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Structural Change and Economic Growth in China   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study develops a new analytical framework to account for sources of rapid economic growth in China. The traditional Solow approach is expanded to include another source of economic growth—structural change. The empirical results show that structural change has contributed to growth significantly by reallocating resources from low‐productivity sectors to high‐productivity sectors. It is found that the returns to capital investment in both agricultural production and rural enterprises are much higher than those in urban sectors, indicating underinvestment in rural areas. On the other hand, labor productivity in the agricultural sector remains low, a result of the still large surpluses of labor in the sector. Therefore, further development of rural enterprises and an increase in labor flow among sectors and across regions are key to improvements in overall economic efficiency.  相似文献   

Using new international comparable data on intangible capital investment by business within a panel analysis between 1998 and 2005 in an EU country sample, a positive and significant relationship between intangible capital investment and labor productivity growth is detected. This relationship proves to be robust to a range of alterations. The empirical analysis confirms previous findings that the inclusion of business intangible capital investment in the asset boundary of the national accounting framework increases the rate of change of output per hour worked more rapidly. In addition, intangible capital is able to explain a significant portion of the unexplained international variance in labor productivity growth, and becomes a dominant source of growth.  相似文献   

Motivated by growth models based on the variety of capital goods, recent empirical studies have established links between productivity and several trade-based measures of product variety, carrying the implication that these measures may represent technology. We study this implication by explicitly proposing the variety of capital goods available for production as a direct measure of the state of technology. Within a simple growth and development framework, we derive a ‘conditional technological convergence’ hypothesis on how this variety should behave if it were indeed to represent the state of technology. The hypothesis is tested with highly disaggregated trade data, using tools from the income convergence literature. The results suggest that a trade-based count measure of the variety of available capital goods, allowing for product differentiation by country of origin, indeed behaves ‘as if’ it represented technology when change of technology is understood as a learning process, and that there is conditional technological convergence among our panel of mainly OECD and transition economies.  相似文献   

通过对2000年到2005年大陆除西藏外30个省份广义农业经济增长的研究,发现广义技术进步在农业经济增长中贡献最大,农业经济增长存在规模经济报酬递减现象。规模经济报酬递减与农业本身分工困难有关。因此,促进农业经济增长应大力推进技术进步,建立健全农业社会化服务体系,拉长产业链条,实现规模经济报酬递增。  相似文献   

要素生产率提升是技术进步的效用结果和完整体现。本文引入效率体现式技术进步概念,以资本生产率与劳动生产率的综合指数来体现总体技术进步水平,构建经济增长中资本规模、劳动力规模和总体技术进步三因素贡献的分解模型,并利用中国1980-2010年的时间序列数据,对期间的技术进步贡献及其结构进行了实证分析。本文研究结果表明,经济增长的动力主要源于资本规模增长,劳动力投入规模贡献不大,技术进步贡献不小。技术进步贡献主要源于生产技术质量和生产技术效率,产业间劳动力构成和其他管理技术进步贡献微小。  相似文献   

本文创立一个新的分析体系并用此来解释中国经济飞速增长的源泉,传统的索洛方法只包括投入与技术进步两方面内容。我们创新地引进结构调整作为第三个增长的源泉。实证研究结果表明,结构调整可以通过以下方式来促进经济增长,即通过将资源从低效率的部门转移到高效率的部门,尤其是将农村剩余劳动力转移到乡镇企业生产上。我们还发现资本投资在对农业生产及乡镇企业的回报率比在城市要高许多,表明在农村地区缺乏投资。另一方由于有大量的剩余劳动力,农村的劳动生产率还是很低。因此,进一步发展生产力,促进跨部门跨地区的劳动力流动,对提高整个经济效率将会有决定性作用。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of human capital on the process of innovation and technology catch-up in European Union countries. Based on the framework proposed by Benhabib and Spiegel (in: Aghion and Durlauf (eds) Handbook of economic growth, 1A, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 2005), a panel data model is estimated from 1950 to 2011 using the improved total factor productivity and human capital variables included in PWT 8.0. Following Vandenbussche et al. (J Econ Growth 11(2):97–127, 2006) we also analyse the differential impact of skilled and unskilled human capital on growth. The empirical analysis applies instrumental variables panel data methods which resolve the endogeneity bias. Our results show robust evidence of the significant direct and indirect effects of human capital on the process of total factor productivity (TFP henceforth) growth in euro area countries. When we analyse the impact of different kinds of human capital on different ways of increasing TFP we conclude that, regardless of academic level, the quantity of unskilled human capital boosts imitation in EU countries while, by contrast, highly qualified human capital is essential for growth through innovation.  相似文献   

文章运用面板数据,实证分析了经济集聚和产业结构等因素对城市土地产出率的影响。研究结果表明,资本密度是影响城市土地产出率最重要的因素,资本对劳动的替代性造成就业密度对城市土地产出率的贡献很小,甚至为负;城市净集聚效应为负和资本劳动比不断攀升,说明城市资本投入是低效率的;扩大城市人口规模、控制城市用地面积、发展先进制造业有利于提高城市土地产出率,经济集聚和产业结构因素对不同规模和不同地区城市土地产出率的影响程度和作用方向具有显著差异。  相似文献   

Does population aging and the associated increase in the old‐age dependency ratio affect economic growth? The answer is given in a novel analytical framework that allows for population aging to affect endogenous capital‐ and labor‐saving technical change. In a steady state capital‐saving technical progress vanishes, and the economy's growth rate of per‐capita variables reflects only labor‐saving technical change. The mere possibility of capital‐saving technical change is shown to imply that the economy's steady‐state growth rate becomes independent of its age structure: Neither a higher life expectancy nor a decline in fertility affects economic growth in the long run.  相似文献   

改革开放以来中国经济增长的历史经验表明,土地要素的市场化交易不仅极大地促进了资本的形成和城市化的推进,而且有效地增加了地方政府的财政收入,缓解了分税制改革带来的地方财政收支责任失衡,从而促进了经济增长。本文运用使用附加人力资本和土地出让的四要素CES生产技术模型构造了城市经济增长的面板趋同方程,考察了中国土地资源配置市场化改革的核心-国有土地使用权出让对中国城市经济增长趋同性的实质性影响。  相似文献   

This paper applies the most recently developed panel unit root, heterogeneous panel cointegration and panel-based error correction models to re-investigate co-movement and the causal relationship between energy consumption and real GDP within a multivariate framework that includes capital stock and labor input for 16 Asian countries during the 1971–2002 period. It employs the production side model (aggregate production function). The empirical results fully support a positive long-run cointegrated relationship between real GDP and energy consumption when the heterogeneous country effect is taken into account. It is found that although economic growth and energy consumption lack short-run causality, there is long-run unidirectional causality running from energy consumption to economic growth. This means that reducing energy consumption does not adversely affect GDP in the short-run but would in the long-run; thus, these countries should adopt a more vigorous energy policy. Furthermore, we broaden the investigation by dividing the sample countries into two cross-regional groups, namely the APEC and ASEAN groups, and even more important results and implications emerge.  相似文献   

文章考虑了基础设施作为公共资本与私人资本的互补效应,建立生产函数与收敛方程分析框架,采用中国1989-2008年省级面板数据实证分析了交通基础设施对区域经济差距的影响。研究发现,中国"交通扶贫"工程中铁路和等外公路建设促进了经济增长并提高了区域经济的趋同速度,达到了减少地区经济差距和减贫目标;而等级公路因过度投资而导致边际收益递减、挤出效应和交通腐败等经济损失,减缓了区域经济的趋同速度;中国区域经济发展存在条件收敛,但未达到σ收敛;此外,劳均实际资本、平均受教育年限、市场化和城市化水平均显著促进了地区经济增长。  相似文献   

This paper constructs a two-sector environmental growth model with explicit mathematical derivation and economic intuition in a social planning economy. Through the optimal allocation of man-made capital between the production sector and the environmental sector, this paper shows that the trade-off between economic growth and environmental protection exists only when an economy deviates from its steady state. We also provide short-run transitions for both the whole economic system and individual control and state variables. In addition, technological progress in the production sector benefits economic growth rate while the improvement of technology in the environmental sector has only level effects on economic variables. This paper ends with a link between the theory and a hot empirical issue — the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis.  相似文献   

基于中国劳动力就业结构出现过快和过早去工业化的迹象,本文从部门间生产率差距的视角,利用多部门一般均衡模型、数值模拟和计量实证分析方法研究发现:(1)理论上,当服务业劳动生产率增长慢于工业,部门间生产率差距将扩大,导致劳动力去工业化速率加快;且部门间生产率差距的存在使得劳动力去工业化对经济增长产生结构性减速效应。服务业部门生产率加快提升,部门间生产率差距将会缩小,从而减缓去工业化速率和降低结构性减速压力;工业部门生产率提升尽管会扩大部门间生产率差距从而加快劳动力去工业化,但在长期中起到均匀化经济增长速率的作用。(2)利用2001—2018年中国省级和城市级面板数据的计量实证分析发现,部门间生产率差距的存在导致劳动力去工业化的效应在全时段样本下显著,但劳动力去工业化对经济增长的结构性减速效应仅在2009—2018年区间样本下显著,表明近年来中国经济增长减速与部门间生产率差距及其导致的劳动力去工业化相关。(3)赶超成功与失败国家的经验比较也表明,工业与服务业部门劳动生产率的改善与协调是跨越中等收入陷阱以及跨越后实现持续赶超的关键。  相似文献   

该文创立一个新的分析体系并用此来解释中国经济飞速增长的源泉,传统的索洛方法只包括投入与技术进步两方面内容.我们创新地引进结构调整作为第三个增长的源泉.实证研究结果表明,结构调整可以通过以下方式来促进经济增长,即通过将资源从低效率的部门转移到高效率的部门,尤其是将农村剩余劳动力转移到乡镇企业生产上.我们还发现资本投资在对农业生产及乡镇企业的回报率比在城市要高许多,表明在农村地区缺乏投资.另一方由于有大量的剩余劳动力,农村的劳动生产率还是很低.因此,进一步发展生产力,促进跨部门跨地区的劳动力流动,对提高整个经济效率将会有决定性作用.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the role played by imports and investment on labor productivity and output in China from 1964 to 2004. In doing so, our analysis focuses on the role of technological progress incorporated into the Chinese economy through capital accumulation and imports, which could be a cause of significant technology transfer from abroad that facilitated industrialization and rapid growth in China. However, as we know that there could be other factors influencing economic development, we have also considered the role played by domestic innovation activities, competitiveness and foreign economic conditions. We focus on examining the short- and long-run effects of the considered variables as well as the direction of their causality. In addition, we investigate the role played by the exchange rate on growth and discuss some policy implications of this effect on the current debate on the appreciation of the Yuan. The empirical results provide evidence that both imports and investment encourage output and labor productivity in the long run, but neither investment causes imports nor imports cause investment. Moreover, we found that during the period considered the real exchange rate influenced output, but not productivity. These findings provide interesting insights on the future Chinese economic policy.  相似文献   

基于科技型中小企业成长的特点,将人力资本与技术资本涵盖于知识资本的范畴,在动态演化的理论框架中,构建了影响科技型中小企业演化路径的指标体系,并首次运用混合截面数据对科技型中小企业知识资本与企业演化路径的关系进行了实证研究。研究表明:在满足一定条件下,人力资本与企业成长路径变迁之间呈正相关关系,其中,研发人员比例具有显著的经济意义。同时,R&D投入对企业倾向于跳跃式突变成长有显著的正向影响,而非R&D投入与其存在负相关关系,但在控制了行业特征之后,传统制造业R&D投入效果较高科技行业更为显著。这一结果从另一侧面说明了行业特征对企业演化路径和策略选择的重要性。另外,我国科技型中小企业在成长路径选择中不存在区域比较优势。  相似文献   

Different variables have been considered growth enhancing. Traditionally, physical capital, human capital, and public capital have been considered. While the first two variables have been considered positive factors, the latter shows an ambiguous effect. The literature has also considered the role of exports in the economic growth process, introducing several arguments that test the hypothesis that exports are growth enhancing. One argument to be considered is that higher exports can increase total factor productivity due to returns to scale and that exports are an effective means to introduce advanced technology. To test this argument, an empirical analysis considered three possibilities, an export model, a demand model, and a mixed model that combined both. This empirical analysis was carried out for the various Spanish regions.  相似文献   

吴建新 《经济前沿》2011,(2):120-130
本文采用动态面板数据一阶差分广义距方法结合1985至2005年我国28个省区市的面板数据检验了进口贸易对我国的技术溢出效应和经济增长效应。结果发现:进口贸易不但提高了我国的全要素生产率(TFP)水平,还促进了我国经济增长;在吸收能力变量中,只有作为综合技术水平的TFP促进了进口贸易的技术溢出;此外还发现,人力资本构成中只有高等教育人力资本与TFP及收入水平显著正相关。  相似文献   

朱平芳  李磊 《经济研究》2006,41(3):90-102
本文根据上海市大中型工业企业技术引进的实际情况,借助于新古典增长理论的分析框架,研究了技术贸易和FDI两种主要的技术引进方式的直接效应。通过对1998—2003年上海市大中型工业企业的一个随机样本面板数据的计量经济检验和分析,得到几点主要结论:第一,三资企业的劳动生产率和全要素生产率比内资企业高,造成这一差距的主要原因是随FDI转移的无形技术和其较高质量的人力资本;但是三资企业内部转移的有形技术对其技术水平的提高没有显著的贡献。第二,国有企业的有形技术购买对其劳动生产率和技术水平的提高都具有显著的正面影响,而且促进作用强烈依赖于企业的科技人力资源。第三,我们没有发现其他内资企业引进的技术对其生产效率的提高发挥出显著作用。本文从实证研究的结果判断,近六年来上海市三资企业的技术先进性不明显,R&D投入强度不足,各种所有制类型的企业普遍重技术引进轻消化吸收,企业的科技活动机制上的缺陷,都对技术转移效果产生了一定的影响。  相似文献   

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