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As the latest contributor in this invited article series, I offer my perspective on conducting and publishing advertising research and navigating the review process. I also discuss the importance of the relevance of research to advertising practice, with a particular emphasis on the role that theory plays in making research relevant. In addition, I offer a few general observations about future advertising research.  相似文献   

A significant conceptual and practical challenge for companies is how to integrate triple bottom line (TBL) sustainability into their global supply chains. In supply chain research, the classic economic perspective—the business of business is to be profitable—still dominates, followed by coverage of the environmental dimension; the social dimension is underrepresented. Stakeholders, however, are calling for a TBL perspective that simultaneously includes environmental, social, and economic gains. While there have been recent theoretical advances on how to characterize supply chains in terms of their structure, how to connect these insights into supply chain design for TBL sustainability has not been studied. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to move the theory of supply chain forward into the sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) research agenda. Toward that purpose, the paper analyzes the sustainable supply chain design (SSCD) at social businesses, incorporating the physical chain and the information and financial support chains. Four social businesses located in Haiti are used as cases of innovative supply chain structures for TBL sustainability. By analyzing the supply chain structures and boundaries of these social businesses, three supply chain configurations combining physical and support chains are presented.  相似文献   

As stakeholders continue to increasingly hold firms accountable for environmental and social performance in their supply chains, the importance of understanding how firms can be more sustainable becomes more prescient. Based on the underlying premise of stakeholder theory that business and ethics decisions are intertwined, the current research introduces the concept of supply chain integrity (SCI) to explore how the interdependence of business and ethics decisions can lead to improvements in sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) practices. Exploratory analysis employing secondary data sources in an elastic net (EN) logistic regression provides support for the proposed construct, by providing preliminary empirical evidence that SCI, measured through two subdimensions of structural and moral SCI, can be linked to firm sustainability. The research contributes to the supply chain management literature by: (1) introducing the concept of SCI; (2) performing an exploratory econometric analysis to provide initial validity of the SCI construct; and (3) providing a research agenda to guide further research on the concept of SCI and its role in SSCM.  相似文献   

姜博 《中国市场》2009,(15):77-78
以知识供应链为理论基础,分析了产业集群成员交互学习的性质、障碍,并提出了促进成员交互学习的对策。  相似文献   

供应链信息管理在供应链管理中起着至关重要的作用,信息共享是供应链信息管理的关键所在,供应链的信息共享影响着整个供应链上的所有企业伙伴多方面的活动。供应链管理的本质就是通过信息共享,优化各供应链参与企业的生产、库存、营销等决策,通过信息共享可以实现供应链成员之间的供需无缝、流畅地在供应链中传递,从而使整个供应链根据客户的需求而步调一致,适应市场环境变化。通过一定的激励方式可以达到供应链企业愿意达成信息共享策略。  相似文献   

供应链联盟知识共享的博弈分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过构建博弈模型和静态、动态博弈分析,认为供应链联盟中知识共享是联盟企业最优决策。知识共享的程度受共享知识投入、知识投入的边际收益、知识共享的参与率等3个因素的影响。共同知识投入越大、知识投入的边际收益越大、知识共享的参与率越高,联盟各方就会选择知识共享,就会更加趋向于通过利他增加自己的收益,就减少了不共享知识的投机行为,有利于促进供应链联盟的知识管理。供应链联盟可通过提高联盟的知识共享能力和采取综合的联盟知识共享控制方式来促进联盟企业间的知识共享。  相似文献   

基于价值网的供应链信息资源价值研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,随着社会经济的不断发展,企业之间的竞争已经转向了供应链之间的竞争,而信息资源产生的价值是供应链上最大的竞争资源,它能够支持业务流程创新、减少供应链中需求的变动性、更好地进行市场预测、协调企业内部供应链各环节关系、创造新的客户价值、缩短提前期,对供应链参与者具有非常重要的作用。文章提出,基于传统价值链的信息资源价值实现模式以供应链核心企业为中心,会导致对物流需求信息等物流信息资源的"牛鞭效应",降低物流信息资源的价值;而基于价值网的信息资源价值实现模式以最终客户为中心,可加快供应链响应速度,提高供应链竞争力,保障客户利益的实现,进而实现信息资源价值最大化,它产生的信息资源价值更大,更有利于供应链各参与者,是更为可取的模式。  相似文献   

本文面向敏捷供需链动态调度时段优选方案设计,构建以最低总成本为目标的动态调度模型;基于传统遗传算法的常见缺陷以及启发式算法的局限性,提出面向敏捷供需链时段资源动态调度全局寻优的改进混沌遗传算法。首先设计分节式编码,再利用随机法与贪心法产生更优良初始种群,提高染色体可行性及遗传效果;选用优先保留交叉以及贪心机制下的目标导向变异,确保优良基因继承,改善遗传操作;实施局部邻域搜索以及混沌搜索以加快收敛;提出最优解判别法。最后,实例验证算法有效性,不但取得全局最优解,而且子体更加收敛,离散度更低。  相似文献   

Increased data availability is poised to shape both business practice and supply chain management (SCM) research. This article addresses an issue that can arise when trying to use big data to answer academic research questions. This issue is that distilled data often have a panel structure whereby repeated measurements are available on one or more variables for a substantial number of subjects. Thus, to fully leverage the richness of big data for academic research, SCM scholars need an understanding regarding the different types of research questions answerable with panel data. In this article, we devise a framework detailing different types of research questions SCM scholars can answer with panel data. This framework provides a basis to categorize how SCM scholars have examined the services supply chain setting of health care with public data regarding hospital‐level patient satisfaction. We extend prior research by testing a series of three questions not yet examined in this area by fitting a series of structured latent curve models to seven years of hospital‐level patient satisfaction for nearly 4,000 hospitals. The discussion highlights theoretical and methodological challenges SCM scholars are likely to encounter as they use the panel data in their research.  相似文献   

基于物流能力的物流服务供应链研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高志军  刘伟  王岳峰 《中国市场》2009,(23):17-20,24
通过对物流能力研究的基础上,运用定性分析的方法对物流服务供应链(Logistics Service Supply Chain,LSSC)的概念、结构模型进行了系统描述。剖析了物流服务供应链的运行过程、运行动力以及物流服务供应链中物流能力集成的广度和深度,并在此基础上提出了物流服务供应链是一条物流能力增值链;通过物流能力的集成来实现整个物流服务供应链上节点企业的共赢。  相似文献   

In this research, we examine the effects that customer perceptions of employee deception have on the customers’ attitudes toward an organization. Based on interview, archival, and observational data within the international airline industry, we develop a model to explain the complex effects of perceived dishonesty on observer’s attitudes and intentions toward the airline. The data revealed three types of perceived deceit (about beliefs, intentions, and emotions) and three additional factors that influence customer intentions and attitudes: the players involved, the beneficiaries of the deceit, and the harm done by the perceived lie. We develop a model with specific propositions to guide organizations with respect to apparently deceitful behavior of their employees. Implications and directions for future research are provided, focusing on the question of whether organizations should consistently encourage honesty or train their employees to be effective liars.  相似文献   

供应链集成研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文认为,供应链集成包括供应链资源集成、市场集成、信息集成和组织集成,它们之间相互联系、相互依存、相互作用,构成供应链网络体系。文章提出,资源集成是供应链集成的基础,也是供应链价值创造的基础,其规模、结构、效率和质量直接体现供应链的价值量;市场集成能有效拓宽资源集成范围,提高资源集成度;信息集成能广泛收集、整合资源与市场信息,进行价值模拟与有效管理;组织集成能从战略高度,提高资源、市场、信息的集成度和整个供应链的集成度,增加整个供应链的价值。  相似文献   

弹性供应链研究述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来,随着突发事件的增多,供应链中断事件发生的频率越来越高,造成的损失也越来越大,针对供应链的脆弱性,弹性供应链的概念应运而生.笔者从弹性供应链提出的背景、定义、设计等三个方面入手,对国内外学者的研究进行述评.研究发现,应对突发事件的弹性供应链是一个新兴领域,当前至少有四个方面的问题有待深入研究探讨:一是应对突发事件的弹性供应链构建的指导原则和框架,二是弹性供应链的反应机理,三是弹性供应链成本与效益的定量化研究,四是弹性供应链运行绩效评价指标体系.  相似文献   

供应链管理的蛙鸣博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,蛙鸣博弈与供应链管理具有相似性,将其应用于描述供应链管理合作问题,可以得出互补是供应链企业合作的基本前提;市场是解决合作与竞争矛盾的关键;“双赢”是供应链企业合作的结果。文章提出,企业加盟供应链战略联盟,必须学会与其他企业进行合作,建立相互间信任机制,优化信息沟通渠道,实现信息充分共享,消除冲突,协调一致,以保证供应链整体决策的优化,提升供应链的整体竞争力,并进而提高企业的综合竞争力。  相似文献   

To increase the relevance of logistics and supply chain academic research, this paper recommends the development and testing of middle‐range theory and practice‐level theory. Yet, there are a number of research issues that arise when academic researchers test middle‐range and practice‐level theory, both in measuring constructs and in testing theoretical relationships between constructs. Concerning the measurement of constructs, this paper recommends that academic researchers pay more attention to content validity and undertake rigorous processes to ensure content validity. In addition, academic researchers need to more explicitly define constructs as either reflective or formative. If the construct is defined as formative, then the traditional statistical approaches to validate these measurement scales are not recommended. The appropriate use of employing single‐item measures for concrete constructs is discussed. In regard to conducting hypothesis tests, research issues associated with multicollinearity and omitted variable bias are discussed. Relative weight analysis is ideal for testing theoretical models and research hypotheses when survey data are obtained, multicollinearity is present, and there are a large number of independent variables predicting a dependent variable. Thus, relative weight analysis is ideal for testing research hypotheses in logistics and supply chain management.  相似文献   

供应链为其上下游相关企业提供了一个互动平台。生态学理论认为供应链上下游企业的互动主要包括竞争、合作和依赖关系。基于上述理论分别构建企业互动关系模型,运用微分方程定性知识对不同模型稳定性进行分析,为模拟以及预测分析供应链组织结构演化提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

供应链组织的核心纽带不是资金,而是以管理、技术、市场、信息和理念等企业无形资产为核心而结成的一个虚拟性组织,供应链的形成过程是各个企业成员在以上述核心纽带为基础优势组合时按照“适者生存”原则所进行的自然选择的结果,最终达成了一条企业认为的“最佳”组合(即系统),是目前乃至将来的经济组织发展的主流。因此,如何使供应链系统更加有效的运行,以及研究供应链管理复杂系统的性质、内部模式和规律将是21世纪最具有竞争力、最具有前途的研究领域之一。  相似文献   

服务业的快速发展让研究学者开始重新认识服务,对服务概念的不同理解形成了不同的服务逻辑观。文章从结构、管理要素、价值创造、利益协调四个方面分析了传统物流服务供应链的理论架构,运用服务主导逻辑分析物流服务供应链,提出应当将物流服务供应链的研究视角从保障能力供应向满足客户需求转变,重视客户在物流服务供应链中的地位与作用。在此基础上,文章分析了需求视角下物流服务供应链中企业客户与服务提供商共同创造服务价值的价值创造机理与利益共享形成机制等问题,提出三个进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

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