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This paper examines the antecedents of felt trust, an under-explored area in the trust literature. We hypothesized that subordinates’ felt trust would relate positively with their leaders’ moral leadership behaviors and negatively with autocratic leadership behaviors and demographic differences between leaders and themselves. We also hypothesized the above relationships to be mediated by the leader-member value congruence. Results supported our hypotheses that value congruence mediated between autocratic leadership behaviors and demographic differences and subordinates’ felt trust, but not moral leadership behaviors, which had direct effects on subordinates’ perception of feeling trusted. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
Ping Ping FuEmail:

Dora C. Lau   (PhD, University of British Columbia) is an assistant professor of management at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include demographic diversity and faultlines, rational trust, team dynamics, chain store management, and Chinese management. Her current research projects include faultline dynamics in small teams, trust reciprocity within vertical dyads, and the relationship between leadership and trust networks. Jun Liu   (PhD, Chinese University of Hong Kong) is an assistant professor in the OB and HR Department, School of Business, Renmin University of China. His research interests include leadership, psychological contact and research methods in managament. Ping Ping Fu   (PhD, State University of New York, Albany) is an associate professor of management at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research interests are mainly in executive leadership. She is the coordinator for the Chinese part of the Global Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness (GLOBE) project.  相似文献   

Investments in next generation access networks (NGANs) ask for a new set of regulatory remedies. This paper contributes to this debate by focusing on three issues: the migration from the legacy copper network to the NGA infrastructure, and how wholesale pricing regulation might affect this process; the introduction of differentiated wholesale remedies according to geographical differences in NGAN deployment; the impact of co-investment decisions on market outcomes and their interplay with access regulation. Using the recent economic literature, arguments and possible guidelines are proposed, which might be useful to regulators and policy makers.  相似文献   

There is now strong interest among governments in allocating public funds for the purpose of promoting investment in very high speed broadband. Motives include industrial policy, and the attainment of equity objectives and of economic recovery. The paper examines the various dimensions of choice over where and how to intervene. It also considers three nationwide broadband plans in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, in each of which industrial policy appears to be the major objective, combined with equity goals. Particular attention is paid to the resolution of problems related to the incumbents’ legacy assets.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2014,38(8-9):684-692
We are entering the 4th generation of TV, based on the online transmission of video. This article explores the emerging media system, its policy issues, and a way to resolve them. It analyzes the beginning of a new version of the traditional telecom interconnection problem. The TV system will be diverse in the provision of technology, standards, devices, and content elements. For reasons of interoperation, financial settlements, etc., this diversity will be held together by intermediaries that are today called cloud providers, and through whom much of media content will flow. Based on their fundamental economic characteristics, the cloud operators will form a concentrated market structure. To protect pluralism and competition among clouds and of providers of specialized elements requires the protection of interoperation. This can be accomplished by a basic rule: by the principle of an a la carte offering of service elements.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the dilemmas facing European regulators (the European Commission and the national regulatory authorities) over the promotion of investment in Next Generation Access Networks (NGANs). Whereas the US has adopted a deregulatory approach and parts of Asia takes an approach linked to industrial policy considerations, the EU has largely left the process to operators working subject to a framework of regulation of access. While this may be enough to elicit investment where there is competition among networks, the incentives to invest are weaker where there is only one fixed network, as is the case in most of the territory of the EU. In reaching this view, the paper examines the prospects for competition from both wireless and municipal networks. It recommends that steps be taken fully to mobilise incentives to invest in NGANs where there is competition. Elsewhere, it may be necessary to consider a broader range of policies to create conditions for investment.  相似文献   

奥运会的临近,让诸多的商家打起奥运营销牌,7月,北京奥运之前最后的一个月,同时,也是希望借助奥运热潮火上一把的最佳时刻。原定8月16-18日举办的第五届义乌玩具展将延期到明年春天。7月17日,第八届时尚育儿婴童展览会将移师上海新国际博览中心,扩大的不仅仅是展览面积与参展企业数量,更显示出婴童产品的勃勃生机。7月26日,北方明珠大连亦将举办2008大连儿童用品博览会,该展会将是南方企业进军北方市场的重要契机。开展在即,让我们走近这两个展会看看他们将给玩具业内带来哪些新奇。  相似文献   

The European Commission believes that for the regulation of next generation fixed telecommunications networks the continuity approach is preferable to the equality of access approach and the no-regulation approach. According to the European Commission, (i) functional separation eliminates discrimination and promotes competition, but should only be used as a measure of last resort because it involves various complex trade-offs, whereas (ii) the no-regulation approach fosters investment, at the cost of sacrificing competition. The article agrees that functional separation involves complex trade-offs but disputes the assertion that functional separation necessarily eliminates discrimination and promotes competition. In addition, the article also establishes conditions under which the no-regulation approach does not reduce competition.  相似文献   

This paper analyses how different types of access regulation to next generation networks affect investments and consumer welfare. The model consists of an investment stage with uncertain returns and subsequent quantity competition. The access price is a function of investment costs and the regulatory regime. A regime with fully distributed costs or a regulatory holiday induces highest investments, followed by risk-sharing and long run incremental costs regulation. Simulations indicate that risk-sharing creates most consumer welfare, followed by regimes with fully distributed costs, regulatory holiday and long run incremental costs, respectively. Risk-sharing benefits consumers as it combines relatively high ex-ante investment incentives with strong ex-post competitive intensity.  相似文献   

一、2003年印刷科技发展特色 印刷是一门应用科技产业,尖端科技随时在融入印刷业。2003年,全球经济从疲软中透出一点复苏之意,而数字科技仍持续影响印刷行业。今年春夏之交,一场“非典”疫情搅乱了一季华人社会、经济、政治及人文活动。至9月份IGAS 03举办之时,  相似文献   

Within a few days of each other in early 2009, the national governments of Australia and New Zealand announced separate plans to invest heavily in advanced broadband networks. Taxpayers in each country will contribute at least half the estimated cost of fibre-to-the-premises networks reaching the overwhelming majority of households and businesses within 8–10 years. These complex and controversial forms of ‘public private interplay’ demonstrate three trends: a shift away from the liberalization and privatization policy consensus of the last two decades; shared convictions about the anticipated size of fast broadband’s economic and social benefits, and about the need for wholesale-only fixed line network operation to maximize those benefits; and the unlikely impact of the global financial and economic crisis in stimulating investment in particular infrastructures seen as critical to the national economies that emerge from it. This article discusses industry structures and regulation in Australia and New Zealand, their long history of public investment in telecommunications and the recent popularity of public private partnerships (PPPs) with Australian state governments. It outlines the ambitious broadband plans and surveys their prospects. Like so many other policy actions following the global economic crisis, these are distinctively national responses to internationally shared challenges.  相似文献   

This article investigates how infrastructure competition among broadband network infrastructure operators in Canada and the U.S. has influenced their incentives to increase fixed broadband connection speeds and invest in next generation fiber-to-the-premises (FTTP) technologies. The evolution of measured broadband speeds since the late 2000s documents growing differences in the incentives of dominant broadband operators to respond to demand for higher speed connectivity by increasing connectivity speeds they deliver to their customers. Dominant network operators in Canada have shown relatively stronger incentives than their counterparts in the U.S. to invest in and increase the capacity of legacy platforms. In the U.S. FTTP deployment incentives have been somewhat stronger, but network operators have been more reluctant to upgrade legacy technologies to deliver higher speeds. Diversity of strategic choices by large operators helps explain increasing regional and local broadband infrastructure gaps within the two countries. A high dividend payout financial strategy and increasing vertical integration appear to enhance the potential for overinvestment and inefficient duplication in legacy platforms by competing infrastructure providers.  相似文献   

运用精算分析方法,对我区未来50年养老保险基金运行前景预测,提出应对可发生情况的对策。  相似文献   

In a recent study, Segev (1987) examined the relationships among strategy, strategy-making, and performance, focusing on the connection between two important typologies: Miles and Snow's (1978) concept of strategic types and Mintzberg's (1973) concept of strategy-making modes. The findings of that study clearly indicated links between the two, and partially supported propositions asserting the effects of the strategy/stategy-making fit on organizational performance. In the current study a business game served as the vehicle for examining this tripartite relationship. The two typologies were applied to the firms' in the game, and then an inquiry was made into the relationships between them. An hypothesis regarding the effect of fit on performance was tested, and the findings compared with previously reported empirical results.  相似文献   

This article offers an overview of research on the ‘value’ that businesses and industrial marketers analyze, create, and deliver. First, value literature (up to and around 2005 and post 2005) is discussed. This review highlights the changes in our notions of value and helps to identify seven areas for consideration that should drive future research: value proposition, relationship form, capabilities management, value metrics, temporal horizon, innovation imperative, and tactical focus. Following this depiction of value analysis, value creation, and value delivery, we present a process model for value orchestration in business and industrial marketing. Three activities collectively form the basis of value orchestration, namely structuring activities, bundling activities, and leveraging of resources.  相似文献   

眼下,企业最缺乏的是好的领导,全世界也都在寻求好的企业领导。  相似文献   

Four tigers and the dragon: values differences,similarities, and consensus   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study examines the influence of economic and political factors that contribute to the convergence and/or divergence in value priorities of five East Asian societies—China, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan. We find that political and social-economic factors influence the values orientations of managers within this region. However, economic development level is an insufficient explanation for values convergence without consideration of the societal context and cultural traditions in which that development occurred.
Yong-Lin MoonEmail:

日本首都东京都是循环经济建设的先行者之一。通过对东京都废弃物处理的现状等进行研究,试图为推进我国城市的废弃物处理和循环经济建设提供参考。  相似文献   

This editorial article introduces the papers presented at the ITS Seoul 2018 and seven papers selected for the special issue of ITS Seoul 2018. Specifically, this article provides the results of keyword networks, research agendas and coauthor networks of ITS Seoul 2018. A summary of the seven papers accepted for the special issue of ITS Seoul 2018 is also included. Finally, this article concludes by introducing another paper that empirically explores the value of special issues by analyzing the characteristics of special issues of Telecommunications Policy.  相似文献   

While the use of data in business-to-business marketing is not a new phenomenon, the digitization and digitalization of business-to-business firms' business models have recently attracted a great deal of attention. With the aim of creating an overview and consolidating this stream of research, the present paper offers a brief historical overview of research on digitization and digitalization in business-to-business markets – concluding that this discussion has a long tradition and, thus, is not a new phenomenon. We develop a definition of digitization capability as a basis for discussing how a firm's digitization capability interacts with its business model to allow for data-enabled growth, i.e. its digitalization, and we highlight promising avenues for future research.  相似文献   

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