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2005年的中国SUV市场是一个充满变数的市场。从2003年开始,国内汽车市场掀起了SUV热潮,越来越多的用户逐渐认可了SUV的实用性特点。而在2004年,作为乘用车整体市场的一部分,SUV领域并没有做到独善其身,其销售走势和整个乘用车市场基本一致,出现了大幅度下降。  相似文献   

Web 2.0 and opportunities for small businesses   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The burst of the dot-com balloon closed the era of Web 1.0. In the process, we observed the creation and disappearance of many small businesses globally. The dynamic and linked web pages provided new pathways to online businesses. However, most of the new online business models still followed the traditional practices of the industrial era which could be characterized by closeness, uniformity, and one-way communication. A new set of new technologies, called Web 2.0, offers new opportunities, blurs the boundaries between online and offline activities, opening a new era with flagships of openness, collaboration, and participation. In this study, by reviewing the properties of Web 2.0, we investigate opportunities for small businesses in the Web 2.0 era. The findings of this study can provide helpful guidelines for small businesses to begin using and leveraging Web 2.0.  相似文献   

Europe is a long-run success model in a mid-life crisis. In the wake of the financial crisis, European growth has been low, unemployment is high and income disparity has increased - developments that have resulted in less support for the European project, manifested in populism and Brexit. The best answer to the current problems is a new strategy based on new drivers of growth and “Beyond GDP” goals, as proposed in the WWWforEurope project. A new industrial policy would be an important part of the new European strategy. It has to be systemic, working in alignment with competition, energy and innovation policy, and it must support social and ecological goals instead of calling for cheap labour or energy as a precondition for success. High ecological standards will lead to a competitive advantage for Europe in technologies that will become all-important if the Paris 2015 goal of decarbonisation is implemented. A European technology lead in low-carbon technologies, energy efficiency and renewables constitutes a core part of a new industrial policy that can help Europe end its mid-life crisis. It should be implemented in a European-wide dialogue with industry and citizens.  相似文献   

The arrival of the World Wide Web has intensified word-of-mouth communication. Thanks to consumers, information flows without geographical or temporal boundaries. The influence of the mass media has receded and that of the Web 2.0 has emerged with force. Opinion leaders are individuals who have become points of reference in these social networks. They exert influence and disseminate information, and they are a source of new ideas. This article presents a methodological procedure that combines the research of opinion leader 2.0 features with advances in social network analysis. In addition, some findings, further research, and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Web 2.0 service adoption and entrepreneurial orientation   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between Web 2.0 service adoption and entrepreneurial orientation (EO). For this purpose, this article conducted multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) using Web 2.0 service adoption groups (high and low adopters) as an independent variable and EO as dependent variable, measured with four variables: innovativeness, risk taking, autonomy, and competitive aggressiveness. The results show that there are significant differences in EO, overall and for each dimension, between the two groups (high adopters/low adopters of Web 2.0). High adopters of Web 2.0 have a stronger EO in terms of all the four of the individual EO dimensions.  相似文献   

Web 2.0 technologies are increasingly being used within all knowledge management processes. This paper extends previous studies on the use of internet technologies and knowledge management by analyzing factors affecting knowledge sharing through Web 2.0 technologies within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Drawing upon the technology-organization-environment framework, a model is developed to examine how distinct contextual factors influence the use of Web 2.0 technologies for knowledge sharing. A data set of Spanish SMEs is used to test the conceptual model and hypotheses. Results show that knowledge sharing through Web 2.0 technologies emerges from internal organizational and technological resources rather than from external pressure.  相似文献   

Decision making in virtual teams is gaining momentum due to globalization, mobility of employees, and the need for collective and rapid decision making by members who are in different locations. These factors resulted in a proliferation of virtual team software support tools for decision making, the latest of which is social software (also known as collaboration 2.0), which includes tools such as wikis, blogs, microblogs, discussion forums, and social networking platforms. This paper describes the potential use of collaboration 2.0 software for improving the process and the specific tasks in virtual group decision making. The paper proposes a framework for exploring the fitness between social software and the major activities in the group decision making process and how such tools can be successfully adopted. Specifically, we use a fit-viability model to help assessing whether social software fit a decision task and what organizational factors are important for such tools to be effective. Representative research issues related to the use of such tools are also presented.  相似文献   

The article aims to explore and revise cause-related marketing (CRM) in light of an emerging concept of the market and the roles assigned to companies and consumers in marketing communication processes. Based on a dialogical reflexive approach to case studies, we take our point of departure in theoretically identifying key CRM constituents and their interrelations, and we show how current theories within CRM build upon axioms of a traditional firm-centric view on value creation and fail to meet the challenges of new market structures and relations. This tension of axioms provides a point of direction for introducing the Pepsi Refresh Project as a case illustration of an alternative CRM practice that redefines CRM from company-driven to community-driven – and points towards relocating CRM from an overt to a covert brand and marketing communication strategy. CRM becomes a joint value- and identity-constructing practice transforming consumer criticism into brand involvement and community commitment. By reflexively merging theoretical and case insights, the contribution of the article lies in the revisiting of existing CRM theories in the context of connected, critical and empowered consumers and the subsequent outlining of what we suggest to be CRM 2.0.  相似文献   

2004年以来,中国电子信息产品进出口贸易顺差进一步扩大,电子信息产品出口继续保持快速增长。信息产业部数据显示,2004年全年,电子信息产品出口达到2000亿美元,占全国外贸出口的34%,对外贸出口的贡献率达到44%,我国电子信息产业综合实力进一步增强。2004年国际手机制造业发展表现出持续强劲的势头;全球手机产量逾6.7亿部,同比增速超过26%。伴随全球需求持续增长和更新换代加剧,2004年中国手机产量达到2.3亿部,拥有全球手机产量34%份额的中国已经成为全球最重要的手机生产中心。2004年国际手机巨头和国产手机企业的生产规模都不断扩大,国内手机产能逐年增长,我国手机及套件产品出口额成倍增长,手机进出口贸易顺差扩大趋势日益增强。手机及套件产品已成为我国高新技术产品进出口的主力军。由于国内手机市场空间的压缩,必然造成全年手机内销压力增大和库存的增加,同时国外市场需求的增长也为手机出口打开了巨大的空间。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Das iPhone ist laut TIME Magazine die Innovation des Jahres 2007. über das innovative Telefon wurde intensiv in den digitalen und analogen Medien berichtet. Apple schaffte es im Gegensatz zu vielen Konkurrenten durch eine gezielte Innovationskommunikation bei potenziellen K?ufern bereits weit vor der offiziellen Markteinführung Wissen über den Namen, das Design und die Funktionalit?ten des iPhones aufzubauen.  相似文献   

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