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《Business Horizons》2021,64(5):697-709
This conceptual article explores how mindfulness can be successfully integrated in the strategy tool kit of organizations. The likely global reconstruction in the aftermath of COVID-19 can be effective if organizations reexamine their existing philosophies and business practices. Against this backdrop, mindfulness is a time-tested practice that has the potential to transcend all functions in a company’s value chain and to create a sustainable competitive advantage. This article uses a strategy lens to examine mindfulness in organizations, which has implications for researchers and practitioners. First, I discuss the theoretical frameworks of mindfulness, the performance improvements that individuals can expect from consistent practice, and how these improvements translate to organization-level performance. Next, I summarize the methods and tools for workplace application and the steps for implementing mindfulness strategies in organizations. Finally, I describe implementation challenges and offer assessment tools for mindfulness.  相似文献   

The purpose of this exploratory study is to examine the use of an ethical intervention strategy – counterexplanation – on individuals’ ethical decision-making. As opposed to providing reasons to support a decision in the case of explanation, counterexplanation is the provision of reasons that either speak against or provide evidence against a chosen course of action. The number of explanations and/or counterexplanations provided by the participants is expected to have a significant effect on ethical evaluation and intention. The number of explanations is expected to be negatively related to ethical decision-making while the number of counterexplanations is expected to be positively related to ethical decision-making. The experiment, that made use of five ethical vignettes, manipulated four treatment groups – explanation, counterexplanation, explanation/counterexplanation, and counterexplanation/explanation. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the four reatments. They performed the requirements of their treatment before recording their ethical evaluations and intentions. As expected, larger numbers of explanations led to less ethical decision-making and larger numbers of counterexplanations led to more ethical decision-making. However, when both types of explanations are required, the order of counterexplaining before explaining is more desirable as it leads to more ethical decision-making. The study also reports that individuals with high social desirability bias (a tendency to present oneself in a culturally acceptable manner) may generate less counterexplanations. Implications of the findings are explained in the paper.  相似文献   

Very few studies have looked upon the construct of workplace spirituality in sales organization context. This paper integrates workplace spirituality with sales literature. The paper points out that self-interest transcendence is a common aspect in the workplace spirituality concept which emerged a decade ago and in most of the relationship-oriented selling characteristics—customer orientation, adaptability, service orientation, and ethical selling behavior. Based on the common aspect of self-interest transcendence, we propose that workplace spirituality could be a causal precursor to relationship-oriented selling characteristics. We present guidelines for future research, implications for practice and a few potential downsides of workplace spirituality in sales organization.  相似文献   

The article concentrates on problems, which emerge in the ongoing process of transforming a socialistic society to a western welfare society. This process does not only include economic aspects, as it might seem from several articles and books written about the subject. Often these societies, having established a stable financial and legal systems face much harder problems related to the prevailing values. They are not struggling anymore because of bad loans or lack of investment but because of outdated values and inability to adapt themselves to a changing world. To understand these difficulties better, 2000 conflicts, occurred during last four years in local companies, have been investigated.Conflict as the research tool has been chosen because it is a very informative phenomenon for revealing an organisation's general status. It sheds light on different aspects of problems, which occur during rapid development. We could name several conflict reasons but generally all of them stem from three sources:(1)Popularity of the early-capitalistic values(2)Inability to organise information according to needs(3)Outdated valuesThe article gives an overview about the reasons of conflicts in Estonian companies and ethical problems, which occur when managers start to solve these conflicts with power.  相似文献   

Role conflict occurs when a job possesses inconsistent expectations incongruent with individual beliefs, a situation that precipitates considerable frustration and other negative work outcomes. Increasing interest in processes that reduce role conflict is, therefore, witnessed. With the help of information collected from a large sample of individuals employed at an education-based healthcare institution, this study identified several factors that might decrease role conflict, namely mindfulness and organizational ethics. In particular, the results indicated that mindfulness was associated with decreased role conflict, and that perceived ethical values and a shared ethics code were associated with decreased role conflict and increased mindfulness. Despite the study’s limitations, these findings imply that companies might better manage role conflict through the development of mindfulness and organizational ethics.  相似文献   

The author extends theory on the relationship between workplace spirituality and business ethics by integrating the “yamas” from yoga, a venerable Eastern spiritual tradition, with existing literature. The yamas are five practices for harmonizing and deepening social connections that can be applied in the workplace. A theoretical framework is developed and two sets of propositions are forwarded. One set emanates from the yamas and another one conjectures relationships between spirituality and business ethics surfaced by the application of these spiritual practices from yoga.  相似文献   

Air medical healthcare (AMH) professionals care for critically-ill individuals while conveying them to healthcare centres from distant, and frequently dangerous, locations. AMH professionals experience additional health and safety issues beyond the “typical” stressors faced by other healthcare professionals. Therefore, we integrated the safety and psychosocial health literatures to examine the relationship between workplace stressors (risk perception, worries, and patient-care barriers) and two components of burnout (emotional exhaustion; depersonalization), and the moderating impact of job control and team efficacy for 106 Canadian AMH professionals. Worries over medical hassles and barriers to patient care uniquely predicted emotional exhaustion. Lack of perceived control over one's job was related to exhaustion and depersonalization after controlling for stressors. Job control and team efficacy buffered some of the stressor-burnout relationships. Copyright © 2009 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

员工破坏行为是人力资源管理研究领域的热门话题,近年来学者对其表现和发生机制给予了较多关注。本研究选取酒店一线员工作为调研对象,通过嵌入理论框架,引入组织情感承诺作为中介变量,通过规范的实证研究揭示职场灵性对酒店一线员工破坏行为的影响路径与作用机制。研究发现,职场灵性能够避免酒店一线员工破坏行为的发生,而这种抑制作用主要是通过内在生命和有意义工作两个维度得以体现;组织情感承诺对酒店一线员工破坏行为具有显著的负向影响即抑制作用;组织情感承诺在职场灵性对酒店一线员工破坏行为的影响路径中起完全中介作用。研究结果为我国酒店管理战略提供了理论依据与实证支持。  相似文献   

本研究基于社会互动视角,探讨职场排斥与沉默行为的过程机制,在此基础上提出一个调节的中介模型,特别是工作投入和感知凝聚力的中介作用和情绪智力的调节作用。通过213名员工的三阶段时间滞后调查分析,结果显示:职场排斥正向影响沉默行为;工作投入和感知凝聚力在职场排斥与沉默行为关系中发挥中介作用;情绪智力调节职场排斥与工作投入之间的关系,调节职场排斥和感知凝聚力之间的关系;此外,情绪智力调节“职场排斥-工作投入-沉默行为”和“职场排斥-感知凝聚力-沉默行为”这两条中介路径。  相似文献   

Loyalty, commitment and self-interest explored in Japanese and Western companies. The author is Principal Lecturer in the Department of Business Studies at Manchester Polytechnic.  相似文献   

Internationalization as an entrepreneurial process   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
When firms cross-borders it is, by definition, internationalization. We believe that often internationalization should be seen as either a by-product of a firm’s efforts to improve its position within its network or networks, or as the result of an entrepreneurial action. We consider three theoretical approaches as a starting point and breathe life into them with a rich case study. We suggest adjustments to Johanson and Vahlne’s business network internationalization process model, an update of the Uppsala internationalization process model, to emphasize the entrepreneurial aspects of the process.  相似文献   

This paper describes and analyzes the implementation of a crawling exchange rate band on an electronic trading platform. The placement of limit orders at the central bank's target rate serves as a credible policy statement that may coordinate beliefs of market participants. We find for our sample that intervention increases exchange rate volatility (and spread) for the next minutes but that intervention days show a lower degree of volatility (and spread) than non-intervention days. We also show for intraday data that the price impact of interbank order flow is smaller on intervention days than on non-intervention days. These stabilizing effects, however, rely on the conditions of large currency reserves and the existence of capital controls; an electronic market seems to support this goal.  相似文献   

International springboard is an entrepreneurial act that requires international entrepreneurial orientation (IEO). An important aspect of international springboard is the establishment of a deeply localized flagship foreign subsidiary to help pursue diverse international strategic goals. We model parent-level IEO as a mediator in the relationships between diversity of international strategic goals and flagship subsidiary localization strategies (customer responsiveness, market scope, and local cooperativeness). The results from a sample of 208 Chinese MNEs demonstrate that the three dimensions of IEO (innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk taking) play an important but differentiated mediation role. The study illustrates the connection between parent-level entrepreneurial behavior and subsidiary-level strategic actions through which MNEs capture cross-national entrepreneurial opportunities.  相似文献   

胡海卿 《大经贸》2002,(12):24-27
"既然已经走上了市场化道路,就不会有人还想回头,买布要用布票、买吃的要用粮票,应该没有人还希望这样。""地方政府谁先开放,谁先放权,谁先发展市场,谁就先得利,经济发达地区都是那些市场化程度高的地区。""国际化、市场化的力量是无穷的,中国走上了这条道路就回不去了,而中央政府在激烈的国与国之间的竞争中会更加具有责任感、使命感。"  相似文献   

What do you do with a failed evaluation? That is, can positive outcomes come out of a situation where a return on investment cannot be demonstrated? This study highlights the value of the ROI method in providing direction at the macro‐level even when level 4 and 5 evaluations are unable to be ascertained. By taking a macro‐level view, the researcher was able to provide positive feedback and recommendations for further organisational development.  相似文献   

Shanghai Party Secretary Yu Zhengsheng met Kuomintang Honorary Chairman Lien Chan in Shanghai April 13. Yu told Lien Shanghai has been showing signs of economic recovery in the past three months and invited him, who's on his fifth visit to Shanghai, to visit the city for the 2010 World Expo.  相似文献   

How can venture capital (VC) firms transform a weak innovation ecosystem into a productive and robust one? While the literature has found VC firms’ catalyst role in innovation in developed markets, we know little about whether and how they affect innovation in an emerging market, where formal institutions (e.g., regulations and markets) and informal institutions (e.g., professional networks) to enable VC firms’ catalyst role are relatively lacking. First, we argue that VC firms play a different and more proactive role in these markets as an “ecosystem engineer” through governing the resource flow and selecting deviation, which drive regional innovation performance. Second, such effects are further positively moderated by the presence of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in a region. Lastly, over time, while the direct effects of VC firms persist and increase, the moderating effects of MNE presence decline. Empirically, we examined a Chinese provincial-level panel data of VC activities (1999–2009) and patent applications (2000–2010) and found supportive evidence. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the entry-deterring power of free in-network pricing with multiple incumbents. Free in-network pricing may deter entry since it creates network externality that intensifies competition. One may expect that a particular entry-deterrent strategy adopted by all incumbents would have more entry-deterring power than when it is adopted by some incumbents only. However, we show that when free-in network plan has entry-deterrence power with two incumbent firms, sometimes one incumbent offering free in-network plan may have more entry deterrence power than both firms offering free in-network plans. In other words, we find that an asymmetric adoption of entry-deterrence strategies by the incumbent firms may be the best for entry deterrence. This result highlights the importance of the strategic choice of the pricing plan as a function of not only the likelihood/cost of entry but also of the plan choices of other firms, and may partially explain the asymmetric strategies used by competing firms.  相似文献   

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