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效率本身是一个经济学意义上的概念,自亚当.斯密将经济学引入法学视角之后,法经济学获得长足发展。从法学角度而言,降低成本,提高效率,是任何司法活动的应有之义。检察工作作为司法活动的一个重要方面,同样要追求效率价值。本文以检察效率的视角,通过对检察效率重要性、原因、方法路径三个方面进行分析。  相似文献   

李洪健 《中外企业家》2013,(3S):123-123
自法经济学诞生后,人们开始更多地从经济学角度分析法学问题,刑罚的效率问题便是其中之代表,当公平与效率遭遇时,如何进行价值选择?本文将借助经济学角度进行分析。  相似文献   

本文在系统分析、功能分析等基础上提出效用分析法,又在价值工程基础上引出效率工程的基本概念,并以效用分析为核心阐述了效率工程的运用程序和方法.效率工程的突出优点是能方便分析宏观问题,该理论可认为是价值工程基础理论的研究与探讨.  相似文献   

根据“结构—行为—价值”的范式,企业可以根据自身实际来调整其融资行为并由此提高其融资效率和企业价值.文章构建了以融资成本、融资风险、融资经济范围3个一级指标,涵盖11个二级指标的科技型中小企业融资效率评价指标体系,通过综合运用层次分析法(AHP)与熵权法来确定各指标的权数,以某科技型中小企业2006-2010年的数据为例,根据计算结果对该企业融资效率进行度量,来分析各相关指标对企业融资效率的影响程度,评价该企业融资效率的变动趋势,为后续的融资方式的选择提供可靠的决策依据.  相似文献   

经济法作为基本法律部门之一,其追求经济自由、公平、效率等多重价值目标,常为各界广泛讨论的乃属经济效率与社会公平之间的关系,对其他价值的讨论相对较少。本文在界定相关概念的基础上联系当今实际着重明晰经济自由与经济效率之间的关系,以进一步深化对经济法基本价值的讨论。  相似文献   

研究目标:探索智力资本价值创造效率的提升受到哪些要素的影响。研究方法:以我国沪深A股上市高新技术行业企业2015年的数据进行多元回归分析。研究发现:在高新技术企业中,研发投入强度对人力资本、智力资本价值创造效率提升有着积极促进作用,影响存在滞后性,滞后期分别为2~3年和2年。行业竞争程度不同,其对人力资本、智力资本价值创造效率的影响存在差异性,行业竞争程度越高,其对人力资本、智力资本价值创造效率的影响越大。此外,充裕的内部现金流对人力资本、智力资本价值创造效率提升有着积极的促进作用。研究创新:将研发投入、行业竞争、内部现金流作为智力资本价值创造效率的影响因素进行分析。研究价值:有益于高新技术企业的战略性管理方向的选择。  相似文献   

会计稳健性、投资效率与企业价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以新会计准则和实施股权分置改革后的2007年—2009年沪深证券交易所上市的A股上市公司为样本,实证研究了会计稳健性对投资效率及企业价值的影响。研究结果表明,会计稳健性对投资效率的影响具有两面性,一方面会计稳健性在企业投资过度时能及时遏制企业投资规模,改善投资效率;另一方面会计稳健性会加剧企业投资不足程度,恶化投资效率。会计稳健性对投资效率的这种正反作用同样影响企业价值,检验后发现,在过度投资组,会计稳健性通过改善投资效率提高了企业价值;在投资不足组,会计稳健性通过恶化投资效率降低了企业价值。  相似文献   

安胜利 《科技与企业》2013,(13):337-338
本文阐述了影响油田热电厂电除尘器除尘效率的因素分析、并根据分析结果及实际经验,制定了影响除尘效率的对策,从而保证除尘效率,具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

一、刑事证明效率原则释义 司法证明不仅仅是一种认识活动,更是一种适用法律的专门活动,因此其中必然涉及到各种价值的选择和实现问题.它不仅要考虑客观事实真相是什么的问题,也要回答什么是公平、正义,什么是不公平、非正义,什么是善,什么是恶,什么是诚信,什么是不诚信等问题.相应地,证据法所要追求和维护的价值也是多方面的,不仅有一般意义上的法律价值,如对实体正义与程序正义的追求与实现,还有伦理价值、效率价值、社会价值以及文化价值.法律价值与上述价值之间,甚至包括不同的法律价值之间通常并不总是一致的,也不总能同时实现.  相似文献   

正如在财务报表上,永远体现不出领导者召集员工的方式价值几何一样,结构资本、人力资本这些智慧资本很难体现出具体的价值。如果领导者只是一味重视效率,只关心如何用规则及过程降低成本,这只是低成本的战略,无法产生创新。当下的知识经济已并不是效率层面的竞争,而是特长上的竞争,要从"不确定性"中走出一条新路。这需要领导者能忍受混乱、歧义和不确定,在企业内部的某些部门减少级别,尽量放权,让  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the competitive behavior of hospitals influences the extent to which their productive efficiency deviates from best-practice standards. An index of technical inefficiency is constructed by means of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) for 189 acute-care hospitals in the State of Florida in 1989. A regression model is then specified that estimates the impact of competitive dynamics in local hospital markets over the period 1982–1988 on these 1989 DEA efficiency scores, controlling for a set uf internal and external constraints on managerial decision making. Among other things, the empirical analysis shows that these ratings are systematically accounted for by both the nature and vigor of hospital competition, with price leaders in highly competitive markets in particular shown to be more efficient. The public policy implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

British industrial performance and the attitudes of workers have been unfavourably compared with Germany for more than 100 years. Much has been made of non-militant German workers, implying a deep-rooted psychology which harmonises the interests of workers and employers. This article argues that West German workers are as sceptical of employers' motivations as their British counterparts.  相似文献   

It is shown in this paper that the way in which an allocation is represented (net trades, final allocation, etc.) can affect the design of any realizing mechanism or incentive compatible system. The reason is that a poor choice of representation may be imposing superfluous conditions and demands upon the realizing mechanism. So, in this paper a technique is developed to (1) find the optimal representation of an allocation, and (2) to characterize the associated, realizing mechanisms. Although this approach is designed to be applied to any smooth economic model, it is illustrated and motivated here by applying it to the price mechanism. More specifically, there are assertions in the literature by Mount and Reiter and by Hurwicz that the price mechanism is informationally efficient over the class of Pareto seeking mechanisms. These proofs are incomplete because they consider only one choice of representation for the Pareto allocations. We use this technique to (a) reassert the dimensional efficiency of the price mechanism, (b) compare mechanisms for spaces of economics with and without externalities, (c) characterize for the space of quadratic functions the other dimensionally efficient allocation concepts, and (d) characterize those two agent economics where the price mechanism is dimensionally efficient.  相似文献   

Using analytic approximations, we reconcile some radically contradictory evidence and resolve an interesting paradox that occurs in a simple linear model with autocorrelated disturbances. In general, the behavior of conventional coefficient estimators is quite sensitive to the specification of the exogenous variables, or, equivalently, to whether the marginal efficiency or the conditional efficiency of the coefficient estimators is being compared.  相似文献   

Summary The exact mean square error for the ratio estimator of a finite population total based on simple random sampling without replacement is shown to have an expected value less than that of the variance of the ratio estimator based on Midzuno’s scheme, under a usual super-population model.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to measure the performance of railway companies that produce passenger and freight services around the world. The data covering 10 years from 2000 to 2009 is analyzed first via the data envelopment analysis method in order to obtain technical efficiency and allocative efficiency scores of 31 railway companies for the purpose of the study. In the analysis conducted by use of the CCR model, while total 17 firms were efficient in the first year, this figure reaches to 18 companies for the last year with one more addition. While only two companies seem efficient in the first year, this figure goes down to one for the last year. With input oriented and variable return analysis conducted by use of the BCC model, the firms having technical efficiency at the beginning of the period were 20 in number. At the end of the period, the figure reaches to 24. Next, the outputs of DEA are correlated by Tobit regression and tried to determine decisiveness of the outputs on the efficiency. It has been seen that the same output composition used with Tobit analysis gives more compliant results with the allocative efficiency scores rather than with the technical efficiency scores.  相似文献   

认为可持续发展是当今社会发展的主题,生态经济是现代乃至未来经济发展的方向;随着经济发展由工业时代向环境时代、由经济效率向生态效率的转变,将生态环境因素纳入企业管理决策中显得愈发迫切,在业绩评价中融入生态经济效率概念,对于企业可持续发展有着重要的现实意义。从业绩评价的角度对生态经济效率的相关概念、内涵、特点及作用进行了诠释和解读,指出生态经济效率融合了环境业绩与经济业绩,要求企业以较少的生态环境影响实现较大的经济效益,从而实现可持续发展的战略目标及创造长期的价值。  相似文献   

多年来,联邦快递(FedEx Express)始终坚持为客户提供优质的、个性化服务.在联邦快递集团全球网络支持下,通过采用反应更迅速、更安全、更灵活的物流系统,提高了快件的送达效率和安全性能,联邦快递亚太区信息技术部副总裁莲达·柏勤(Linda C.Brigance)这样表示.在强大的货运量和经济增长的背景下,联邦快递对中国快递市场的未来非常乐观.  相似文献   

We revisit the jungle economy of Piccione and Rubinstein (Econ J 117(July):883–896, 2007) in which the allocation of resources is driven by coercion. In this economy the unique equilibrium satisfies lexicographic maximization. We show that relaxing the assumptions on consumption sets and preferences slightly, allocations other than lexicographic maximizers can be jungle equilibria. We attribute this result to single unilateral taking where a stronger agent takes goods from only one weaker agent. Once multiple unilateral takings are introduced, we show that jungle equilibria coincide with lexicographic maximization under weak assumptions. However, we also present examples of equilibria that are Pareto inefficient, where voluntary gift giving by stronger agents is needed to achieve Pareto efficiency and even voluntary trade has a role in the jungle.  相似文献   

Environmental efficiency measurement and the materials balance condition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The materials balance condition is a fundamental adding up condition, which essentially says that: “what goes in must come out”. In this paper we argue that a number of the recently developed methods of incorporating pollution measures into standard productive efficiency models may be inconsistent with this fundamental condition. We propose an alternative method that involves the incorporation of the materials balance concept into the production model in a similar manner to which price information is normally incorporated. This produces a new environmental efficiency measure that can be decomposed into technical and allocative components, in a similar manner to the conventional cost efficiency decomposition. The approach is illustrated with the case of phosphorus emission on Belgian pig-finishing farms, using data envelopment analysis (DEA) methods. Our results indicate that a substantial proportion of nutrient pollution on these farms can be abated in a cost reducing manner.  相似文献   

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