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This article utilizes a Statistical Cost Accounting Model and Mean Variance Model to estimate the cost and potential risk impact of government deposits for black-owned commercial banks. The main findings are that relative to other types of deposits on the balance sheet, government deposits are expensive, and that deposits received through the Minority Bank Deposit Program may have the effect of increasing risk in the asset portfolio.  相似文献   

This study compares the performance of small businesses formed between 1976 and 1982 by three groups: 1) Asian males, 2) black males, and 3) nonminority males. Self-employed Asians are outperforming nonminorities and blacks. A subset of black-owned firms—small scale ghetto-oriented operations—is shown to be laggard. Weak internal markets, commercial bank redlining, and loss of entrepreneurial talent are factors in undermining the inner city black business community. Successful black-owned firms are increasingly removed from the ghetto and from serving a minority clientele.  相似文献   

Summary This research has explored management and financial characteristics within mature black banks over the period of 1978–81. In general, although loan loss management remains a key variable in successful financial performance, other variables often argued to explain profitability differences between black and nonminority banks were not so helpful in explaining profit variation among black banks. It appears that a new model of successful black banking must be developed.  相似文献   

论模型分析法在商业银行贷款管理中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该模型是自David Durand在1941年最早提出的,商业银行可以通过该模型来预测借款人违约的可能性,从而估测相应的信贷风险,模型中的违约行为包括借款人拖欠贷款本息,减少或放弃利息,模型变量包括。  相似文献   

Conclusion The article provides a contribution to the discussion on the net foreign assets of the commerical banks, by drawing renewed attention to the possible passivity of the banking sector, which has gained topicality with the striking developments of 1989. Indeed, the banking sector may be considerably more reactive in regards to net foreign assets formation than has been assumed by various authors and in macroeconometric models on the basis of portfolio optimizing behaviour. However, due to the above-mentioned methodological and empirical shortcomings, Bakkers's study certainly does not provide the final answer to this question.  相似文献   

阮舒 《亚太经济》2002,(5):70-72
随着金融体制改革的深化,我国商业银行应该如何应对利率市场化的改革?本文将从利率市场化后的利率变动趋势、商业银行面临的利率风险以及如何防范风险等方面进行阐述.  相似文献   

中国商业银行资本亲周期特征差异的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了不同类型商业银行资本亲周期性特征差异,通过选取中国30家商业银行2003至2007年的面板数据,运用两阶段加权最小二乘法估计了对商业银行缓冲资本变动进行解释的计量模型。引入区分不同银行规模的虚拟变量和体现经济周期的产出缺口变量,实证分析结果表明不同规模的商业银行资本亲周期特征表现出明显差异。此外,样本期间内中国商业银行的的变动还受到不良贷款率的影响,这表明风险管理水平会影响商业银行最优缓冲资本的选择。因此,对于商业银行而言,一方面要注意根据经济形势来调整缓冲资本,另一方面要加强自身风险管控能力;对于监管机构而言,在对商业银行进行资本充足率监管时应该了解不同资产规模商业银行的资本亲周期特征的差异,制定不同的监管政策。  相似文献   

经济资本是银行内部管理中使用的、综合反映实际风险承担状况的有效工具。经济资本在客户选择、风险排序、风险定价、资源配置和绩效考核中发挥重要作用。基于实际工作和业务经验,从经济资本的定义、应用以及节约方法,对经济资本进行全面论述,藉此希望对商业银行的相关工作有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the operation environment of Chinese commercial banks, including the changes of macro-economy environment, the development of financial markets, the changes in supervisory environment, the implementation of broadly opening policy, the restructuring of competition and the change of customers' requirements. Based on constructing the analysis framework on competitiveness of Chinese commercial banks, we can analyze and get some main conclusions. This paper also presents the finance appraisal for Chinese national commercial bank on capital adequacy, assets quality, profitability and liquidity.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Exportf?rderung und Exporterfolge in Entwicklungs-l?ndern: Eine vergleichende Analyse. — Dieser Aufsatz enth?lt eine vergleichende Be-wertung der Exportf?rderungsmaβnahmen und ihrer Wirkungen auf die Exporte und die wirtschaftliche Leistung von elf wichtigen Entwicklungsl?ndern, die bereits eine industrielle Basis besitzen. Die Arbeit konzentriert sich weitgehend auf die Er-fahrungen der Periode von 1966 bis 1973, in der die Exportf?rderungsprogramme der einzelnen L?nder im groβen und ganzen voll angewendet wurden. Die betrach-teten L?nder sind Argentinien, Brasilien, Chile, Kolumbien, Mexiko, Israel, Ju-goslawien, Indien, Korea, Singapur und Taiwan. Sie sind entsprechend dem Zeit-punkt und dem Ausmaβ ihrer Exportf?rderungsanstrengungen in vier Gruppen eingeteilt worden. 1973 stellten diese L?nder 68 vH aller Exporte von Industrie-erzeugnissen aus Entwicklungsl?ndern. Bei der Durchführung der vergleichenden Analyse hat der Autor neben den Resultaten anderer Forscher die Ergebnisse von Studien benutzt, die im Auftrage der Weltbank und für das ECLA/IBRD-Seminar über Exportf?rderung erarbeitet wurden. Der Aufsatz beschreibt kurz die Exportf?rderungsanstrengungen der einzelnen L?nder, die sich daraus ergebenden ?nderungen ihrer F?rderungssysteme und die Lage im Jahre 1973. Die Wirkungen dieser Mavnahmen auf Export und Wirt-schaftswachstum werden abgesch?tzt und Empfehlungen gegeben für ein ?ideales? Anreizsystem zur Exportf?rderung und für die allgemeine Allokation der Ressourcen. In den Schluβfolgerungen wird auf die Zukunftsaussichten für die gewerblichen Exporte der Entwicklungsl?nder eingegangen.
Résumé Les incitations exportatrices et la performance exportatrice dans les pays en voie de développement: une analyse comparative. — Ce papier présente une évaluation comparative des incitations exportatrices et leurs effets sur les exportations et la performance économique dans onze majeurs pays développants qui ont déjà établi une base industrielle. Principalement le papier concentre sur l’ex-périence de la période 1966–1973, quand les schèmes des incitations exportatrices des pays individuels étaient totalement en opération. Les pays considérés sont l’Argentine, le Brésil, le Chili, la Colombie, le Mexique, l’Israel, la Yougoslavie, l’Inde, la Corée, le Singapore et le Taiwan. Nous les classifions en quatre groupes, en dépendence du temps et de l’étendue de leurs efforts de promotion exportatrice. En 1973, ces pays occupaient un pourcentage de 68 des exportations des produits manufacturiers des pays développants. En faisant l’analyse comparative, l’auteur a utilisé les résultats des études préparées sous l’égide de la Banque Mondiale, les résultats des études préparées pour le séminaire du CEAL/BIRD sur la promotion exportatrice, aussi bien que les résultats des autres chercheurs. Le papier brèvement décrit les efforts de promotion exportatrice des pays indi-viduels, les changes résultants dans leurs systèmes d’incitations et la situation existante en 1973. Nous évaluons les effets de ces efforts sur les exportations et la croissance économique et nous faisons des recommandations pour un système ?idéal? des incitations pour les exportations et l’allocation des resources en général. Finale-ment, en tirant des conclusions du papier, nous considérons les prospects pour les exportations des produits manufacturiers par les pays développants.

Resumen Incentivos de exportación y desempe?o de las exportaciones en países en desarrollo: un análisis comparativo. — Este artículo presenta una evalua-ción comparativa de los incentivos de exportación y sus efectos sobre las exporta-ciones y el desempe?o de la economía en once países en desarrollo de tama?o mayor que ya han establecido una base industrial. E1 artículo se concentra mayormente sobre la experiencia del período 1966–1973, cuando los esquemas de incentivos a la exportación de los países individuales estaban en su mayor parte en operación. Los países considerados son Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México, Israel, Yugoeslavia, India, Corea, Singapur y Taiwan. Ellos fueron clasificados en cuatro grupos, dependiendo de la regulación y del grado de sus esfuerzos de promoción de exportación. En el a?o 1973, estos países sumaban el 68% de las exportaciones de manufacturas de los países en desarrollo. Para realizar el análisis comparativo, el autor ha utilizado resultados de estudios preparados bajo el auspicio del Banco Mundial, resultados de estudios preparados para el seminario CEPAL/IBRD sobre promoción de exportaciones, como también los resultados de otros investigadores. El articulo describe brevemente los efuerzos de promoción de exportación de los países individuales, los cambios ocurridos en sus sistemas de incentivos y la situación existente en el a?o 1973. Se evalúan los efectos de estos esfuerzos sobre las exportaciones y el crecimiento económico y se formulan recomendaciones para un sistema ?ideal? de incentivos a las exportaciones y para la alocación de recursos en general. Finalmente, al formular las conclusiones de este articulo, se hacen con-sideraciones sobre las perspectivas futuras para las exportaciones de bienes manu-factuardos de países en desarrollo.

From the perspective of officials-and-directors (OADs), who are commonly appointed by the Chinese government to the banks it owns, this paper takes studies of government ownership and banks' behavior to the micro level of boards. We analyze the relationship between the special political connection of the OADs and banks' prudential behavior, using a sample of China's City Commercial Banks during 2006–2010. We further explore the impact of OADs' characteristics and the role of independent directors and female directors. The results indicate that banks with OADs exhibit lower prudential behavior, and the higher is the administrative rank of the OADs, the larger is the effect. And the older is the OADs, the larger is the effect. More importantly, the government ownership of banks does not have a significant and robust influence on their prudential behavior. Meanwhile, independent directors can significantly weaken the effect of the OADs, while female directors can enhance the prudential behavior of banks in the absence of OADs. Finally, our results persist even after controlling for sample selection bias and alternative variable measures. Our research contributes to the practice of improving bank governance and regulating systematic risk.  相似文献   

《China Economic Review》2007,18(1):15-34
Using previously unavailable central bank data, this paper first uses principal component analysis to derive four measures of a bank's ability to perform the core task of financial intermediation. This study then compares the performance of China's state banks, joint-stock banks, and city commercial banks along these measures. In terms of overall performance and in credit risk management, joint-stock banks perform significantly better than both the state banks and the city commercial banks. In China, unlike in other developing countries, the size of the bank is not correlated with their performance. Mid-size national joint-stock banks perform considerably better than the Big Four banks and smaller city commercial banks (CCBs). We further conduct regional and jurisdictional analysis of the CCBs, which indicates that a mix of geographical and historical legacies drives the substantial variation in CCB performance.  相似文献   

对我国国有商业银行上市问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
徐彬 《华东经济管理》2003,17(5):107-109
本文分析的国有商业银行上市存在的困难、障碍,探讨的三种上市模式的利与弊,提出了比较现实可行的上市模式。  相似文献   

The analysis of the role of black banks in black economic development began in the early 1970s. At that time the focus was on the profitability of these institutions. Since then both the number of black banks and the research on their performance have increased significantly. This article reviews the recent literature on black banks in order to provide a conceptual framework for policies that will promote their growth and prosperity. The authors conclude that there is a clear need for future research in every area relating to black banks.  相似文献   

城市商业银行市场营销现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种新兴的商业银行业市场主体,城市商业银行市场营销的水平与质量决定了其未来市场地位与发展空间。本文从历史的高度对城市商业银行的市场营销现状进行了全面的剖析,希望能对城市商业银行市场营销活动有所借鉴。  相似文献   

Cost and profit efficiency of Chinese banks: A non-parametric analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a non-parametric technique for data from 1995 to 2004, we investigate the cost and profit efficiency of 28 Chinese commercial banks. We examine the influence of ownership type, size, risk profile, profitability and key environmental changes on the bank efficiency using a Tobit regression. Consistent with the existing literature, we find that profit efficiency levels are well below those of cost efficiency. This suggests that the most important inefficiencies are on the revenue side. Our findings are also consistent with prior evidence on ownership and efficiency: joint-stock banks (national and city-based), on average, appear to be more cost- and profit-efficient than state-owned banks while medium-sized banks are significantly more efficient than small and large banks. These and other results suggest the need for speedier reforms to open the banking market, improving risk management, minimizing the government's capital subsidy and diversifying ownership of Chinese banks.  相似文献   

This study examined 58 performance ratios for minority banks in 1980 and 1988. Its purpose was to evaluate the impact of deregulation on high and low performance minority banks. The study found that deregulation had a positive impact on those banks in the high performance groups in 1980 and a negative affect on those banks in the low performance groups in 1980. The study also found minority banks, in general, needed to improve management efficiency. Management efficiency of low performance minority banks seemed to have deteriorated in the deregulation period. The authors suggest that low performance minority banks be given closer regulatory supervision and aid in developing efficient management in their organizations.  相似文献   

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