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随着物质生活水平的快速提高,人类也面临着诸如森林退化、土地荒漠化、物种多样性丧失以及温室效应恶化等生存环境问题.可持续发展问题日益受到人们的关注,通过经济学的视角来研究可持续发展的可持续经济学得到了快速的发展.本文从经济学的角度界定了自然资源的概念,回顾了经济学对自然资源的研究历程,对自然资源经济学的起源、发展进行了评述;论证了自然资源经济学和可持续经济学的关系,指出在可持续发展问题研究中融合自然资源经济学和环境经济学的必然性,以自然资源经济学和环境经济学为重要元素的可持续经济学是可持续问题经济研究的高级阶段,文章进一步探讨了可持续经济学的分析框架、发展现状及存在的问题.  相似文献   

农业可持续发展研究是随着可持续发展观在全球盛行而逐渐形成的理论热点-从农业可持续发展实践创新、研究方法创新及发展趋势等方面分析了构建农业可持续发展的资源环境经济学分析理论框架的意义根据资源环境经济学的基本原理和农业可持续发展的本质含义,探讨并提出了农业可待续发展资源环境经济学研究的基本理论框架,  相似文献   

我国旅游环境问题成因与对策的经济学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈国生 《经济师》2003,(6):8-8,10
旅游经济的快速发展带来的环境问题不容忽视 ,为实现旅游业自身的可持续发展 ,必须保护环境。环境经济学为解决旅游资源可持续开发利用问题提供了一种思想方法和分析工具。文章在分析我国旅游资源开发所面临的环境问题的基础上 ,寻找环境恶化的经济原因 ,最后提出了减缓以致消除环境恶化的对策  相似文献   

资源环境经济学和生态经济学有不同的理论基础和研究方法,资源环境经济学运用新古典经济学的理论和方法来分析问题,生态经济学则通过多学科相关理论以及多元化方法取得研究进展。二者对于可持续发展也有不同的视角和追求,资源环境经济学强调经济增长,注重规模和效率,追求弱可持续性;而生态经济学强调发展,更重视分配和公平,追求强可持续性。深刻理解这些差异,对于经济学本身的完善以及经济发展模式选择都有重要的意义。  相似文献   

肖红蓉 《经济评论》2012,(4):153-160
可持续性经济学是20世纪60年代以来在西方经济学界逐渐形成并发展起来的一门新兴的、交叉型和应用型经济学科。尽管西方经济学界对可持续性经济学从概念、特征、研究范畴、研究方法和制度背景等诸多方面并没有形成一个统一而明确的认识,但可持续性经济学的有关理论已成为可持续发展实践的基础和重要指导。通过对西方可持续性经济学研究的主要理论问题进行梳理与评价,一方面可以揭示西方在该学科领域一些关键理论问题上的研究进展,另一方面也为我国构建具有中国特色、适合中国国情的可持续性经济学的理论和实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

王岩 《经济纵横》2013,(7):41-45
纵观资产阶级经济学说的发展,作为为资本主义经济发展提供理论工具的西方主流经济学,无论是从古典经济学到新古典经济学,还是凯恩斯主义以及后凯恩斯主义经济学,其占主导地位的思想和关注点都不在于如何保持长期发展以及研究未来发展的趋势,其发展观本质上都是急功近利的,与可持续发展观背道而驰。因此,西方主流经济学试图在资本主义生产方式下,通过市场机制和快速的经济增长来实现世界范围内的可持续发展的主张是天方夜谭。  相似文献   

马传栋教授的新著《可持续发展经济学》最近已由山东人民出版社出版。该书具有如下特点: 1.提出可持续发展经济学是研究生态经济社会复合系统由不可持续发展向可持续发展转变及维持其可持续发展动态平衡运行所需要的经济条件、经济机制及综合效益的学科。作者提出的可持续发  相似文献   

通过对占有的大量资料分析,文章以可持续发展理论为指导,以经济学的相关理论知识为依托,基于现实中所存在的问题,分析了影响旅游资源可持续利用的诸多因素,探索旅游资源可持续利用的经济学路径。  相似文献   

关于自然资源和环境的观点,循环经济与主流经济学并不矛盾.早在古典经济学时代自然资源和环境就被视作同土地和劳动一样具有稀缺性的生产要素,资源价值补偿一直是主流经济学研究的内容之一,而且循环经济的理论发展和实践推广也依赖主流经济学的研究方法和计量工具,因此二者的一致性远远大于分歧.  相似文献   

周宁 《当代经济》2021,(9):49-53
工业社会带来的生态与经济矛盾尖锐,自然资源破坏、环境污染等新经济现象严重阻碍了经济的持续发展,西方传统的新古典经济学理论已经不能对此做出合理解释,生态经济学逐渐成为一门世界性的科学.由此,本文对生态经济学和新古典经济学之间的关系进行了研究,认为生态经济学对新古典经济学理论的继承主要体现在其内在体系的一致性、稀缺资源优化配置、共同福祉实现等方面;在研究方法上生态经济学摒弃了"劳动价值论",并运用"熵的价值论"进行动态化的通量分析,研究以自然资源为中心的稀缺资源的有效配置.  相似文献   

The differing paradigms of ecological and neoclassical environmental economics have been described in various articles and books and are also embedded in different professional associations. However, we cannot take for granted that the paradigm debates described in the literature are actually mirrored in exactly the same way in the perceptions and opinions of researchers looking at sustainability from an economic perspective. This paper presents empirical results from a German case study on how economists and others involved in sustainability research from different schools of thought think about the issues of sustainability and economics, how they group around these issues, how they feel about the current scientific divide, and what they expect to be future topics of sustainability research.We analyze the data using cluster analysis. Based on a literature survey, we generated forty sustainability economics-related statements and asked 196 sustainability researchers about their degree of agreement or disagreement with these statements. In evaluating our survey results, we discuss to what extent the clusters that we identified do—or do not—represent the two schools of thought of ecological and neoclassical environmental economics. We also propose some fields of research that can help to bridge the gaps amongst sustainability economics researchers while clearly marking others that are more suitable for a scientific ‘competition of ideas’. Key results of the study are: We identify two primary scientific clusters, one clearly confirming the existence of the ecological-economics school of thought, and the other largely capturing the neoclassical environmental view. Yet, there are some surprising exceptions: Both schools of thought share a conceptual definition of sustainability that is integrative in considering ecological, societal and economic dimensions (‘three pillar concept’) and is geared at preserving the development potentials of society. We also find a shared critique of ‘pure economic growth’ strategies in our sample. These shared opinions may provide bridging concepts between the schools of thought. Also both clusters agree with respect to a wide range of future fields of sustainability economics research. Yet, the research agenda of the ecological-economics cluster contains a large number of additional topics, primarily related to social, distributional and evolutionary aspects of sustainable development. Strong divides between the clusters that seem to be more suitable for a scientific competition of ideas are primarily related to the question of how to achieve sustainability, including appropriate environmental policies.  相似文献   

种质资源经济学是以知识经济条件下的新资源观为基础,从经济上来分析种质资源开发利用的全过程,包括从宏观上研究种质资源的配置、保护与管理等各项活动对区域产业经济效率的提升、产业布局结构的优化,以及产业可持续发展的影响。借助交叉学科之间的知识关联,界定其研究边界,以此来探讨种质资源经济学发展历程。  相似文献   

Synopsis New developments in feminist ecological economics and ecofeminist economics are contributing to the search for theories and policy approaches to move economies toward sustainability. This paper summarizes work by ecofeminists and feminist ecological economists which is relevant to the sustainability challenge and its implications for the discipline of economics. Both democracy and lower material throughputs are generally seen as basic principles of economic sustainability. Feminist theorists and feminist ecological economists offer many important insights into the conundrum of how to make a democratic and equity-enhancing transition to an economy based on less material throughput. These flow from feminist research on unpaid work and caring labor, provisioning, development, valuation, social reproduction, non-monetized exchange relationships, local economies, redistribution, citizenship, equity-enhancing political institutions, and labor time, as well as creative modeling approaches and activism-based theorizing.   相似文献   

评西方生态经济学研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文拟就西方生态经济学的产生动机、背景、有关概念和方法做一简介。在考察生态经济学产生背景的基础上,首先介绍生态经济学的基础,涉及到生态经济系统协同演化问题及这些问题为什么不能用标准的自然资源利用模型或生态系统动态模型加以解释的原因。其次介绍生态经济学的研究特性和对生物多样性的认识。最后讨论生态经济学的政策含义。  相似文献   

The recent focus on sustainability as guiding principle for economic activity has generated many (often conflicting) definitions of sustainable economic development. Yet while the terminology may be new, the discussion is not. It parallels the discussion about biases of economic valuation concepts that have led to the neglect of the domestic and subsistence contributions relegated to the "informal" or household sector. This paper argues that the narrow definition of economic theory, methodology, and valuation concepts has led to the detrimental neglect of sustaining functions without which economic activity is impaired. To move toward sustainability it is imperative to regain a broader understanding of economics. Three principles are identified as essential for this conceptual expansion of economics. They are: concreteness rather than abstraction, connectedness rather than isolation, and diversity rather than homogeneity. All three are informed by feminist theory. Thus it is argued that the voices of women who have gone largely unheard in economics are essential to reconceptualizing economics as sustainable.  相似文献   

经济的可持续性发展、人类社会与大自然的和谐发展是当今世界的主旋律。自然资源配置中存在的外部性已经严重影响到社会和经济的可持续性发展的速度、规模及水平;也影响到自然资源本身的可持续性和人类社会的和谐发展。资源开发利用中外部性的产生有多方面的原因,本文主要从发展经济学和新制度经济学相结合的角度来加以探讨,并提出了相应的对策,以实现资源的优化配置和社会经济的可持续性发展。  相似文献   

新世纪中国区域经济学理论研究的重点领域   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
根据国际上区域经济学新近发展趋势和中国特殊国情 ,从理论创新角度提出中国区域经济学应该加强的 5个领域研究 :区域发展空间格局的理论研究 ;产业集群研究 ;全球化与区域发展 ;城市化问题 ;区域可持续发展研究。  相似文献   

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