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潘明清  叶维 《经济论坛》2004,(11):91-92
西方工业化国家货币政策的传导机制通常都是以市场化利率为前提,以相对完善的资本市场与货币市场为基础,并且借助于各个金融市场之间金融产品价格的协调变化,使得不同市场中的资金流、信息流可以顺畅地融合在一起。我国的货币政策传导机制与西方工业化国家不同,主要倚重货币市场和信贷途径。尽管20世纪90年代以来证券市场和外汇市场在货币政策传导中的作用越来越大,但信贷渠道仍然是我国货币政策传导的主要渠道。  相似文献   

货币供应增长率与通货膨胀之间动态关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国实施宽松的货币政策,货币供应量增幅快速回升,流动性加大,市场的通涨预期不断高涨。故系统研究货币供应量、银行信贷与通货膨胀之间的动态关系,可为衡量货币政策有效性提供些依据。通过构建向量自回归模型,分析货币供应、金融机构贷款和通货膨胀之间的动态关系。  相似文献   

我国货币政策有效性与资本市场发展关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国资本市场的发展,拓宽了货币政策的作用范围,使货币政策的作用基础发生了变化,改变了货币政策作用的环境.本文从货币政策中介指标、货币政策工具等入手分析了资本市场对货币政策影响的途径,深入分析了资本市场的发展对货币政策传导机制的影响,提出了央行在制定实施货币政策时必须关注资本市场,即货币政策要适时适度干预资本市场;实现利率市场化,把利率作为中介指标,使资本市场对货币政策的影响由隐性变为显性;建立货币市场与资本市场之间规范有效的沟通机制,促进价格信号在两个市场之间的有效传导,资金在两个市场之间的有序流动.  相似文献   

资本市场发展深刻影响着货币政策的传导机制。文章从影响货币政策传导机制的因素开始分析,从资本市场规模大小、资本市场内部及其他金融市场之间的竞争、货币市场与资本市场的一体化程度、资本市场的运行效率以及宏观经济环境与投资者预期水平等几大方面进行了具体研究。然后,分析了资本市场的发展对货币政策的影响方面,包括货币政策最终目标、货币政策工具的影响和货币政策传导机制等三大方面。最后从五大方面提出了完善资本市场,保证货币政策传导有效性的建议,包括推进资本市场的制度建设和改革、提高资本市场的经营效率、创新资本市场与货币市场的联系渠道、完善货币政策的最终目标、确定以公开市场业务操作为货币政策的主要政策工具等。  相似文献   

货币市场、利率与货币政策传导有效性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
1998年以来,伴随着对货币政策有效性的争论,货币政策传导机制问题引起理论界广泛关注。从一些发达国家的情况看,通过货币市场和利率的作用实现货币政策目标,是货币政策传导机制中的一条基本渠道。近年来,我国货币政策传导中货币市场和利率已经开始发挥作用。但由于我国货币市场还待完善,利率尚没有真正实现市场化,在一定程度上限制了货币政策的有效性。随着我国宏观经济调控模式从直接调控向间接调控方式的转变,加快构造畅通有效的货币政策传导机制越来越迫切。通过发展货币市场、实现利率的市场化进一步提高货币政策传导有效性问题,成为当前经济研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

论提高股市的货币政策传导效率   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
货币政策与股票市场之间是一种互动的关系,中央银行无论推行紧缩性货币政策还是扩张性货币政策,无论采用利率杠杆还是资金管理政策的调整,都会直接或间接地影响股票市场。从长期来看,我国应将资产价格纳入货币政策的调控目标。提高我国股票市场的货币传导效率,中央银行应该关注资产价格的变化,将保持金融稳定作为货币政策目标;规范发展股票市场,逐步发挥股票市场传导货币政策的功能;疏导货币市场与资本市场的联系,提高金融协作监管水平。  相似文献   

虚拟资本市场发展对货币政策的冲击效应在实践中表现得愈来愈明显,突出体现在六个方面:一是虚拟资本市场发展延缓了货币政策传导的时滞;二是虚拟资本市场发展削弱了中央银行货币发行的垄断权;三是虚拟资本市场发展降低了货币供求的稳定性;四是虚拟资本市场发展打破了货币供应量增长与物价间的稳定联系;五是虚拟资本市场发展增大了货币政策效果的不可预期性;六是虚拟资本市场发展使货币政策的利率调控效果受到影响.因此,货币当局在货币政策操作时不得不将虚拟资本市场的发展状况作为一个因素予以考虑.  相似文献   

我国货币政策的传导机制及其效应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘玮 《经济论坛》2003,(14):20-21
一、我国货币政策传导机制的现状要保持货币政策传导渠道的畅通,需要货币政策传导主体(中央银行)、中介(金融机构和金融市场)和客体(企业和个人)都能够充分发挥自身的职能,积极引导货币政策影响总产出和宏观经济运行。然而我国货币政策的实践表明,我国货币政策效应的传导机制存在一些问题,其具体表现在以下几个方面。第一,利率传导机制受阻。近几年来,央行通过公开市场操作逐步推进利率市场化的进程。利率在央行与商业银行及非银行金融机构之间、在货币市场各交易主体之间的传导作用在不断加强。特别在同业拆借市场和银行间债券市场上,同业…  相似文献   

我国货币政策传导的阻滞与疏通:一个分析框架   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
货币政策是否有效,取决于货币政策传导渠道是否畅通.我国的货币政策传导渠道是通过银行信贷市场和资本市场,将货币供给转化为扩大投资、刺激消费和推动经济增长的动力.近几年来我国"稳健"货币政策形成的货币供给增量在银行信贷传导渠道与资本市场传导渠道中发生了"吸附"与"沉淀",导致货币政策传导阻滞和实施效果远不尽如人意.要疏通我国货币政策传导,必须抑制货币政策传导渠道中的货币"吸附"与"沉淀".  相似文献   

正货币政策传导机制的主体(即货币当局)是唯一的,而客体(或受众)则有众多,包括金融机构、金融市场、企业及家庭、个人等各类经济主体。因此,货币政策传导是一对多的过程。传导机制不仅是内部构成要素交互作用的过程,也是有关外部因素随机干扰的复杂过程。货币政策传导中涉及货币、资本、外汇、劳动力等多个市场,牵涉到的经济金融变量包括消费、投资、货币供应量、利率、汇率等,其中一些因素是货币当局可以直接控制或具有较强影响力的,有些则很难控制。货币当局与市场之间的博弈是  相似文献   

Ilian Mihov 《Economic Policy》2001,16(33):369-406
I discuss possible problems engendered by loss of national monetary policies, and study them from three empirical perspectives. First, are business cycles sufficiently synchronized across EMU member countries? The evidence suggests that economic activity in those countries has become increasingly correlated in the 1990s, and that policy co–ordination has played a role in generating that outcome. Second, are there asymmetries in the mechanisms through which policy affects economic activity? The paper documents that policy transmission was indeed heterogeneous in the member countries, and that structural and financial factors were sensibly related to cross–country differences in the response of output to a monetary policy shock. Third, how is policy implemented in an environment of diverse business cycle fundamentals and transmission mechanisms? Estimation of monetary policy reaction functions finds that the European Central Bank is closer to an aggregate of the central banks in Germany, France, and Italy than to the Bundesbank alone.  相似文献   


This article expands on the debate of whether merely controlling inflation can be considered a good outcome in terms of monetary policy, discussing proposals for adopting alternative monetary targets (e.g., price level, nominal GDP), alternative instruments (e.g., monetary finance, central bank digital currencies), for enlarging central banks' mandates (e.g., incorporating employment, wages, inequality, environmental objectives) and for the design of future monetary policy frameworks.

We argue that in the coming years, central banks should not simply maintain their pre-2008 standards by de-implementing unconventional monetary policies. Instead, they must take advantage of their past and recent experiences in order to improve, under an evolutionary perspective, future monetary policy and financial stability frameworks. Based on this, measures implemented since the 2008 crisis would have three possible treatments in new frameworks: i) be discarded, due to their predominantly adverse effects; ii) not be regularly implemented, but be used as backstop mechanisms if needed; iii) be incorporated as regular measures of monetary policy/financial stability frameworks. Accordingly, monetary and financial stability authorities will increasingly need to evolve and engage in a continuously adaptive and innovative process in order to face challenges posed by financial markets that are becoming more dynamic, innovative, complex, interconnected and globalised.  相似文献   

Optimal monetary policy maximizes the welfare of a representative agent, given frictions in the economic environment. Constructing a model with two sets of frictions—costly price adjustment by imperfectly competitive firms and costly exchange of wealth for goods—we find optimal monetary policy is governed by two familiar principles. First, the average level of the nominal interest rate should be sufficiently low, as suggested by Milton Friedman, that there should be deflation on average. Yet, the Keynesian frictions imply that the optimal nominal interest rate is positive. Second, as various shocks occur to the real and monetary sectors, the price level should be largely stabilized, as suggested by Irving Fisher, albeit around a deflationary trend path. Since expected inflation is roughly constant through time, the nominal interest rate must therefore vary with the Fisherian determinants of the real interest rate. Although the monetary authority has substantial leverage over real activity in our model economy, it chooses real allocations that closely resemble those which would occur if prices were flexible. In our benchmark model, there is some tendency for the monetary authority to smooth nominal and real interest rates.  相似文献   

What is the optimal institutional structure for a federal central bank? The framework developed in this paper is used to analyze under what conditions an individual region will prefer a monetary union to be organized according to regional or common influences and how a combination of both can be rationalized. The implications of an enlargement of a monetary union for changes in its institutional setup are also derived.  相似文献   

Monetary Stabilisation Policy in a Monetary Union: Some Simple Analytics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We do two things in this paper. First, we look at some simple models of monetary decision making in a monetary union and ask how much more variable a country's output and inflation is likely to be if it joins the union. We answer this analytically and then go on to 'calibrate' the simple model. The model has few structural equations, but it is useful in allowing us to examine how the variability of output and inflation are likely to change as key parameters change. Our conclusions on this front are likely to be sensitive to model specification. However, we also identify a second best issue concerning the optimal make–up of the monetary union which is likely to be more robust: namely that only when all members of the union have the same structural parameter values (and shocks are perfectly correlated) will it be optimal for a new member to have these same structural parameter values.  相似文献   

如果货币政策通过资本渠道传导不畅,现金资产大量滞留在资本市场中,当货币扩张(紧缩)时,实体部门可能并不发生相应的资本流入(流出),则货币当局可能产生"上次货币调整的效果不显著"的错觉,促使其发动新一轮更大强度的同向货币政策调整,这将加重国内整体经济和资本市场的动荡。通过对近十余年来货币供给量、资本市场规模和资产价格的实证分析,发现我国资本市场中的政策信息阻塞现象的确会引起货币当局的错觉,而导致国内经济更加不稳定。  相似文献   

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