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This paper carries out empirical analysis of the ration behavior of rural credit cooperatives in less developed regions in providing loan services to rural households. It also inspects the interaction between rural households' demand for credit and the loan supply from rural credit cooperatives with simultaneous discrete model. The performance of supporting agriculture through a new round reform of rural credit cooperatives is doubtable in this sample region.  相似文献   

This article aims at characterization and assessment of the financial behaviors of rural dwellers on non-cash payment markets and identification of factors determining the intensity of using individual methods of payment by the inhabitants of rural areas. The main source of data used for analysis and inference was information originating from the authors' own investigations conducted in 2013 on a group of 500 rural households and on a group of 150 trade and service points operating in non-urbanized areas. This work made use of statistical summary measures and Z2 independence test. According to the results of the conducted studies, forms of payment used by rural dwellers depend on many variables, of demographic, economic, and psychological character. Cash payments are more frequently used by persons possessing vocational or secondary education, elderly people, old-age pensioners, annuitants, or households with lower incomes. Also, persons who do not trust financial institutions or do not perceive benefits resulting from the use of non-cash instruments prefer cash. It is a group of households which require urgent educational activities in the area of non-cash payment instruments. A significant barrier to using non-cash payment instruments by rural dwellers was a limited access to non-cash channels. It is connected in the first place with a poorer development of financial infrastructure in rural areas (banks or cash points), insufficient Internet access conditioning a possibility to use electronic banking points, and also a worse development of credit card acceptance network. As has been demonstrated by the results of conducted studies, the main reason for a lack of point of sale (POS) terminals in retail and service-providing points operating in rural areas, in the opinion of their owners, is the very high interchange fee (50% indications), which under Polish conditions is one of the highest in the European Union (EU).  相似文献   

Currently, accounting practices is restrained by the concept that financial accounting is based on the transaction. It excludes some important resources, like internal generated goodwill, from the accounting calculation system. So it fails to fully reflect the enterprise resource and their operating effects. Based on the analysis on recent demand and supply of accounting information, this paper proposes the view that financial accounting should be based on the value. In the authors' opinion, both the internal generated goodwill and the purchased goodwill have the same essence. They should be brought into the accounting system. Accounting should put the enterprise resource as its object, and the area of calculation should include enterprise resource's origin and composition of valuation, such as liabilities, equity and the remained of the rights, profit and comprehensive income and so on. Accounting should provide the information about the value and comprehensive income of the enterprise.  相似文献   

The fundamental relationship between accounting variables and stock returns is a recurring theme in financial research. One of the major purposes of accounting is to help investors provide reliable, comparable and accurate information. If accounting data are informative about fundamental values and changes in values, they should be correlated with stock price changes. This study provides theory and evidence showing how accounting variables explain stock returns and examines the relationship between the stock returns and accounting variables of listed non financial companies in ISE-100 Indice for 2006-2008 period by using panel data methodology. Empirical analysis consists of 192 observations of 64 companies in years 2006-2008 to examine the effects of inventory, accounts receivable, gross margin, operating expense, return on assets, cash flow, leverage, liquidity, price/earnings, return on equity on stock returns. The results of the study confirm that the predicted roles of fundamental factors and stock returns are significantly related to gross margin, cash flow, leverage and equity variables. The model explains about 13.35 % of the variation of annual stock returns with the leverage variable with most of the significant power.  相似文献   

As revealed by some competition of commodities supplied foreign experts, the financial leverage has an impact on the market by different listed companies, and low financial leverage implies a competitive edge but high financial leverage is liable to fail in business operation. Viewing from such an angle, the low financial leverage is in fact a conservative financial behavior, which means a reasonable selection. Generally, Chinese listed companies prefer financing from offering equity shares, which is regarded as a reasonable selection weighing both gains and risks. However, based on an analysis of the pressure of market competition to the listed companies of various industries and how they select their own fit/ancial leverage, it is found that there is an extremely unmatched phenomenon in China's capital market, i.e., the keener the commodity market competition is, the higher the financial leverage of listed companies will be. Therefore, the over-financing from offering equity shares is coexisting with under-financing from offering equity shares in China's capital market at present, and both lead listed companies to low efficiency.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of financial distress status and corporate governance structures on the level of voluntary disclosure. We apply six independent variables, including the firm's financial distress status and five components of corporate governance structures, such as board independence, audit committee independence, institutional ownership, board meeting frequency, and audit committee meeting frequency. This research is carried out by examining the annual reports of 114 non-financial firms listed at the Indonesian Stock Exchange over the period of 2009-2011. To test hypotheses, we undergo two different analyses, including independent samples t-test and Multiple Linear Regression. We find that: (1) The audit committee independence and the audit committee meeting frequency have significant positive impacts on the level of voluntary disclosure; (2) The financial distress status is negatively related to the level of disclosure at various levels of significance; and (3) All the independent variables are simultaneously related to voluntary disclosure.  相似文献   

Globalization, financial liberalization, financial integration, financial sector, and economic growth have been significant issues for many researchers. The studies have investigated the effects of the above issues to the economic growth of countries both theoretically and empirically. Since there has been conducted an enormous body of work, each of them may be grouped and studied separately. This paper focuses on the impact of financial sector development to economic growth and empirically studies the potential effect on the emerging E-7 countries, consisting of Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, the Russian Federation, and Turkey. The study employs panel regression methodology and the data set for modeling Gross Domestic Product (GDP) comprises annual data over 2001-2007, using basic variables which resemble financial sector development, namely market capitalization of listed companies (stock market capitalization), bank capital to asset ratio, stocks traded, total debt service, foreign direct investments, portfolio investments, real interest rates, and claims on private sector. The analysis indicates that the GDP may be modeled using the above stated macroeconomic variables with considerably high explanatory power, except for the real interest rates and bank capital to asset ratios.  相似文献   

The global financial crisis is spreading at an alarming rate across the world. The speed of the spreading and its tremendous impacts to economic is unprecedented in half a century. Through researching its impacts to finance, the authors can clearly find that to a large extent most enterprises went bankrupt and closed down because of the weak financial governance system and lack of effective control to internal financial operation Based on this background, the authors analyzed the problems of the traditional financial governance, and tried to find solutions. Applying the concept of COSO (The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of The National Commission of Fraudulent Financial Reporting) framework into the financial governance system, the authors can reconstruct the embedded financial governance system based on COSO framework, and better control the company's financial activities. In this way, the enterprise can effectively improve its management level and operational efficiency, and promote its sound and sustainable development.  相似文献   

This article deals with the relation between ethics and financial and budgetary discipline during economic and social recession in the Czech Republic. We find causes of economic and social recession in the Czech Republic in the loss of democratic and human values. Czech Republic was ranked the 57th place in the Corruption Perceptions index 2013 out of the 177 countries assessed, which is the same result achieved by Bahrain, Croatia, and Namibia. Among the 31 European Union (EU) member states and Norway, Switzerland, and Iceland, the Czech Republic is on the 25th site. Market as well as public sector and public finances should follow unwritten rules of ethics and ethical behavior. Such rules should be followed especially by politicians, officials, soldiers, and businessmen. Do we need ethics in present time? How is the role of the code of ethics in increasing financial and budgetary discipline in the defence sector? Is it possible to measure efficiency of the code of ethics for financial and budgetary discipline? We explain the importance of codes of ethics and formulate essential elements that each code of ethics must contain. Next, we deal with the main rules of both financial and budgetary disciplines. Furthermore, this article offers a comparison of several codes of ethics and describes the main problems in our implementation. In the end, we introduce our draft of Code of Ethics for Economic Service Officer in the Ministry of Defence and talk about possible influences of these codes on the quality of employee's performance.  相似文献   

This study investigates the causal relationship among financial development, trade openness, and economic growth in Zambia from 1965 to 2011. Two measures of financial development were used: broad money and domestic credit to the private sector, each as a ratio of gross domestic product (GDP). In this regard, two models were developed for each indicator. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (PP) tests were used to determine stationarity of all the variables. Furthermore, Johansen test was employed to ascertain possible cointegration among variables. The vector error correction model (VECM) was employed to examine the short-run and long-run dynamics among the variables in each model. The results indicate that the relationship among financial development, trade openness, and economic growth is sensitive to the financial development indicator chosen.  相似文献   

This study aims at assessing whether a significant within-year seasonality exists in the loan loss provisioning behavior of European listed banks observed in the period from 2004 to 2013. Since the accuracy of auditing processes and the level of disclosure requirements in financial reports differ among quarters, during the year, banks may have a leeway to underestimate and postpone the complete provisioning of loan losses in the less regulated and less audited quarters. We hypothesize that those differences are relevant factors which determine non-lower or significantly higher average levels of loan loss provisions in the half-yearly and especially in the annual financial reports than in the interim management statements disclosed in the first and the third quarters of the year. We also investigate the impact of the recent financial crisis and develop a special analysis for the ltalian banks' case. The empirical results support our hypotheses, suggesting that, in some cases, a convergence among quarterly levels of auditing processes and disclosure requirements may be needed. Our work contributes to the existing literature by providing additional evidences and considerations on the within-year seasonality in the loan loss provisioning behavior of European listed banks observed in the last decade.  相似文献   

Enterprises are looking to adapt to this scenario focusing on performance, seeking to improve the level of service and reduce costs in an attempt to differentiate and increase the perceived value of their customers. A strong partner to achieve these goals is the information technology (IT). IT has an important role in the performance of companies, providing a flow of information that makes the supply chain more robust and resilient, without compromising efficiency. To achieve the objective of this research, a survey of the literature on the four models was studied and then a field research with professionals was conducted in the areas of IT and supply chain management (SCM) of various companies of Sao Paulo. To collect the data needed for analysis, we used the exploratory research of a qualitative nature. Thus, we conclude that the use of IT impacts supply chain in five surveyed areas as planning, manufacturing, suppliers, customers, and delivery but does not impact the return area.  相似文献   

Study on the Change of Influence on Accounting Information Value of Comprehensive Income Reporting Mode
Comprehensive income reporting mode changes will affect the use of fair value. The comprehensive income reporting system based on the mode change, introduced the concept of comprehensive income and its presentation of the impact on the financial report, the financial report on the quality of the status of accounting information. Aiming at the lack of reporting effect on valuation of comprehensive income information and empirieal research, this paper reported from the analysis of comprehensive income to improve investor perception, improve investor valuations and strengthen financial supervision of the constructed model, value and benefits related to model validation policy change effect. Results show that the increase in the income statement, profit and loss information will enhance the value of accounling information, can significantly improve the transparency of financial reports and significantly reduce investors valuation cost, provides the reference for the formulation of accounting standards and improve the quality of accounting information.  相似文献   

This work investigates the relationship between intellectual capital and value creation in the sector of production and assembly of vehicles and auto-parts in Brazil. Through the access of the database from the annual industrial research conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, we gathered 865 observations, from 2000 to 2006, of public and private Brazilian companies with more than 100 employees. The database allows the estimate of relevant aggregated variables such as national accounts, gross domestic product, intermediate consumption, as well as propitiates a sectorial study of business strategies and performance, including value added by individual companies. In particular, in this study we use data on variables associated to intellectual capital. To achieve the goal of the study, we consider intellectual capital as defined by Pulic (2000, 2002), including human capital and structural capital. For the analysis of business performance, we used Pulic's VAIC (Value Added Intellectual Cofficient) index as a measure of efficiency of the employed financial and intellectual capital. Regression models were run to verify the relationship among the efficiency in the use of intellectual capital and the profitability of Brazilian companies. The gross income, calculated as before selling, general and administrative expenses, depreciation expenses, amortization and interest expenses, was used as measure of the flows of value creation and the profitability was measured by the gross income to the total assets of the companies. Considering the constructs defined by Pulic (2000, 2002), we tested, for the Brazilian sector of Production and Assembly of Vehicles and Auto-parts, the following hypotheses: (l) there is a positive relationship between value creation and intellectual capital, (2) there is a positive relationship between value creation and stock of intellectual capital, (3) there is a positive relationship between value creation and efficiency of the employed capital, (4) there is a positive relationship between value creation and efficiency of the human capital, (5) there is a positive relationship between value creation and efficiency of the structural capital. The results of the study, obtained through panel data analysis and through the use static and dynamic models, support the hypotheses that the intellectual capital of the companies, in its flow and stock dimensions, is positively and significantly related to value creation.  相似文献   

The article combines the background of Chinese system, theoretically derivates the relationship between corporate governance and their financial value, selects a sample of loss listed companies from 2003 to 2009, and studies how the level of corporate governance affects the value of listed company losses. Research results show that, among corporate governance factors, the largest shareholder and the market for corporate control have obvious positive effects on the financial value of loss listed companies; the proportion of state-owned shares, the type of audit opinion, and corporate govemance factors have obvious negative effects on the financial value of loss listed companies; and managerial ownership, the proportion of independent directors, and the size of the board have no obvious driving effect on the financial value of loss listed companies.  相似文献   

The role of financial capability in the consumers' financial behaviour has been widely analyzed by the literature. The same happened for the relationship between debt and financial capability. The consensus about the benefits of an increase in the levels of financial literacy collides with a diversity of opinions on what the best solutions to increase financial capability. While methods based on traditional teaching may not be an effective solutions and they could not provide results in the short term, solutions oriented to support consumers in important financial decisions (requests for funding, choice of retirement solutions, etc.) may show greater effectiveness. Studies in literature have shown the tendency of subjects with high levels of financial capability to adopt a long term view and to upgrade their daily financial behaviour with attitudes and practices related to self-finance (budget, financial check-up, saving for goals, etc.) The paper focuses on the relationship between financial capability and self-accounting practices, interpreting the latter as evidence of conduct financially aware. After a review of the literature designed to emphasize the role of self-accounting in the context of personal finance, a financial check-up based tool is proposed, pointing out how the financial accounts' schemes and logics (regular budget, estimates and forecasts checking targets) may find useful application in the context of personal finance.  相似文献   

This paper points out the drawbacks of traditional financial governance. After introducing Chinese and western economists' researches on firm financial governance theory, we put forward modern finn financial governance system, which is based on the core of finance-rights allocation. In our opinion, the theory of finance-rights is the important cornerstone of the theory of financial finance-rights theory. Financial governance structure system is the basic framework of the research of financial governance.  相似文献   

This study investigates the association between quality of financial statements and tenure of statement-related personnel. First, we examined whether there is still a significant association between financial statement quality and the tenure of audit partners who are responsible for the quality assurance of financial statements after the implementation of mandatory audit partner rotation. We addressed this issue by using a sample of Taiwanese companies, with which no significant association between audit partner tenure and the magnitude of discretionary accruals (DA), a common proxy for financial statement quality, was found. Second, we investigated whether an association exists between the financial statement quality and the tenure of management who is responsible for the preparation of financial statements. We also addressed this issue by using Taiwanese data and found a significant association between management tenure (MT) and the magnitude of DA. Our findings provide evidence that audit partner tenure would neither improve nor deteriorate the quality assurance of a financial statement, when there is a mandatory audit partner rotation after a fixed period of time. Whereas how MT affects financial statement quality after the enactment of the mandatory audit partner rotation is dependent on the management position. Increasing tenure of chief executive officer (CEO) and chief financial officer (CFO) will enhance and hinder financial statement quality respectively. In the end, we found a significant interaction of tenure between auditor and CFO. This result implies that the downward bias of CFO on the financial statement preparation can be mitigated by auditors with increasing tenure.  相似文献   

The successive changes of asset prices are the most visible manifestation of financial markets dynamics. There exist different views about factors generating these changes, but many researchers and practitioners agree that the most important among them is the impact of information flow. According to the market microstructure theories, it depends mainly on the behavior of informed and uniformed traders. In the paper, we investigate dependencies between the possible proxies of information process: price duration and corresponding to it volume change and return. Our main objective is to answer the question about the most important factor in the process of discovering information by uniformed traders. We apply a set of models for volatility, volume and duration data. Our analysis is performed for selected equities listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and uses tick-by-tick data. The obtained results show that the stock liquidity on this leading stock market in Central and Eastern Europe is the most important factor influencing the process of discovering information by uninformed traders.  相似文献   

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