Simultaneous equation bias is avoided if we assume that farmers maximise expected profits; specification bias, which commonly occurs when a management input is omitted from such functions, is circumvented by introducing farm-specific dummy variables into a combined cross-sectional and time-series data set. Applying this model to data for 32 Philippine rice farms between 1970 and 1979, rather small production-elasticities are obtained for the conventional inputs and an efficiency ranking of the farms is presented. Second stage analysis shows that differences in soil type, land tenure, education and access to credit are important factors explaining these efficiency differences.  相似文献   

A small stratified sample was drawn from irrigated dairy farms judged to exhibit two degrees (high and low) of salting in the soil. Cobb-Douglas production functions were fitted to time series and cross sectional data for each stratum. The results support the conclusion that the data from the two strata can be pooled and that the quality of the soil in this area can be modelled using an analysis of covariance approach. A preliminary confidence interval for the geometric mean of the ratio of the shadow price of water to the price of butterfat for farms in the sample was also calculated. This interval supports the hypothesis that rationed irrigation water is worth more to these farms than the price paid.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of a study in which multiperiod linear programming models were used to examine the probable responses of small and medium sized dairy farms in Northern Ireland to various policy, farm indebtedness and development options and to project consequent structural change in the dairy sector. The introduction of quotas has curtailed the considerable potential for expansion of output on these farms while having a less detrimental effect on farm profits and the survival of the smaller dairy herd than the price cut necessary to produce the same reduction in output.  相似文献   

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