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森林对于气候变化具有减缓、适应等功能,而造林即固碳、绿化相当于减排,因此我国一直将林业发展作为处理气候变化的根本途径。中国林业碳汇项目起步比较早、竞争力强,具有良好的发展前景,在此基础上对林业碳汇项目及发展潜力进行了分析,有利于社会经济的良好发展。  相似文献   

试析森林碳汇服务市场化的经济学基础   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文在对全球气候变暖的成因和后果及森林碳汇服务的经济学特征进行描述和分析的基础上,揭示了全球气候变化与森林碳汇服务之间的关系,指出,森林碳汇服务提供者和大气平流层CO2的制造者间的经济利益冲突是隐藏在背后的社会经济关系,并对这种关系进行了经济学探讨。最后得出,充分理解森林碳汇服务、CO2排放与大气平流层温室气体浓度的生物物理关系是森林碳汇服务市场化的前提。  相似文献   

在我国全面实施应对气候变化战略的背景下,专门探讨黑龙江省的应对气候变化形势,分析现阶段黑龙江省应对气候变化工作进展,从减排措施、排放清单、考核制度、统计核算、林业碳汇、能力建设等6个方面,提出了推进黑龙江省应对气候变化工作的优化策略。  相似文献   

基于2005—2014年大兴安岭图强林业局碳汇造林项目的项目地潮河林场、奋斗林场、二十八站林场和育英林场的数据,建立结构方程模型对森林碳汇项目促进减贫的影响因素及其之间的关系进行实证分析。结果表明:森林碳汇项目通过促进社会就业情况和经济情况有助于减缓贫困,并且社会就业情况在减贫影响上比经济状况贡献度高;而森林碳汇项目造林阶段的造林面积对减缓贫困在一定程度上呈正相关关系。通过结果分析表明只有基于内生发展动力和贫困人口的自我发展能力的森林碳汇项目开发设计,由"输血型"模式变为"造血型"模式,才能更好地实现应对气候变化和缓解贫困两个目标。  相似文献   

目前,世界各国采用了各种措施来增加森林碳汇,进而有效的降低二氧化碳的排放,以实现改善全球气候变暖的目的。通过分析碳汇林发展中的问题,提出了碳汇林经营模式并分析了碳汇林工程的效益。  相似文献   

加快森林碳汇经营工作的推进,使碳汇和温室气体排放权交易得到发展,能够有效应对碳汇事业的发展。为此,以森林碳汇工作为研究的主要内容,通过对国内外的经营状况进行阐述,相继从宣传力度、可持续管理方式及造林抚育工作的开展方面提出了具体的策略和意见,以促进森林碳汇价值,实现生态建设绿色发展。  相似文献   

大力增加森林碳汇已成为国家应对气候变化的重要战略。在大力增加森林碳汇中,要通过森林经营提高森林质量和森林生产力来提高森林碳汇能力,走重数量、更重质量的发展之路,通过内涵式扩大再生产完成森林在应对气候变化中的历史作用;要确立以增加森林生态系统碳贮存而不是森林蓄积为碳汇林经营目标的原则;树立森林碳汇储备的观念和碳交易的意识;确立森林碳汇经营的思想;兼顾木材生产和木材储备;与非木材利用相结合。  相似文献   

基于森林资源保护的碳排放权交易问题的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指出天然林保护、退耕还林等林业政策为减缓气候变暖作出了贡献,但是受造林再造林项目规则的限制,这些森林资源的碳汇并不能进行交易,为了使森林恢复、保护与气候变化问题结合起来,同时保证中国的经济安全及森林生态经济系统功能的充分发挥,建议在国内成立一个自愿碳排放权交易市场,并通过交易机制的设计,促进更广义的森林资源进入交易框架。  相似文献   

2002年12月16~19日,国家林业局植树造林司在浙江林学院举办了“造林绿化与气候变化”研讨会和培训班。这是中国政府核准《京都议定书》后国家林业局首次在行业内进行的关于森林与温室气体排放关系以及“碳基金”、“碳交易”、“碳汇”等问题的研讨交流。为此,本刊记者采访了国家林  相似文献   

王珺 《浙江林业》2010,(3):14-14
绿化造林不仅是改善生态环境的重要举措,而且是应对气候变化的重要手段之一。三月正值绿化造林的黄金季节,为进一步提高城乡绿化水平,改善生态环境,增加碳汇,实现“城市森林化、郊区生态化、村庄园林化”的目标,3月12日,温州市碳汇造林启动仪式在瑞安市梅屿乡三甲山举行。省林业厅厅长楼国华出席仪式并发表讲话。温州市政协主席包哲东,温州市委常委、副市长黄德康,温州市林业局等相关单位领导与包括绿色碳基金捐资代表在内的700多位市民参加启动仪式。  相似文献   

文章选用蓄积量换算因子法和CO2FIX v3.2模型,分别用于估算广东省现有森林的静态碳汇储量和新造林动态碳汇潜力,并利用空间计量Moran I指数分析广东省碳汇布局的空间效应,为广东碳交易市场发展及其CDM造林碳汇项目的开展提供决策依据。研究表明:2010年广东省全省碳汇总量为481.34Tg C,;在假设进行轮伐的情况下,2008~2057年间广东省实现的新造林净固碳量为97.38Tg C;其中粤北地区碳汇储量和碳汇潜力最高,珠三角地区碳汇储量及碳汇潜力最低。空间效应分析显示了广东省碳汇布局存在较强的空间正相关,大部分城市地区的碳汇储量及潜力处于高-高集群或者低-低的集群中,空间集群特征客观存在。结论表明,应充分考虑到碳汇空间的分布特性,考虑到不同地区碳汇储量及潜力之间的关系,将森林碳汇纳入广东碳排放权交易体系,开展跨区合作,从而实现广东省减排成本的最小化和区域碳排放平衡。  相似文献   

An Optimal Control Model of Forest Carbon Sequestration   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
This study develops an optimal control model of carbon sequestration and energy abatement to explore the potential role of forests in greenhouse gas mitigation. The article shows that if carbon accumulates in the atmosphere, the rental price for carbon sequestration should rise over time. From an empirical model, we find that carbon sequestration is costly, but that landowners can sequester substantial amounts of carbon in forests mainly by increasing forestland and lengthening rotations. Forest sequestration is predicted to account for about one-third of total carbon abatement. Tropical forests store over two-thirds of this added carbon.  相似文献   

基于碳汇发展过程中政府与林农之间的博弈关系,结合嵌入式社会结构理论、农户经济理论和正式制度与非正式制度理论,构建政府监管和林农行为选择博弈模型,分析双方的博弈收益。结果表明:政府采取监管、加大扶持力度、建立健全碳汇发展体制机制、完善碳汇市场体系等措施,林农会选择执行监管政策;反之,若政府不实施相关政策,加之林农对森林碳汇认识不够,参与森林碳汇储备意愿不强等,林农会选择不执行监管政策。因此,急需建立健全碳汇交易市场体制机制、完善碳汇林补贴政策、加大政策宣传力度、创新政府监管模式,以期有效推动森林碳汇储备,从而加快森林碳汇项目发展。  相似文献   

Negative carbon emissions options are required to meet long-term climate goals in many countries. One way to incentivise these options is by paying farmers for carbon sequestered by forests through an emissions trading scheme (ETS). New Zealand has a comprehensive ETS, which includes incentives for farmers to plant permanent exotic forests. This research uses an economy-wide model, a forestry model and land use change functions to measure the expected proportion of farmers with trees at harvesting age that will change land use from production to permanent forests in New Zealand from 2014 to 2050. We also estimate the impacts on carbon sequestration, the carbon price, gross emissions, GDP and welfare. When there is forestry land use change, the results indicate that the responsiveness of land owners to the carbon price has a measured impact on carbon sequestration. For example, under the fastest land use change scenario, carbon sequestration reaches 29.93 Mt CO2e by 2050 compared to 23.41 Mt CO2e in the no land use change scenario (a 28% increase). Even under the slowest land use change scenario, carbon sequestration is 25.89 Mt CO2e by 2050 (an 11% increase compared with no land use change). This is because, if foresters decide not to switch to permanent forests in 1 year, carbon prices and ultimately incentives to convert to permanent forests will be higher in future years.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for determining the subsidy required to motivate farmers to participate in timber afforestation programs designed to maximize social well-being. The method incorporates a carbon sequestration benefit function into the land expected value model in order to quantify the social benefit arising from carbon sequestration by the planted trees. This is used to calculate the optimal rotation age for newly planted forests that maximizes social utility. The minimum subsidy required to motivate farmers to participate in the afforestation program was calculated using a modified decision model that accounts for the subsidy's impact. The maximum subsidy offered by the government was taken to be the NPV of the carbon sequestration achieved by afforestation. Data on Robinia pseudoacacia L. trees planted on the Loess Plateau were used in an empirical test of the model, which in this case predicts an optimal subsidy of 254.38 yuan/ha over 40 years. This would guarantee the maintenance of forest on land designated for afforestation until they reached the socially optimal rotation age. The method presented herein offers a new framework for designing afforestation subsidy programs that account for the environmental service (specially, the carbon sequestration) provided by forests.  相似文献   

森林碳汇价值与农户林业收入增长的分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
根据福建省顺昌县农户林业收入的调查数据,从林产品收入、林业服务性收入、林地地租收入、生态公益林补偿收入、其他涉林收入等方面对农户林业收入构成进行分析,发现森林生态效益在农户林业收入中的贡献非常小,仅占0.18%;以现有碳汇市场为参考,通过森林蓄积量换算因子法估算出该县的森林碳汇量及其碳汇价值,指出森林碳汇价值的实现可以有效地增加农户林业生态收入、改善农户的林业收入结构;并探讨了农户森林碳汇价值实现的途径。  相似文献   

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) has been piloted in developing countries as a climate change mitigation strategy, providing financial incentives for carbon sequestration in forests. This paper examines the economic feasibility of REDD+ in community forests within two watersheds in central Nepal, Ludikhola and Kayarkhola, using data on forest product demand, carbon sequestration, carbon price and REDD+ related costs. The benefits of REDD+ are about $7994, $152, and $64 per community forest, per hectare of forest area, and per household in Ludikhola watershed compared to $4815, $29, and $56 in Kayarkhola watershed, respectively, under the business-as-usual scenario. Compared to the EU ETS carbon price ($10.3/tCO2e), the average break-even carbon price in community forests is much higher in Kayarkhola watershed ($41.8/tCO2e) and much lower in Ludikhola watershed ($2.4/tCO2e) when empirical estimates of annual expenditure in community forests are included in the analysis. The incorporation of annual expenditure estimates and opportunity cost of sequestered carbon (in the form of firewood prices in local markets) in the analysis suggests that community forests are economically infeasible for REDD+ at the prevailing carbon prices. The implication of our findings is that economic feasibility of REDD+ in community forests depends on the local contexts, carbon prices and the opportunity costs, which should be carefully considered in designing REDD+ projects.  相似文献   

随着全球气候变暖问题的逐渐严重,各国开始重新认识并重视森林的生态功能,林业碳汇逐渐成为重要的减排手段之一,林业碳汇产业也成为各国的新兴产业。针对我国林业碳汇产权不明、相关风险管理不到位、市场需求不足、投资收益相对低等问题和林业碳汇融资的的制约因素进行分析,从产权、风险、需求、收益等四个方面给出了相关的发展对策。  相似文献   

Forests play an important role in mitigating climate change. Forests can sequester carbon from the atmosphere and provide biomass, which can be used to substitute for fossil fuels or energy-intensive materials. International climate policies favor the use of wood to substitute for fossil fuels rather than using forests as carbon sink. We examine the trade off between sequestering carbon in forests and substituting wood for fossil fuels in Finland. For Finland to meet its EU targets for the use of renewable energy by 2020, a considerable increase in the use of wood for energy is necessary. We compare scenarios in which the wood energy targets are fully or partially met to a reference case where policies favoring wood based energy production are removed. Three models are used to project fossil fuel substitution and changes in forest carbon sinks in the scenarios through 2035.Finnish forests are a growing carbon sink in all scenarios. However, net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will be higher in the medium term if Finland achieves its current wood energy targets than if the use of energy wood stagnates or decreases. The volume of GHG emissions avoided by replacing coal, peat and fossil diesel with wood is outweighed by the loss in carbon sequestered in forests due to increased biomass removals. Therefore, the current wood energy targets seem excessive and harmful to the climate. In particular, biodiesel production has a significant, negative impact on net emissions in the period considered. However, we did not consider risks such as forest fires, wind damage and diseases, which might weaken the sequestration policy. The potential albedo impacts of harvesting the forests were not considered either.  相似文献   

基于森林蓄积量换算因子法与灰色预测GM(1,1)模型,对龙江森工林区森林固碳量和碳汇潜力进行核算与预测。结果表明:天保工程的实施和重点国有林区全面停止商业性采伐对森工林区的碳汇效果产生重大影响。截至2015年天保工程累计增汇2.85 Tg(1 Tg=1012g);到2020年,停伐政策支持下新增碳汇1.27 Tg。龙江森工林区现有森林碳储量为986 Tg,2030年碳储量将达到1 158 Tg,碳汇潜力巨大。  相似文献   

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