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This article explores five important issues relating to the evaluation of ethics education in accounting. The issues that are considered include: (a) reasons for evaluating accounting ethics education (see Caplan, 1980, pp. 133–35); (b) goal setting as a prerequisite to evaluating the outcomes of accounting ethics education (see Caplan, 1980, pp. 135–37); (c) possible broad levels of outcomes of accounting ethics education that can be evaluated; (d) matters relating to accounting ethics education that are in need of evaluation (see Caplan, 1980, p. 136); and (e) possible techniques for measuring outcomes of accounting ethics education (see Caplan, 1980, pp. 144–49). The paper concludes with a discussion of the issues under consideration. Dr. Stephen E. Loeb is Professor and Chairman of Accounting and the Ernst & Young Alumni Research Fellow at the University of Maryland at College Park. He has authored or co-authored a number of articles that have appeared in journals such as The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Accounting Horizons, Journal of Business Ethics, The Journal of the American Medical Association, and Issues In Accounting Education. Dr. Loeb is co-editor of the Journal of Accounting and Public Policy.  相似文献   

会计职业道德是基本道德规范在会计工作中的具体体现.但近年来会计造假、会计信息失真的现象日益严重,严重影响会因为会计涉及到社会的各个方面,必须从企业制度和内部控制,法律法规和企业领导人,会计人员自身等各个方面加强会计职业道德建设.  相似文献   

The shareholder wealth maximization objective for corporate management can be a very effective tool for decision making. However, it can also be used to rationalize the commission of unethical or socially irresponsible actions. Overemphasis on the SWM objective by some companies can lead to dangerous or disastrous consequences for consumers, employees, or the general population. Even so, issues of business ethics and social responsibility (BE-SR) are almost totally ignored in corporate finance textbooks. If the typical coverage of corporate finance courses is represented by these textbooks, then financial educators are abdicating their responsibility to help prepare future corporate managers to recognize and deal with BE-SR issues effectively.Delvin D. Hawley earned his Ph.D and MBA in Finance and B.S. in Psychology at Michigan State University. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Finance at The University of Mississippi in Oxford. Teaching areas include Corporate Finance and Investments. Research interests include bond market efficiency and artificial neural network applications in finance.  相似文献   

在现实的会计实务中,业务素质、本位利益等诸多方面的原因使会计人员对外提供的会计信息失真,不能客观、真实地反映企业的财务状况和经营成果,甚至出现虚假报告.因此,加强会计职业道德建设在当前是非常重要和紧迫的.加强会计职业道德建设可以从建立和健全会计法规体系、加大执法力度,健全监督机制、建立职业道德评价体系,开展诚信教育等多方面实施.  相似文献   

会计职业道德是指会计人员在会计职业活动中应遵循的职业品质、工作作风和工作纪律的行为规范,是社会主义思想道德体系建设得重要组成部分.它是调节会计人员与国家、会计人员与不同利益和会计人员相互之间的社会关系及社会道德规范的总和.它即是会计工作中要遵守得准则规范,也是衡量会计行为好坏的标准.本文浅析了会计职业道德失范的三大原因并从五个方面探讨了会计职业道德的构建,以期对此问题提出自己的见解.  相似文献   

本文就会计从业人员职业道德建设谈点个人粗浅认识.  相似文献   

近年来,我国不断发生财务造假与审计失败案,给会计和注册会计师职业界带来了前所未有的信誉危机.因此,如何提高会计人员的职业道德,构建会计职业道德体系,对会计行业的健康可持续发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

会计职业道德是会计人员从事会计工作应遵循的道德标准.本文探讨了会计行业的职业道德的定义和现状、会计职业道德建设工作的重要意义及基本方法.  相似文献   

Creative accounting involves accountants in making accounting policy choices or manipulating transactions in such a way as to convey a preferred and deliberately chosen impression in the accounts. Although it is regarded as unethical by most observers, a defense of creative accounting can be based on the assumption that users of accounts can identify bias in accounting policy choices and make appropriate adjustments. In this paper we take the example of the Barcelona Football Club where the club management made three key accounting policy choices that resulted in the presentation of a favourable position, and a supporters club presented an alternative report choosing three alternative accounting policies that presented an unfavourable position. We presented each of these financial reports to one of two groups of Spanish bank loan officers: we found that the more favourable set of accounts was significantly more likely to attract a positive response to a loan request. This result undermines the validity of defending creative accounting based on the argument that accounts users can identify manipulation.  相似文献   

Pygmalion effect: An issue for business education and ethics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study reports the results of a survey designed to assess the impact of business education on the ethical beliefs of business students. The study examines the beliefs of graduate and undergraduate students about ethical behavior in educational settings. The investigation indicates that the behavior which students learn or perceive is required to succeed in business schools may run counter to the ethical sanctions of society and the business community. Michael S. Lane is Assistant Professor of Management at West Virginia University. He is the coauthor of An Integrated Approach to Curriculum Design/Redesign, Journal of Education for Business (1986), and Corporate Goals and Managerial Motivation, Mid-South Business Journal (1985).Dietrich Schaupp is Professor of Management at West Virginia University.Barbara Parsons is Assistant Professor of Commerce at Fairmont State College.  相似文献   

A national sample of 362 respondents assessed the ethical predisposition of the American marketplace by calculating a consumer ethics index. The results indicate that the population is quite intolerant of perceived ethical abuses. The situations where consumers are ambivalent tend to be those where the seller suffers little or no economic harm from the consumer's action. Younger, more educated, and higher income consumers appear more accepting of these transgressions. The results provided the basis for developing a four-group taxonomy of consumers which retailers should find insightful in assessing potential consumer actions in a variety of situations. Sam Fullerton is a professor of marketing at Eastern Michigan University. In addition to his academic career, he has worked as a product manager and is the Vice President of the Sports Research Institute, Ltd. Besides coauthoring a text on marketing research, his work has appeared in numerous journals; among them are Current Issues and Research in Advertising, Health Marketing Quarterly, and Strategic Management Journal.Kathleen B. Kerch participated in an international marketing seminar series in Tokyo, Singapore, and Hong Kong. She is currently employed as a marketing representative for Audio-Video Distributors in Wixom, MI. H. Robert Dodge is a professor and head of the Department of Marketing and Law at Eastern Michigan University. He has published books in the areas of personal selling, marketing research, and business-to-business marketing. Additionally, his work has appeared in a number of journals including Strategic Management Journal, The Journal of Small Business, and Current Issues and Research in Advertising. He is actively involved in consulting including his position as President of the Sports Research Institute, Ltd.  相似文献   

在会计行业里面,会计人员的职业首先是最备受争议的,所谓会计职业道德,就是从事会计工作的人员在履行职责活动中应具备的道德品持,它既是会计工作要遵守的行为规范和行为准则,也是稀量一个会计工作者工作发坏的标准,因为会计涉及到社会的各个方面,凡是有经济活动的地方,就有会计工作,就有会计人员,就有会计职业,也有会计人员的职业道德,因此,会计职业道德渗透到社会的各个角落,从而可以看出会计职业道德其实就是个"诚信"的体现.  相似文献   

在会计行业里面,会计人员的职业首先是最备受争议的,所谓会计职业道德,就是从事会计工作的人员在履行职责活动中应具备的道德品持,它既是会计工作要遵守的行为规范和行为准则,也是衡量一个会计工作者工作发坏的标准,因为会计涉及到社会的各个方面,凡是有经济活动的地方,就有会计工作,就有会计人员,就有会计职业,也有会计人员的职业道德,因此,会计职业道德渗透到社会的各个角落,从而可以看出会计职业道德其实就是个"诚信"的体现.  相似文献   

Recent research has shown that, although still on a limited scale, the teaching of business ethics in UK higher education has been increasing in recent years. This paper reports on a postal questionnaire survey conducted to investigate the extent to which ethical issues are covered in the teaching of management accounting in higher education. The principal findings are that the majority of management accounting lecturers in the British Isles do not incorporate ethics. About a third of the respondents to the survey do address ethical issues, although about half of those say they do so only implicitly. Various factors underlying the findings and prospects for the future are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper expands the literature on accounting ethics education by considering the teaching of ethics in accounting doctoral education. Some of the ethical issues that might be addressed in accounting doctoral education are reviewed. A number of matters relating to teaching ethics to accounting doctoral students are considered. The paper concludes with a summary and some final remarks.Stephen E. Loeb is Professor and Chairman of Accounting and the Ernst & Young Alumni Professor of Auditing, University of Maryland at College Park. He has previously authored or coauthored articles that have been published in theJournal of Business Ethics and currently serves on the editorial board of theJournal of Business Ethics.  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的不断发展与成熟,我们的会计职业道德建设取得了显著的成效,但在会计职业道德建设方面还存在一些突出的问题及缺陷.针对现在存在的问题作者从会计职业道德缺失的成因分析,提出如何加强会计职业道德建设的途径.  相似文献   

本文对我国当前会计职业道德失范的成因进行了分析,并进一步探讨了加强会计职业道德建设的途径.  相似文献   

职业道德体现在各个领域,作为会计行业加强会计人员的职业道德建设,尤为重要.会计人员职业道德的优劣,不仅反应在会计的日常工作中,而且体现会计行业乃至整个企业的整体素质.因此必须对会计人员加强会计职业道德的宣传教育,建立健全会计法规及各项核算和监督体制,提高会计行业的整体素质,防患于未然,使会计更好的为社会经济服务.  相似文献   

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