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The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships and the effectiveness of cause‐ related or social marketing on consumer perceptions, perceived brand motivations, and the direct and indirect effects that these factors have on brand alliance, attitude, and purchase intentions. A total of 425 participated who are users of soap and oil in the fast‐moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector. Advertisements of three per brands are taken up for study. Dove soap, Parachute hair oil, and Dettol Soap (social marketing) and Fiama Di Wells beauty soap, Vatika hair oil, and Nihar hair oil (cause marketing) are selected for study. Both social and cause‐related marketing motivate the consumer to purchase products from the same company and likewise recommend to others. The present study findings clearly suggest that compared with social cause‐related marketing, social marketing is more preferred. People like watching advertisements incorporating social marketing more compared with cause‐related marketing. Both social and cause‐related marketing motivate the consumer to purchase products from the same company and also recommend to others. The takeaway from this study is how social and cause‐related marketing differ on brand alliance and subsequent effect on brand image, brand recommendation, brand loyalty, consumer perceptions, and purchase behaviour.  相似文献   

文中从广告沟通、公关活动沟通、企业CEO营销沟通、绿色营销沟通等几个方面,对万科企业品牌的营销沟通策略行研究与分析。认为,万科在选择不同的沟通手段去提升品牌形象和影响品牌资产的动作中有三个方面值得肯定:一是强调信息的一致性,所有沟通手段和目标始终正确传递品牌定位;二是对不同营销沟通手段进行科学组合,努力做到整体大于部分之和;三是不断推进营销沟通内容的深入和营销手段的创新,最大化营销沟通效果。  相似文献   

向管理要效益是市场经济的使然.管理的本质就是一种文化现象.管理文化是一种强大的软实力.只有构建和谐的管理文化的柜架,做到“管”与“理”的有机搭配,管理才会产生它本质上的意义,推进企业健康发展.西方文明是中国传媒文化需要吸收的精华所在,源远流长的中华文化给传媒文化以厚实的根基.传媒管理文化的形成具有自己的模式,构建卓越的传媒文化需要全方位探索.企业文化实质就是企业家的文化,传媒领袖人物个人魅力至关重要.强化传媒企业的社会责任,是其外在形象之所在.塑造传媒人为新闻事业的献身精神,是其内在依托.注重跨国文化沟通,是全球经济一体化的必然选择.打造传媒品牌,是传播管理文化的灵魂.文化是柄双刃剑.中国传媒业应当大力发挥传播管理文化的积极功能,克服其消极功能.只有这样,才能彰显传媒管理文化绚丽的光华.传媒管理文化软实力如何构建,当下传媒学界颇有研究的必要.  相似文献   

杨烽 《价值工程》2014,(12):161-163
虚拟品牌社群具有重要的商业价值,蕴含着无限的机遇和挑战。企业应利用虚拟品牌社群的营销功能和价值,实施以虚拟品牌社群为平台的营销创新策略。以虚拟品牌社群为平台开展精准营销、关系营销以及口碑营销,提高营销效率,获取长期竞争优势。  相似文献   

刘洁  张晞 《企业活力》2011,(8):38-40
Web2.0时代的消费者是在互动交流中建立起品牌体验,微博已成为企业新营销平台,微博营销的奖励机制是吸引并维持足够数量的粉丝的关键。微博营销奖励机制要注重情感主题、具有一定的挑战性和趣味性,并设置具有品牌特色的奖励。微博营销奖励机制的着力点在于产品造势、品牌使者、借势炒作、雪球推广和统一阵线。  相似文献   

城市正成为创造社会财富的重要载体和经济增长的重要主体,城市的未来对中国社会经济的发展产生着深刻而全面的影响。中国政府要实现城市的最优发展,必须扬长补短,文章认为应运用4V营销模式的差异化(Variation)、功能弹性化(Versatility)、高附加价值化(High-addedvalue)及共鸣化(Vibration)等策略来对城市进行定位,从而打造出中国的城市品牌。  相似文献   


Developing brand agricultural products (BAPs) has become a strategic choice for consumption upgrading and agricultural modernization in China. As a powerful marketing method, word-of-mouth (WOM) is rarely applied to BAPs. Based on the particularity of the agricultural environment and products in China, this paper focuses on the WOM behavior of consumers regarding BAPs. An agent-based simulation model was designed, including attitude and motivation functions. The former determines consumers’ attitudes toward BAPs, whereas the latter determines whether consumers will spread information by WOM. The model was validated, and some parameters were measured through a survey of Beijing consumers. Then, experiments were conducted to simulate the evolution process of consumers’ attitudes and willingness to engage in WOM and the influence of consumer heterogeneity on WOM spreading. Exploratory findings mainly show that (1) only when the strength of WOM marketing reaches a certain degree can it affect consumer attitudes toward BAPs, (2) in the early stage of WOM spreading, the greater the strength of economic stimulation to consumers, the greater the rate of WOM communication, and (3) the higher the education level of the target group of WOM marketing, the higher the efficiency of WOM communication.


张钟文  顾燕菁  易舒 《价值工程》2009,28(2):132-134
中国企业都希望将自己的品牌推向世界。以可口可乐为例,对其奥运营销能获得巨大成功的原因做了分析,回溯了可口可乐的发展史及其奥运情结;其次,利用三角品牌价值测评模型,从提高社会评价度、提升消费者认同、扩大自身生产力几方面,对可口可乐的奥运营销策略进行解构;最后,指出可口可乐的成功经验对中国企业的启示。  相似文献   

张晓青 《价值工程》2014,(30):205-206
网络和社会化媒体的出现不仅改变着传统的社会交往和人际沟通模式,而且也改变着消费者的购买行为和消费模式。本文通过对社会化媒体平台的分析,简单介绍了一种基于社会化媒体平台的"湿"营销策略。  相似文献   

欧阳波 《物流科技》2011,34(10):13-16
企业无论是在品牌营销发展的初期还是品牌营销发展的高级阶段,都需要寻求适合的物流网络与之相适应,以便企业在节省物流成本的同时,更好地进行品牌推广和渠道建设。文章在分析品牌营销与物流网络的关系和匹配重要性的基础上,试图构建企业品牌营销和物流网络的匹配矩阵,并归纳企业实施品牌营销的策略及适用条件。  相似文献   

已有研究表明消费者怀旧与消费者细分、品牌复兴和广告策略具有密切的联系,中华老字号由于具有深厚的品牌文化、持续性的经营理念和丰富的品牌故事而较为适合怀旧营销。本文在此基础上提出了品牌重构、产品创新、消费者激活等中华老字号品牌怀旧营销策略,对消费者怀旧相关理论在品牌营销中的应用和中华老字号的品牌复兴有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

随着市场营销理论的发展,品牌资产研究也不断深入。4C理论的兴起影响了顾客视角品牌资产的研究,关系营销的兴起又使得顾客视角的品牌资产研究从认知范式转向关系范式,跨学科研究使得更多研究者运用其他学科理论研究顾客视角品牌资产,中国学者对顾客视角的品牌资产进行了跨文化检验和本土化研究,但目前在网络经济等领域中,品牌资产研究依然存在着不足。  相似文献   

随着公关活动在广告传播中的盛行,整合出具有广告和公关各项优势的公关广告不仅在品牌塑造上发挥作用。为了经营这些关系,企业必须有意识地将自己各种营销工具整合起来,用心营造沟通的世界。在产品推广、危机管理中,也发挥着极大的作用。公关广告用心营造沟通的世界,推动社会的经济发展促进物质文明的进步。  相似文献   

广告媒体传播策略是企业营销战略的重要一环,媒体组合的终极目标是协助达成产品营销的目的,而营销的成功有赖于杰出的广告媒体组合策略。文章试从分众时代下,目标受众的生活片段实施立体化、无缝化传播策略角度,探讨广告的媒体传播策略。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to examine how scholarly research on luxury brand marketing has evolved in the twenty-first century. This literature review focuses on 242 articles related to luxury marketing. The contributions of these articles are thoroughly analyzed, combining qualitative interpretations with bibliometric citation analysis that uses a social network of referrals. This study identifies the most influential universities, research outlets, and scholars in the recent evolution of luxury marketing research. The study also identifies current and future research streams, geographic scope, and underlying research methodologies, and it reveals the most frequently used theories and prominent constructs in luxury marketing research. There are few studies that have examined the literature review of the luxury marketing discipline. No previous research has investigated luxury branding by means of a bibliometric analysis and qualitative assessment within such a large scope. Building on the results of this analysis, researchers can target their studies precisely and, thus, increase the contributions of their empirical research.


蔡茵茵 《企业技术开发》2012,(19):83-84,103
电力行业是维持社会输电及供电的主导产业。构建综合性的电力系统是确保企业正常运营的基本条件。新时期先进的经济学理念应用于企业经营,电力行业不仅要注重内部生产效率的提升,还应加强对外营销政策的改善,以此增强企业应对外部竞争的实力。电力营销是电力行业走向市场的关键一步,利用营销方式可以使其在市场中树立自己的品牌价值,不断扩大电力行业的经济影响力。鉴于此,文章主要分析了电力系统营销模式与自动化建设的问题。  相似文献   

范水清  梁榕灵  张松 《价值工程》2010,29(25):23-24
中国是一个注重情感沟通的国度,合作讲究"关系",先"义"后"利",这导致工业品营销在过去的二十几年里,"灰色营销"在扮演着重要角色。本文解析了灰色营销及其危害后,提出了建立健康的关系营销、实施品牌战略等重要策略来扼制灰色营销问题。  相似文献   

张洪伟 《价值工程》2007,26(11):71-73
建筑策划对于中国建筑设计程序来说是一种新生思想,从经济学角度运用策划可以有效地解决信息不对称,提供更好的多方协调沟通,为创造最佳的设计成果服务。价值工程对于建筑业来说也是比较好的优化方法,其功能分析和费用评价更好的提高了项目价值,促进经济效益和社会效益的提高。在价值工程思想的指导下应用建筑策划对于我们现有的设计模式改革具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

We develop a model of marketing efficiency based on a directional distance function that allows for marketing spillovers. A parametric model is used to test for spillovers from rival marketing and from a firm's marketing activity of its other related products. We then show how this information can be incorporated into a non‐parametric model and used to estimate marketing inefficiency. We apply brand level data from the US brewing industry to the non‐parametric model to determine the effectiveness of television, radio, and print advertising. We find that advertising spillovers are important in brewing and show that efficiency estimates are inaccurate when spillover effects are ignored. Our results also suggest that marketing efficiency may be an important component to firm success in brewing, a result that may apply to other consumer goods industries. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

李静 《价值工程》2013,32(1):304-305
目前,作为老工业基地的辽宁具有巨大的工业遗产资源和优势,有效开发再利用这些特色工业遗产资源,寻找和塑造新时代群众文化生活品牌,亟待解决的突出问题是一方面工业遗产保护利用缺乏系统的文化创意,另一方面缺乏系统的根植于工业遗产的群众文化产业品牌包装的营销推广。本文致力于探讨如何改变传统的旅游、展览等盈利模式,改变政府投入大,利润回馈点低,社会效益和经济效益不明显的传统模式。  相似文献   

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