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企业控制权的利益侵占问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
企业控制权的利益侵占问题是企业控制理论中的重要课题,本文从企业的控制性股东及其所拥有的所有权与控制权之间关系的角度出发,建立了企业控制链与不对称股权结构模型,深入研究了企业控制性股东的利益侵占行为及其相关的影响因素,并得出了相应结论。  相似文献   

叶慰  王治 《财会通讯》2021,(8):44-47
文章选择2011—2018年创业板上市企业为研究对象,分析了担保网络在企业绩效中的作用与影响机理,进一步将大股东侵占这一变量引入担保网络与企业绩效关系研究中.研究表明:担保网络的构建对创业板上市绩效产生正向促进效应,即两者显著正相关;大股东侵占对创业板上市企业绩效产生抑制作用,即两者显著负相关;大股东侵占显著削弱担保网络对创业板上市企业绩效的促进作用.  相似文献   

依据财务数据法,以我国资本市场2003年~2005年发生控制权转移的上市公司为样本,采用因子分析对控制权转移前后目标上市公司绩效变化进行实证研究,并对综合因子得分进行两配对Wilcoxon检验.研究表明,控制权转移没有显著的改善公司业绩,在当前情况下,完善公司治理和市场监管水平是提高公司绩效的有效途径.  相似文献   

随着公司治理领域研究的不断深入,大股东在上市公司治理中的作用备受关注,公司治理的核心已经转变为如何处理大股东与中小股东之间的"代理关系"。在全流通的情况下,如何能让控股股东和中小股东"同甘共苦"是时下一个热门的话题。而"控制权私有收益"就是这个问题的核心。本文试图通过目前证券市场的"妖股"太原刚玉作为案例,来深入分析全流通下控股股东的控制权私利行为。  相似文献   

本文基于双重委托代理关系,首先从理论上分析了在大股东扮演监督角色和侵占角色的情况下,大股东控制权对股权激励政策的影响;然后运用我国沪深两市A股上市公司2010~2012年的财务数据对这一影响进行经验检验。研究结论表明:要使股票期权有效发挥激励作用,这一激励政策最好在股权分散型公司实施,如果在股权集中型公司实施,则必须考虑大股东扮演的不同角色,从而采取不同对策。  相似文献   

随着公司治理领域研究的不断深入,大股东在上市公司治理中的作用备受关注,公司治理的核心已经转变为如何处理大股东与中小股东之间的"代理关系".在全流通的情况下,如何能让控股股东和中小股东"同甘共苦"是时下一个热门的话题.而"控制权私有收益"就是这个问题的核心.本文试图通过目前证券市场的"妖股"太原刚玉作为案例,来深入分析全流通下控股股东的控制权私利行为.  相似文献   

蔡镇阳 《财会通讯》2014,(10):13-16
本文以2004-2006年发生会计师事务所自愿性变更事件的部分国内A股上市公司为研究对象,实证研究了会计师事务所发生变更与第一大股东变动等各影响因素的关系。结果发现:第一大股东的变动与会计师事务所的变更存在相关性。此外,非标准审计意见、审计费用、会计师事务所地域特征和会计师事务所规模、财务困境等,也都是导致会计师事务所发生变更的重要原因。  相似文献   

利用2003—2007年我国民营上市公司的数据,计量分析控股股东对上市公司的利益侵占,实证检验控制权和所有权的分离、法律制度环境对公司利益侵占的影响。研究发现:公司所有权和控制权分离度越低,利益侵占水平就越低;上市公司所在地区的法律制度环境越好,利益侵占水平就越低;控制权与所有权的分离为控制股东侵占中小股东利益提供了动机和便利,使得这类公司存在更大的代理问题,而解决此问题的关键在于改善法律制度的环境和加强对投资者的法律保护。  相似文献   

国有控股上市公司控制权转移是否具有改善经营绩效的功能?本文以1997~2000年在A股市场发生控制权转移的153家国有控股上市公司为样本,以净资产收益率和主营业务总资产收益率扣减行业均值后,作为绩效衡量基准,选择控制权转移前2年至后3年共6年作为时间窗进行了研究分析。结果发现,在控制权转移后的3年或4年里,样本公司的经营绩效得到了改善;有偿转让型的控制权转移绩效优于无偿划拨型;部分转移型的控制权转移绩效与全部转移型无显著差异。  相似文献   

abstract Recent research has argued that political and regulatory environments have a significant impact on corporate governance systems. In particular, countries with poor investor protection laws and weak law enforcement have low levels of corporate governance that manifests itself in substandard financial performance, management entrenchment, and the expropriation of minority shareholders. One implication of this research is that China will have poor corporate governance and entrenched managers as its legal system is relatively underdeveloped and inefficient. However, using data on top management turnover in China's listed firms, our results refute the prediction of entrenched management. We find evidence of very high turnover of company chairmen and there are many cases that we interpret to be forced departures. Our results show that chairman turnover is related to a firm's profitability but not to its stock returns. Turnover‐performance sensitivity is higher if legal entities are major shareholders but the proportion of non‐executive directors perversely affects it. We find no evidence that profitability improves after a change in chairman and this suggests that a firm's governance structure is ineffective as it is unable to recruit suitable replacements that can turn around its financial performance.  相似文献   

This research examines the impact of environmental performance on firm value, applying the event study methodology to Newsweek’s ‘Green Rankings’ announcement of 2012 for large US firms. Specifically, it analyzes the impact of the absolute green score and green rank of firms on their performance in the stock market. We found that investors perceive the announcement as positive news, leading to significant positive standardized cumulative abnormal returns (SCARs). After controlling for industry‐ and firm‐specific effects, we observed that firms with repeated green rankings for enhancing environmental performance showed significantly higher SCARs than those with either reduced or unchanged environmental performance. In addition, the environmental impact score measuring environmental damage from a firm's operational activities was found to be the most influential factor in improving the firm's value. Our findings are beneficial to managers in allocating resources to different types of environmental initiative, and provide valuable insight for sustainable environmental investment. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

This article evaluates the impact of environmental compliance on firms’ innovation and financial performance using a panel dataset of Chinese firms for the period of 2000–5. Our results show certification of the ISO14000 has a significantly positive impact on firms’ profitability. This finding is robust when we take into account possible endogeneity of certification, effects of export and types of customers, and possible precertification time trends. In addition, we find that certified firms have larger per‐worker sales volumes and market shares in the country, which suggests an alternative mechanism for the Porter hypothesis in the context of a developing economy.  相似文献   

Past research indicates that the effect of TMT functional diversity on firm performance is equivocal. We address this issue by focusing on the integrative role of the CEO, postulating that the CEO's expertise and background characteristics affect the TMT functional diversity–firm performance relationship, because of their impact on the exchange and integration of distributed knowledge within the TMT. Using a dataset of 33 Dutch and Belgian Information Technology firms we investigate the moderating role of three sets of CEO characteristics (functional background, status as founder, and shared experience with the other TMT members) on the relationship between TMT functional diversity and firm performance. Our results reveal that CEO and TMT characteristics do interact in realizing the potential advantages of distributed TMT functional expertise.  相似文献   

通过对1998-2010年我国上市公司以定向增发形式进行资产注入所产生的短期累计超额回报和购买并持有的长期超额收益的研究,区分股权全流通前后不同时期进行对比发现:股权全流通后上市公司资产注入产生的短期累计超额回报比股权全流通前有显著增加;进一步研究发现,考虑上市公司的达标需求因素和保壳因素后,股权全流通后的资产注入前后业绩有下降趋势,这从一定程度上证明了大股东资产注入行为的机会主义动机。  相似文献   

在中国民营上市公司缺乏产权保护和政府行政壁垒较高的背景下,以民营上市公司为研究对象,实证研究了民营上市公司高管获取政治身份的影响因素,并分析了民营上市公司高管潜在政治晋升激励对公司绩效的影响。研究结果发现:公司高管的政治激励是有效的,潜在的晋升机会与公司的绩效之间存在微弱的正相关关系,高管的政治经历与民营上市公司绩效显著正相关,而政府干预不利于公司绩效;民营上市公司的绩效显著影响高管的政治晋升,且曾在政府部门任职的高管具有明显的政治晋升优势,政府对公司的干预阻碍了高管晋升。  相似文献   

Assuming transaction cost economics as a normative tool, we investigate the relationship between firms' ‘observed’ vertical integration choices and their economic performance. We use a two‐stage methodology: in the first, a measure of governance misalignment is computed as a difference between the governance form (i.e., ownership or outsourcing) predicted by transaction cost economics and the form actually observed; the second stage consists of estimating a performance equation where the misalignment variable is introduced together with a set of independent variables. Compared with previous studies, we introduce two novelties: we use the business group as the unit of analysis to detect the ownership of vertically related productions; we assess the moderating role of geographic agglomeration in reducing the need of vertical integration. Our results confirm the importance of technology and price uncertainty in influencing vertical integration; moreover, the misalignment variable is significant in the case of profitability, but not in the case of growth. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

文章手工搜集了中国资本市场上市公司2002年-2006年大股东资金占用的财务数据,实证研究了上市公司"大股东资金占用(掏空)→业绩困境→利用财务报表的盈余管理加以掩饰"的行为模式。研究发现:对于陷入经营困境的亏损公司而言,大股东资金占用越严重,上市公司越可能向上盈余管理、美化业绩。大股东资金占用的上市公司为了避免投资者、监管部门等将公司业绩恶化归咎于其非法的"掏空"行为,从而竭力延迟坏消息、进行盈余管理、虚增收益。  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of stock option‐based compensation on the short‐term and long‐term performance of French companies. To the best of our knowledge, we provide the first empirical evidence describing the market reaction following initiations and renewals of Employee Stock Option (ESO) plans in France. We find that the French market reacts positively to initiations of ESO plans but does not consider their renewal as relevant information. Our results on the long‐term effect of ESO plans suggest that neither the size nor the value of the grants affect the firm's accounting and market performance. Similarly, corporate performance prior to the grant has no explanatory power of the size or value of the grant. This implies that, over our sample period, the relationship between option‐based compensation and corporate performance in France was inexistent, regardless of the direction considered.  相似文献   

本文以深沪主板上市公司2014-2016年数据为研究样本,从企业内部控制和机构投资者持股两个因素入手,利用中介变量的研究方法,将机构投资者持股、企业内部控制和企业业绩三者联系起来,对内部控制的中介作用进行了验证。文章最后引入股权性质,探究了二者在国有企业与非国有企业中发挥作用的差异性。研究表明:(1)机构投资者持股在提高企业业绩和内部控制水平方面发挥着积极的作用。(2)在机构投资者持股正向影响企业业绩的过程中,内部控制起到了部分中介的作用。(3)引入股权性质后,中介效应在非国有企业中的作用更加明显,即内部控制的中介效应在不同股权性质下显著性存在差异。  相似文献   

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