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最近 ,麦金农教授发表了新作“东亚美元本位、浮动恐惧及原罪” ,其中的一些观点对我国正在进行的金融改革会有一定的参考意义。为此 ,我们翻译了这篇文章 ,并将其中的重要观点归纳如下 :一、为什么亚洲发展中国家选择了高频钉住美元的汇率制度 ?高频钉住是指以每天或每周为基础的、以较高的频率钉住美元的汇率制度 (政策工具 )。亚洲发展中国家之所以选择了高频钉住 ,是因为其金融市场不完善 ,包括债券市场不完善和远期外汇市场不完善两个方面 ,该文把国内债券市场不完善称之为“原罪”。金融市场不完善是金融体系脆弱性的根源。从这个意义…  相似文献   

The East Asian Dollar Standard, Fear of Floating, and Original Sin   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Before the crisis of 1997/98, the East Asian economies—except for Japan but including China—pegged their currencies to the US dollar. To avoid further turmoil, the IMF argues that these currencies should float more freely. However, the authors’ econometric estimations show that the dollar's predominant weight in East Asian currency baskets has returned to its pre‐crisis levels. By 2002, the day‐to‐day volatility of each country's exchange rate against the dollar had again become negligible. Most governments were rapidly accumulating a “war chest” of official dollar reserves, which portends that this exchange rate stabilization will come to extend over months or quarters. From the doctrine of “original sin” applied to emerging‐market economies, the authors argue that this fear of floating is entirely rational from the perspective of each individual country. And their joint pegging to the dollar benefits the East Asian dollar bloc as a whole, although Japan remains an important outlier.  相似文献   

面对金融国际化,新兴市场国应更重视汇率问题.引导新兴市场国的汇率政策选择的理论,如著名的"中间空洞理论"现在遇到越来越多的挑战,因为不少实证研究表明新兴市场国表现出"汇率浮动恐惧症".结合汇率不完全传递率的实证分析以及对贬值紧缩效应等的分析,新兴市场的"汇率浮动恐惧症"是合情但并非合理的表现,新兴市场国家事实上可以享用汇率浮动的好处,无需将自己陷入对浮动的恐惧当中,这样新兴市场国的汇率政策及汇率选择有了更大自由空间.  相似文献   

布雷顿森林体系之后,国际货币体系的核心是美元本位。但美元本位制本身存在难以调和的矛盾,导致世界经济的发展陷入一种经济增长→贸易失衡→信用扩张→流动性过剩→资产价格膨胀、通货膨胀→通货紧缩的循环过程。本文在简单阐述国际货币体系沿革的基础上,从贸易分工、内在调节机制、货币层面、储备货币、政策协调和成本分摊以及贸易失衡的调节机制方面论述了美元本位制的内在脆弱性,指出正是其自身的因素导致世界经济的循环过程。  相似文献   

The East Asian Dollar Standard,Life After Death?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

黄宁 《经济研究导刊》2008,(14):186-189
基于贸易引力模型、相互依赖理论以及“支配-依附”理论,研究能力结构对区域经济合作的影响,通过对中国地区能力结构的差异分析和东亚其他国家能力结构的评价,说明中国能与东亚不同能力结构的国家开展持续稳定的经济合作,并通过实证予以证实。中国能够对东亚区域经济合作的持续性和稳定性发挥重要作用,中国的参与是东亚经济合作的“稳定器”。  相似文献   

人民币汇率制度改革:回归有管理的浮动   总被引:51,自引:2,他引:51  
李扬  余维彬 《经济研究》2005,40(8):24-31,53
在人民币汇率制度改革过程中,确定汇率形成机制变革和汇率水平变化的优先次序至关重要。本文认为:机制改革优先,并且在改革过程中始终重视汇率稳定,应当是人民币汇率制度改革的基本战略。回归有管理的浮动汇率制度,是实施这一战略的适当选择。在回归有管理的浮动汇率制的过程中,货币错配构成我们的主要风险。为了有效管理这一风险,中国应保持较高水平的外汇储备,在稳步推行资本项目放松管制过程中加强针对货币错配问题的审慎性监管,实施稳健的宏观经济政策,促进资本市场发展。  相似文献   

East Asian countries have recorded large increases in per capita GDP over the last fifty years. Some observers have referred to this growth as an “East Asian Miracle.” One popular explanation attributes the rapid growth to state led industrial development planning. This paper critically assesses the arguments surrounding state development planning and East Asia’s growth. Whether the state can acquire the knowledge necessary to calculate which industries it should promote and how state development planning can deal with political incentive problems faced by planners are both examined. When we look at the development record of East Asian countries we find that to the extent development planning did exist, it could not calculate which industries would promote development, so it instead promoted industrialization. We also find that what rapid growth in living standards did occur can be better explained by free markets than state planning because, as measured in economic freedom indexes, these countries were some of the most free market in the world.JEL classification: O200, O170, O530, B530, P170  相似文献   

There has recently been an increasing interest in the establishment of a common currency area in East Asia in the aftermath of the East Asian financial crisis. In this article I examine the desirability and feasibility of forming a currency area in the region by checking the symmetry of shocks as an important criterion of the theory of Optimum Currency Area. I employ a dynamic factor model to decompose aggregate output into world, regional and country‐specific components and estimate the model using a Gibbs sampling simulation. Persistent properties of those components are examined and variance decomposition analysis is performed to investigate the role of each component in output variance. The European Monetary Union, with the successful launch of the euro, is the natural benchmark for comparison. Based on variance analysis, it is found that East Asian countries, on average, are less plausible candidates for a currency area than European counterparts. However, a subgroup of countries in East Asia is as qualified as those in Europe. Given the ongoing integration in East Asia, it is not premature to prepare for such a currency area in this region.  相似文献   

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