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This paper analyses the link between social networks and ethnic occupational niches in the manufacturing sector in South Africa. To this end, it employs the methodology of Bertrand et al. to minimise the omitted variable bias induced by standard approaches investigating network effects and adopts Model's concentration index to define an ethnic niche. The results indicate that 25% of the sample is employed in ethnic niches in the manufacturing sector, but that niche employment varies markedly by language group. In addition, certain language groups tend to be clustered in advantageous niches where monthly income and skill levels are relatively high, while others occupy disadvantageous niches where monthly income and skill levels are relatively low. A number of different econometric specifications find strong evidence of social network effects. This highlights the role that these networks play in forming ethnic niches in the manufacturing sector in South Africa.  相似文献   

The African industrial structure is characterized by firm‐size heterogeneity with the coexistence of small, if not micro, enterprises in the informal sector and large formal organizations operating with modern technology. In this paper, using the Data Envelopment Analysis production frontier methodology, we investigate the technical efficiency of Ivorian manufacturing firms in four sectors of economic activity: textiles and garments, metal products, food processing, and wood and furniture. Efficiency scores are adjusted to take into account the impact of the external operating environment. These scores are then broken down into three elements: the purely managerial effect, the impact of the scale of production, and a technological effect capturing the potential gain that could result from the adoption of modern technology by small informal organizations. Not only formal activities prove to be more efficient in scaling their production but also, they greatly benefit from their modem technology.  相似文献   

Using a sample of Uruguayan manufacturing establishments we analyze employment, capital, and productivity dynamics over a period of currency appreciation; changes in trade policy; and changes in the institutional setting of wage negotiations. As the relative capital–labor price ratio fell, capital intensity increased. At the same time, there was an increase in labor and total factor productivity. Creation and destruction rates were relatively high and pervasive over time, sectors, establishment size, and establishment age, with exits explaining a sizeable part of destruction rates. Most of the excess reallocation was due to movements “within” rather than “between” sectors. Thus, high reallocation rates were linked to establishment‐level heterogeneity rather than aggregate shocks.  相似文献   

After the collapse of the centralized Soeharto regime, deforestation caused by over‐logging accelerated. To tackle this problem, an IMF/World Bank‐led forestry sector reform program adopted a market‐friendly approach involving the resumption of round wood exports and raising of the resource rent fee, with the aim to stop rent accumulation by plywood companies, which had enjoyed a supply of round wood at privileged prices. The Indonesian government, for its part, decentralized the forest concession management system to provide incentives for local governments and communities to carry out sustainable forest management. However, neither policy reform worked effectively. The round wood export ban was reimposed and the forest management system centralized again with cooperation from a newly funded industry‐led institution. In the midst of the confusion surrounding the policy reversal, the gap between the price of round wood in international and domestic markets failed to contract, although rent allocations to plywood companies were reduced during 1998–2003. The rents were not collected properly by the government, but accumulated unexpectedly in the hands of players in the black market for round wood.  相似文献   

阴秀文 《走向世界》2014,(26):42-45
这里遍布山东10余所高校,文化氛围浓厚;这里云集全国众多房地产企业,地域价值巨大;这里有333公顷园博园自然景观,被誉为未来自然生态新城.这就是现在的长清大学城,长清区东部的城中城.  相似文献   

This paper reconfirms the important links that exist between manufacturing productivity, trade orientation, industry specific characteristics and some macroeconomic variables. The dynamic GMM estimator used in the analysis shows that apart from being affected by trade measures, total factor productivity is strongly persistent. In addition, the evolution of the real exchange rate and inflation exert important effects on manufacturing productivity. Most importantly, the dynamic error component specification appears to be more efficient in modelling the effects on manufacturing productivity of policy change than the static approach.  相似文献   

Singapore is an example showing that economic development, the affluence it creates, the emergence of a large middle class do not inevitably lead to liberal democracy. This study examines the present situation and problem of Singapore's middle class. It first describes the emergence and the characteristics of this class. It then examines the political control of the People's Action Party government, which has crushed democratic movements in the bud, and the government's discriminatory policies, such as in education and housing, which favor the growing middle class. Lastly, it discusses new problems that are arising from the middle class's mammonism and resultant political passivity In conclusion, this study foresees that to keep the supply of material goods flowing to the middle class, the government will have to push for even greater economic development, which means that the role of the state in Singapore is likely to become even greater than before.  相似文献   

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