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美国次贷危机以次级贷款危机为起点,迅速蔓延到美国的金融、股市、房地产市场乃至整个美国经济,并且随着全球经济链条进一步扩展到世界各地,进而演变成为全球性经济危机。基于美国处于世界经济的核心地位和中国经济、产业、金融、外汇的特殊性,中国政府必须进一步结合自身经济特点,采取积极、合理的政策应对美国次贷金融危机对中国经济带来的消极影响。  相似文献   


The paper reviews the International Monetary Fund's (IMF's) non-concessional lending programs following the global financial crisis, with a view to understanding how the IMF applied the lessons of the Asian crisis in designing its approach to crisis management. For this purpose, the paper focuses on the 2008 programs in Hungary, Iceland, Latvia and Ukraine – the first of its kind since the early 2000s – and compares them with the 1997 programs in Indonesia, Korea and Thailand. Our analysis finds the European programs better funded and their structural conditionality more focused. Other than these, the overall thrust of the programs was similar: fiscal and monetary tightening, coupled with banking reforms. The real difference was not so much about content but about philosophy. Relative to the Asian programs, the European programs were characterized by more emphasis on ownership, greater collaboration among stakeholders, more realistic assumptions and greater transparency about the risks and the logic of policy actions, and more built-in flexibility of targets and policy options. This approach to crisis management incorporated the changes that had been made since the Asian crisis in the IMF's policies and procedures to manage capital account crises more effectively.  相似文献   

美国次级房贷危机已对全球股市和美国经济产生较大影响。分析美国次级房贷危机产生的背景和原因,并指出中国的抵押贷款市场存在的重大风险。我们应该以美国次级债危机为借鉴,为中国房地产市场发展和金融市场的健康发展获得一些启示,并做好风险防范措施。  相似文献   

美国次级房贷危机已对全球股市和美国经济产生较大影响。分析美国次级房贷危机产生的背景和原因,并指出中国的抵押贷款市场存在的重大风险。我们应该以美国次级债危机为借鉴,为中国房地产市场发展和金融市场的健康发展获得一些启示,并做好风险防范措施。  相似文献   

经济转型期的产业断层危机   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
产业断层危机不同于一般经济周期,它产生于产业结构升级转换中的结构失衡,表现为中长期的结构错落和增长速度迟缓。根据引发的因素可以分为“康氏周期拐点型”、“泡沫经济引致型”、“货币危机引致型”和“产业升级转换型”等类型,中国目前正处于工业化中期阶段,产业结构正面临着向新兴技术和新兴产业转型阶段,到2005年前后,我国将面临产业结构大规模升级,届时由于现阶段的资源瓶颈、产业回补、出口压力、技术瓶颈、产业虚高度化和尤格拉周期因素,可能会发生较大的产业断层危机。  相似文献   

2008年标志着自2003年开始的国际投资热潮的终结。由于不断恶化的全球金融和经济危机的影响,与2007年相比,2008年全球FDI和跨国并购总额下降超过20%;考虑到危机对跨国公司投资支出的影响会随着时间而逐步完全显现出来,因此,2009年这种趋势仍将继续。我国鼓励吸引外资方式由绿地投资向跨国并购转变,然而由于各种因素,跨国并购占FDI的投资比重始终过低。分析了造成这种现状的原因,提出在全球金融和经济危机情况下,如何利用有利条件,更好地吸引跨国并购。  相似文献   

Much discussion of the financial crisis has been shaped by an analytical narrative around a state versus markets antithesis of the kind that characterises many critiques of neo-liberalism. Yet in several important respects this antithesis creates a problematic lens through which to see some significant components of the financial crisis. This is particularly apparent if we sufficiently account for the role that the two privately owned but congressionally chartered American mortgage corporations, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, played in the crisis. These two huge companies were placed into conservatorship by the American federal government in September 2008. This move gave direct operational control over the corporations to the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) – an independent federal regulatory agency. At the same time, the American government took effective responsibility for the liabilities of the corporations, which totalled $5.4 trillion. Strikingly, this move was not so much a moment of discontinuity brought about by the explosion of the financial crisis in the autumn of 2008, but in an important sense the culmination of a long-standing relationship between the American state and the two corporations, which had already played its part in the development of the crisis through the subprime-boom.  相似文献   

美国风险投资金融经济价值问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张陆洋 《经济问题》2007,(10):120-123
从美国风险投资发展的历程入手,分析其通过加速技术创新,从而创造宏观经济价值效应、促进就业的重要金融经济贡献,得出以下主要结论:风险投资在国家金融经济领域具有重要地位,它与具有发展潜力的高科技产业紧密地联系在一起,促进了技术创新和专利发明;风险投资与国家宏观经济以及国际竞争力具有长期正相关关系;风险投资与平均年工资水平和劳动生产率之间也存在强正相关关系;风险投资在美国的国家金融经济领域的以上各个方面发挥了及其重要的作用.由此得到启示:在中国经济转型的关键时期,大力发展风险投资已是当务之急,美国风险投资的运作模式能够为更有效地发挥风险投资所应有的金融经济价值提供借鉴.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of the 2008–9 global economic crisis on people's pro‐environmental behavior and willingness to pay for climate change mitigation. We hypothesize that the crisis has affected pro‐environmental behaviors through tightening of budget constraints and relaxation of time constraints. Using data from a large representative survey Life in Transition II, conducted in 35 European and Central Asian countries in 2010, we find that people adversely affected by the crisis are more likely to act in an environmentally‐friendly way, but less likely to be willing to pay for climate change mitigation. Our findings confirm the importance of time and budget constraints for undertaking pro‐environmental action, and highlight a potentially positive role of adverse, external welfare shocks in shaping pro‐environmental behavior.  相似文献   

This paper examines the employment response of native and migrant workers over the business cycle in the construction sectors of European countries between 2008 and 2011. Using a dynamic model (Generalized Method of Moments), which accounts for ‘intergroup substitutability’, we observe that differences in the cyclical employment patterns of migrants and natives in the construction sector may be due to a potential selection of EU and non-EU migrants who are disproportionately prone to cyclical fluctuations in temporary jobs or a higher turnover rate.  相似文献   

With its dilatory and piecemeal fiscal activism and uncharacteristic aversion to IMF assistance, the Turkish government's response to the global economic crisis of 2008–9 diverged considerably from prevalent trends in other major emerging market countries. Underlying this intriguing pattern were Turkey's pre-existing policy and macroeconomic constraints, cognitive lapses on the part of policymakers, and the conjunctural dynamics of domestic politics. The interplay of these factors progressively narrowed the policy space for vigorous action, leading to a motley combination of reactive initiatives that neither offered sufficient protection to vulnerable social groups nor promised sustainable growth in the long run despite rapid short-term recovery.  相似文献   

2008年由美国次贷危机引发的金融危机已全面蔓延,渗透到各个经济领域和经济区域,甘肃经济也同样受到金融危机的;中击。面对金融危机,首先要保持经济稳定、社会稳定,与此同时应充分利用国家政策,发挥政府在金融危机中的主导作用,甘肃经济发展的也应遵循这一原则和路径。甘肃经济在此次金融危机中挑战与机遇并存,甘肃省要充分利用金融危机中国家的相关政策,加快甘肃基础设施建设,调整产业结构,实现甘肃经济的稳定与发展。  相似文献   

文章在探讨了金融危机形势下加强农产品深加工的重要意义,并分析了我国农产品深加工业发展现状,在此基础上有针对性地提出了壮大农产品深加工龙头企业,推进农产品深加工向农村转移,提高农产品深加工科技含量和技术水平,健全农产品深加工质量管理体系等对策,为农产品深加工业寻找发展的新机遇和农民增收的新途径。  相似文献   

银行危机过程中的道德风险及其对银行危机成本的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从理论和实证的角度分析了处于危机状态的银行,为什么会产生严重的道德风险问题,以及道德风险是如何影响危机处理成本的,并提出我国中小金融体系重建必须重视先从根本上克服存在的问题。  相似文献   

希腊债务危机引发了欧洲认同危机:欧元信用受到质疑、在救助希腊问题上欧盟成员国的意见分歧、欧洲民众对欧元的信心动摇和欧盟的救助无力等因素弱化了欧洲认同。欧洲货币联盟的结构性缺陷、希腊债务危机中欧盟成员国对国家利益的维护和民族认同的差异是其主要原因。消除希腊债务危机对欧洲认同负面影响的出路在于缩小欧元区成员国的经济差距、加强成员国之间的团结和合作、建立欧元区财政合作机制、增强欧盟层面的领导力,并在此过程中强化欧洲认同。  相似文献   

次贷危机对实体经济的影响及政策建议   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2007年以来,美国次贷危机的影响进一步从金融层面传导到实体经济层面,危机的国际传导效应增大了全球经济的风险,国际经济形势更趋复杂.在此背景下,中国经济也不可避免地受到影响,其中主要体现在对出口、房地产及资产价格等方面.目前我国经济中存在着通胀增速过快及经济过热的双重压力,同时人民币又处于升值周期,这无疑加大了政府宏观调控政策实施的难度.次贷危机也对全球特别是中国的监管体制提出了挑战.  相似文献   

Analysis of the German response to the euro crisis has been framed around a narrative of the relationship between domestic sacrifice and hegemony and sustains an assumption that the German commitment to the euro is proven. Such analysis downplays the importance of the banking crisis in Germany in explaining the decision-making of the German government around the euro-zone debt crisis. Giving German interests in relation to the German banking crisis analytical weight can explain both the positions taken by the German government and their consequences for the underlying structural problems the euro-zone faces as a monetary union. Since the outcomes of German policy have advanced German interests, German handling of the euro-zone crisis cannot sustain a claim that Germany has demonstrated its commitment to the euro.  相似文献   

中国房地产业宏观调控高度重视住房消费与住房投资,尤其突出地表现为对二者的区剐对待."鼓励消费,抑制投资"成为中国房地产业宏观调控的基本原则之一,其理论基础是:住房投资的信贷风险较高,容易引发银行危机,乃至整个金融危机或经济危机;而住房消费似乎具有某种"抗体",其引发金融危机的风险从未引起人们的高度重视.本文认为美国次级债危机从现实层面推翻了以上传统认识,有力冲击了中国房地产业宏观调控的理论基础.本文对住房消费与住房投资在多重视角下的重新解读,从理论层面修正了传统认识.  相似文献   

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