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我们驾驶员或多或少都曾有过这样的感觉或经历,当长时间连续行车后,驾驶人的生理和心理状态格外疲劳,出现视线模糊、腰酸背痛,反应迟钝,动作呆板、驾驶能力下降的现象。这就是我们所说的驾驶疲劳。驾驶疲劳将使驾驶员的注意、感觉、知觉、思维、判断、意志、决定和运动诸方面受到限制和影响。  相似文献   

正驾驶疲劳是指驾驶人在长时间连续行车后,因身体劳累产生的生理机能和心理机能的失调,在客观上出现驾驶技能下降而影响正常操作,有可能危及行车安全的现象。驾驶疲劳不同于疲劳驾驶,疲劳驾驶是指驾驶人在驾驶疲劳状态出现后继续驾驶的过程,实质上是将潜伏在驾驶疲劳中的事故危险性向现实转化,最终导致事故的发生。当驾驶疲劳达到危及行车安全  相似文献   

5月31日,浙江省瑞安市交巡警大队、市道路交通安全协会在瑞安体育中心举办机动车驾驶操作技能比赛。五支代表队共55人参加了中巴车拆装轮胎、摩托车驾驶技能、桑塔纳轿车驾驶技能三项比赛。经过三个多小时的紧张角逐,塘下代表队林进富获得拆装轮胎比赛第一名,市区代表队林芝获摩托车驾驶技能比赛第一名,飞云代表队应凤友获桑塔纳轿车驾驶技能比赛第一名。比赛使广大驾驶员相互学习、交流驾驶技能实地演练,大大推动了全市驾驶员业务素质和安全意识的提高。图为比赛盛况。瑞安市举办机动车驾驶操作技能比赛@盛景云  相似文献   

正防御性驾驶的核心是"预防措施"。驾驶人在驾驶过程中,能够准确的"预见"由其他驾驶人、行人、不良气候或路况而引发的危险,并能及时地采取必要的、合理的、有效的措施防止事故发生,这种可避免危险发生的驾驶方式称为防御性驾驶技术,其"五大要领"为预估风险、放眼远方、时刻扫描、留有余地、引人注目。预估风险在道路上行驶时,驾驶人每次  相似文献   

有些事常谈常新,有些事老生常谈。运输企业安全生产必须年年谈,月月谈,天天谈。驾驶员是运输企业安全生产的第一要素,是保障国家财产和人民生命安全的护卫者。宜昌交运集团从事驾驶工作多年的孔庆海、万诗界等师傅,结合自身的从驾经历,介绍了很多安全驾驶技能技巧的知识与经验,运输企业驾驶员可以借鉴他们的经验,提高安全驾驶水平。  相似文献   

在体育教学中,学生在学习和掌握各种运动技能的过程中,不可避免地会出现各种各样的错误动作,错误动作如果不及时纠正,就会使学生产生不科学的动作定型,这不仅会影响学生正确地掌握和提高技术,技能,同时也不利于增强学生的体质,甚至会出现伤害事件,因此本文就教学中出现的错误动作的原因,预防措施,纠正方法进行探讨,以便更好地预防和纠正学生的错误动作,从而提高体育课的教学质量。一、教学中错误动作产生的原因教学中错误动作产生的原因是多方面的,即有教的方面,也有学的方面从教的方面来看:由于教师对教材钻研不透,理解不…  相似文献   

智能车辆以安全、舒适、快捷地驾驶为目的,其智能交通系统能自动适应外部环境,并顺应外界环境变化而做出相应的调整。汽车行驶时,智能系统能模仿人的自律神经、反射神经等自动观察各种复杂外界环境,识别行车区域、障碍物等,作出认知、判断、操作等一系列认知过程,而后再运用车载电子技术辅助驾驶员进行油门、制动器和转向操作的高速度、高精度的控制,实现车辆的安全驾驶。  相似文献   

并线若蝎:并线是一项技术性很强的驾驶技能,掌握不好常导致与后车的刮擦事故发生,就像蝎子一样伤害到别人,所以形容为"并线若蝎"。在城市出行高峰时段,驾驶人稍不留神,就会给其他人带来烦恼,掌握并线技术的基本在于找到准确的条件和时机,要掌握准确的距离感。从反光镜能  相似文献   

在南京“6·30”酒后驾驶惨案中,醉酒驾车的张明宝接连撞死5人(其中一名孕妇)、撞伤4人,检察院以涉嫌“以危险方法危害公共安全罪”将其批准逮捕。南京,整座城市都在反思酒后驾驶;而在温州,一方面人们用惨不忍睹、惨绝人寰、惨无人道来形容这起惨案,建议对酒后驾驶者加大处罚力度,另一方面,酒后驾驶和醉酒驾驶依然屡禁不止—  相似文献   

国外如何防止疲劳驾驶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汽车在道路上发生交通事故,总与驾驶人员有关。驾车人发生交通事故的主要原因:一是酒后开车,二是疲劳驾驶。在一些发达国家里,从交通事故的大量案例分析中得出的结论认为:开车人因疲劳驾驶所造成的道路交通事故,约占交通事故总数的 10%至 12.8%。到目前为止,、在全世界还没有制定出一个明确的规定,即疲劳驾驶的定义是什么,有些什么具体标准。各国比较通行的疲劳驾驶界定标准是时间规定,即每次连续驾驶限定一个时间。但不少专家持不同看法,认为时间仅是衡量疲劳驾驶的一个重要标准,不是惟一标准,因为人的体质、精神状态…  相似文献   

This study applies a Markov regime-switching model to examine Taiwan's hospitality industry based on the gross domestic product data of the hospitality industry from 1982Q1 to 2012Q2. On understanding the characteristics of Taiwan's hospitality industry, the study performs Granger causality tests to identify the driving factors of Taiwan's hospitality industry cycle. Two regimes of the hospitality industry cycle – a high-growth regime (HGR) and a low-growth regime (LGR) – are detected. Specifically, the average growth rate of HGR (LGR) is 3.01% (2.17%) and the standard deviation of HGR (LGR) is 0.69% (0.19%). The probability of the hospitality industry staying in HGR (LGR) is 98.25% (97.52%) and the expected duration of HGR (LGR) is about 57 (40) quarters. Further, the inbound tourism market growth is found to be a significant driving factor that can cause the hospitality industry to remain in the HGR. Valuable information and policy implications are provided to guide hospitality business managers and tourism policy-makers.  相似文献   

During the COVID-19 pandemic, policies adopted by various countries to prevent the spread of the disease exacerbated social isolation among people, and their prolonged implementation has had a negative effect on people's mental health, leading to increased anxiety, stress, and depression. Group religious activities were prohibited, so believers continued their faith practices through individual pilgrimages. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between depression caused by COVID-19 and its impact on spirituality and psychological well-being, through the perceived restorative environment of the Seoul Catholic Pilgrimage Route. The results confirmed that COVID-19 depression had a negative effect on perceived environmental restorativeness and psychological well-being but perceived environmental restorativeness had a positive effect on Spirituality, and Spirituality had a positive effect on psychological well-being. These results imply that pilgrims who have experienced depression due to the pandemic can improve their spirituality and psychological well-being through nature-based pilgrimages.  相似文献   

Freight transportation and logistics act as the artery of the national economy. With a booming economy, China's freight transport sector has experienced dramatic growth in recent decades and has become a key driving force of China's CO2 emissions. Therefore, effective and efficient mitigation policies in the freight transport sector are critical for China to promote CO2 emission mitigation strategies. In contrast to other countries, China's challenge stems not only from technical issues but also from regional socioeconomic disparities, which in turn require the implementation of locally oriented policies. For this reason, an analysis based on regional disparity is of vital importance for future policy making. However, to date, there have been few pertinent studies on the freight transportation sector. To fill this gap, this paper aims to conduct an in-depth comparative study of CO2 emission characteristics and the driving forces in the freight transport sector in China's three regions (covering 31 provinces) from 1990 to 2007. The log mean Divisia index method (LMDI) is employed to analyse the driving forces, and the Gini coefficient is used to investigate regional inequity. Additionally, regional disparity is explored in-depth based on the analytical results and practical concerns. The results highlight that economic structure is a key driving force for emissions change and reveal significant regional disparity and inequity in freight transport emissions. The results are critical for future policy-making to address regional concerns.  相似文献   

The aggregate of many individuals driving alone in private vehicles, common practice in most U.S. communities, is a major source of carbon emissions in the United States. Finding ways to couple sustainable transportation with individual self-interest and fulfillment of human needs may be critical to shifting transportation behavior to other modes. Taking a community perspective, this study considers how individuals discuss their needs in relation to community conditions impacting personal transportation choices. We collected data through 14 community listening sessions, or modified focus groups, conducted in diverse communities across the greater San Francisco Bay Area (USA). The community context for the groups indicated three types of transportation orientation: (1) car-dominant in which driving alone was the primary mode of travel, (2) mixed-mode in which driving alone as well as a variety of other transportation modes were used for travel, and (3) sustainable transportation-oriented in which alternatives to driving alone were primarily used. In all three types of communities, personal transportation choices related to physical and sociocultural conditions that allowed residents to meet different needs. Our findings suggest that considering how community-level conditions meet practical and psychological needs may offer ways to more effectively support individual-level sustainable transportation choices.  相似文献   

作为全国唯一一所培养铁路公安人才的高校,铁道警官高等专科学校必须建立具有铁路公安特色的学科体系。“铁路警务英语”特色课程的开设既可以解决我校原来英语教学中教材和教学形式的局限性,又符合铁路公安工作现实与发展的需要,实现铁警高专培养目标的需要、建设具有铁路公安特色学科体系的需要以及我校往届毕业生与在校学生的要求。该课程以实用性为核心制定教学目标,课程内容注重实用性,教学形式突出实用性,能为学生适应日益国际化的铁路公安工作打下良好基础。  相似文献   

How can one protect oneself against stress and burnout syndrome? What is the role of human cognitive processes? This study explores the moderated mediation effects of the trait of self-efficacy in a mode of perceived stress and burnout syndrome in a group of Polish air traffic controllers. The first aim of this study was to develop a better understanding of the construct of perceived stress. We proposed a latent variable, called psychological comfort, to clarify the role of self-efficacy in relation: stress and burnout. The second aim was to test the assumptions about the mediating role of self-efficacy in the relationship between stress and burnout via the level of psychological comfort. The most important aim was to investigate whether the direct and indirect associations between stress and burnout were moderated by the level of psychological comfort. For the study, self-report questionnaires were distributed to 609 active air traffic controllers from 18 air traffic control centers of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PANSA). Three hundred forty sets of questionnaires were returned (55.88%) of which 110 were correctly completed (return rate - 18.1%). We formulated 5 hypotheses. Two of them were confirmed: the indirect effect of perceived stress on occupational burnout via general self-efficacy was significant and the indirect relationship between perceived stress and occupational burnout would be different for air traffic controllers characterized by various levels of psychological comfort. The study emphasizes the role of certain human cognitive resources which may play a role in the relationship between stress and burnout: self-efficacy, perceived stress, and psychological comfort. There are important practical conclusions from the research. Knowing about the level of psychological comfort helps to plan better actions to protect against the negative impact of chronic stress on cognitive functions and against the development of clinical symptoms of burnout syndrome.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a globally unprecedented change in human mobility. Leveraging two-year bike-sharing trips from the largest bike-sharing program in Chicago, this study examines the spatiotemporal evolution of bike-sharing usage across the pandemic and compares it with other modes of transport. A set of generalized additive (mixed) models are fitted to identify relationships and delineate nonlinear temporal interactions between station-level daily bike-sharing usage and various independent variables including socio-demographics, land use, transportation features, station characteristics, and COVID-19 infections. Results show: 1) the proportion of commuting trips is substantially lower during the pandemic; 2) the trend of bike-sharing usage follows an “increase-decrease-rebound” pattern; 3) bike-sharing presents as a more resilient option compared with transit, driving, and walking; 4) regions with more white, Asian, and fewer African-American residents are found to become less dependent on bike-sharing; 5) open space and residential areas exhibit less decrease and earlier start-to-recover time; 6) stations near the city center, with more docks, or located in high-income areas go from more increase before the pandemic to more decrease during the pandemic. Findings provide a timely understanding of bike-sharing usage changes and offer suggestions on how different stakeholders should respond to this unprecedented crisis.  相似文献   

Vehicle travel and obesity rates in the United States have surged in recent decades. This paper contributes to the mounting evidence of a link between them by drawing attention to a very close relationship between trends in miles driven per licensed driver and adult obesity rates six years later. It also presents evidence on why the effect might be expected to be lagged by six years. A simple model is produced, which predicts reductions in obesity rates over the next few years. If these reductions come about, the model will be seen to offer a powerful insight into the relationship between driving and obesity. If the relationship is more than coincidental, it has implications for transport policy and supports the development of a multi-pronged, interdisciplinary approach to tackle increased driving and obesity.  相似文献   

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