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Over the past few decades numerous organizations have been actively participating in the efforts to improve the comparability of financial reporting. Many studies have discussed the benefits and drawbacks of comparability. This study investigated the affect on the harmonization, or comparability, of accounting practices when a sample of companies choose to use international accounting standards (IASs) when preparing financial reports.This study analyzed trends in the I index, a measure of concentration for the use of a particular accounting practice introduced by van der Tas, to determine if the choice of accounting methods by a sample of Swiss companies became more aligned with a sample of companies from three other countries. The study included a control sample of Swiss companies that did not switch from reporting using local Swiss standards during the same time period, 1988 through 1995. Four accounting practices were included; depreciation, inventory, financial statement cost basis, and consolidation practices. The practices used were compared with a sample of companies from three countries; Japan, the UK, and the US.The results indicated that across the 8-year period, the majority of the I indices comparisons were positive and statistically significant. However, the results did not support that these increases were due primarily to the adoption of IASs.  相似文献   

This article shows how the difference between the observed frequencies of accounting policy choice and the outcome of a random policy choice, where each available method has an equal chance of being selected, may be fully explained with a statistical model. The process of harmonization is described in a way that identifies departures from equiprobable accounting policy choice as either: (a) the systematic effects of harmonization, or (b) the effects of systematic divergence from international harmony where the frequency of adoption of differing accounting methods varies across countries, or (c) the effects of company-specific accounting policy choices. The understanding of harmony that underlies previous attempts to measure harmonization is such that, with respect to a particular financial statement item, a situation of maximum harmony is reached when all companies in all countries use the same accounting method. From the standpoint of modelling the harmonization process. however, a different concept of harmony may be more useful. In this article, therefore, we posit a state of distributional harnzony in which, other things being equal, the expected distribution of accounting policy choices is the same in each country. In this theoretical state. the odds of selecting a given accounting method from those available for a particular financial statement item are identical for each country. A major advantage of this benchmark is that it provides a basis for distinguishing between two possibly conflicting components of the international harmonization process: between-country harmonization and within-country standardization. A hierarchy of nested statistical models is then used to describe accounting policy choices made by companies with an international shareholding and registered in Europe, where the European Union has been involved in a program of accounting harmonization. The accounting policies analysed in depth in this article comprise the treatment of goodwill and accounting for deferred taxation. The results are compared with the comparability index method used previously in harmonization research studies.  相似文献   

The adoption of IASB’s standards has represented, in the European Union, an important effort of harmonization towards the financial reporting comprehensiveness, reliability, relevance and comparability. This paper seeks to highlight the importance of Information Compliance Indexes (ICI), based on the accounting standards, as a proxy for reporting quality awareness. This approach is evidenced through an illustrative example about disclosures on deferred taxes, as required by IAS 12. This standard prescribes the accounting treatment for current taxes, deferred assets and liabilities. These issues are usually perceived by stakeholders as indicators of companies’ continuity and potential future returns. Based on non-financial listed companies of Euronext Lisbon regulated market, with reference to the end of fiscal years 2008 and 2012, an information compliance index was performed, based on that accounting standard. Then, this index was regressed with a set of performance and control indicators. Evidences have provided several statistical significant insights, which corroborate the findings that information compliance and disclosure levels depend from several performance and control indicators.  相似文献   

《Accounting in Europe》2013,10(2):169-206
After the fall of communism, Romanian accounting has undergone several waves of reform. The first began with the 1991 Accounting Law and its 1993 Regulations implementing a French-inspired accounting chart and guidelines. The second wave of reform produced Regulations (in 1999 and 2001) for the harmonization of large entities' accounting with EU accounting directives and International Accounting Standards/International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS/IFRS). An interesting feature was the inclusion of IASB's conceptual framework into the text of these Regulations. Our study seeks to identify and evaluate the costs of harmonizing Romanian accounting with international regulations (EU Directives and IAS/IFRS). We hypothesize that three types of costs are prevalent: personnel training costs, consultants' fees and costs to adjust existing information systems. We also hypothesize that harmonization benefits are noticeable for those entities that make frequent use of foreign finance and for those entities with majority foreign shareholders. To collect data, we sent out questionnaires to the finance directors of listed Romanian companies. As full application of IAS/IFRS by non-financial companies has recently been postponed until 2007, we also comment on the benefits and costs of gradual reforms as opposite to a one-step adoption of IAS/IFRS.  相似文献   

In this commentary, we reflect on Thornton's (2013) extension to his original CA Magazine article on environmental accounting (Thornton, 1993) as well as the original contribution. Given our background in social and environmental disclosure research, we question Thornton's narrow focus on environmental accounting as it relates to the debits and credits of financial reporting, and we attempt to illustrate the problems that voluntary environmental disclosure creates with respect to reduced incentives for companies to improve environmental performance. We conclude by identifying our concerns with the future of environmental accounting given the recent ‘rediscovery’ of the topic by mainstream accounting researchers.  相似文献   

CHRISTOPHER NOBES 《Abacus》2011,47(3):267-283
The earliest paper on international classification of accounting systems is one hundred years old. For about fifteen years from the late 1960s, many papers on the subject were published. One feature of several of the classifications was the dichotomous split of countries into Anglo and continental European. This has been extensively debated. This paper prepares a classification based on the accounting policy choices made by the largest listed companies of eight countries in 2008/9. All the companies were using the same reporting rules, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). This classification by IFRS practices shows the same two groups as a classification of national practices drawn up in 1980, despite 30 years of harmonization. None of the classifications above or the more recent ones was based on the actual accounting practices of companies in annual reports. This has several disadvantages, as the paper investigates. This paper's classification is the first to be based on accounting practices, as well as being the first in the IFRS era. The paper also investigates the implications of the persistent differences in practices for assessing the success of the IASB's whole project on improving comparability of financial statements.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates China's regulatory enforcement in 2001 on the harmonization of accounting practices. We find that the Chinese Government's 2001 compulsory harmonization policy has made a significant contribution to reducing the differences between Chinese GAAP-based earnings and IFRS-based earnings for many line items. The decline of earnings differences is because of the firms' application of the standards rather than differences in the standards. We belive that the harmonization of accounting practices in line with IFRS can be achieved by effective enforcement of standards.  相似文献   

Drawing upon the contingency theory of organisations, we identify a set of perceived international environmental factors and examine how these factors influence a company's voluntary disclosure levels. The perceived international environmental factors identified are (a) intensity of global competition, (b) international socio-political institutions, (c) international accounting standards, and (d) international financial institutions. Based on data collected from 100 Egyptian non-financial listed companies, the results of multiple regression analysis indicate that the level of a company's voluntary disclosure is positively and significantly associated with its perceived influence of (a) international socio-political institutions (such as the United Nations, the European Union, the Association of South East Asian Nations, the World Trade Organization, and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), (b) international accounting standards, and (c) international financial institutions (such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund). Contrary to our expectations, our findings reveal no significant association between voluntary disclosure level and perceived intensity of global competition. Our study contributes to the international accounting disclosure field by providing evidence from Egypt that perceived international environmental factors may influence the type and level of accounting disclosures by organisations. These findings are also applicable to other emerging countries.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the currency market linkages of South Asian member countries using daily data from 6 January 2004 to 31st March 2016. Time invariant and varying Copula GARCH models show that South Asian countries, except for India and Nepal/Bhutan, have low levels of currency market linkages which can be ascribed to poor levels of intra-regional trade intensity and portfolio flows. We reconfirm the copula results through Diebold and Yilmaz methodology and document that currency market connectedness is very limited in the South Asian region. The trends of the fundamental determinants of currency co-movements for the South Asian member countries were compared with its neighbouring regional economic bloc in Asia which has a much longer history and a wider membership base i.e ASEAN + 6. From a comparative analysis, it was found that South Asia member states have to work on their governance parameters, improve on their trade linkages and trade tariffs and work towards greater degree of capital account convertibility with adequate safeguards to achieve higher levels of currency market linkages.  相似文献   

This study investigates how accounting harmonization affects one particular group of financial statement users—financial analysts. We find that mandatory International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption attracts foreign analysts, particularly those from countries that are simultaneously adopting IFRS along with the covered firm's country and those with prior IFRS experience. We also find that mandatory IFRS adoption improves foreign analysts’ forecast accuracy. The change in analyst following increases with the distance between prior local Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and IFRS and with the extent to which IFRS adoption eliminates GAAP differences between the firm's country and the analyst's country. IFRS adoption also attracts more local analysts, particularly those with prior IFRS experience and with an international portfolio prior to mandated IFRS adoption in their home country. Local analysts’ forecast accuracy is not affected by IFRS adoption. Overall, our results suggest that accounting harmonization brings comparability benefits that enhance the usefulness of accounting data.  相似文献   

This rejoinder seeks to address the criticisms expressed in Jones & Aiken's (J&A's) response to Walker (1996). It also re-iterates the limitations of employing a Diceyan-derived model of Victorian legislation in the realm of accounting and auditing. It is contended that the importation into accounting history of the debate aboutlaissez-faireand collectivism is at variance with the recent historical scholarship which J&A seem reluctant to acknowledge. The paper supports the view that the ideological influences on accounting and auditing regulation during the 19th century were often complex and are not reducible to purelylaissez-faireand collectivist explanations. It is argued that legislative outputs relating to companies should also be understood in the context of the character of public policy making in Victorian Britain, and the distribution of power among interested groups.  相似文献   

In this article, researcher-created accounting disclosure index of 23 stock exchanges for the year 1992 and its relationship with variables including foreign exchange turnover, economic and financial indicators were investigated. The accounting disclosure index of global stock exchanges crafted by Adhikari and Tondkar (1992) was regressed on foreign market turnover which was utilized as a proxy for foreign exchange market activity. The OLS results supported that along with the activity of foreign exchange market; GNI per capita, market capitalization, energy and electric consumption, number of listed companies were significantly related with the accounting disclosure index. The foreign market turnover was found to be positively influencing the accounting disclosure index. The models explained about 73% of the variation in the index with an F-ratio of 26.56 indicating the overall significance of the model.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to analyze the degree of de facto harmonization and convergence between the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) of Latin American banking institutions and US banking institutions. We examine 20-F reports of all Latin American credit institutions which quoted shares on the New York Stock Exchange during the period 1998–2003. We also examine the bank financial reporting regulatory environment for three countries. The results show an emerging harmonization between many areas of financial reporting. However, for some areas, there has been little convergence. Also, movement toward harmonizing bank reporting standards has been slow. Thus, there is a need to continue efforts at harmonization in order to reduce the degree of discretion in financial reporting.  相似文献   

This study provides insights from accounting practitioners on China's convergence with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Through a survey of 33 senior financial executives of Chinese listed companies in 2014, the study reports their perceptions on the following issues: first, the degree of convergence between IFRS and Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS); second, the choice between fair value and historical cost accounting, and the usefulness of fair value accounting for Chinese companies’ financial reporting; third, challenges in the process of China's harmonisation with IFRS; and finally, essential capabilities of Chinese accounting professionals in the process of China's harmonisation with IFRS. Multivariate regression was used for further analysis. The survey findings reveal that in general CAS have converged with IFRS, with a few exceptions that reflect the unique Chinese context. Historical cost accounting is the preferred measurement base to fair value accounting. Exercising professional judgement was identified as a challenge for China's full convergence with IFRS. Ownership structure and the expertise of accounting practitioners were found to affect respondents’ judgements on China's convergence with IFRS. This study has policy implications for international accounting standard setters and accounting educators to consider the contextual issues of implementing IFRS in an emerging economy.  相似文献   

This study provides evidence that diversity efforts are associated with improved organizational performance. We explore the benefits of diversity by analyzing long-term shareholder value (Tobin's q) and short-term performance (return on assets) of companies cited for being leaders in the area of diversity. Tobin's q is significantly higher for companies included on the DiversityInc Top 50 list than other companies, implying that diversity efforts increase long-term shareholder value. Companies on a DiversityInc list also have significantly better short-term financial performance, return on assets, than similar companies in their industry. We also conduct a Granger causation analysis, and the results are consistent with our interpretation that appearance on the DiversityInc list increases Tobin's q. Our study contributes to the literature by comparing companies notably recognized for diversity efforts to companies not recognized, and examining the long-term benefits of those efforts.  相似文献   

The actuarial profession is increasingly teaming up with financial economists for a fruitful cooperation on the proper valuation of life insurance and pension (L&P) liabilities. This has been a natural consequence of a recent sharply increased focus on market values in financial reports of L&P companies from regulators, standard setters, the financial press, stakeholders, and others with an interest in the L&P business.

This article provides a financial economist's point of view on recent developments in relation to the fair valuation of L&P liabilities. The role of accounting standards and the background for the international harmonization in this field are first discussed. We then review and explain the concept of fair value and provide a general view on appropriate techniques for estimating fair values of L&P liabilities in accordance with the definition of the concept. The paper also contains a section which briefly reviews recent and quite innovative regulatory initiatives in relation to market value reporting in the Danish market for life and pension insurance.  相似文献   

This paper studies the determinants of disclosure level in the accounting for financial instruments of Portuguese listed companies. An index of disclosure based on IAS 32 and IAS 39 requirements is computed for each company. The analysis includes variables that capture intrinsic features of Portuguese companies and institutional regulatory context, such as capital structure and characteristics of the corporate governance structure, within contingency theory. We could not find any significant influence of corporate governance structure or of financing structure. We conclude that the disclosure degree is significantly related to size, type of auditor, listing status and economic sector. This research reveals areas for improvement of Portuguese companies' reporting practices and suggests areas for intervention of the Portuguese capital markets regulator in the context of mandatory IAS after 2005.  相似文献   

In this article we apply text-mining techniques to analyse the TCFD recommendations on climate-related disclosures of the 12 significant Spanish financial institutions and of the companies comprising the IBEX1 35 stock market index using publicly available corporate reports from 2014 until 2020.In our analysis, applying our domain knowledge, first we create a taxonomy of concepts present in disclosures associated with each of the four areas described in the TCFD recommendations. This taxonomy is then linked together by a set of rules in query form of selected concepts. The queries are crafted so that they identify the excerpts most likely to relate to each of the TCFD's 11 recommended disclosures. By applying these rules we estimate a TCFD compliance index for each of the four main areas for the period 2014–2020 using corporate reports in Spanish. We also describe some challenges in analysing climate-related disclosures. The index gives an overview of the evolution of the level of climate-related financial disclosures present in the corporate reports of the Spanish banking sector compared to the sectors represented in the IBEX 35 index. The results indicate that the quantity of climate-related disclosures reported is growing each year. Besides, our study also suggests that some disclosures are only present in reports different than annual and ESG reports, such as Pillar 3 reports in the case of the banking sector or reports on remuneration of directors in the case of publicly traded companies.  相似文献   

International harmonization of financial accounting standards has been the goal of many professional and academic accountants during the last 40 years. As of January 1, 2005, international accounting harmonization entered a new and perhaps decisive phase. From that date, all companies domiciled in the European Union with shares listed on securities exchanges are required to prepare their consolidated accounts in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). This landmark event presents an opportunity for accounting researchers to assess the status of research on international accounting harmonization. In this paper, we review articles published in major English language accounting journals during the period from 1965 through 2004 in order to trace thematic and methodological trends in this line of research and to assess where the research may evolve from here.  相似文献   

Due to the flexibility of domestic accounting regulations, French groups are entitled to refer to international or American standards for their consolidation. The objective of this research paper is to focus on the choices made by the 100 largest French companies during the last 16 years (1985-2000). In practice, apart from the French rules, three “alternative” sets of standards are used: the International Accounting Standards (IAS), “international principles,” and the U.S. GAAP. The percentage of companies referring to alternative (i.e., non-French) standards rose in the first part of the period, then fell. Additionally, while the number of companies choosing U.S. GAAP increased over the period as a whole, the number preferring IAS or “international principles” has been in sharp decline since 1994-1995. Our results show that in this voluntary move towards international accounting harmonization, the choices made by French companies have clearly varied according to developments in French accounting regulations and the changing power balance between the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) and the SEC-FASB. This indicates a certain degree of opportunism by the management, who clearly keeps one eye constantly on the cost-benefit trade-off.  相似文献   

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