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This study examines the role of perceived value in the relationship between brand attitude, perceived fit, extension attitude and consumers’ purchase intention of downscale vertical extensions of luxury and premium brands in two product categories: cars and shoes. Results from 236 individuals with different income levels show that extension attitude is positively related to purchase intention both directly and indirectly, via the perceived value of the extension; the latter is more strongly correlated than extension attitude to consumers’ purchase intention. Brand attitude is also positively associated with perceived value. Overall, perceived value partially mediates the relationships of brand attitude and of extension attitude with purchase intention. The product category affects the strength of some of the relationships in the model, including the role of fit.  相似文献   

Due to growth of access-based consumption businesses, it is important to understand how consumers perceive online fashion renting services. Based on two theories, the Theory of Reasoned Actions and expectancy-value approach, this study aims to examine the influence of consumers' attitudes and subjective norms on their intentions to participate in online fashion renting, and to investigate behavioral beliefs that may cause them to form favorable intentions toward online renting. In order to do this, a total of 300 sample surveys were collected from U.S. consumers. To assess the respective measurement model, confirmatory factor analyses were performed, and a structural path analysis was performed to verify the hypothesized relationships. This study empirically asserts that attitudes and subjective norms are key predictors of consumers' intentions to participate in online fashion renting. Consumers' attitudes toward online fashion renting were determined by assessing their perceptions of its relative advantages, compatibility, ownership, and ecological value. While acknowledging the influence of subjective norms and previous fashion rental experience, online fashion rental platforms are also advised to engineer strategies to engage consumers in this practice and to encourage peer referrals. This study sheds light on the determining factors that shape consumers’ attitudes towards and intentions to participate in online fashion renting, from which appropriate business strategies could be devised to enhance consumer engagement and expand the online fashion rental market.  相似文献   

Drawing on regulatory focus theory, this study examines how consumers’ promotion and prevention focus influences luxury purchase intentions in an online domain. The research further investigates the interactive effects of regulatory focus, goal orientation, and self-construal through four studies. Study 1 shows that promotion-focused versus prevention-focused consumers have a greater tendency to purchase luxury goods online and in-store. Contrary to extant research regarding the compatibility between message frame and consumers’ regulatory focus, using varying manipulations, Studies 2 and 3 find the primacy of prevention-framed messages in influencing online luxury purchase intentions for promotion- and prevention-focused consumers. Further, unlike prior studies, Study 4 shows no significant interaction effect between regulatory focus, goal orientation, and self-construal and adds a possible boundary condition by demonstrating how regulatory focus and self-construal effects differ for luxury purchase online. Overall, the studies offer important contributions to theory and practice relating to luxury consumption in cyberspace.  相似文献   

The growth of the luxury market has been phenomenal in recent years, especially in the emerging markets such as India. This research studied luxury value aspects (personal and social) of luxury cosmetic brands and their impact on consumer attitudes and usage behavior, with a focus on women consumers. Data was collected in the form of a survey from 372 women luxury cosmetic users. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the framework. Hedonism and status value were found to have high significant relationship towards attitude whereas usage behavior was influenced by materialism and status value. Hence the symbolic and psychological traits among consumer will show their willingness to buy and preferences on luxury cosmetic brands. The findings of this study provide valuable insights to marketers and managers to understand consumer trends, attitudes and behavior in the luxury cosmetic market and develop marketing strategies to successfully market their products.  相似文献   

A critical component of brand equity is consumer perceived ethicality (CPE) of the brand. Yet, little is known about how to create positive brand CPE. We offer that the starting point for creating brand CPE is with the brand-naming decision. Drawing on sound symbolism theory, we propose that certain brand name characteristics better convey ethicality. Two studies are conducted. Study 1 finds that higher frequency sounds in brand names better convey ethicality than lower frequency sounds. Study 2 finds that brand names can positively impact brand CPE in the presence of additional information, in particular, information that reflects negatively on the brand’s ethical behavior. These results suggest that marketers be more involved at the onset of creating an ethical brand image.  相似文献   

This research examines the impact of a luxury limited-edition offer in the face of core brand image dilution of a luxury brand. Through utilizing two millennial subgroups (college- vs. post-college age) as research participants in two studies, the findings suggest that in a brand dilution condition, the limited-edition product enhances consumers’ attitudes toward the luxury brand and that these effects are more pronounced for consumers with a higher self-presentation motive. We also find that college-age millennials are more strongly influenced by social influences than post-college age millennials. The implications for academic researchers and luxury brand retail managers are discussed.  相似文献   

The research intended to study the consumer's buying behaviour of Ayurveda products by examining factors that influence consumer's buying decision. Stimuli-Organism-Behaviour-Consequence (SOBC) framework was deployed to test 1316 responses collected using a structured questionnaire. Analysis was performed using CB-SEM method while demographic variables were used as moderator. The four dimensions used in the study, including Stimuli (Health consciousness, Product attribute); Organism (Product availability. Ethnocentrism and Environmental and Sustainability Orientation); Behaviour (Customer beliefs and Purchase intention) and Consequence (Buying behaviour) were found to hold positive association as hypothesized. House-hold income and educational qualification moderated the relationship between organisms and behaviour as well as behaviour and consequence. SOBC model is unique in context of traditional/culture oriented products. The constructs incorporated in the SOBC model provides novelty to the study. Inclusion of Ethnocentrism and Product Availability as Organism have not been examined in the previous studies. The study adds to current literature on consumer behaviour specifically in the context of traditional products. Identifying Health Consciousness in the context of generic Ayurveda products with a unique set of variables contributes to the literature.The identification of stimuli causing behaviour such as health consciousness and product attribute and organisms that influence behavioural response including product availability ethnocentrism as well as environmental and sustainability orientation provide consumer insights to marketers and firms dealing in traditional products. The perspective on consumer beliefs provide directions of policy formulation to governments.  相似文献   

The role of religion has been overlooked as an antecedent to risk perception, as has moral potency, when purchasing religiously sensitive products. The aim of this study is to demonstrate how perceived risk and moral potency explain the impact of shopper religiosity on purchasing religiously-questionable products from retailers. A conceptual model was tested on a sample of 271 respondents, elucidating the complex relationships between religiosity, social and psychological risk, moral potency and purchase intention. The model offers a strong psychological explanation of how a shopper's religion may increase their perceptions of risk and personal responsibility, confidence and courage, which subsequently impact purchase intentions. Retail managers may choose to implement this model to better predict shopper adoption behaviour of new religiously-questionable products. The model allows for future empirical examinations across multiple shopping contexts and may be employed to estimate levels of demand for new products based on the extent of religiosity, moral potency and risk.  相似文献   

The study investigated the effects of perceived product quality and overall satisfaction on purchase intentions. Moreover, the direct and indirect effects of values and involvement on purchase intentions were studied. The study utilized the survey questionnaire and used sport shoes as the product being researched. The sample consisted of 197 students who responded to an anonymous questionnaire. Five hypotheses were tested and four of them were confirmed by the data. Perceived quality had a direct and an indirect effect (through overall satisfaction) on purchase intentions, overall satisfaction had a direct effect on purchase intentions and involvement had an indirect effect on purchase intentions through overall satisfaction and perceived quality. The results of the study provide several theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

The paper examines the various responses of consumers depending on the country of salesperson (COS) and to look into the effects that consumer–salesperson relationship benefits have on consumer satisfaction and brand attitude. The results suggest that consumers' perceived social benefit and functional benefit positively influenced their satisfaction with salesperson, and a significant positive effect of consumers' satisfaction with salesperson on consumers' brand attitude is found. This positive relationship was moderated by COS. These findings suggest that COS will serve as an important retail mix for global marketers. Other results and management implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Business Research》2006,59(10-11):1160-1166
Though value has received significant attention in the marketing literature in recent years, research on the concept has been somewhat limited in the context of online shopping, particularly in regards to empirical hypothesis testing. This paper examines the relevancy of value dimensions for online shopping and the relationship between value dimensions, preference towards the Internet retailer, and intentions. Findings from the large-scale study indicate that utilitarian value is more strongly related than hedonic value to preference towards the Internet retailer and intentions and that shopping frequency can play a moderating role. The paper concludes with a discussion of limitations and managerial implications.  相似文献   

The effects of consumer perceived value and subjective norm on using mobile data services between American and Korean consumers were examined to explain the differences and similarities in consumer mobile data service adoption behavior in this study. The antecedent effects of four dimensions of consumer perceived value showed different behavioral intention to use mobile data services between the two countries. Emotional value was found to be the most significant effect on using mobile data services for consumers in the two countries. Subjective norm was a significant antecedent of attitude and behavioral intention to use mobile data services for American consumers, but it was not evident for Korean consumers.  相似文献   

This article explores differences in blame attributions between men and women in a consumer context. The first experiment finds that women blame a company more than men for a product harm crisis. A second experiment replicates these results in a different product harm crisis and suggests the process underlying these differences. The results of tests of mediation suggest that women blame a company more than men for a product harm crisis because they feel more personally vulnerable to a similar crisis occurring to them. The tests of mediation also show that empathic concern is not the reason driving the differences between men and women in consumer attributions of blame despite observed differences on this personality trait. The theoretical and practical implications of this research are discussed. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

An empirical study finds that perceived control strongly mediates the effects of perceived speed of a Web site download on consumers' attitudes and intentions to use the Web site. Moreover, results show that men are more likely to react positively to the perceived speed of a Web site download, whereas women are more likely to base their reactions on perceptions of control in the context of download delays. In contrast to past online research, the gender differences are intrinsic in two ways—they are context independent, and they are not caused by length of Internet experience, extent of Internet usage, or type of Internet connections.  相似文献   

This research reports an assessment of Sweeney and Soutar's (2001) consumer perceived value (PERVAL) scale. The PERVAL scale contains four dimensions: quality, emotional, price, and social values. The present study develops and evaluates two short forms of the original 19-item PERVAL scale based on Sweeney and Soutar's (2001) original data and three other studies in two different countries. In comparison with the full scale, the short 12-item and 8-item forms have equally good dimensional properties and equivalent predictive validity. The discussion includes implications, both for research and for retail managers.  相似文献   

This study examines how the consumers' perceived values (utilitarian and hedonic values) impact their impulse buying behavior (IBB) in the mobile commerce (m-commerce) context. Moreover, we view interpersonal influence as a moderator and test its impact on the correlation between the consumers' perceived value and their IBB. Data were collected through a survey in China (n = 199). The results show that environmental stimuli significantly influence consumer perceived values (i.e., perceived utilitarian value and perceived hedonic value), and the consumers’ perception of hedonic value significantly and directly impacts their IBB. In addition, the interaction effect of perceived hedonic value and interpersonal influence significantly affects IBB. The findings provide valuable guidance for m-commerce retailers to induce consumer IBB.  相似文献   

This paper divides store brands into generic ones versus individual ones. Accordingly, two types of store brand loyalty are discussed, namely general versus individual brand loyalty. It also analyzes perceptions of 2-tier store brands in terms of perceived quality and value, and explores the respective effects of consumer knowledge and brand attitude on store loyalty. Results show that both low-priced and medium-priced store brands are able to build individual store brand loyalty and store loyalty among customers. Managerial implications are also provided.  相似文献   

The value of consumer complaints in consumer protection and in the effective management of the firm has been demonstrated. This paper reports a survey of Dutch consumers to determine the extent to which consumer attitudes toward seeking redress through complaints is correlated with actual complaint behavior. It concludes that situation-specific factors are stronger influences on whether consumers complain than general attitudes and discusses how these factors can be used to encourage legitimate consumer complaints.
Reaktionen bei Verbraucher-Unzufriedenheit: Die Rolle von Einstellungen und situativen Faktoren
Zusammenfassung Es ist erwiesen, daß Verbraucherbeschwerden sowohl für den Schutz des Verbrauchers wie auch für eine effektive Unternehmensführung von Bedeutung sind. Der vorliegende Beitrag berichtet über eine Untersuchung bei 304 holländischen Verbrauchern zu der Frage, in welchem Ausmaße die Einstellungen von Verbrauchern zu Beschwerdeverhalten zusammenhängen mit dem tatsächlichen Beschwerdeverhalten. Einstellungen wurden dabei über eine 15-item-Skala gemessen, die einer Faktoren-Analyse unterzogen wurde und drei Bereiche erfaßt: (a) gesellschaftliche Normen über Beschwerdeverhalten, (b) Kosten und Mühen des Beschwerdeverhaltens und (c) vermutliche Ansprechbarkeit der Verkäufer durch Verbraucherbeschwerden.Eine multiple Regressions-Analyse ergab eine signifikante, jedoch nur schwache Beziehung zwischen dem ersten Einstellungsfaktor und einer Beschwerde-Neigung, die erfaßt wurde als allgemeine Selbsteinschätzung hinsichtlich der Tendenz, bei Unzufriedenheiten mit Beschwerdeverhalten zu reagieren. Es zeigte sich keine signifikante Beziehung zwischen den drei Einstellungsfaktoren und dem Beschwerdeverhalten aufgrund einer spezifischen Verbraucherunzufriedenheit. Weitere Analysen zeigten, daß vielmehr vier situative Variable in signifikanter Beziehung zum tatsächlichen Beschwerdeverhalten stehen, nämlich (a) der Produktpreis, (b) die Schwere des Problems mit einem nicht-zufriedenstellenden Produkt, (c) die wahrgenommene Mühe, die durch eine Beschwerde verursacht wird, und (d) die wahrgenommene Bereitschaft des Verkäufers, die Unzufriedenheit zu beseitigen.Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung und Befunde früherer Untersuchungen legen den Schluß nahe, daß das Beschwerdeverhalten bei Unzufriedenheit eher von situationsspezifischen Faktoren beeinflußt wird als von generellen Einstellungen. Solche generellen Einstellungen können jedoch das Beschwerdeverhalten über längere Zeit bei einer größeren Zahl von Unzufriedenheits-Fällen beeinflussen. Der Beitrag schließt mit einer Erörterung, wie Verbraucher bei berechtigter Unzufriedenheit zu Beschwerden ermuntert werden können, und welche zusätzlichen Forschungslücken geschlossen werden müssen.

Marsha L. Richins is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA. Bronislaw J. Verhage is an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Management, Poortweg 6, NL-2612 PA Delft, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

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