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There were about four million trademarks in force throughout the world in 1974. Around one million of them were granted in the developing countries; one half of these were owned by foreigners and most of them for items of consumption for the elites. Advertising expenditures in developing countries, mostly meant to promote these trademarks, amounted to $4 billion in 1973 - twice as much as their expenditure on R & D!This article examines the place of trademarks in developing countries and their functions. It points to the anomaly between the legal framework, national as well as international, giving protection to the owners of trademarks and the interests of development of the Third World. It concludes by drawing attention to initiatives for balancing the grant of such rights, mostly to transnational corporations by considerations of national interest.  相似文献   

This article explains the current hukou system in China and provides the most recent evidence on the impact of the hukou system on the Chinese labor market and economy. By a comprehensive literature survey, this paper shows that the hukou system plays in two major roles in current China. First, workers with different hukou face different costs of living in cities and have different access to government-provided public services and welfare programs in the urban areas. Migrants with rural and non-local hukou working in the Chinese big cities have no or little access to welfare programs provided by local city governments. Second, there exists labor market discrimination against rural hukou holders in cities, especially in the urban high-wage sector such as state-owned enterprises. The current hukou system has a negative impact on rural-to-urban migration in China as well as on economic efficiency and equality by reducing the expected benefits associated with migration.  相似文献   

对第三世界若干问题的认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、冷战后的今天有无"第三世界"? 众所周知,"第三世界"这一名称与法国人口学家A·索维(Alfred Sauvy)有关.1952年,索维在<观察家>杂志上发表的一篇文章中将1789年法国革命前"无权无势"的穷人称为"第三等级"的人(tiers monde),以区别于"僧侣"和"贵族".在1955年的万隆会议上,一些与会者借用"第三等级"这一名词,称亚非拉为"第三世界".1956年,索维所在的人口研究所中的一些研究人员出版了一本名为<第三等级>(k Tiers-Monde)的书.1959年,法国经济学家F·佩勒(Francois Perroux)创办了一本同名杂志,探讨欠发达问题.  相似文献   

躲避现代芝术的发展,其动力,除了创新的欲求外;还有躲避已有的存在,找到生存空间的需要。比方说,绘画和视觉艺术,最早的人物写生,是以贵族肖像市场需求,刺激其发展,当照相业进入市场,“真实再现”被黑白照片和彩色摄影所完成,那么艺术家就要在印象,在内心,存变形的现实和不可见的梦幻世界找到新的主题。  相似文献   

[编者按]12月9-10日在重庆举行的"2002世界银行信息年会",是2002年度重庆继AAPP会议之后举行的又一次重大的国际性会议,同时创下了"三个第一":第一次在亚洲召开,第一次在中国召开,第一次在中国西部城市召开,于重庆信息业的发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Daniel Pineye 《World development》1983,11(12):1083-1095
This paper examines the process by which the Soviet Union has attempted to establish, maintain and extend its influence in the various regions of the Third World. The author traces the evolution of these relations through the stage of establishing diplomatic relations during the decolonization period and that of the USSR's attempts to harmonize its approach to trade relations with its own strategy of economic development. However, the USSR's natural economic ties with the South were very weak and it therefore chose to favour military assistance over economic aid – an option which it felt would create stronger links of dependency between the recipient countries of the South and the USSR, and thus would reinforce the bases of Soviet power around the world.  相似文献   

Despite the obvious attractions of tourism as a foreign exchange earner for a number of developing countries, the industry is dominated by the rich countries which appropriate most of the economic benefits from the tourist trade. This domination takes economic and political forms, and tends to increase over time as tour operators diversify and grow vertically. The policies open to LDCs to increase their returns are discussed, and the difficulties they may face are mentioned.  相似文献   

Over the past five years the World Bank has been engaged in an extensive investigation of the implementation of policies designed to recast the urban system of South Korea and, more especially, to constrain the expansion of the capital city, Seoul. The South Korean situation furnishes an example of an active employment decentralization policy pursued in a middle‐income developing country. The task of the paper is to synthesize the extant research material on Seoul, chronicling the unfolding nature of policy intervention, the directions of industrial policy in South Korea and suggesting the broader implications for decentralization planning in South Africa.  相似文献   

The paper examines the medium-term prospects for supply and demand balance in five base metal industries of interest to Third World producer countries (lead, zinc, copper, nickel and aluminium). It argues that growth in demand for the five metals will be stagnant or sluggish in the medium-term and that existing capacity, plus additions already in the construction pipelines, will be adequate, or more than adequate to meet it. Nevertheless, the Third World's share of productive capacity is likely to go on increasing, as it has done throughout the recent recession. The reasons for this shift are examined, along with the future policy dilemmas it poses for Third World producers.  相似文献   

目前世界金融极分别是欧洲的伦敦和美洲的纽约。亚洲的六大金融城市虽然各具优势,但近期内要成为世界金融第三极都有较大的困难。本文认为,把香港和深圳建设成为一个金融中心,最有可能成为世界金融第三极。期望把港深都会建设上升为国家战略,消除港深金融中心的制度性障碍。  相似文献   

"This paper analyses various demographic and economic features of the urbanization process that is taking place in Third World (developing) and First World (developed) countries. A comparison of some demographic and economic differences between contemporary Third World urbanization and First World urbanization at a comparable stage of development is made. The aim is to see what South African urbanization can learn from the comparison between Third and First World urbanization."  相似文献   

The more industrialized LDCs are emerging increasingly as exporters of capital (or of technology in several forms). This paper draws on the recent experience of Indian MNCs to reexamine the factors which give rise to Third World multinationals. The author summarizes the current state of research in the analysis of LDCs MNCs, drawing upon specific MNC literature and other related literature on trade and technology. He deals with the evidence on Indian capital exports, placing it in the broader context of technology exports, discussing some examples of interest and drawing comparisons with foreign investment by some other LDCs. He assesses the Indian experience, using the distinctions drawn by Dunning's ‘eclectic’ theory but concentrating on the processes of technical change that underline the growth of its MNCs. The final section draws some tentative conclusions.  相似文献   

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