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This study describes a process in which a firm relies on an external consumer community for innovation. While it has been recognized that users may sometimes innovate, little is known about what commercial firms can do to motivate and capture such innovations and their related benifits. We contribute to strategy literature by suggesting that learning and innovation efforts from which a firm may benifit need not necessarily be located within the organization, but may well reside in the consumer environment. We also contribute to the existing theory on ‘user-driven innovation’ by showing what firms purposively can do to generate consumer innovation efforts. An explorative case study shows that consumer innovation can be structured, motivated, and partly organized by a commercial firm that organizes the infrastructure for consumers’ interactive learning in a public online domain.  相似文献   

This article tests and extends the evolutionary theory of household consumption behavior, which is an alternative to neoclassical theory. Evolutionary economists offer novel approaches to the analysis of consumption behavior that emphasize the major role of learning in the evolution of consumer preferences and wants. As a possible inspiration for further progress in evolutionary thought, this paper examines the idea of consumer learning by studying the nature of what consumers should learn in the context of ‘novelty’. Our empirical results regarding novelty during the learning process show that consumers learn the ‘new characteristics’ of consumer goods, contrary to the Lancasterian approach, which suggests that the characteristics space of goods is fixed. We show that during the process of consumption, ‘consumer learning’ extends the characteristics space of consumer goods; this phenomenon is far from negligible and differs across product types. Moreover, our results show that the emergence of new characteristics cannot be modeled as a Poisson process because these new characteristics exhibit clear interdependence over time.  相似文献   

Anecdotal evidence suggests that producers of information products (TV programs, movies, computer software) may respond to potentially cost-saving technological change by increasing, rather than reducing, their total production investments in the ‘first copy’ of each product, possibly at the expense of product variety. Comparative statics show that under reasonable assumptions about consumer demand and production technology, competitive firms in a monopolistically competitive industry are in fact induced to increase first-copy investments as a result of either what we define as ‘quality-enhancing’ or ‘cost-reducing’ types of technological advance, whereas product variety either falls or stays the same. Results suggest that contrary to often held expectations, potentially cost-saving technological advances in information industries may result in greater market concentration.  相似文献   

Innovation fosters structural change and growth and drives socio-economic change. The generation and diffusion of innovation is a dynamic process, which cannot adequately be guided by static policy conceptions. In this paper we will explore the possibility of devising and implementing a ‘learning’ innovation policy. As organisational and technological change is not completely haphazard, we argue that innovation policy can make use of structural regularities in socio-economic change whilst, at the same time, be open to advances in scientific knowledge. We devise a method that achieves these two aims and apply it to a concrete example (knowledge systems). We conclude with practical implications originating from such a ‘learning’ innovation policy.  相似文献   

在技术快速变化的开放经济环境下,装备制造企业如何强化组织和战略管理能力以获取竞争优势是当前的一项艰巨任务。结合动态能力理论,依据装备制造产业的特征和企业的特点,提出了应从战略能力、适应能力和创新能力着重培育装备制造企业的动态能力体系。通过学习、协调整合和重构实现装备制造企业动态能力形成的核心流程;并进一步指出企业知识的链接、管理技能和简单化原则是发展和部署装备制造企业动态能力的主要驱动因素。对于在全球化开放的市场环境下,装备制造企业如何发展并获取持续的竞争优势具有重要的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

The rebound effect refers to the phenomenon that energy savings from improvements in energy efficiency are lower than expected due to unintended second-order effects. Grasping specific mechanisms related to the rebound effect requires a good understanding of interactions between heterogonous agents on multiple markets. Otherwise, policies aimed at reducing energy use may render counter-expected and unforeseen consequences. In this paper, we propose a formal model, where technological change results from interactions on two markets: between consumers and producers in the market for final goods, and heterogeneous power plants in the electricity market. The analysis provides insights to the role of technological change, supply–demand coevolution, and status-driven consumption in explaining the rebound effect. The model is employed to compare effectiveness of economic policies aimed at reducing carbon emissions associated with production of consumer goods, namely: a tax on electricity and ‘nuclear obligations’ to produce ten percent of electricity from nuclear energy.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the special issue on innovation persistence. It delineates three complementary theoretical frameworks assessing drivers and implications of innovation persistence: ‘knowledge accumulation’ approach, the ‘success-breeds-success’ hypothesis and the concept of sunk costs in R&D activities. It emphasizes how path dependence could be related to innovation persistence. It provides an extensive overview of the main empirical findings of recent papers and suggests a new research agenda about firms’ dynamic capabilities and innovation persistence. Finally it highlights a set of issues that deserve further investigation in the future. The contributions to this issue are set out as well.  相似文献   

动态能力作为推动企业持续竞争优势形成的根本保障,其本质是组织学习问题。首先介绍了动态能力产生的背景,其次分析了组织学习和动态能力的关系,最后提出了基于组织学习视角的动态能力培育所要进行的文化变革、组织变革、制度变革和技术变革。  相似文献   

Through research into new product development processes at a precision device maker, this paper discusses the skilful management of knowledge boundaries that lie between various organisations, and between specialised human skills and functions that make up a project organisation, and presents the ways in which new organisational capabilities are brought about for the development of new products as exploratory activities that dynamically merge and integrated the various knowledge within a company. This paper describes some of the implications derived from analysis and observations of the new organisational forms of the company's ambidextrous R&D management which the company uses to engage in both ‘uncertainty management (exploration)’ and ‘existing product management (exploitation)’, through the partnering of its existing formal organisations and dynamic structuring of diverse multifunctional teams formed as projects spanning different specialisations and capabilities.  相似文献   

目前学者们较为关注大数据能力对于企业创新的影响研究,但大多笼统探究大数据能力对企业创新的直接影响,深入探究其中介机制和调节机制的研究尚未完善,立足于农业科技企业的研究更是缺乏。本文基于动态能力理论,深入探究大数据能力对农业科技企业创新的影响机制,以双元组织学习为中介变量,以市场导向为调节变量,建立可调节的中介模型。基于181家农业科技企业样本,结果表明:大数据能力对企业创新具有显著正向影响;探索式学习和利用式学习在大数据能力和企业创新间均具有正向中介作用;市场导向增强了利用式学习在大数据能力与企业创新之间的中介作用;而对探索式学习在大数据能力与企业创新之间的中介作用未发挥显著的调节作用。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of research undertaken between 2002 and 2004 into the impact of technological change on the UK consumer magazine industry. The findings highlight patterns of innovation, both in the range of products (most notably monthly magazine titles) and the structure of organisations and work practices, which have tended to elude much of the contemporary debate within the ‘cultural industries’ approach adopted in the media studies discipline. Instead, our analysis makes use of insights from the innovation literature to highlight the impact of technological discontinuities on the capabilities of both incumbent firms and new entrants. It also highlights the important and growing role that is being played in innovation-led industries through the adoption of organisational practices that find their origins in the traditions of project-based firms.  相似文献   

In this paper we draw an analogy between the process of learning-bydoing and the learning process which develops in a neural network context. The bridging tool we refer to is a dynamic production function whose only variable input is labour. By concentrating on the ‘neural network production function’ we show that the learning process can lead to increasing returns. The simulations show that when learning is characterized by an upper limit. returns are increasing for some time, while in the long run they go back to the level where they are constant.  相似文献   

The nimble use of programmable automation to permit small- and medium-sized manufacturing firms, individually and in concert, to create and respond to growing ‘niche’ markets has been held up as a key to the revitaization of mature industrial regions and, by extension, developed national market economies. Are formerly mass markets indeed becoming more fragmented, more ‘nichified’? If so, is the trend a structural, fundamental one, reflecting changing consumer tastes and/or the eclipse of scale economies as determinants of industrial structure? Or is the apparent success of niche-focused producers a corollary of growing income inequality and its impact on the structure of consumption? As for the supply side of the phenomenon, are small- and medium-sized firms closing their productivity gap with large, mass producers? Or is ‘nimble niching’ instead part of a US productivity problem rooted in excessive industrial dualism? Can one imagine a progressive type of dualism, in which specialization rather than wage differentials drives the division of tasks among different kinds of firms? If so, can and should public policy help such a regime to emerge?  相似文献   

The governance advice that is offered to Africa usually identifies a list of ‘good governance’ goals like stable property rights, a rule of law, low corruption and government accountability as preconditions for development. These goals are difficult to implement not only because they are expensive public goods but in addition their enforcement is typically at variance with powerful interests in the political settlements of developing countries. The historical evidence and much institutional theory suggests that during their social transformations successful developing countries had a different set of ‘developmental’ or ‘growth-enhancing’ governance capabilities that enabled their states to support critical property rights transformations and assist firms in acquiring and learning to use new technology. The institutions and policies they used differed because their political and institutional starting points were different. There are therefore no blueprints for Africa or anywhere else, but certainly the good governance menu is unrealistic. Rather African countries have to experiment and develop institutional and policy solutions that work in their context and which are appropriate for transforming property rights and accelerating technology adoption.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the efficiency of promotion schemes for renewable energy sources using the example of onshore wind energy in Germany. We analyse whether the scheme incentivised a cost-minimal capacity build-up by developing a model to derive two cost-minimal benchmark scenarios, which are then compared to the historical capacity build-up between 1995 and 2015. The costs of the two cost-minimising benchmark scenarios are significantly lower than those of the historical build-up. The benchmark cost reduction largely stems from greater efficiency—fewer turbines are being constructed overall but they are being placed at better wind sites so the annual production of wind energy remains unchanged. Hence, aggregated turbine land use is also significantly down in these scenarios. Furthermore, we compare costs for consumers, as protecting consumers from price discrimination of producers is sometimes used to justify higher payments for low-wind sites. However, our results show that the efficiency gain from building at high wind sites outweighs the distributional effect, even from a consumer’s perspective.  相似文献   


In this article, we analyze opportunities and constraints for upgrading product quality in the dairy value chain in Ethiopia. Our analysis is based on an integrated understanding of supply chain performance both from producer and from consumer perspectives. We outline as main drivers for quality upgrading: (a) factors that influence producers’ willingness to invest toward intensification by smallholder dairy farmers and cooperatives and (b) factors that induce consumer’s willingness to pay for healthy and nutritious dairy products delivered at specific retail outlets. Since there are large gaps between upstream producers incentives and downstream consumers motives, possibilities for dairy quality upgrading remain fairly limited. Given this market structure, decisive policy support is required for better tailoring producer’s investments with consumer preferences.  相似文献   


The objective of this paper is to analyse the impact of public funds for innovation on firm’s capabilities, innovative dynamics and economic performance. A large stream of literature about the evaluation of public funds is focused on testing the existence of additionality effects on investments and results. This paper aims to provide evidence about other dimensions of the firm that public policy can alter, with focus on the time window between the treatment and the impact, and the role of the Matthew effect (recurrence) in this process. The empirical exercise is based on a dynamic panel data made of 1465 firms (3337 observations) that applied to the Argentinean Technological Fund (FONTAR), which is the main public fund for innovation in Argentina, between 2007 and 2016. Results show short-term effects of accessing to FONTAR on firms’ capabilities, medium-term effects on innovation efforts and long-term effects on productivity. Even though the effect on productivity is larger among recurrent firms, the differences among recurrent and non-recurrent firms are not conclusive in case of capabilities and innovation efforts. All in all, this research provides evidence about the ‘when’ of public policy and the need to look beyond input additionality effects when analysing its impact.  相似文献   

This paper argues that Schumpeter’s 1911 edition of ‘Theory of Economic Development’ can be fruitfully read as a theory of the avant-garde, in line with such theories developed by artistic avant-garde around the same time, in particular by the Italian Futurists. In particular it will show that both Schumpeter and other avant-garde theorists sought to break with past (1), identify an avant-garde who could force that break (2), find new ways to represent the dynamic world (3), embrace the new and dynamic (4) and promote a perpetual dynamic process, instead of a specific end-state or utopia (5). This new reading helps us to understand the cultural meaning of this seminal text in economics. Secondly it greatly facilitates our understanding of the differences with the later interwar German edition and English edition, which were more cautious in their embrace of the new, less focused on the individual qualities of the entrepreneur and placed more emphasis on historical continuity. Thirdly this reading suggests a different reason for the bifurcation between Schumpeter and the rest of the Austrian school of economics. Traditionally this split is explained by Schumpeter’s affinities with the Lausanne School, this paper instead suggests that the crucial break between Schumpeter on the one hand and Böhm-Bawerk, Wieser and later members of the Austrian School on the other hand is their theory of and attitude toward social change.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the concept of dynamic capabilities from the knowledge-based perspective, including knowledge relatedness and knowledge learning, and to investigate the dynamic capabilities on innovation performance in joint venture. Negative binomial regression is used to test the hypotheses in a panel data of 183 joint venture cases. Significant relationships are found between dynamic capabilities and innovation performance. Moreover, the moderating roles of parent patents granted before, parent knowledge diversity and joint venture knowledge diversity are recognised and are hypothesised as positively moderating the effect of knowledge relatedness on innovation performance, but parent patents granted before and joint venture knowledge diversity are hypothesised as negatively tending to moderate the effect of knowledge learning on innovation performance. The findings support our prediction and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Industrial clusters evolve dynamically as the external environment changes. To better understand the nature of cluster evolution, which has nurtured economic growth in early 2000s, strategy and organisation scholars have attempted to unpack contributors to cluster evolution from the perspective of the ‘environmental uncertainty’ and ‘resource abundance’ effects. The paper adopts and extend an earlier extant model through empirical testing of the thin-film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) industrial cluster in Taiwan, a developing country. This study modifies the extant network model by adding a diffusion of technological innovation index to cluster evolving. Using the extended case study, the study examines the dynamic evolutionary process in the TFT-LCD industrial cluster. It was found that the evolution of the TFT-LCD industrial cluster resembles the theoretical argument in some respects. The characteristics of network change are modified according to these results. Implication for policymakers and decision-makers of developing countries are also discussed.  相似文献   

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