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王慧怡 《中国广告》2008,(4):120-122
舒尔茨在他的整合营销传播学中曾指出,未来的营销来自于品牌与消费者在每个人生活触点的接触。随着数字化时代的到来,液晶显示屏一夜之间铺天盖地,正逐渐成为人们生活中不可或缺的接触点。"电视广告户外化"、"户外广告视频化"正在引发户外广告业一场  相似文献   

俄户外广告何去何从俄罗斯城市广告设置中心于4月21日正式宣布,成立城市广告经营管理的新的联合组织——户外广告管理协会,其任务是代表"中心"与政府对话,监督户外广告市场,掌握户外广告的设置和发展,树立良好的管理形象。今年2月底,俄罗斯联邦州议会作出决议:自3月1日起,主要城市住宅群房屋外部,其所有者应允许被改造利用。对在住宅群墙面和屋顶广告的制作,无须经房主的同意,也无须给与通知。议会同时强调"彼得堡要推动户外广告设置的实践(包括企业和机关里与具体房屋无牵连的各种广告牌)"。但此后,  相似文献   

王鹭 《国际市场》2002,(5):59-59
"他们非常灵活,"一位著名的营销专家在谈到烟草公司的广告时说."尽管已经失去户外广告这个阵地,他们仍然拥有大量的其它广告手段来争取烟民".  相似文献   

周瑞华 《成功营销》2014,(5):I0006-I0006
正对麦当劳来说,"小小皮卡迪利"世界不仅是它品牌"民主价值"的一个体现,更是代表了未来户外广告的趋势——互动。在英国伦敦熙熙攘攘的皮卡迪利大街上,来自世界各地的游客除了可以在这里购物消遣,如今还多了一个娱乐项目——将自己喜欢的卡通形象发送到麦当劳的户外大屏上,并成为"小小皮卡迪利"世界的永久成员。这个"小小皮卡迪利"世界是麦当劳最近推出的全球首个数字互动广告,与传统广告不同的是,这个户外广告上所有的内容,都由游客自己选  相似文献   

如今PC品牌之间品质差别越来越小,产品营销策略则成了各品牌商区分各自企业盈利状况的重要手段。本文以联想及其竞争对手惠普为例,通过文献研究和调查研究等手段,对成都磨子桥地带终端市场的店面,户外广告,以及网络、电视等媒介的调研来分析联想企业的营销策略,并对联想PC销售中存在的不足策略提出了优化方案。  相似文献   

俄罗斯户外广告与信息协会偕同俄罗斯户外信息集团(News Outdoor Russia),于2月中旬,在莫斯科举行了“地区户外广告举措”会议。各地区户外广告主管和广告同行就雷同措施、普遍问题和共同点方面进行了经验交流。  相似文献   

户外广告公司的并购   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李践 《中国广告》2004,(8):30-33
我今天演讲的主题是户外广告的转折点——"并购"。我将从四个方面和大家分享我的体会。第一"今天的户外广告"。第二"并购的趋势"。第三"如何并购"。第四"并购是为了双赢和发展"。今天的户外广告来自Aegis(亚杰士)集团上级管理层的信息表明,目前最火爆的媒体形式是户外媒体。为什么呢? 第一:今天80%的人的时间是花在户外。根据2003年美国户外广告界对美国全国家  相似文献   

沈瀛 《成功营销》2013,(8):86-88
联想的校园营销重点,并不在于教育、引导消费者,以提高市场表现,而是选择陪伴大学生一起成长,助力大学生职业发展。"有一种感动叫营销大赛,有一个家叫联想idea精英汇。"——2012年营销大赛参赛选手史超"只要青春不死,梦想不灭,我们就会鼓足勇气彪悍前行。感谢大赛给了我们放肆的青春和成长的勇气。"——第三届营销大赛冠军张梦曦  相似文献   

城市的发展推动了户外广告的发展,目前户外广告的发展正在由传统媒介向新兴媒介过渡,新媒体的发展一方面给户外广告的发展带来了更多的机会,但同时也加剧了市场竞争。再者,由于广告受众的认知在不断地提高,对于广告的要求也在不断地提高,在这种情况下,如何使户外广告能够更好地进行传播以及达到良好的营销效果是广告主所必须考虑的重要问题,通过良好的营销传播策略,一方面可以使户外广告更好的发展,另一方面也可以促进城市的良好发展。基于此,本文通过对城市户外广告营销传播策略的研究,首先阐述了城市和户外广告的关系,然后就目前城市户外广告的发展现状进行了分析,接着对于城市户外广告营销传播存在的问题进行了总结,最后针对这些问题提出了相应的对策,旨在为城市户外广告的营销传播提供一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

编辑同志:我是从事基层协会工作的一名工作者,在工作中遇到了经营户在门前挂广告牌经工商部门登记了,但城管部门也要许可的难题,最近经营户纷纷向协会反映此类问题。如刘某在门店前墙上挂了长10米、宽1.5米的门牌广告,按规定在工商局进行了登记,应该是合法的广告行为,而城管部门认为是户外广告宣传,未经他们登记属于违法户外广告,要对刘某进行2000元的罚款,理由是违反了城市管理法规。请问门牌广告是户外广告吗?城管部门有权对经营者的门牌广告进行罚款和登记许可吗?余新颖余新颖读者:门牌广告是户外广告的一种。在北京,设置户外广告须经市…  相似文献   

中国股市现存问题的博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郑理明 《商业研究》2003,(15):22-25,74
中国股市经过13年的高速发展,取得了一定成绩,但目前中国股票市场存在着众多的问题,究其原因,主要有:未达到要求的公司被批准上市、上市公司公布不真实信息、上市公司市场退出渠道不畅通等。运用博弈分析方法对这三个方面进行分析并提出建议。  相似文献   

The establishment of a China- Russia strategic partnership has greatly increased both finan- cial and commercial communications between the two countries.Since the Chinese automobile first entered Russia in 2003,after just a few years of develop- ment,Russia has become the most im- portant market for Chinese automobile exports. According to the annual report published by the China Chamber of  相似文献   

农业"走出去"战略背景下的中俄农业合作研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年来,在我国农业"走出去"的战略背景下,中俄农业合作已取得很好的成绩。但是,由于存在着俄政府对农业劳动力的引进严格限制、农业种植成本高、投资环境欠佳、贸易秩序不规范、农产品准入没有放开以及农业信息交流不畅、俄经贸法律法规不完善等一系列问题,我国农业企业对俄农业"走出去"的步伐比较艰难。要解决中俄农业合作现存问题,我国应大力发挥政府间合作机制作用,努力促使俄政府做出积极反映,切实解决好一些实际问题;对国内企业要加大政策扶持力度;鼓励企业加强对俄农业合作的技术支撑和创新,扩大在俄农业领域投资,推动对俄农业合作深入发展。  相似文献   

文章以日本家电业的流通渠道演化为案例,对渠道主体间纵向、横向双维度竞合关系的内在作用机制及外部因素的影响途径进行考察。渠道纵向关系变化的核心在于交易契约,上下游主体基于契约形成合作关系,而违反或重订契约时则会出现渠道冲突;横向的竞争结构可以影响双方动态博弈中行为选择的成本与收益,因而成为了纵向关系改变的直接原因;生产技术、消费环境等外部因素会通过改变横向关系来推动渠道演变,也可以发挥促进交易关系转变的作用。基于上述机制,以反垄断干预为代表的竞争政策可以从纵向、横向两个方面来影响渠道演变,推动流通环节的合理化进程。  相似文献   

The secondary market for antiques and collectibles represents a disorganized market channel characterized by competition for supply of rare goods and retail sales arising from non-traditional channels, loose ties among channel members, and largely unregulated transactions between buyers and sellers. This study explores how knowledge structures affect dealers' abilities to turn a profit in the antiques and collectibles market. Data were obtained from in-depth interviews with eight professional antiques and collectibles dealers operating in different regions of the United States. Findings indicate that while information is widespread, its credibility can be difficult to assess without some degree of product and market knowledge. Furthermore, the findings show knowledge plays a critical and somewhat differential role in the ability of professional dealers to turn a profit. Knowledge asymmetries that create favorable conditions for profits when dealers hold the balance of informational power in the upstream acquisition of antiques and collectibles ironically reduce dealers' ability to earn profits in downstream resale of these goods. Findings support a multidimensional view of knowledge as a broader concept, based on information and product and market expertise, but deepened by experiences that lead to tacit knowledge, which can be difficult to transmit.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2022,65(3):365-377
The top online marketplaces in the world, including Alibaba, Amazon, and eBay, sold $2.7 trillion in 2020, or 62% of global web sales that year. Despite the promise of unfettered access to customers, the reality is that most sellers struggle with unprecedented and unauthorized rogue resellers. These often anonymous, third-party individuals and firms may not provide the quality experiences aligned with customers’ expectations of a brand and often market their goods in competition with trusted partners. This requires a systematic battle plan to effectively protect the seller’s brand equity, service promise, and authorized distribution network. We describe the channel war that is at work and the forces fueling its development. We explain how rogue reseller activities drive down pricing, increase channel competition and conflict, impact the customer experience, and harm brand equity. We recommend revising product policies, procedures, and agreements to begin to differentiate products from those sold by unauthorized parties. We also recommend a legal strategy to complement these efforts. Critical steps include regular and active enforcement as well as implementing services, benefits, and quality controls for the brand’s products that cannot be replicated by unauthorized sellers and requiring authorized distributors and retailers to maintain those benefits and controls.  相似文献   

投资俄罗斯房地产业的前景及风险探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年来中俄贸易领域不断拓展,投资俄罗斯房地产市场备受我国相关企业青睐,其原因是俄罗斯国内房屋需求量攀升,供给过于紧张,利润空间较大,但俄罗斯国内一些因素使我国企业进入俄罗斯存在一些风险。本文分析了俄罗斯房地产现状、投资前景和风险,并提出对策。  相似文献   

Our analysis reveals that, from Russia's perspective, there is no economic rationale to unify the price of natural gas it sells domestically and in Europe. We argue that pipelines allow Gazprom to segment the Russian market from the European (including Turkey) market and that Russia has market power in the European market. If Russia were to fail to exploit this market power in its European market, by selling its natural gas to Europe at only full long‐run marginal cost plus transportation costs, Russia would lose between $5 billion and $7.5 billion per year (almost two per cent of its GDP). If, instead, Russia were to raise its domestic prices to the prices it charges in Europe, Russian industry would incur very large investment adjustment and unemployment costs in the short run – adjustment costs that cannot be justified on the basis of comparative advantage. We estimate that the efficient world price would be achieved if Gazprom were to employ its optimal ‘two‐part tariff’. The optimal two‐part tariff would double Gazprom's annual profits in Europe, but it involves significant long‐term risks for Gazprom of lost market share.  相似文献   


Live streaming has recently become a popular direct selling channel which offers small, self-employed sellers unseen levels of consumer interaction and engagement. While the extant research focused on consumer motivation and intention to shop via live streaming, little is known from the seller’s perspective. Indeed, the potential advantages of live streaming commerce are accessible to everyone, but sellers experience different levels of success with this medium. Using a mixed quantitative and qualitative approach, this study analyses Facebook data of live streaming sellers to assess the nature and extent of engagement metrics, and delineate the dynamic, interactive live streaming sales process. We identify four sales approaches and twelve strategies adopted in acquiring and retaining customers. This typology of sales approach representing seller-focused antecedents is mapped against the relationship process and outcomes to provide a framework for understanding relationship mechanisms in live streaming commerce.  相似文献   

In recent years, the proportion of home purchases financed by lending institutions has declined and the use of alternative financing methods has increased. This paper examines the costs, risks and benefits associated with seller-financing, a popular alternative financing method. The topic is discussed from the perspectives of the buyer and the seller. An empirical analysis is also conducted of condominium sales in Hawaii to gauge the impact of seller-financing upon the housing market as well as its economic effects upon buyers and sellers. Overall, it is concluded that buyers are the primary beneficiaries of seller-financing.  相似文献   

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