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We examine the effects of both tariff‐only and coordinated trade‐tax reforms on market access, government revenue, and welfare for a small monetary economy, under the assumption that a certain fraction of purchases of each good must be financed with cash held in advance. We show that if the cash requirement ratio in the exportable sector is greater than that in the importable, then, contrary to previous results, (i) a uniform radial reduction of tariffs has ambiguous effects on both welfare and market access, (ii) tariff and consumption tax reforms that leave consumer prices unchanged may be more efficient in improving market access and welfare than a reform that involves only tariffs, and (iii) export and production tax reforms that keep producer prices unchanged may be welfare deteriorating.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of a vehicle subsidy program introduced in Korea in the wake of the 2008 global recession. I adopt a simple binary choice model to approximate a household's decision to purchase a new car and identify the policy effect using a difference‐in‐difference framework in which non‐eligible households serve as the control group. The estimation results are as follows. First, the subsidy program significantly boosted the overall demand for new vehicles, increasing the average probability of a new purchase by eligible households from 7.1 to 13.9 percent. Second, beneficiaries of the subsidy program were mostly rich households and those owning relatively new cars. Finally, the program effect on aggregate vehicle sales was not quickly reversed in contrast to recent evidence on the comparable US program.  相似文献   

In‐house human capital tax investment is a significant input to a firm's tax decisions. Yet, due to the lack of data on corporate in‐house tax departments, there is little empirical evidence on how tax departments are associated with tax planning and compliance outcomes. We expect the size of tax departments to be positively associated with the effectiveness of tax planning and compliance. Using hand‐collected data on the number of corporate tax employees in S&P 1500 firms over the 2009–2014 period, we find that firms with larger tax departments are associated with lower and less volatile cash effective tax rates. Furthermore, using tax employees' specialization, we identify tax departments' relative focus on planning or compliance and document a trade‐off between tax avoidance and tax risk. Specifically, tax departments with more of a tax planning focus have incrementally greater tax avoidance but higher tax risk, whereas tax departments with more of a tax compliance focus have incrementally lower tax risk but higher tax rates. Overall, this paper contributes to the literature by looking inside the “black box” of corporate tax departments and shedding light on the importance of human capital tax investment for tax outcomes.  相似文献   

The disposition effect describes the tendency of investors to sell assets that have increased in value since purchase, and hold those that have not. We analyze the introduction of betting market “Cash‐Outs,” which provide a continual update—and therefore increase the salience—of bettors' paper profits/losses on each bet. We find that the introduction of Cash‐Out increased the disposition effect in this market, as punters sold their profitable bets with greater frequency than before. We do not, however, find that the disposition effect has any impact on asset prices, either before or after this intervention.  相似文献   

In this article, we adopt a variant of the trust game by Berg, Dickhaut, and McCabe (1995) and the dictator game by Cox (2004) to determine if income inequality can activate in‐group favoritism and, if so, whether such a bias is strong enough to survive the removal of income inequality. We find evidence of in‐group favoritism only on the part of rich first movers. Rich first movers trust their in‐group members significantly more in the presence of income inequality not only before but also after they gain enough experience. Poor first movers, in contrast, do not exhibit such in‐group bias. They do not discriminate between in‐group and out‐group at the very outset of the experiment, and once they become experienced, they behave with significantly more trust toward the rich than toward the poor. We also find that in‐group and out‐group favoritism established in the past can be alleviated, but not completely removed, by an equal income distribution.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of capitalizing acquired in‐process research and development (IPR&D) on information asymmetry under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 141 (R) (SFAS 141R). SFAS 141R requires acquirers to fully recognize IPR&D at fair value as an indefinite‐lived intangible asset until completion or discontinuation of the project. Prior research suggests IPR&D capitalization will result in an improvement in the information environment. In contrast, we find no evidence that capitalizing IPR&D improved the information environment for IPR&D acquirers. Instead, most of our results suggest no significant change in information asymmetry for IPR&D acquirers during the post‐SFAS 141R period, relative to the concurrent changes for non‐IPR&D acquirers. In cases in which the results suggest a statistically significant increase, the economic magnitudes are relatively small. In addition, we find no evidence that IPR&D acquirers engaged in increased classification shifting between IPR&D and goodwill during the post‐SFAS 141R period, as critics of capitalization had feared.  相似文献   

This study explores the effect of varying cash endowments on bidding behavior in auction experiments conducted in a developing country. Our results suggest that cash endowment levels can have different effects on bidding behavior under second price auction and random nth price auction. In contrast to past studies conducted in developed countries, we generally do not see the presence of positive house money effect in our results. If behavior varies significantly as the cash endowment is varied, then care must be taken when designing auction experiments or when comparing results to other experimental results and theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

This article presents more channels through which the optimal patent life is determined in a R&D‐based endogenous growth model with an expanding variety of consumer goods. It features an endogenous hazard rate at which patented firms' monopoly profits are “creatively destructed” by arrivals of newer varieties, among other things. A patent's effective life is, therefore, endogenized and less than its legal life. This model is calibrated to a global economy with a set of baseline parameter values. The optimal patent length is computed with the algorithm of Golden Search Section, ranging from 17 to 19 years. With the creative‐destruction hazard, the world needs a longer patent term to maximize social welfare but with the prevalence of research congestion, the world needs a shorter patent term. However, if the world's aggregate welfare appreciates varieties of goods in a way strong enough, the optimal patent term can surprisingly extend beyond 1000 years!  相似文献   

All financial transactions in the original Walrasian economy, as written in the édition définitive of the éléments, occur in the markets for short-term money services (the short-term bond market) and commodity E (the equity market). However, introduction of the long-term bond and the deposit markets requires only minor surgery to the original and they are now supplied, inspiring the name mature Walrasian economy. Transactions in numeraire then entail all institutions of the banking system and provide completely for money and credit. Into this economy the condition of inconvertibility, a discretionary numeraire with reserve requirements, and a central bank are introduced and clarified. Finally, multiple monetary subsystems in the same global economy are recognized and reconciled, thus establishing a global economy with a single numeraire commodity.  相似文献   

A large body of pedagogical literature has recently emerged to place the New Keynesian framework for analyzing business cycle fluctuations and the conduct of monetary policy into undergraduate economics curricula. This article develops the graphical apparatus for the analysis of optimal monetary policy in the context of a two‐period model under alternative assumptions about the formation of inflationary expectations. It demonstrates that differences in assumptions about the formation of inflationary expectations translate into quite different conclusions regarding the optimal conduct of monetary policy.  相似文献   

Atlantic Economic Journal - If cryptocurrencies are perceived as financial innovations that could disrupt domestic and international financial systems, it becomes imperative for economists to...  相似文献   

Hot spot policing is a popular policing strategy that addresses crime by assigning limited police resources to areas where crimes are more highly concentrated. We analyze this strategy using a game theoretic approach. The main argument against focusing police resources on hot spots is that it would simply displace criminal activity from one area to another. We provide new insights on the nature of the displacement effect with useful implications for the empirical analysis of crime‐reduction effects of police reallocation. We also propose alternative place‐based policies that display attractive properties in terms of geographic spillovers of crime reduction via optimal police reallocation.  相似文献   

During the 1980s the potential instability of Zimbabwe's unsustainablyhigh budget deficit was reduced by the smooth transfer of resourcesfrom the private to the public sector via the domestic financialsystem, which affected private demand for financial assets.Import, exchange and price controls operated to suppress private-sectordemand. This led to the build-up of private savings, which wason-lent to the government via liquid asset requirements andthe crowding out of domestic deposits in the nonbank privatesector's portfolio by government securities. This article usesJohansen's procedure for analysing cointegration to model thedemand for real money balances in Zimbabwe, in order to determinethe extent to which these constraints on the domestic assetmarket suppressed the demand for money in Zimbabwe.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effectiveness monetary policy by Granger causality tests in the two regimes of inflation and deflation, respectively. The surplus lag rolling estimation is applied to deal with the problem of the frequent structural changes in the Chinese monetary system. We found that the monetary policies have become less effective in stabilizing the price level in the deflation era that started from 1998. There is also empirical evidence to suggest that money was endogenous in China during the inflation period. This implies that the People's Bank of China had difficulty exercising the power of money supply to reduce inflation if the endogeneity was the result of the market behaviour. However, if the endogeneity was due to the government inflation-targeting rule, then there is no evidence to suggest that this rule has been effective for M0, M1 and M2 instruments, except for the M0 instrument during the inflation period of April 1990 to March 1995. Although it was found that money ceased to be endogenous in the deflation periods, it does not support the proposal of utilizing the money supply as a policy instrument, as we found that money is impotent in influencing price in the deflation regime. Our findings provide some empirical evidence to support the Chinese government adopting alternative policy instruments such as an active fiscal policy in the era of deflation.  相似文献   

Although studies generally find evidence of a Phillips curve‐type relationship in South Africa, uncertainty remains about the relevance of the model over a relatively long sample period, and whether conventional output gap measures are suitable proxies for demand pressure. This paper reviews research which shows that the Phillips curve model prevails over an extended sample, provided that the benchmark specifications include major structural changes in the balance‐of‐payments and labour market, and account for shifts in the root causes of inflation. When this is done, a linear specification with an output gap in levels correctly predicts the non‐trended inflation pattern over the period 1971(Q1)–1984(Q4), whereas a piecewise concave curve with an output gap in growth rates accurately forecasts the decelerating inflation pattern during 1986(Q1)–2001(Q2). A novel feature of the concave model is that it remains statistically robust and structurally stable when it is estimated until 2015(Q4). The concave model imparts a disinflationary bias, which suggests that monetary policy should be more expansionary during downswing phases of the business cycle and neutral during upswing phases. The analysis also considers how the shape of the Phillips curve might change if the balance‐of‐payments constraint on demand is relaxed in a significant way.  相似文献   

本文通过新、旧家庭的世代交替假设,引进股市波动对消费的影响,建立符合中国经济特征的动态随机一般均衡(DSGE)模型;用中国宏观季度数据估计模型参数,研究了中国的股市财富效应和货币政策选择问题。研究发现,中国股市财富效应存在,股市正向冲击对产出、通货膨胀和工资都有正向的短期影响。因此,股市冲击是经济短期波动不可忽视的因素。虽然存在股市财富效应,但中国的货币政策尚未对股市波动采取制度性的响应措施。通过模拟研究发现,提高货币政策对股市波动的响应力度能有效降低产出波动,但却会显著提高物价和利率的波动。  相似文献   

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