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晓立  陈春花 《商业时代》2013,(15):24-25
管理者和雇员的个人价值观是形成组织绩效表现的关键资源之一。本文讨论了组织行为学中个人价值观的概念界定,从组织与管理中个人价值观的影响因素、个人价值观对组织行为学各层面变量的影响、个人价值观在价值观匹配中的作用等方面对国内外组织行为领域个人价值观的研究现状进行了梳理、归纳和总结,并提出了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

近年来,情绪感染理论在领导行为研究领域得到了很大重视和发展。情绪感染理论的引入为企业管理研究提供了独特的视角。领导行为中情绪感染的影响因素包括交往双方的个人差异和个人以外的情景因素两个方面。交往双方在情绪表现力和情绪敏感度两个方面的个人差异均有可能对情绪感染产生影响。领导行为中情绪感染研究的研究方法有情绪唤起水平与传递的处理、领导者—追随者关系的确定以及数据资料采集方法三个方面。今后国内学者可以从深化个体差异和情景因素对领导行为中情绪感染过程的影响研究,领导行为中的情绪感染研究需要综合各种研究方法,着眼于领导理论的发展来开展未来研究等方面深入探讨领导行为中的情绪感染。  相似文献   

当前我国经济正处于转型期间,市场提供了大量创业机会,政府鼓励创业。但我国创业研究起步较晚,且理论趋于零碎化,因此创业实践迫切需要系统创业理论的引导。本文由领导风格作为影响创业绩效的一个关键因素切入,对创业绩效、变革型领导以及两者的关系进行述评,并在此基础上提出国内关于创业绩效与领导风格研究存在的相关问题并进行展望。希望本研究能在创业领导这一方面对创业学者和企业家起到一定助益。  相似文献   

在梳理魅力型领导理论、内隐领导理论、交易型领导理论、变革型领导理论、领导-成员交换理论、领导归因理论、共享领导理论七种现代领导理论的发展和影响因素的基础上,重点比较了领导-成员的互动基础.发现了现代领导理论中激励方式、互动程度,以及领导者作为先行者和执行者的角色转变,最终带来领导者从个人向团体发展的领导共享转变,极大地提高了组织决策水平和组织绩效.  相似文献   

基于中国情境,探讨了企业家长式领导风格对组织文化的影响机制。针对家长式领导三个子维度和组织文化两个导向提出相关假设,并提出后续研究方向。  相似文献   

王伟 《商业研究》2007,(1):44-47
随着信息技术日新月异的发展以及经济全球化竞争的加剧,21世纪的人类社会已经进入一个以知识为主导的时代,知识取代传统的劳动、土地和资本成为企业最重要的战略性资源。面对环境的巨变,组织学习能力被认为是企业获取竞争优势的重要来源,并由此引发各学科对组织学习理论的研究。基于经济学视角,对古典经济学及经济学的两个分支创新经济学和企业经济学对组织学习理论的研究进行了梳理、归纳和述评,以期对该问题的深入研究有所裨益。  相似文献   

通过回顾领导理论与非正式组织理论,阐述了正式组织的领导对非正式组织的影响,正式组织的领导成为非正式组织核心人物的必要性,可能性及其途径,从而论述了领导者在非正式组织与正式组织之间的枢纽作用。  相似文献   

陈勇 《商业研究》2003,(6):167-169
传统的领导理论认为 ,领导是一种自上而下的单向关系 ,并且把这种单项关系分为集权型、民主型、任务型和关系型等。在激烈竞争的今天 ,组织内的每一个人对物质方面和精神方面的需求都日渐繁杂 ,而传统的领导关系似乎已无法满足这些需求。那么 ,寻求一种更具活力和生产力的新型领导关系 ,无疑是十分必要的。其实 ,无论哪一类型的领导关系 ,其目的都在于影响组织内的其他人 ,使他们全力投入 ,为了共同的目标奋斗不息。  相似文献   

刘泓妤  张逸飞 《上海商业》2023,(12):235-237
高阶梯队理论认为高管个人特质在企业战略和决策中发挥着重要作用。本文从CEO自恋特质出发,对国内外文献进行归纳与梳理,探讨了CEO自恋起源、度量方式及特征,并深入分析CEO自恋带来的正反两方面组织后果,在此基础上指出现有研究不足并对未来研究提出展望。  相似文献   

苏海林 《商场现代化》2007,(21):294-295
本文对国有企业中领导风格和组织公民行为的相关性进行了调查。研究发现定规行为领导风格和关怀行为领导风格与组织公民行为均呈正向关系,在四种领导风格下员工的组织公民行为存在差异。  相似文献   

A new research area linked to ethics, virtues, and morality is servant leadership. Scholars are currently seeking publication outlets as critics debate whether this new leadership theory is significantly distinct, viable, and valuable for organizational success. The aim of this study was to identify empirical studies that explored servant leadership theory by engaging a sample population in order to assess and synthesize the mechanisms, outcomes, and impacts of servant leadership. Thus, we sought to provide an evidence-informed answer to how does servant leadership work, and how can we apply it? We conducted a systematic literature review (SLR), a methodology adopted from the medical sciences to synthesize research in a systematic, transparent, and reproducible manner. A disciplined screening process resulted in a final sample population of 39 appropriate studies. The synthesis of these empirical studies revealed: (a) there is no consensus on the definition of servant leadership; (b) servant leadership theory is being investigated across a variety of contexts, cultures, and themes; (c) researchers are using multiple measures to explore servant leadership; and (d) servant leadership is a viable leadership theory that helps organizations and improves the well-being of followers. This study contributes to the development of servant leadership theory and practice. In addition, this study contributes to the methodology for conducting SLRs in the field of management, highlighting an effective method for mapping out thematically, and viewing holistically, new research topics. We conclude by offering suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

本文采用我国中小企业员工样本,运用相关分析和回归分析方法研究组织支持感与公平感对组织公民行为影响的作用机制,即组织支持与公平感是否会通过员工工作态度的中介作用对组织公民行为产生影响。结果表明:员工的组织支持感和公平感均对情感承诺、工作满意度和组织公民行为有显著影响;情感承诺对组织支持感、组织公平分别与组织公民行为间的关系起到部分中介作用;但工作满意度仅对互动公平与组织公民行为间的关系起到部分中介作用;而其余的中介效应检验中,工作满意度仅对组织支持感、分配公平、程序公平分别与指向个体的组织公民行为起到部分中介作用。  相似文献   

变革型领导行为会对员工的绩效水平产生直接影响,并最终对整个企业的绩效产生影响。通过对国内外有关变革型领导行为与员工绩效之关系等文献的研究,从变革型领导的概念界定、变革型领导的结构、员工绩效的概念及维度以及变革型领导行为与员工绩效之间的关系等方面得出的结论是:大多数学者都认为领导者的变革型行为可以对员工的工作满意度、工作投入和任务绩效产生影响;不少学者还建立了相关模型对其进行实证分析。但目前看,研究结论不尽相同,故基于理论的实证研究还有待于进一步提高。未来可通过不断研究,进一步开发领导者的变革型领导行为,从而达到激发员工的工作投入热情,提高员工的工作绩效的目的。  相似文献   

Women's role in management is an important issue. This is based not just on moral, but also on economic grounds. In many countries female participation rates in labour markets have increased, but a similar expansion into managerial posts has commonly lagged behind this, often an indication of the resilience of the so-called ‘glass ceiling’. We use South Korea as an example to explore this. We review the literature in the area and provide theoretical explanations and a lens through which to view developments which indicate that social and cultural, rather than economic, reasons often underpin the situation. We go on to outline some possible ways to confront female managerial discrimination and to increase women's roles in management.  相似文献   

Despite the appeal of the stakeholder concept, little work had been done with respect to the development of specific structures for the management of stakeholder relations. This paper draws upon the organizational justice literature to demonstrate how many of its concerns coincide with those of the stakeholder management literature. It shows that organizational justice can provide specific advice for the design of stakeholder relations, while stakeholder theory can broaden the scope of current inquiries into organizational justice.  相似文献   

基于社会交换理论、社会比较理论,围绕员工的公平和发言权实现程度,本文探讨了劳务派遣工的心理契约履行与工作卷入的关系、以及分配公平和程序公平感知的中介作用及工会会员角色的调节作用。研究采用问卷调查法,基于7家劳务派遣单位的171个劳务派遣工样本进行分析,结果表明:劳务派遣工感知到的心理契约履行与工作卷入程度显著正相关,分配公平和程序公平感知在两者间起完全中介作用。层次回归方程分析的结果显示,“是否加入工会”对程序公平与工作卷入的关系具有显著的调节作用,即相对于未加入工会的劳务派遣工,加入工会的派遣工的程序公平感知与工作卷入的正相关关系较强。最后,论文针对假设检验的启示和意义进行探讨。  相似文献   

While studies have investigated the moral issue associated with downsizing, little research attention has been directed to leaders’ behaviors that result in organizational decline and eventually lead them to make a downsizing decision. This study tests a sequence-based model to assess (1) the impact of leaders’ risk-aversion and self-centeredness on organizational decline and downsizing and (2) the impact of organizational and industry decline on organizational downsizing. We address a gap in the decline literature that has only implicitly alluded to leadership characteristics as forerunners of decline. Data collected from 85 firms indicate that both leadership risk-aversion and self-centeredness are significantly related to organizational decline. This results in intensified organizational downsizing. However, industry decline affects downsizing more significantly.  相似文献   

We investigate when organizational justice matters to employees’ commitment in the postacquisition process after a company is taken over in a cross‐border acquisition. Overwhelming evidence from the literature suggests that employees who are treated fairly during acquisitions are more committed to their new firms. We extend this finding by dividing organizational justice into three subdimensions: informational justice, interpersonal justice, and procedural justice. We find evidence that procedural justice is an important antecedent of affective merger commitment at an early stage of the integration period, while informational justice becomes important at a later stage. Further analysis on heterogeneity between the target firm's employees and the bidder firm's employees reveals that, immediately after the acquisition, target firm's employees value knowing where they will be at the new firm (procedural justice), while bidder firm employees are more concerned about communication and transparency (informational justice). Our results point to the importance of organizational justice in a cross‐border merger and acquisition (M&A) setting and the need for a separate study of issues related to bidder firms and target firms. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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