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This paper provides estimates of the impact of social security benefits on the labor force behavior of older married couples in the United States, with the ‘spouse benefit’ provision receiving particular attention. The empirical results using data from the Retirement History Survey show that the spouse benefit provision has a moderately small negative impact on labor force participation by older married women and a small positive impact on the labor force participation of older married men. The results are used to evaluate the potential labor supply impact of a proposal to eliminate spouse benefits and replace them with earnings sharing.  相似文献   

The nature and form of the restrictions implied by the rational expectations hypothesis are examined in a variety of models with expectations and the properties of appropriate test statistics are analyzed with Monte Carlo evidence. Specifically, we consider the implications of lagged variables, simultaneous equations, and future period expectations upon the number and functional form of the rational expectations restrictions. Two asymptotically equivalent test statistics — a likelihood ratio and a Wald test — are available for implementing a test of these restrictions. Monte Carlo evidence is offered to provide a comparison between the properties of the alternative test statistics in small samples.  相似文献   

《Labour economics》1999,6(2):229-252
Monthly observations from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) are used to model the labor force behavior of older married couples in Germany. A discrete time, competing risks hazard model of transitions among labor force states defined by the employment status of both spouses is estimated. The analysis indicates that the probability of one spouse exiting employment is much larger if the other spouse is not employed than if the other spouse is employed. Similarly, one member of a couple is much more likely to enter employment if the spouse is employed than if the spouse is not employed.  相似文献   

This paper examines different theoretical stability tests of infinite-horizon rational expectations equilibria. These ‘tests’ have different status: two of them express that the considered equilibrium is ‘isolated’ [neither (non-sunspot) equilibria (test 1) nor (well-behaved) sunspot equilibria exist in a neighbourhood (test 2)] and two of them are learning criteria [either standard ‘evolutive learning’ (test 3) or game-theoretical ‘eductive’ learning (test 4)]. Surprisingly, these four tests select the same steady state equilibria in the class of one-dimensional one-step-forward looking economic models. The extension of this equivalence theorem to n-dimensional and then more complex systems is discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the small sample properties of alternative formulations of Wald tests of non-linear restrictions implied by the rational expectations hypothesis. A Monte Carlo analysis is presented as well as an example using Canadian aggregate time series data. The evidence indicates that Wald test results are extremely sensitive in small samples to the way in which the non-linear restrictions in such models are parameterized, with a multiplicative form yielding tests of most accurate size. Least squares degrees of freedom adjustments also improve the sample performance of the tests.  相似文献   

Most health insurance in the USA is provided by employers until eligibility for public health insurance (Medicare) begins at age 65. Retiring before 65 exposes workers who lack retiree health insurance coverage to the risk of catastrophic medical expenditure. We solve and estimate a dynamic model of the employment behavior of older married couples that includes risky medical expenditure and health insurance. Parameter estimates imply that the risk‐reducing feature of health insurance can account for about half of the observed association between retiree health insurance and employment for married men, but can account for only one tenth of the much larger observed association for married women. Policy simulations imply very small effects on employment of changing the age of eligibility for Medicare from 65 to 67. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of the identification of simultaneous Rational Expectations (RE) models. In the case of RE models with current expectations of the endogenous variables, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the global identification are derived explicitly in terms of the structural parameters and the linear homogenous identifying restrictions. It is shown that in the absence of a priori restrictions on the processes generating the exogenous variables and the disturbances, RE models and general distributed lag models are ‘observationally equivalent’. In the case of RE models with future expectations of the endogenous variables, a general solution that highlights the ‘non-uniqueness’ problem and from which other solutions such as forward or backward solutions can be obtained, is derived. It is shown that untestable and often quite arbitrary restrictions are needed if RE models with future expectations are to be identifiable. Certain order conditions similar to those obtained for the identification of RE models with current expectations are also derived for this case.  相似文献   

This paper emphasizes that traditional tests of the EH are based on two assumptions: the expectations hypothesis (EH) per se and an assumption about the expectations generating process (EGP) for the short-term rate. Arguing that conventional tests of the EH need to assume EGPs that may be significantly at odds with the true EGP, we investigate this possibility by analyzing the out-of-sample predictive performances of several models for predicting interest rates, including a few models which assume that the EH holds in its functional form that relates long- to short-term yields. Using US riskless yield data for a 1970–2016 monthly sample and testing methods that take into account the parameter uncertainty, the null hypothesis of an equal predictive accuracy of each model relative to the random walk alternative is hardly ever rejected at intermediate and long horizons. This confirms that, at least at a practical level, the main difficulty with the EH is represented by the effective prediction of short-term rates. We discuss the relevance of these findings for central banks’ use of forward guidance.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the solutions to macroeconomic models with rational expectations. A first purpose is to demonstrate that two forms of the efficient-market equation commonly used in the literature may be treated as approximations of the same general equation, of different orders with respect to perturbative forces of the market. Second aim is to show how the perturbative terms can be given explicit forms. Finally, the paper addresses the question of finding contributions which can concur to explain the phenomenon usually referred to asstock price volatility.
Riassunto Si è interessati alla soluzione di modelli macroeconomici con aspettativa razionale. In primo luogo si vuole dimostrate come due forme differenti dell'equazione del mercato efficiente utilizzate nella letteratura possano essere considerate approssimazioni della stessa equazione generale, di ordini diversi rispetto alle forze perturbative del mercato. Si vuole quindi individuare una tecnica per dare forma esplicita ai termini perturbativi. Infine, si va alla ricerca di contributi che possano concorrere a spiegare il fenomeno noto comevolatilità dei prezzi del mercato azionario.

Within a New Keynesian framework, interest rate rules that respond to public expectations lead to determinate and expectationally stable solutions for any level of commitment, as shown by Waters (Macroecon Dyn 13(4):421–449, 2009). That paper also demonstrates gains to commitment, under least square learning, though over-commitment can lead to some very poor outcomes for some parameter values. This paper shows an identical outcome under rational expectations. The optimal level of commitment is unchanged if there are observation errors in the policymaker’s knowledge of public expectations, which is not the case under learning. However, if there is sufficient policymaker uncertainty about the parameter values, partial commitment is best.  相似文献   

In this paper the probability distribution of equilibrium outcomes is assumed to be a continuous but unknown function of agents' forecasts (which are probability measures). Agents start with a prior distribution on the set of mappings from forecasts into probabilities on outcomes. This induces an initial forecast. After observing the equilibrium outcome a posterior distribution is computed which induces a new forecast. The main result is that with probability one the forecasts converge to the set of fixed points of the unknown mapping. This can be interpreted as convergence to rational expectations.  相似文献   

A simple econometric test for rational expectations in the case in which unobservable, rationally expected variables appear in a structural equation is presented. Using McCallum's instrumental variable estimator as a base, a test for rational expectations per se and a joint test of rational expectations and hypotheses about the structural equation are presented. The new test is shown to be a new interpretation of Basmann's test of overidentifying restrictions. As an illustration, the hypothesis that the forward exchange rate is the rationally expected future spot exchange rate is tested and rejected.  相似文献   

Existing no trade results are based on the common prior assumption (CPA). This paper identifies a strictly weaker condition than the CPA under which speculative trade is impossible in a rational expectations equilibrium (REE). As our main finding, we demonstrate the impossibility of speculative asset trade in an REE whenever an insider is involved who knows the asset's true value. To model insider trade as an equilibrium phenomenon an alternative equilibrium concept than the REE is thus required.  相似文献   

Purely classical, frequency-domain methods are useful for solving linear-quadratic dynamic rational expectations models. To illustrate this, generic scalar and multiple-variable problems are solved completely in the frequency domain. The procedure, which utilizes Wiener-Hopi methods to maximize the frequency-domain representation of the objective function, makes ordinarily troublesome second-order conditions transparent, allows infinite-order costs of adjustment, and handles moving average errors easily.  相似文献   

In a dynamic market structure the rational expectations hypothesis implies the existence of a ‘fixed point’ or‘equilibrium’ price sequence. For a prototype market structure we develop the This approach displays the relationships between exogenous structure, expectations, and behavior. The resulting framework suggests effective estimation procedures and clarifies analysis. Results for an application are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Simon C. Parker   《Labour economics》2008,15(3):459-481
This article proposes a simultaneous probit equation framework to analyse the business ownership patterns of married couples in the United States. A structural model of knowledge spillovers within couples is formulated and estimated. Empirical analysis reveals significant and substantial positive interdependence of business ownership propensities within couples. This is consistent with a process in which both male and female spouses receive positive knowledge transfers from the other. Conversely, there is less support for alternative explanations of interdependent occupational choices based on assortative mating, role model effects, risk diversification, or intra-household wealth transfers. I conclude that the conventional practice of ignoring occupational interdependence can generate misleading conclusions about the determinants of business ownership in America.  相似文献   

This paper develops a sticky-price version of the monetary model of exchange-rate determination under rational expectations. The reduced-form difference equation for the exchange rate has two roots which lie on either side of unity. In the solution the stable root is solved backwards and the unstable forwards. The model is estimated by the full-information maximum-likelihood method on deutsche mark-dollar data. The results are supportive of the rational-expectations restrictions.  相似文献   

Rational expectations solutions are usually derived by assuming that all state variables relevant to forward-looking behaviour are directly observable, or that they are “…an invertible function of observables” (Mehra and Prescott, 1980). Using a framework that nests linearised DSGE models, we give a number of results useful for the analysis of linear rational expectations models with restricted information sets. We distinguish between instantaneous and asymptotic invertibility, and show that the latter may require significantly less information than the former. We also show that non-invertibility of the information set can have significant implications for the time series properties of economies.  相似文献   

The heterogeneous expectations hypothesis: Some evidence from the lab   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper surveys learning-to-forecast experiments (LtFEs) with human subjects to test theories of expectations and learning. Subjects must repeatedly forecast a market price, whose realization is an aggregation of individual expectations. Emphasis is given to how individual forecasting rules interact at the micro-level and which structure they cocreate at the aggregate, macro-level. In particular, we focus on the question wether the evidence from laboratory experiments is consistent with heterogeneous expectations.  相似文献   

A computationally feasible method for the full information maximum-likelihood estimation of models with rational expectations is described in this paper. The stochastic simulation of such models is also described. The methods discussed in this paper should open the way for many more tests of the rational expectations hypothesis within macroeconomic models.  相似文献   

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