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A three stage approach is proposed to measure technical efficiency in a fuzzy environment. This approach uses the traditional data envelopment analysis framework and then merges concepts developed in fuzzy parametric programming (Carlsson and Korhonen, 1986). In the first stage, vague input and output variables are expressed in terms of their risk-free and impossible bounds and a membership function. This membership function represents the degree to which a production scenario is plausible. In the second stage, conventional efficiency measurement models (Banker, Charnes and Cooper, 1984; Deprins, Simar and Tulkens, 1984) are re-formulated in terms of the risk-free and impossible bounds and the membership function for each of the fuzzy input and output variables. In the third stage, technical efficiency scores are computed for different values of the membership function so as to identify uniquely sensitive decision making units. The approach is illustrated in the context of a preprint and packaging manufacturing line which inserts commercial pamphlets into newspapers.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》1983,8(1):6-8
We continue to make our best guesses about likely policy developments rather than assuming ' unchanged policies '. This forecast differs from our July forecast in that we have not assumed any income tax cuts; nor have we assumed, as we did in July, that National Insurance contributions would be increased. We do, however, continue to assume the abolition of the national insurance surcharge in two equal stages during the 1984-5 fiscal year, as well as the usual indexation of tax allowances and bands and revalorisation of indirect taxes. This change in assumptions about policy reflects our guess that the new Chancellor, Nigel Lawson, will attempt to hit his monetary targets by a combination of tighter fiscal policy and lower interest rates than we had previously assumed. In this forecast interest rates are on average about 2 points lower than in July.  相似文献   

一、策划背景 1、休闲经济已具规模 从1999年全国第一个长假至今,黄金周已经步入第八个年头。黄金周旅游年年火爆,旅游业次次大获丰收,据统计,今年“五一”黄金周仅深圳市就接待游客288万人次,7天旅游收入高达20多亿元,全国的数字更为可观。这些数字表明,我国的休闲经济已具有相当规模。尽管休闲经济研究在国内外,尚属于较新的领域,然而许多经济专家十分看好我国休闲经济的前景。  相似文献   

设(M,T)是一个带有光滑对合T的光滑闭流形,T在M上的不动点集为F={x|T(x)=x,x∈M},则F为M的闭子流形的不交并。本文证明了:当F=P(2,1)时,(M,T)协边于零。  相似文献   

This article considers a bivariate INAR(1) process based on an extension of the negative binomial thinning operator by prespecifying the distribution of the innovations. The dependence is introduced through the innovation components. The existence, uniqueness, strict stationarity, ergodicity, and some probabilistic properties of the process are derived. The estimation methods of conditional least squares and conditional maximum likelihood are considered. Some numerical results of the estimates are presented by simulation study. An application to crime data set is provided.  相似文献   

The basis of this paper is the proposition that the development of squatter communities and informal housing varies throughout developing regions. Squatter developments follow distinct patterns and develop unique characteristics which are affected by regional cultural variables. The paper presents a framework for investigating how different cultural practices affect the nature of squatter development. It first presents a brief overview of prevailing trends of thought regarding the formation of and response to informal housing development. Its principal argument then emerges from a cross-cultural comparison of cases of informal development in the Arab Middle East and Latin America. The comparison shows that there is no all-encompassing model for processes of formation and maturation of squatter settlements. For example, while informal developments in the Middle East have a clearly depoliticized and unobtrusive character, in Latin America such settlements are rarely isolated, maintaining ties to either ruling or opposition political parties. Further analysis elaborates on the definition of culture and its importance as a variable. The argument is made that the purely political/economic circumstances of squatter populations cannot be considered without regard for the cultural contexts in which these are embedded. Finally, the paper critiques the generalized pattern that has emerged to describe the evaluation of informal housing developments in the Third World, despite the key mediating role played by culture. It concludes that a culturally grounded approach may broaden the horizons for housing acquisition by the urban poor.  相似文献   

朱美玲 《价值工程》2012,31(9):207-208
本文利用亚纯函数值分布论的思想方法,对费马型丢番图函数方程f_1~n(z)+f_2~n(z)+f_3~n(z)+f_4~n(z)=1的非平凡亚纯解的存在状况进行研究,得到如下结果:函数方程f_1~(17)(z)+f_2~(17)(z)+f_3~(17)(z)+f_4~(17)(z)=1不存在级小于1的非常数亚纯函数解。  相似文献   

现代城市规划学的内核是由经典物理学为核心的传统理性主义构建的。但进入20世纪80年代以后,在诸多现实的城市问题挑战下,以该方法论为基础的城市规划学遭受空前的责难而支离破碎。另一方面,后现代主义以包罗万象的姿态对传统理性主义所不能包容的城市社会、文化、精神、公平等领域进行"占领",城市规划逐渐变为非理性的政策纲领,以至于有人提出这样的感叹"如果规划什么都是,那么它也许什么都不是"(A·Wildavsky,1973)。以"复杂自适应系统理论(CAS)"为内核的新理性主义,有效克服传统理性主义忽视构成系统的个体的主动性、适应性、学习积累性、集体决策、与周边环境共生、占领生态位、自发隐秩序和"连接总和"等决定性因素。从而展示出,新理性主义不仅能包容传统理性主义的合理内核,又能吸收后现代主义的某些养分,初步构建了连续性与非连续性并存、确定性与非确定性并存、可分性与不可分性并存、预见性和不可预见性并存等的新理论框架。由此可见,只要遵循新理性主义给出的轨迹,现代城市规划学就有希望走出"理性"遭到毁灭的歧路。  相似文献   

阐述了标准化的有效性问题,着重讨论了提高标准化有效性的意义、目标、要求与途径。  相似文献   

A statistical test for the degree of overdispersion of count data time series based on the empirical version of the (Poisson) index of dispersion is considered. The test design relies on asymptotic properties of this index of dispersion, which in turn have been analyzed for time series stemming from a compound Poisson (Poisson‐stopped sum) INAR(1) model. This approach is extended to the popular Poisson INARCH(1) model, which exhibits unconditional overdispersion but has an (equidispersed) conditional Poisson distribution. The asymptotic distribution of the index of dispersion if applied to time series stemming from such a model is derived. These results allow us to investigate the ability of the dispersion test to discriminate between Poisson INAR(1) and INARCH(1) models. Furthermore, the question is considered if the index of dispersion could be used to test the null of a Poisson INARCH(1) model against the alternative of an INARCH(1) model with additional conditional overdispersion.  相似文献   

低碳发展导向的德国城市规划调控力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市是重要的碳排放源,与之相应,低碳发展的重要空间载体是城市.世界上的城市开发调控,均无一例外地将城市空间物质环境作为开发调控的实施对象.德国城市详细规划——建造规划是德国建设许可的主要技术依据.论文基于德国规划法律法规,首先梳理了德国低碳发展相关的开发调控目标,进而分析了低碳发展导向的德国建造规划控制因子,并应用调控力评价模型,对建造规划控制因子实现低碳发展调控目标的调控力进行了评价.研究结果显示,德国建造规划拥有很强的低碳发展调控能力,其调控空间重点从主到从依次为建设许可范围、建筑地块和公共空间,调控理念是以控制排放的主动调控为主、以治理污染的被动调控为辅.  相似文献   

This paper considers structural models with both I(1) and I(0) variables. The structural shocks associated with either set of variables could be permanent or transitory. We classify the shocks as (P1,P0) and (T1,T0), where P/T distinguishes permanent/transitory, while 1/0 means they are attached to structural equations with either I(1) or I(0) variables as their ‘dependent’ variable. We show that P0 shocks can affect cointegration analysis and provide a formula to compute the permanent component if they are present. Finally, we reformulate a well‐known empirical structural vector autoregression showing the impact of P0 shocks when there are just long‐run parametric and sign restrictions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以延庆分区规划为例探讨建立一种以生态保护为前提、优化利用为宗旨,促进要素有机融合、协调布局的区级国土空间规划策略,构建与生态文明转型相适应的空间格局.首先构建面向生态文明发展的总体任务框架,分宏观和中观两个层次,宏观层面重点突出生态、生产、生活三个子系统的空间关系的整体优化,中观层面增强生态要素与生产、生活空间的渗透和融合,以乡镇为基础规划四类覆盖全域的生态融合单元,将各类控制和引导要求落实到下一层次的乡镇规划中,实现对空间布局优化设想的具体落实.  相似文献   

模块化对未来经济发展举足轻重的作用,受到了国外经济学界、管理学界和企业家们高度的关注。加快对模块化的研究和应用已是我国的当务之急。李春田教授在本期《现代标准化前沿——“模块化”研究报告》的前言和第一章中,通过日本的实例阐述了加快我国模块化研究和应用的迫切性,介绍了模块化的基本概念及相关知识,描绘了模块化应用的美好图景。期盼李教授的论文能成为加快我国研究和应用现代模块化的号角和新的起点。  相似文献   

Polycentricity is promoted as an ideal urban form to achieve sustainable and balanced development, and it has been widely adopted by planners in China, especially in large cities. However, the rhetoric about polycentricity has rarely been interrogated in planning research in terms of scales, contextuality, power and rationality. To fill this gap, we carried out a Foucauldian discourse analysis in our research to interpret the nature of polycentric practice in City Master Plans, using Tianjin as a case study. Through an analysis of how the discourse of polycentricity is being deployed in planning documents, we develop two principal arguments in this article. First, the conceptual substance of polycentricity evolved alongside the urban transition process in China, and its discursive practice involved multiple scales and spatial elements. Secondly, rather than being mere technocratic practice, the production and legitimation of distinct discourses of polycentricity is an articulation of multi-scalar power involving various stakeholders, which is disguised and justified by the planning profession.  相似文献   

物流现代化的关键技术之一:物流标识技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以供应链物流为研究对象,专门阐述物流标识技术。对物流标识技术中的物流编码技术与物流条码符号标识技术进行了分析,并对物流标识技术在国内外物流领域的应用作了介绍  相似文献   

In the last two decades, fiscal sustainability has been tested through the use of non‐stationary time series analysis. Two different approximations can be found in the literature: first, a univariate approach that has focused on the stochastic properties of the stock of debt and, second, a multivariate one that has focused on the long‐run properties of the flows of expenditures and revenues, i.e., in the stochastic properties of the deficit. In this paper we unify these approaches considering the stock–flow system that fiscal variables configure. Our approach involves working in an I(2) stochastic processes framework. Given the possibility of the existence of regime shifts in the sustainability of US deficit that the literature has pointed out, we develop a new statistic that can be applied to test several types of I(2) cointegration and multicointegration relationships allowing for regime shifts. To test for these kinds of changing long‐run relationships we propose the use of a residual‐based Dickey–Fuller class of statistic that accounts for one structural break. We show that consistent estimates of the break fraction can be obtained through the minimization of the sum of squared residuals when there is I(2) cointegration. The finite sample performance of the proposed statistic is investigated by Monte Carlo simulations. The econometric methodology is applied to assess whether the US fiscal deficit and debt are sustainable. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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