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Does the seemingly disproportionate growth in Australia of agricultural economics, relative to other branches of applied economics, represent a misallocation of educational and research resources? Probably not, since (i) it may be better–because of the existence of increasing returns–to concentrate one's limited resources of economist brainpower in a few fields than to spread them widely; and (ii) the growth of agricultural economics has helped to correct certain weaknesses–particularly in micro-economics and econometrics–in the Australian economics profession as a whole. However, it is suggested that in the future agricultural economists might apply their skills increasingly to non-agricultural problems. 相似文献
费宣 《中国国土资源经济》2001,14(1):16-17
文章作者根据多年的工作实践经验,针对地勘队伍属地化管理、地勘单位企业化经营的现状,对地勘工作改革与发展提出了10个方面的基本思路. 相似文献
G. H. Peters 《Journal of Agricultural Economics》1980,31(3):381-397
粮食直接补贴安徽省现行的粮食补贴政策,是以1998-2002年国有粮食购销企业按保护价收购农民余粮年平均数量和核定的价差标准,确定各地粮食直接补贴总额,再以农业税计税田亩或计税常产为依据,将补贴落实到每个农户。这是根据当时粮食市场总体上供大于求的状况确定的,虽然测算中含有粮食收购量的因素,但从结果看,是一种“普惠制”补贴。不论农民种什么,都有补贴。这种补贴,不利于调动种粮农民的积极性,不利于国家掌握商品粮源。粮食直补的资金来源是粮食风险基金,建立粮食风险基金的目的是保障国家粮食安全。粮食直接补贴的目的,应还粮食风险… 相似文献
对我国发展节水农业几个问题的思考 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
综合国内外对发展节水农业的各种观点,简要分析了我国未来农业用水危机形势,指出发展节水农业是我国农业可持续发展的必然选择,提出了节水农业技术和管理体系,研讨了我国发展节水农业的几战略性问题。 相似文献
对发展广西蔗糖业的一点思考 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为提高广西蔗糖业的市场竞争力,确保广西蔗糖业这一支柱产业持续、稳定、健康发展,文章分析了广西蔗糖业所面临的形势和存在问题,提出了要建立蔗糖业风险预测机制、调减甘蔗面积、延长制糖企业产业链等六点建议。 相似文献
目的 农业作为保障国家粮食安全和生态安全的基础性产业,在推动我国实现“碳达峰与碳中和”目标中将起到至关重要的作用。农业温室气体减排和农田土壤固碳是实现农业碳中和的重要途径,但在国家整体“双碳”目标实现过程中,农业碳达峰、助力碳中和应该主要解决什么问题,以便能够更好地纳入国家总体布局中;在实施过程中需要注意哪些全局性和方向性的问题目前尚不清晰。方法 文章对目前农业固碳减排研究的成果进行了系统的梳理、总结和凝练,针对我国不同阶段农业固碳减排在“双碳”目标实现中所需解决的科学问题和技术难题提出相应建议。结果 明确了“双碳”目标实现过程中,不同阶段农业固碳减排需关注和解决的三大关系(固碳减排与生产力稳定性之间的协同关系、土壤固碳与温室气体减排之间的协同关系、温室气体与污染物协同减排的关系),并在系统监测、碳贸易方法学、构建人才队伍等方面提出了未来发展的方向及建议。结论 为科学控制我国农业温室气体排放、发展低碳绿色农业提供参考依据,以期为实现我国“碳中和”目标贡献农业力量。 相似文献
The time pattern of effects of inflation on prices received, prices paid, asset returns, and real incomes of different members of the agricultural sector is described. In the long run it is argued that inflation will have very small, if any, effects on relative prices or real incomes. For the short run, which may be several years, it is likely that some prices will rise more slowly than others and cause income losses. Included in the group of losers are producers of export products. 相似文献
邱立军 《中国农业资源与区划》2016,37(11):163-169
农民专业合作社在国家政策支持下得到了快速发展,然而资金紧缺成为制约其发展的瓶颈。文章以吉林省农民专业合作社为例对其融资问题展开研究,针对吉林省农民专业合作社的发展现状,从资本构成、债务来源、融资困难程度等3个方面对融资现状进行分析,发现目前吉林省农民合作社债务融资比例较低,且民间融资成为其主要融资来源,多数合作社存在不同程度的融资困难。并选取影响农民专业合作社融资问题的合作社盈利能力、合作社抗风险能力、合作社管理机制、信用状况、涉农金融机构信贷倾向、涉农金融机构创新能力和政府政策等7个变量建立解释结构模型(ISM),最终得出信用状况和金融机构的创新能力是影响合作社融资的根本原因,合作社的盈利能力和涉农金融机构的信贷倾向是表层原因,合作社的抗风险能力、管理机制和政府政策则是通过底层信用状况和涉农金融机构的创新能力传导到表层。针对合作社融资难,该文从合作社、涉农金融机构、当地政府等方面,提出相应对策与建议。 相似文献
准噶尔盆地治理开发若干问题的调查与思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
宋宗水 《中国农业资源与区划》2002,23(1):10-13
对准噶尔盆地的治理开发提出4个方面想法,即:在多风干旱农区推行膜与滴灌;荒漠植被保护与培育;准噶尔盆地沙漠的治理开发方针和能达到的规模;以及合理调配水资源。 相似文献
R. C. Jensen 《Journal of Agricultural Economics》1969,20(2):251-267
Techniques of investment evaluatio and caost-benefit analysis have occupied and increasingly important role in the armoury of the economist. Certain critetria have become established as traditional measures of “profitability” or desirability of investment opportunities. These criteria, however, exhibit some characteristics which are apparently not recognised by a number of analysis, but which are fundamental to proficient investment evaluation. This paper explains some of these characteristics under assumptions of varying scale, timing and rate of investmetn, and various financing conditions. 相似文献
现阶段土地整理若干问题研究——以当涂县为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
程久苗 《国土与自然资源研究》2002,(4):24-26
土地整理是实现耕地总量动态平衡的重要措施,是实现土地利用方式由粗放型到集约型转变的重要保证。以当涂县为例,探讨了现阶段土地整理的现实意义、模式及主要制约因素,并从体制、机制和法制上进一步提出了实施土地整理的保障措施。 相似文献
B. E. Cracknell 《Journal of Agricultural Economics》1971,22(3):277-286
Hitherto there has been a tendency for project appraisal to be regarded as the last stage in project work: but to be effective the basic principles of appraisal, e.g. discounting, shadow pricing, evaluation of secondary benefits, etc., must be applied at all stages and especially in the initial selection of projects and suitable technologies. Recognition of this has led donors to adopt the sector approach in which projects “grow out of” the continuous process of examining national and sector programmes. The ultimate objective of donors must be to encourage developing countries to use the right appraisal procedures in making their own investment decisions. 相似文献
丛众华 《中国农业资源与区划》2018,39(8):170-175
[目的]在简要回顾世界葡萄酒产量波动和国内葡萄酒市场发展空间的基础上,认真分析总结台依湖国际酒庄、烟台时代酒业、烟台张裕、蓬莱和甘肃武威等发展葡萄酒产业的成功经验,提出未来乳山发展葡萄酒产业的对策建议,为在具有自然优势的地区推广适宜的葡萄酒特色产业模式提供参考和借鉴。[方法]结合文献资料及实地调研,运用归纳演绎方法系统阐述乳山市发展葡萄酒产业的优势条件,运用实证分析方法探讨研究乳山市发展葡萄酒产业存在技术支撑力度不到位、缺少相应公共服务平台及产业协调发展力度不够等问题及发展葡萄酒产业的对策建议。[结果]乳山市要发展葡萄酒产业唯有整合优势资源,实施供给侧结构性改革,满足生产高质量的葡萄和葡萄酒、尊重人和环境、保证葡萄与葡萄酒长期的经济效益3方面的要求,充分发挥政府的引导作用,科学规划转型发展个性化强和性价比高的葡萄酒庄,拓展葡萄酒与文化的多样性融合发展,形成多核驱动格局。[结论]研究结果为探讨在具有自然优势的地区推广适宜的葡萄酒特色产业模式提供了一定依据,葡萄酒产业的发展过程中应充分考虑地域的优势资源和市场供需,因地制宜,科学规划,从实际出发,立足当地特色,从资源、生态及文化因素等多方面融合分析、相互配合,最终促进具有自然优势的地区发展个性化强和性价比高的葡萄酒产业。 相似文献
The rapid growth of Australian mineral exports, through its effect on the balance of payments, is a significant force for structural change in other sectors. From the viewpoint of the rural sector which exports and the manufacturing sector which competes with imports, this force will be similar to that which would flow from very large tariff changes. Consequently, by observing the adjustments of the rural and manufacturing sectors to the rapid growth of mineral exports, it is possible to calculate indirect estimates of the effect of the Australian tariff on them. It is calculated that the mineral discoveries have had a much greater effect on these sectors than the recent across the board 25 per cent general reduction of tariffs. 相似文献
With emphasis upon Central Australia, an assessment is made of the economic problems of pastoral firms in meeting the climatic conditions of the arid zone. Analysis ranges over the responsibility for conservation and drought planning, the inadequacy of a purely physical approach to conservation, the difficulties of station organization and management in the arid zone, the array of possible managerial strategies for meeting these difficulties, and the effect of social institutions on the choices avail. able to management. 相似文献
S. Olajuwon Olayide 《Journal of Agricultural Economics》1972,23(3):263-276
The production of export crops or cash crops as they are called in developing countries is subject to various characteristics which affect supply and producer response relationships. For perennials such as cocoa, oil palms, rubber, and coffee which are produced in Nigeria, cultivation involves planting, gestation, removal, yield, replacement, rehabilitation, etc. For annuals such as cotton, groundnuts and soya beans exported from Nigeria, similar situations, excluding gestation and replacement problems, are involved. Models for estimating supply schedules and response must be complex and highly demanding in data in order to encompass these dimensions. The models developed in this study rest on the classical assumption of rational producers who respond positively to producer prices. Because of data limitations ordinary least squares (O.L.S.) regression is employed to develop three types of price elasticities of supply for six commodities - cocoa, palm oil kernel, groundnut, rubber and cotton. The results confirm the response to depressing pricing policies of the Marketing Boards in Nigeria and suggest policy implications of price and production incentives as positive means of enhancing improved production response designed to rejuvenate Nigeria's export crop industry under economic development. 相似文献