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贾苏绒 《中国储运》2013,(1):105-107
根据教育部关于加强高职高专教育人才培养工作的意见,结合高职院校工学结合课程的基本特征,本文对工学结合课程改革质量标;位的制定进行了研究,并以西安铁路职业技术学院物流管理专业工学结合课程改革质量标准的制定为例进行了分析。  相似文献   

教育部高教司对高职高专英语教学提出了“实用为主,够用为度”的原则,是符合当前高职高专英语教学实际的。在高职高专英语教学方面,遵循“实用为主,够用为度”的原则,应该是中学英语教学的延续、巩固、加深与适当拓宽。在词汇教学上,让学生对已经学过的词汇进行系统归纳,进而过渡到词汇搭配的讲解,适当增加新的词汇,同时,结合学生日常生活中常见的英语词汇说明来提高学生记忆英语词汇的兴趣,以便让学生在实际工作中能够灵活地运用。  相似文献   

由黑龙江省物流行业协会和黑龙江省教育厅其同主办的全国首届高职高专院校物流技能大赛黑龙江分赛区的决赛日前落下了帷幕,共有12所省内高职高专院校的24支队伍参加了大赛。  相似文献   

一支队伍要发展壮大需要严明的纪律,有了它,整个队伍就能够产生强大的凝聚力,向心力和战斗力。警察院校是培养合格警官的摇蓝,担负着把公安趴伍建设成具有革命化,现代化、军事化的新型队伍的重任。这一任务决定了警察院校必须坚持“从严治警、从严治校”的方针,本着教书育人,管理育人,服务育人的目的,对学生进行严格要求、严格管理、严格教育、严格训练,以培养学生思想革命化,头脑科学化,行动军事化,体格强健化,为公安队伍输送大批精通公安专业知识,熟练掌握公安基本技能的又红又专的合格人才。  相似文献   

在铁路跨越式发展及铁路公安机关正规化建设的要求下,铁路公安教育日益凸现难以适应发展要求的种种弊端,因此铁路公安教育体制改革势在必行,如何对铁路公安教育进行改革是文章分析研究的要义所在。  相似文献   

1999年以来,沈阳铁路公安局本着精干高效、充实基层和协调统一、上下一致原则,深入调查研究,多方论证,精心筹划,稳妥实施,对全局公安机构设置进行了改革。机构改革带动和促进了干部人事制度改革;促进了机关建设,强化了职能作用;基层战斗力明显增强;队伍建设取得显著成效。  相似文献   

该对20世纪的公安期刊进行了研究、考证、揭示,提出了公安期刊始于抗日战争初期讨论断,阐明了建国前的公安期刊是革命历史献的一部分,属于“新善本”范畴,并对建国后的公安期刊作了论述。  相似文献   

<正>车驾管改革是全面深化公安改革的重要内容,事关广大群众的切身利益。通过深入改革,浙江绍兴交警车驾管服务管理机制日益健全完善,廉政风险点明显降低,群众对车驾管的信访投诉、负面舆情明显下降。经现场测评,群众对交警的满意度达到95%以上。2015年7月10日,公安部党委委员、政治部主任、部全面深化改革领导小组副组长兼办公室主任夏崇源在绍兴调研公安改革时指出:"绍兴公安实施信息化实战警务战略,在车驾管改革  相似文献   

关于成人高校的外语教学(主要是英语教学)改革有许多值得研究的问题,笔者在调查研究的基础上有过一些思考,现不揣浅陋,叙述如下,以就教于同行。一、教学方面1.教学大纲。笔者自1988年起执教干部属管理干部学院,国家级的公共基础英语教学大纲一直没有看到过,手头只有本院于1996年自编的《基础英语教学大纲》。该《大纲》是为了迎接“成人高校办学质量评估”编写的,并没有体现成人高校的应有特点。而有的成人院校至今仍没有英语《教学大纲》。没有《教学大纲》或《教学大纲》不完善,教学容易陷入无序的状态。2.教材。据了解,成人…  相似文献   

作为全国唯一一所培养铁路公安人才的高校,铁道警官高等专科学校必须建立具有铁路公安特色的学科体系。“铁路警务英语”特色课程的开设既可以解决我校原来英语教学中教材和教学形式的局限性,又符合铁路公安工作现实与发展的需要,实现铁警高专培养目标的需要、建设具有铁路公安特色学科体系的需要以及我校往届毕业生与在校学生的要求。该课程以实用性为核心制定教学目标,课程内容注重实用性,教学形式突出实用性,能为学生适应日益国际化的铁路公安工作打下良好基础。  相似文献   

Since the development of community-based tourism (CBT) governments, development agencies and NGOs have placed considerable emphasis on this development model. However, CBT has been strongly criticized with respect to low economic impact in terms of jobs and income, the result of small-scale interventions, its low life expectancy after external funding ends, the monopolisation of benefits by local elites, or the lack of business skills to make it operational.

This article explores the viability of the CBT model to support socio-economic development and poverty alleviation via a Nicaraguan case study. The characteristics and effects of different modes of organising community tourism were examined, based on an impact assessment and lifecycle analysis of the CBT Nicaraguan Network. The results showed how traditional top-down CBT, created and fully funded by external organisations, reflected the general criticisms of the approach, while bottom-up CBT, borne as a result of a local initiative, demonstrated longer life expectancy, faster growth, and more positive impacts on the local economy. The findings suggest a shift is required in the attention of donors and policy-makers towards redistribution policies that strengthen the skills, resources, and conditions of micro, community-based and family entrepreneurship, together with a stronger orientation towards the domestic markets.  相似文献   

春运,是随着改革开放的深入、春节长假的实行而在全国出现的每年一度的人口季节性迁移奇观,大量探亲访友、休假返乡的旅客在短暂的时间内搭乘各种运输工具纵横全国各地城乡村镇,而在春运旅客中返乡民工则占据相当比例。地处中部地区的阜阳是我国五大民工输出地之一,其客源地覆盖阜阳及其周边皖、豫、苏3省22个市县(区),涉及人口2800万人。尤为突出的是,这里每年春运庞大的客流中农民工占八成左右,从而使阜阳的春运工作成为政府、社会、民众特别是交通运输部门关注的焦点。  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates how indigenous religious entrepreneurs drive religious tourism in a non‐western context. Building on the case study of Vrindavan, an emerging religious tourism destination in India, it explains religious tourism as a natural progression of traditional pilgrimage economy, where entrepreneurship springs from socio‐cultural and ritual exchanges and knowledge of religious protocols and procedures between indigenous religious functionaries and visitors. Using religious hegemony, social status and networks, religious entrepreneurs innovate, develop new products and expand the cultural economy of rituals and performances to suit the demands of the burgeoning tourism. The tendency to consider such entrepreneurship as ‘informal’ not only exempts them from most regulations and legal responsibilities but also undermines their contribution in maintaining the ‘religious’ — the most important resource in religious tourism. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A coordinated approach is developed to integrate three preventive measures (i.e. building reinforcement, reinforcement of road networks, and facility location of relief supplies), with the objectives of minimizing budgets and risk-induced penalties. The Conditional Value-at-Risk is employed as a decision-making tool to evaluate diverse decisions of prevention based on the degree of risk aversion. Based on a real-world case of an earthquake, a series of scenarios were designed, and the applicability of the proposed model was studied. The coordinated approach for investing preventive measures is cost-efficient in helping reduce the impact of disaster on society.  相似文献   

This paper examines the shift that occurs in role identity, from a tourist to an adventurer, as travel bloggers construct an adventure narrative from their experiences of Madeira's ‘levada walk’. Travel blogs, as a naturally occurring data source, offer insight into both tourism experiences and tourists themselves. The research finds that, while bloggers have touristic motivations for visiting Madeira, they cast themselves in a heroic role as they construct an adventure narrative from their experience. The paper concludes that tourism has the potential to become an ‘adventure’ in which tourists overcome challenges and discover themselves in the process. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

德国的职业教育以“双元制”为主体,普通全日制职业学校为补充。本文分析了“双元制”职业教育的基本形式与特点,并着重探讨了可供我们借鉴的地方。  相似文献   

Issues of crime in a destination area affect real and perceived visitor safety; away from rare but high profile incidents such as terrorist attacks, visitor security is more likely to be affected by a lesser criminal activity. This paper contributes to our existing understanding of how tourism can be affected by criminal activity by selecting a definable geographical area and investigating the dimensions, scale and nature of visitor-related crime and the perceptions, attitudes and behaviours of visitors in relation to safety issues. The results indicate that, although visitors believed the destination to be a safe one, the statistics indicated that they were more susceptible to crimes of dishonesty, in particular vehicle-related theft, and the times and places they were at risk evidenced different patterns to residents. With visitors accounting for less than 10% of the total population, these differences are not immediately apparent. Visitors are not homogenous and distinct groupings based on perceptions, attitudes and behaviours were found. TheREFore, there is a requirement to examine how crime is impacting on visitors by distinguishing them from the overall crime figures, but measures to protect visitors also have to be tailored to take cognisance of typologies of visitors.  相似文献   

British Columbia’s carbon tax is an example of a relatively systemic climate pricing policy in the North American transport sector. This research uses Actor-Network Theory to retrace and reassemble the development of the tax from inception to implementation. From the fieldwork, six stages of the policy development process emerged, beginning with the surfacing of the concept of tax shifting in 1998 to the implementation of a carbon tax in 2008. This article explores how British Columbia’s experience aligns with lessons from the carbon taxation literature relating to a range of themes including education, leadership, timing, administration, taxation level, revenue allocation and communication.  相似文献   

Theory on how different public values are prioritized in transport infrastructure planning is growing increasingly sophisticated, but most of it has focused on Western countries. Its relevance to China is thus far unknown territory. In this article, we apply the theory on public values and the way various values are traded off against each other to the case of High-Speed Rail development in China. We develop a Public value tradeoff matrix enabling us to identify and measure the various public values at play and to establish what changes took place in the prioritization of various public values over time. In the history of HSR development in China, a shift from regional equity and safety through economic growth and speed to organizational efficiency and cooperation can be observed in the period before HSR took off in China until now. The trading off process takes place through different institutional paradigms and organizational mechanisms in China than in Europe and America, and occurs more at the strategic apex of the administrative hierarchy.  相似文献   

The article reviews the literature on loyalty in consumer behaviour with particular emphasis on the difficulties of interpreting repeat purchasing in terms of loyalty. Problems of conceptual definition and measurement are examined in the context of tourism. A case is made for seeing the concept of loyalty as a process rather than as a state. In this respect two approaches related to information processing are suggested as possible research approaches. Psychological cost‐benefit technique and methods associated with optimum stimulation level are discussed. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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