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最近,电信运营商染指移动应用商店再次成为行业热点。作为全球第一个涉足手机应用商店的电信运营商,中国移动自从去年8月推出“Mobile Market”(简称MM)后,最近再次联手全球最大的手机制造商诺基亚,联合发布了MM—Ovi商店。几乎在MM-Ovi出炉的同时,中国电信的“天翼空间”正式上线,成为第二家推出应用程序商店的运营商。再加上中国联通正在积极筹划中的Unistore,三大运营商不约而同地扎堆应用商店。  相似文献   

为满足中小企业客户不断涌现的通信信息需求,中国电信推出"天翼领航品牌,能够为客户提供统一承载上网语音、视频通信以及多种行业应用的宽带接入服务,帮助企业轻松搭建起高速经济的智能化宽带网络。天翼领航,为中小企业提供高速优质、稳定的宽带服务随着中小企业客户信息化的推进,宽带上网已成为客户的基本需求。中国电信针对客户需求,推出了基于多种接入方式的高速宽带接入产品。中国电信拥有其它运营商无  相似文献   

叶立敏 《汽车与社会》2014,(20):136-137
2014赛季的“王力·丹弗杯”CFGP中国方程式大奖赛迎来了许多新车手参赛。这其中就包括了22岁的年轻车手杨润超。他今年将代表360手机卫士车队参与全年度的争夺。杨润超的赛车经历可以说有一些“杂”,在澳大利亚留学的时候,他跑过卡丁车赛,回国之后除了卡丁车比赛外,他跑过天马赛车场的上海精英赛也跑过CTCC中国房车锦标赛。  相似文献   

WiFi元年 中国电信于5月10日正式启动“宽带中国翼起来”活动,开始全力打造“无线中国”。建设“无线中国”是中国电信“宽带中国”整体战略的重要组成部分。而中国移动、中国联通也在WiFi建设上开始快马加鞭。有人甚至将今年称为“WiFi元年”。  相似文献   

吴颖 《IT经理世界》2009,(15):50-60
“今天下班,我特地用XX公司的TD手机,做了一次客户体验,从公司出发,一直到30多公里始终保持畅通,一次掉话也没有,感到不错,看来网络优化已经开始见效,望再接再厉,继续努力。”这是中移动总裁王建宙发给分管网络建设维护的副总裁李跃的一个短信。  相似文献   

最善于捕捉潮流的山寨手机,最近正在把Wi-Fi功能作为标配。一直以来,Wi-Fi在中国都属于非主流的技术。不过2008中国电信业重组完成,中国电信率先推出了CDMA+Wi-Fi的战略布局,计划在南方21个省市部署超过10万个Wi-Fi热点,而中国移动和新联通也紧随其后,纷纷推出Wi-Fi服务,即使是在对Wi-Fi严格监管的中国电信市场,Wi-Fi热点也已呈现星火燎原之势。  相似文献   

“过保”车主的流失,正成为困扰很多汽车4S店的首要问题。毕竟,“卖车不赚钱,修车才赚钱”已经成为众多4S店公开的“秘密”。有数据统计,在许多城市超过六成的“过保”客户选择不再去4S店,转投到连锁快修店或路边摊修车。面对利润的大量流失,  相似文献   

对于中国电信董事长兼首席执行官王晓初来说,“天翼”只不过是即将到来的大决战前的一次试探性攻击;在这一轮的主动进攻之中,中国电信虽然获取了一些实地,但是并不足以决定整个战局的成败——即使在3年内中国电信顺利完成了1亿移动用户的发展目标,也仍然不足以撼动现在就拥有4.64亿用户的中国移动那巨大的先发优势。  相似文献   

王芳 《工业会计》2007,(3):I0012-I0013
当过五关斩六将得到理财师资格上岗后,却发现,所面对的VIP客户会经常提出各种“刁难”问题—— “万一将来我与太太分手,会对我财产有什么影响?” “如果我先生的公司大额举债,我是不是也要承担债务?” “老公把房子拿出去抵押了,没经过我同意生效吗?” “如果我把财产信托给你们公司,是不是将来如果我有其他债务,法院也不能执行我的信托财产呢?”…… 当理财师面对这样的客户时,发现所受过的理财教育里找不到相应的答案,虽然勉强把客户应付过去,心里却始终觉得忐忑不安。[编者按]  相似文献   

加入世贸组织以来,我国汽车、摩托车、农用机械、电池、电视、手机、DVD整机及芯片、MP3芯片、化工材料、医药、食品、文具等行业纷纷遭遇了涉外知识产权纠纷。现在,美国电气行业“巨头”莱伏顿公司又举起“知识产权大棒”向我国浙江东正电气有限公司“发难”。与往不同的是.这一次莱伏顿用的是“声东击西”的迂回战术:向其在美国的主要客户发起侵权诉讼。  相似文献   

This paper estimates consumer surplus in the Korean mobile telephone services (MTS) market. The Korean mobile telecommunications market has grown rapidly since 1997 when competition was introduced and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technology was commercialized. Because consumer surplus is relevant to the controversy over establishing an appropriate price level between consumers and service providers, the need for a robust measurement of benefit from MTS is increasing. The measured net consumer surplus estimated by means of elasticities of demand reached about US$48.8 billion in the period 1996–2004 and the changes amounted to about US$8.8 billion during the same period. In particular, after competition was introduced into the market with an accompanying price decrease and increase in the number of subscribers, consumers have benefited greatly. Therefore, it can be inferred that a facility-based competition policy and the reduction in price of access such as handset subsidies all played a positive role in the early diffusion of MTS in Korea. The estimated consumer surplus in this paper does not include network externality (option externality); if this were considered, the total social welfare of the consumer would be larger.  相似文献   

"一夜之间,全球最成功的公司突然都成为了我们的竞争对手,这的确让我们有点儿难以置信。"说这话的是全球手机市场份额超过1/3的诺基亚公司的CEO康培凯,这家称霸手机  相似文献   

Promotion of the adoption of new services has emerged as a possible driver for the regulation of handset bundling and subsidies. Handset bundling, however, has complex implications not only on mobile data service adoption, the focus of this research, but also more broadly on the mobile market dynamics. Due to the complexity, regulators have difficulties in anticipating the possible resulting impacts. Using a case study, expert interviews, and usage measurements as research method, an empirical framework was constructed to make the service usage impacts more explicit. The framework enables the identification of the regulator's steering options and their qualitative impacts. Results are based on observations before and after the change of law on handset bundling in the Finnish market. According to the findings, handset bundling regulation is a possible but risky tool for steering the market.  相似文献   

国产手机厂商纷纷倒下,正在不断地验证着一个魔咒:冒进者难逃厄运!和主业PC差异甚远的手机业务终于告别了联想集团。通过一系列运作,联想集团在今年1月底以1亿美元的价格将其手机业务出售给了4家私募基金Jade  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2001,25(1-2):125-138
After the launch of PCS in 1997, the Korean mobile telephony market achieved a remarkable subscriber base growth. The market is composed of a differentiation advantage seeker, SK Telecom; a cost advantage seeker, LG Telecom; and three other carriers: Hansol PCS, Korea Telecom Freetel, and Shunsegi Telecom that do not show clear adherence to any type of advantage. Despite large growth in subscribers, price competition has not occurred after the competition except in handset subsidies. New restrictions on handset subsidies, closing the only door for price competition, favored a differentiation seeker at the expense of a cost advantage seeker. The Ministry of Information and Communication’s provisional plan for quality evaluation without price deregulation runs the risk of quality over-provision that is sub-optimal, and may further distort the business performance of carriers. Overall complete deregulation is necessary, in order to enhance the competitiveness of the Korean mobile telephony industry and to increase consumer welfare.  相似文献   

Mobile handsets have evolved into advanced devices with a rich variety of hardware and software features enabling the use of variety of applications, networks, and services. Consequently, mobile handset features constitute an important part of the global communications infrastructure. Modelling the diffusion of mobile handsets as a product category is becoming less relevant as the market is approaching saturation especially in the developed countries. Simultaneously, the diffusion of mobile handset features is increasingly important and of interest to many stakeholders. This article analyzes and compares the diffusion patterns of mobile handset features, using a longitudinal annual dataset of the penetrations of 15 different features in Finland between 2005 and 2010. Two major turning points – the takeoff and the inflection point – as well as the durations of the diffusion stages between these points are determined. The results show large variations between different features, highlighting the significance of the introduction stage in the diffusion process. The results are useful for regulators and companies in understanding the pace of change taking place in the communications infrastructure.  相似文献   

Given that no all new mobile telecommunications technology are accepted by the mass market, this study aims to understand the mass adoption of third-generation (3G) mobile phones that is hypothesized to comprise three consumer perceptions: new technology, new service, and new handset. Based on the theoretical framework of a consumer's decision making process, an empirical study of the mass adoption of 3G mobile phones in Taiwan was conducted. This study demonstrated that perceived utility of a new mobile service was a key factor that resulted in mass adoption. Further, it was found that perceived utility of a new handset directly stimulate consumers to purchase 3G mobile phones. Perceived risk and perceived expense are not negatively correlated with intentions as hypothesized. Moreover, perceived no need was another key factor that inhibited adoption and purchase intention.  相似文献   

Mobile-only users are usually perceived as a consequence of fixed-mobile substitution. This study uses a unique dataset based on a survey in France, combined with interviewee's telecommunications billing data, to reveal heterogeneous consumer preferences for fixed services. With the same mixed logit model we estimate the willingness to pay (WTP) for fixed communications services and fixed-mobile relationship. Results show a very large heterogeneity of WTP for fixed services among consumers. In addition, we show that fixed and mobile data are complement for all consumers. Mobile-only consumers have a much lower but non-zero WTP, and higher price sensitivity compared to fixed-mobile consumers. Consequently, an increase in the fixed offer price would reduce the demand for fixed service. Heterogeneous preferences for fixed services constitute an alternative explanation for the existence of mobile-only users, despite the complementary nature of fixed and mobile broadband. Counter-factual simulations show that the share of mobile-only could also be driven by the way to subsidize mobile handset. For instance, making the handset subsidy only available to fixed-mobile quadruple play subscribers could reduce the share of mobile-only by half.  相似文献   

This paper provides a hedonic price analysis of mobile telephones for the German market, based on data of 302 different handsets from 25 manufacturers over the period from May 1998 to November 2003. By measuring shadow prices for different product characteristics, the authors find that volume, for example, has a negative effect on the price of a mobile handset, while the number of ringtones and the talk time battery life relative to the handset's weight positively affect mobile phone prices. Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, radiation is statistically insignificant. Also handsets have become cheaper over time, and handsets with additional features, such as MMS, MP3 or Bluetooth, command a higher price. In addition, there are positive brand name effects for some brands. According to the estimations presented in this paper the brand name premiums may range from 57 to 172 euro.  相似文献   

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