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股份合作制:我国中小国有外贸企业改革的选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自1992年我国进行社会主义市场经济体制改革以来,股份制成为改革国有外贸企业,建立现代企业制度的重要手段,众多国有外贸企业(无论是大型的还是中小型的)都按此形式改制成股份有限公司,以此重建适应社会主义市场经济要求的外贸微观主体,增强外贸企业活力。但改革的结果并不能令人满意。本文将在对此加以分析的基础上,阐述股份合作制是比较适合我国中小外贸企业改革的可行选择。  相似文献   

Sharing Out in Alliances: Trust and Ethics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Alliances are relatively new forms of relationships between businesses which allow cooperation in some areas of activity while maintaining competition in others, even in those areas where cooperation is the established procedure. Logically, this demands a mutual trust on the basis of which the cooperation can be established. The nature of this relationship is, furthermore, dynamic inasmuch as it develops over a period of time and generates new conditions which either enhance or destroy trust.This article reviews the general issues of alliances and, in particular, the special relationships between the parties. The discussion of the creation and development of trust in an alliance describes both what technical, psychological, sociological and, particularly, ethical conditions make an alliance possible and the ethical nature of the necessary step which must be taken as trust is transformed from mere possibility into the actual fact of placing trust in a partner.  相似文献   

当前外商投资减少的原因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方晓  姜萍 《国际经贸探索》2000,16(2):40-41,71
1998年 ,我国利用外资的总额出现了改革开放以来的第一次负增长 ,由1997年的644亿美元减少到589亿美元 ,降幅达7.9 %。这种下降的趋势并未在1999年止住。1999年1 -7月份全国新批合同外资金额和实际使用外资金额比上年同期分别下降了20.47 %和10.03 % ,比上年同期分别减少了57.34亿美元和23.96亿美元。由于从合同的签定到实际投资期间存在着一个过程和时滞 ,估计今后一段时间内 ,我国利用外资的总额还会下降。本文就导致外商投资减少的原因作了分析 ,并提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

范小静 《市场研究》2005,(11):42-43
自上世纪70年代以来。全球掀起了一场绿色革命,它对整个世界和人类生活产生了巨大的冲击和影响。1992年联合国在里约热内卢召开的环境与发展会议制定了《21世纪议程》。该《议程》指出:地球所面临的最严重的问题之一就是不适当的消费和生产模式,导致环境恶化、贫困加剧和各国发展失衡。若想达到合理的发展,则要提高生产效率并改变消费习惯与结构,在这个过程中企业、消费与政府都是关键的决定力量。尤其是企业,更是起到了主导作用。一直以来,企业的行为都直接影响了环境的变化。  相似文献   

A common financial model used in business decisions is the cost/benefit comparison. The costs of a proposed project are compared with the benefits, and if the benefits outweigh the costs, the project is accepted; if the costs exceed the benefits, the project is rejected. This model is applicable when tangible costs and benefits can be reasonably measured in monetary units. However, it is difficult to consider intangible factors in this model because intangible factors cannot be readily quantified in money. While some might argue that the financial model should not apply to healthcare decisions, the fact is that costs do enter into the picture. People may decide to forego needed healthcare because they cannot afford it. Healthcare providers may make choices based in part on the costs of diagnosis and treatment, rather than solely on medical information and what is best for the patient. Should financial issues enter into healthcare decisions – decisions about human health and well being? If so, how should the costs and benefits be measured and evaluated? What are some ethical issues and dilemmas involved in such decisions? This paper addresses ethical dilemmas and financial issues in healthcare. A healthcare decision model, which considers medical information, financial information, as well as ethical and other intangible factors, is proposed.  相似文献   

A business ethics practitioner and a moral theologian discuss business ethics. Drawing from value-added accounting principles, and extending them to include the company's stake-holders, especially its employees, Welch explains their significance for the origin, formation, and direction of his company's new ethics program. Primeaux responds to Welch from a perspective rooted in the economic theory of profit maximization and its ethical implications. Among the similarities in their thinking is a serious consideration of the role of profit for business and business ethics.  相似文献   

Toward a Model for International Business Ethics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper briefly examines the topic of business ethics and attempts to suggest a code of ethics for multinational firms. While most companies have basic policies on employee integrity, confidentiality and sexual harassment, relatively few have established policies regarding bribery, exploitive child labor, human rights violations and other issues they may encounter in the global market place (Drake, 1998). Until recently, very few companies had truly global operations. Consequently little attention was paid to the issue of ethical guidelines in a global context. Recent changes in international markets have led to an explosion of corporations with global operations, and the need for a global code of ethics has grown commensurately. In this paper we explore the issue of global business ethics and attempt to provide a framework for future discussion. We also examine some of the unique difficulties surrounding the development of any set of global business standards. Key among these difficulties is the issue of competing ethical values in home and host countries.  相似文献   

It appears that in the 30 years that business ethics has been a discipline in its own right a model of business ethics has not been proffered. No one appears to have tried to explain the phenomenon known as ?business ethics’ and the ways that we as a society interact with the concept, therefore, the authors have addressed this gap in the literature by proposing a model of business ethics that the authors hope will stimulate debate. The business ethics model consists of three principal components (i.e. expectations, perceptions and evaluations) that are interconnected by five sub-components (i.e. society expects; organizational values, norms and beliefs; outcomes; society evaluates; and reconnection). The introduced model makes a contribution to the creation of a conceptual framework for business ethics. A few tentative conclusions may be drawn from the introduced model of business ethics. The model aspires to be highly dynamic. The ultimate outcome is dependent upon the evolution of time and contexts. It is also dependent upon and provides reference to the behaviours and perceptions of people. The model proposes business ethics to be a continuous and an iterative process. There is no actual end of the process, but a constant reconnection to the initiation of successive process iterations of the business ethics model. The principals and sub-components of the model construct the dynamics of this continuous process. They provide guidance on what and how to explore our common efforts to understand the phenomenon known as business ethics. The model provides opportunities for further research in the field of business ethics.  相似文献   

我国农产品贸易自由化的利弊与应对   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中美双边协议的签署使我国和世贸组织(WTO)只有咫尺之遥,我国农产品市场开放的前景已经明朗。本文在对国际农产品贸易自由化现状进行分析的基础上,重点从正反两方面阐述了贸易自由化对我国农业的影响,指出农产品市场开放给农业发展提供的机遇将大于带来的冲击,农产品贸易自由化有利于提高我们的整体福利水平。  相似文献   

The stock market crash of 1987 had a profound effect on corporate Australia and the Australian community in general. The fall-out revealed that some of our most respected business figures had not been as ethical, or even as lawful, as we would have hoped. This impropriety produced in Australia an awakening to business ethics. Whilst many companies endeavoured to introduce ethical practices into their corporations, they perceived ethics as a way of minimising damage to the corporation and in some cases as a means of competitive advantage. What was lost was the reason that one should embark on business ethics; and that is to make the society and corporate Australia a more ethical place in which to exist.This paper proposes a model based on 2 factors: commitment and partnerships, as a means of enabling corporate Australia to refocus attention on the main purpose of being inherently ethical in all that we do. This ethical model requires a commitment to partnerships with all stakeholders both internal and external in an attempt to enhance the level of ethical business practices that are contemplated and pursued within corporate Australia. Whilst the research agenda and the information collected is Australian-based, it is hoped that the ideas contained within this paper will have a wider appeal to corporations in similar cultural settings.  相似文献   

This article develops and applies a knowledge-based framework for understanding and interpreting executive compensation under the rubric of ethical consideration. This framework classifies six major ethical considerations that reflect issues in compensation design. We emphasize that these six ethical considerations are influenced by liberty and equality concepts. This framework helps to highlight areas where executive compensation has not been well spelled out.  相似文献   

As an alternative to attempts to impose models of personal moral development (e.g. Kohlberg) upon organisations we propose an evolutionary model of managing ethics in organisations. The Modes of Managing Morality Model that we suggest, is based on an analysis that explains why business organisations tend to move from less complex modes of managing ethics to more complex modes thereof. Furthermore, it also identifies the dominant ethics management strategies that characterise each of the stages. It is done in a way that avoids claiming that the more advanced modes of managing ethics necessarily represent moral development by business organisations. Instead of claiming the organisations develop morally, we claim that organisations move through an evolutionary process of improving their sophistication in managing ethical performance.  相似文献   

Out of the Mouths of Babes: Business Ethics and Youths in Asia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A model of corporate ethics and social responsibility (CESR) was developed and empirically tested among Chinese business undergraduates in Hong Kong and Singapore. As predicted, it was found that CESR beliefs were negatively related to Machiavellianism and two Confucian concepts, guanxi (interpersonal connections) and mianzi (face). CESR beliefs were also lower among Hong Kong than Singaporean youths. The negative effects of guanxi, mianzi, and Machiavellianism were more pronounced for the Hong Kong than Singapore sample. Implications of these findings are discussed and directions for future research suggested.  相似文献   

Although it seems that ethics and religion should be related, past research suggests mixed conclusions on the relationship. We argue that such mixed results are mostly due to methodological and conceptual limitations. We develop hypotheses linking Cornwall et al.’s (1986, Review of Religious Research, 27(3): 266–244) religious components to individuals’ willingness to justify ethically suspect behaviors. Using data on 63,087 individuals from 44 countries, we find support for three hypotheses: the cognitive, one affective, and the behavioral component of religion are negatively related to ethics. Surprisingly, one aspect of the cognitive component (i.e., belief in religion) shows no relationship. Implications for research and practice are discussed. K. Praveen Parboteeah (Ph.D. Washington State University) is an Associate Professor of International Management in the Department of Management, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater. Parboteeah’s research interests include international management, ethics, religion and technology and innovation management. He has published articles in numerous academic journals including Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Decision Sciences, Small Group Research, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of World Business, Management International Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, R&D Management and Journal of Engineering and Technology Management Martin Hoegl (Ph.D. University of Karlsruhe, Germany) is Professor at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, where he holds the Chair of Leadership and Human Resource Management. Before joining WHU, he served on the faculties of Washington State University and Bocconi University (Milan, Italy). His research interests include leadership and collaboration in organizations, management of R&D personnel, knowledge creation in innovation processes, and the management of geographically dispersed collaboration. He has published in leading international journals, including the Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, the Journal of Management, Decision Sciences, and others. John B. Cullen is Professor of Management at Washington State University. He has also served on the faculties of the University of Nebraska, the University of Rhode Island, Waseda and Keio Universities in Japan (as a Fulbright lecturer), and the Catholic University of Lille in France. Professor Cullen is the past president of the Western Academy of Management. Professor Cullen is the author or co-author of four books and over 60 journal articles. His publications have appeared in journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Organizational Studies, Management International Review, Journal of Vocational Behavior, American Journal of Sociology, Organizational Dynamics, and the Journal of World Business. He currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies and has served on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Journal and Advances in International Comparative Management Journal.  相似文献   

本文认为,无店铺网上B2C企业产生问题的根源是其在没有实体店铺支撑的情况下,面向众多消费者开展大范围配送的商务模式.无店铺网上B2C只是零售电子商务发展的一个阶段,传统零售企业进入B2C电子商务市场将拥有诸多优势,未来B2C电子商务的主流模式将让位于传统零售企业领衔的"鼠标+水泥"电子商务模式.文章指出,在传统零售企业进入电子商务市场后,将给B2C电子商务带来积极影响,传统零售与网上零售要走向融合,实体化与区域性电子商务将成为B2C电子商务的主流.  相似文献   

价值细分--价值驱动的细分模型   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
主流的市场细分是围绕客户需求的差异性展开的,将满足客户需求视为第一位,而忽视了企业利润,但是利润或价值是企业市场细分最基本的驱动因素,因此传统的主流市场细分方法存在一些问题.本文认为在传统的主流细分方法基础上,应引入客户价值细分指标,从而构建价值-特征-行为三维市场细分模型,这一模型不仅可以满足企业制定与实施营销战略的需求,而且可以保证企业的收益.  相似文献   

Value creation has long been hailed as the major objective of business firms by many management researchers. Some authors state that a firm must create value for its shareholders; some insist that value must be created not just for shareholders but also for all stakeholders. However, most discussions of value creation do not address an important question: "For whom the value is created?" The purpose of this paper is to take a first step to fill this void and propose a model of value creation along three dimensions: financial, nonfinancial, and time. It is hoped that the model will contribute to a better understanding of how strategic and operational decisions of managers may create value for some stakeholders while destroying it for others.  相似文献   

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