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传统的服装品牌是不是要开网店?网店是不是把实体店的客户给带走了?网店比较适合标准化的产品,对于时装是否合适?网店价格会不会对实体店形成冲击?以上这  相似文献   

山东读者梁忠我是一个服装代理商,关注网络销售很久了,如何协调好网店和实体店是我最关心的问题。第14期服装本《打开一扇门——解  相似文献   

2012年1月4日达雷尔·里格比(Darrell Rigby)在《哈佛商业评论》中发表题为"购物的未来"一文。他告诉你,到2016年你将是这样购物的——坐在家中沙发上,通过视频和实体店为你安排的私人购物助理聊天,让她为你推荐服装,并展示服装穿在你网上替身上的样子。你可在网上查看商品评论、比价,确定好之后再到实体店试穿,刚到店门口手机就会收到店家优惠券。  相似文献   

网络营销是近十年新兴的一种营销模式,网络购物对于当今很多消费者来说已经成为了必不可少的一种购物渠道。那么,消费者在网络消费时与在传统的店铺进行消费时,在消费行为上有哪些不同。本文试图在前人的学术论著中找出一些比较有意义的研究内容进行相关分析,希望能够对广大网络营销者起到一定的积极作用、从而促进商品的销售。  相似文献   

Gap已经意识到,消费者往往喜欢光顾其实体店试衣服,而结果就是花费更多。因此,Gap将于今年6月推出"reserve-in-stor(e店内储备)"购物模式,这是一种新型的O2O购物模式,让消费者在网上下订单,然后到实体店试穿、取货,这样就能促使消费者多花时间在店里。  相似文献   

从网络销售数据看服装行业电商模式发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国电商迅猛发展,服装已成为网络销售第一大商品,这对服装传统单一实体店经营模式产生强大冲击,关门潮在这类传统品牌中愈演愈烈。本文从我国"双十一"电商促销活动中研究服装行业相关的网络销售数据,探讨未来服装行业电商模式的发展。  相似文献   

两年前,当1号店正式上线时,并没有人感觉到它的存在,或者说瞧不上它;不过两年后的今天,1号店疯狂地窜红线上和线下,尤其是在一线城市中,1号店的广告雪花般飘舞而来。取得如此快速的发展,除了得益于传统广告和包括网店在内的传统销售渠道外,1号店也不断尝试新的营销模式。  相似文献   

电商的强烈冲击、消费市场的持续走低,使得服装品牌实体店需要一剂强心针使来往顾客WAKE UP。激发购物热情,感受逛街乐趣,橱窗与店内陈列成为先锋。从初级的展示新品、服装搭配,发展到如今的风格陈述、设计艺术,近年来本土品牌的成长与努力从终端可见一斑。  相似文献   

孙维超 《玩具世界》2024,(2):214-216
“互联网+”赋予了各行各业新的发展方向,在玩具销售方面,直播营销已经成为一种常态。这种营销模式摆脱了实体店的地域限制,能够让购买者更加清晰直观地看到想要购买的玩具产品,对提升营销利润具有重要意义。文章探索玩具直播营销模式的特点、优势,提出相应的策略和建议,以帮助企业更好地利用玩具直播营销模式推广产品。  相似文献   

电子商务的兴起,改变了传统的经营观念,开创了新的营销模式。作为一种新的营销渠道,电子商务与纺织服装专业市场该如何有效对接、和谐共赢?近日,《纺织服装周刊》记者采访了中国纺织工业协会副秘书长、中国纺织服装专业市场联盟会长夏令敏,请他就这一问题进行深入解读。  相似文献   

作为零售终端的服装店铺,其优质健全的顾客服务对每一个服装公司来说都至关重要。建立完善的服装店铺服务属性层级体系,有助于研究哪些服装店铺服务属性对服装消费决策影响较大,帮助企业赢得顾客并获得更多利润。从"服务"的定义出发,在回顾相关文献的基础上,通过实地考察对店铺服务属性进行补充,并结合专家访谈法和问卷调研法,提出服装店铺服务属性的层级体系。研究还发现,不管是男性消费者还是女性消费者,最关注的前两位店铺服务属性都是店员服务态度和店内服务设施,男性消费者比女性消费者更加关注售后服务和店员补救能力,女性消费者则更看重店员沟通能力和商品陈列。  相似文献   

目前服装已是网上购买人数最多、金额最高的商品,接近六成的网上消费者在网上买过服装,占到了全部网购金额的约四分之一。2008年我国服装企业开始大举进入电子商务领域,到2010年我国服装电子商务呈现爆发式增长。在众多国内服装企业向电子商务转型时,2012年9月5日国际快时尚品牌ZARA在中国大陆的网店上线营业。作为世界最大的服装公司之一西班牙Inditex集团的旗舰品牌,ZARA的在线网购销售策略有许多独到之处,有别于我国现有的服装在线销售模式。通过介绍ZARA在线网购销售策略,为处于价格大战的国内服装企业电子销售策略调整与选择提供参加。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effect of an online shopping channel on private label purchases, product exploration and price elasticities. Variation in the timing that an online shopping service was introduced is utilized as a source of exogenous variation in the decision to shop online. Event study estimates indicate a 0.3 to 1.0 (1.0 to 2.0) percent increase (reduction) in the proportion of private label (new) products purchased after the introduction of the online shopping service. Price elasticities are then estimated utilizing an Exact Affine Stone Index (EASI) demand model. Comparisons of in-store and multichannel price elasticities indicate that households are, on average, less price sensitive when shopping across both the in-store and online channels. Own-price (cross-price) elasticities are 1.07 (5.56) times larger in-store than they are in a multichannel setting. These findings suggest that retailers manipulate the online search platform and(or) the provision of substitutes to favor private label products, which have a higher margin. Additionally, these results suggest that retailers may find it profit maximizing to raise prices as consumer baskets become more sticky in the multichannel purchasing regime.  相似文献   

The full cost of shopping includes the cost of the shopper's time.When that cost increases, stores have incentives to respond in waysthat economize on shopper time. One response is to substitute in-storelabor for shopper time. Pooled cross-sectional tests using data fromsuburban and city food stores show that various labor intensitymeasures are higher where the opportunity cost of shopper time ishigher. We distinguish between income and cost of time effects byshowing that store labor intensity depends on the composition ofincome between male and female members of the family, and notonly on the level of family income. We obtain similar results for twoother ways that food stores can economize on shopper time – locatingcloser to the customer and offering more check out stations withina store. We also use a unique shopping time survey to showthat shoppers from higher income households make fewer visitsto food stores, spend less time per visit in the check out line andare more likely to shop at stores with longer hours.  相似文献   

王芳 《山东纺织经济》2009,(3):72-73,123
随着消费者可支配收入的增长,服装消费者的消费理念和消费方式随之改变,顾客感知价值也就相应地发生了改变。顾客在购买服装时不再仅仅关注商品本身,而是越来越注重一种精神文化意境的传达。与此同时,购物、消费时的环境、心情与感受对消费者消费决策的影响也越来越凸显其重要性,对应的市场营销策略也应运而生。  相似文献   

While the nominal value of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits is fixed across states (except for Hawaii and Alaska), variation in food prices across the U.S. is dramatic. We provide new evidence describing geographic variation in the purchasing power of SNAP benefits, measured by the extent to which SNAP-recipient households are able to afford the Thrifty Food Plan (TFP), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) food plan on which legislated SNAP benefit levels are based. For more than one-quarter of SNAP households, SNAP benefits are too low to cover the cost of the TFP at the primary stores where they report shopping. SNAP purchasing power increases somewhat as we assume households can travel farther to shop and increases much more with the assumed ability to identify and travel to the lowest-cost store in a given area. It is unlikely, however, that SNAP households are sufficiently informed and mobile to shop at the lowest-cost store in a large (e.g., 10 to 20-mile) geographic area. We demonstrate that aggregate dollar shortfalls for SNAP households who cannot afford the TFP could be completely eliminated by redistributing from households in low-cost areas to those in high-cost areas, e.g., by indexing SNAP benefits to local food prices.  相似文献   

通过对太原市中老年人进行问卷调查,分析中老年人的服装消费特征和服装消费需求,为服装企业对于中老年服装市场的定位、新产品开发和企业营销战略提供数据参考。  相似文献   

We develop a structural model of retail store choices for which household shopping plans and price beliefs are endogenously determined. In our model individual households make their store choices based on their expected basket costs, which are determined by their shopping plans and price beliefs. Previous studies use realized purchases as a proxy for unobserved shopping lists and also assume homogenous price expectation across all households over the entire sample period. Our approach improves the measures of expected basket costs by estimating intended shopping lists of households using a duration model and also by constructing household-, time-, store-, and goods-specific price expectations. In our empirical application using a scanner data set, we find that the store choices become significantly more elastic to prices when the correction is applied.  相似文献   

Stores in retail and other service agglomerations, such as high streets and shopping malls, compete with each other for customers. Yet they may also cooperate with each other in relation to operational and marketing matters within the agglomeration in which they are located. The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of both competition and cooperation, i.e. coopetition, on agglomeration and store performance. Drawing on the network debate, this paper develops a conceptual model and tests it in three distinctive agglomerations, each in an urban setting, namely first- and second-order high streets as well as an inner-city retail and service cluster. A total of 277 store managers served as key informants in our survey. Variance-based structural equation modelling reveals that both competition and cooperation improve agglomeration performance directly. Despite competition having a negative direct effect on stores' performance, the overall effect is insignificant. Cooperation affects store performance positively but only indirectly. The contribution of this paper is to reveal and substantiate the complex nature and benefits of the effects of the coopetition of stores located within agglomerations. More widely it underlines the importance of managers of agglomerations understanding the differing effects of competition and cooperation and using this understanding in their management decision making.  相似文献   

服装行业竞争激烈,营销的成功与否已成为服装企业生存和发展的关键,营销过程中的各种不确定性因素会对服装企业的盈利能力产生影响。为了识别服装企业的营销风险,本文根据营销环境中不可控制因素和可控制因素的划分,将服装企业营销风险划分为宏观营销风险和微观营销风险,并对这两种风险进行了细分和阐述。  相似文献   

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