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K. Takeuchi  M. Akahira 《Metrika》1986,33(1):217-222
Summary Assume thatX() is a continuous time simple Markov process with a parameter . The problem is to choose observation points 0 < 1 <...<T which provide with the maximum possible information on . Suppose that the observation points are equally spaced, that is, fort=1, ...,T, T, ;tt–1 is constant. Then the optimum value fors is obtained.  相似文献   

Dr. C. C. Brown 《Metrika》1976,23(1):83-89
Summary The problem of testing the mean vector of the two dimensional circularly symmetrical normal distribution with unit variances, where the data consists of just one sample point inR 2, is examined for stability of -maximin criteria. If the null hypothesisH 0 is the one point set containing the origin and the alternative set equal to the whole ofR 2H 0, then the -maximin is not unique. If a zone of indifference I containingH 0 is introduced, then the problem of testingH 0 againstR 2 I can turn out to have a unique -maximin test. In the present paper we show a class of such I for which this is the case. We show further that, given any -maximin test for testingH 0 againstR 2H 0, there is a decreasing sequence of I , with intersection equal toH 0, for which the corresponding sequence of -maximin tests forH 0 againstR 2 I approaches a limit (in the usual weak star topology) which is not equivalent to .  相似文献   

Summary The estimation of parameter in the type of distributionf(x)=b x –1 /b exp (–x b (/b),x>0, is considered, when several outliers of the type , ,r=1,2, ...,k, are present in the data. The estimates of as well as of 's are put in the closed form. Special cases, Weibull, Gamma and Exponential are considered for the case of single outlier. Actual estimates are calculated from the generated samples of size 2 and 3 for the Weibull and Exponential.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es sei {F ,(x); –<<, >0} mitF ,(x)=F((x–)/)–F(x) eine standardisierte Verteilungsfunktion — die Familie der zulässigen Verteilungsfunktionen. Der (früher eingeführte) verallgemeinerte nichtzentralet-Test für die Hypothese {PP 0} mitP:=F ,(x 0) gegen die Alternative {P>P 0} zum Niveau wird mit dem entsprechenden nichtparametrischen Test (Test für die Hypothese {pP 0} über den Parameterp einer Binomialverteilung gegen die Alternative {p>P 0}) verglichen. Für dent-Test wird die relative asymptotische Effizienz bestimmt.Beide Tests lassen sich als Tests für das zur WahrscheinlichkeitP 0 gehörende Quantil einer Verteilungsfunktion interpretieren. Der klassische zentrale Student-Test ergibt sich als Spezialfall (F(x)=(x),P 0=0,5).
Summary Let {F ,(x);–<<, >0} withF ,(x 0):=F((x–)/–F(x) a standarized distribution function — the family of admissible distribution functions. The (earlier introduced) generalized noncentralt-test for the hypothesis {PP 0} withP:=F ,(x 0) against the alternative {P>P 0} at level of significance is compared with the corresponding nonparametric test (Binomial test). The relative asymptotic efficiency of thet-test is determined. Both kinds of tests can be interpreted as quantiltests. In caseF(x)=(x),P 0=0,5 one gets the classical central Student-test.

Summary For a random variableX and >0 letU n (X)–X, wheren (x)=nZ iffx(n–/2,n+/2]. Random variables of this type are important in the theory of measurement errors. We derive formulas for the distribution ofU and apply them to the case XN(,2). General conditions for the unimodality ofU are given. The correlation of the measurement errorsXE (X) andU (X) is seen to beO (j) withj depending on the smoothness and asymptotic behavior of the density ofX. This gives a precise sense to the assertion that scale errors upwards and downwards are averagely well-balanced. In the normal case the density ofU is shown to be constant up to , as 0.  相似文献   

M. Kolonko  H. Benzing 《Metrika》1985,32(1):395-407
Summary Consider the following optimization problem: Find a decision rule such thatw(x, (x))=max a w(x, a) for allx under the constraint (x)D (x). We give conditions for the existence of monotone optimal decision rules . The term monotone is used in a general sense. The well-known stay-on-a-winner rules for the two-armed bandit can be characterized as monotone decision rules by including the stage number intox and using a special ordering onx. This enables us to give simple conditions for the existence of optimal rules that are stay-on-a-winner rules. We extend results ofBerry andKalin/Theodorescu to the case of dependent arms.  相似文献   

U. D. Naik 《Metrika》1974,21(1):215-221
Summary For estimating certain parametric functions, we consider the problem of allocatingN i, the size of the sample from theith population,i=1,2,...,k, at the second phase of sampling of a two phase sampling procedure, given that we taken i observations from the population at the first phase. We consider that the observations from theith population follow the exponential distribution with mean i,i=1,2,...,k, and the functions to be estimated are (i) (di/i) and (ii) (dii). When the total cost of sampling at the second phase is c iNi and is fixed, allocations using the Bayes approach are obtained so that the estimation is as precise as is possible.  相似文献   

E. Dettweiler 《Metrika》1978,25(1):247-254
Einleitung Es sei (,A) ein Meßraum undP eine Familie von Wahrscheinlichkeitsmaßen auf . IstP durch ein -endliches Maß dominiert, so ist nachPfanzagl [1960] für die Existenz eines überall trennscharfen Tests zu jedem Niveau für die HypotheseP=P o (P, P o P) gegen die AlternativePP 0 notwendig und hinreichend, daßP/{P 0} isotonen Likelihood-Quotienten bzgl.P 0 besitzt. Für den Fall, daßP total geordnet und dominiert ist, gilt nach [Pfanzagl, 1963] eine entsprechende Aussage: Genau dann existiert zu jedem Niveau ein überall trennscharfer Test, wennP isotonen Likelihood-Quotienten besitzt.Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, daß auf die Annahme der Dominiertheit verzichtet werden kann, und liefert darüber hinaus einen einheitlichen Beweis für die beiden oben zitierten Sätze vonPfanzagl.
Summary Two theorems ofPfanzagl [1960, 1963] about necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of uniformly most powerful tests are generalized to the undominated case. Moreover a unified proof for the two theorems ofPfanzagl is given.

Dietmar Ferger 《Metrika》1994,41(1):277-292
We consider a sequenceX 1n,..., Xnn, n N, of independent random elements. Suppose there exists a [0, 1) such thatX 1n,...,X (n),n have the distribution v1 andX [n]+1.n ,...,X nn have the distribution v2v1. We construct consistent level- tests forH 0:=0 versusH 1:(0, 1), which are based on certainU-statistic type processes. A detailed investigation of the power function is also provided.  相似文献   

Dr. H. Neffke 《Metrika》1984,31(1):145-156
Summary Smith [1955] defined cumulative processes. He proved a strong law of large numbers and a central limit theorem for such processes. This paper deals with the Hartman-Wintner law of the iterated logarithm for cumulative processes using that one for sums [Hartmann/Wintner] and that one for renewal counting processes [Neffke, 1980; cf. alsoWalk].

Für identisch verteilte Zufallsvariablen wird der Index in Ausdrücken wieE (),P fortgelassen, alsoP , steht fürP i,i2.

Im folgenden beschränkt man sich aufv t()< für allet, also P. Dieses ist mit Wahrscheinlichkeit Eins erfüllt.  相似文献   

A curtailed test for the shape parameter of the Weibull distribution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary A procedure is proposed in this paper for testing the shape parameter, of the Weibull distribution. The test statistic which is based on the extremal quotient, possesses a monotone property which makes it possible for rejection earlier than the last planned observation of the null hypothesis,H 0: =0 when the alternative hypothesis isH a: <0 and early acceptance ofH 0 whenH a: >0. The test being scale-free, does not require the scale parameter to be known.  相似文献   

Si studia un modo di approssimare la probabilità di rovina relativa a un caricamento 0 con le probabilità di rovina relative a una successione di caricamenti ( k ) k , che approssimano 0 quandok tende all'infinito.
Summary In this paper we study a way of approximating the probability of ruin related to a loading 0, by the probabilities of ruin related of a sequence of loadings ( k ) k which «approximate» 0 ask converges to infinity.

In the linear model Y i = x i + e i, i=1,,n, with unknown (, ), {\open R}p, >0, and with i.i.d. errors e 1,,e n having a continuous distribution F, we test for the goodness-of-fit hypothesis H 0:F(e)F 0(e/), for a specified symmetric distribution F 0, not necessarily normal. Even the finite sample null distribution of the proposed test criterion is independent of unknown (,), and the asymptotic null distribution is normal, as well as the distribution under local (contiguous) alternatives. The proposed tests are consistent against a general class of (nonparametric) alternatives, including the case of F having heavier (or lighter) tails than F 0. A simulation study illustrates a good performance of the tests. Received July 2001  相似文献   

H. Stenger 《Metrika》1979,26(1):205-214
Summary Consider simple random sampling (without replacement) of a fixed size and lett 0 be the sample mean, i.e. the arithmetic mean of all variate values observed in the sample. The class {t 0: real} of estimators for the population mean (i.e. The arithmetic mean of all variate values) then surely is of interest.We discuss different types of variates, in particular variates with positive values only. For these variates the usual square error loss gives rise to a strange class of admissible estimators. An other type of loss functions seems far more appropriate. For this (logarithmic) type, t 0 is admissible iff =1. We prove that there exists no other type of loss functions with the property that the unbiased estimatort 0 is the only admissible element of the class {t 0: >0}.
Zusammenfassung Bei fest vorgegebenem Stichprobenumfang werde uneingeschränkt zufällig ausgewählt (ohne Zurücklegen);t 0 bezeichne das Stichprobenmittel, d.h. das arithmetische Mittel aller Stichprobenbeobachtungen des Untersuchungsmerkmals. Von besonderen Interesse ist dann zweifellos die Klasse {t 0: reell} von Schätzfunktionen für das Gesamtmittel, d.h. für das arithmetische Mittel aller Ausprägungen des Untersuchungsmerkmals.Wir betrachten verschiedene Typen von Untersuchungsmerkmalen, insbesondere Merkmale, die nur positive Ausprägungen besitzen. Für diese Merkmale führt die Verwendung der üblichen quadratischen verlustfunktion zu einer sehr merkwürdigen Klasse zulässiger Schätzfunktionen. Ein anderer Typ von Verlustfunktionen erscheint weit eher angebracht. Für diesen (logarithmischen) Typ ist t 0 genaudann zulässig, wenn =1 gilt. Wir beweisen, daß für keinen anderen Typ von Verlustfunktionent 0 das einzige zulässige Element der Klasse {t 0:>0} ist.

Dr. N. Henze 《Metrika》1984,31(1):259-273
Summary For independents-variate samplesX 1, ...,X m i.i.d.f. (.),Y 1, ...,Y n i.i.d. g. (.), where the densitiesf (.),g (.) are assumed to be continuous on their respective sets of positivity, consider the numberT m,n of pointsZ of the pooled sample (which are either of typeX or of typeY) such that the nearest neighbor ofZ is of the same type asZ. We show that, as , independently of (.). An omnibus test for the two sample problem f(.)g(.) orf(.)g(.)? may be obtained by rejecting the hypothesisf(.)g(.) for large values ofT m,n.  相似文献   

C. H. Kapadia  D. L. Weeks 《Metrika》1984,31(1):127-144
Summary In this paper, an Eisenmhart Model II with interaction for a GD-PBIB design withp replicates per cell is considered. Specifically the Model Yijl=µ+i+j+()ij+eijl is assumed, wherei=1, 2, ...,b; j=1, 2, ...,t andl=0, 1, 2, ...p s ij wheres ij=1, if treatmentj appears in blocki, 0, otherwise.If i, j, ()ij ande ijl are normally and independently distributed, then a minimal sufficient (Vector-valued) statistic for the class of densities for this model is found, together with the distribution of each component in the minimal sufficient statistic. It is also shown that the minimal sufficient statistic for this class densities is not complete. Hence the solution of the problem of finding minimum variance unbiased estimators of the variance components is not straightforward.  相似文献   

K. Obermeyer  D. Plachky 《Metrika》1995,42(1):325-329
It is well-known that the region of risk for testing simple hypotheses is some closed, convex, and (1/2, 1/2)-symmetric subset of the unit square, which contains the points (0, 0) and (1, 1). It is shown that for any such subsetR of the unit square and any atomless probability measureP on some -algebra there exists some probability measureQ on the same -algebra such thatR is the corresponding region of risk for testingP againstQ. This generalizes a result of [4] and is as a first step derived here for the special case, whereP is equal to the uniform distribution on the unit interval. The corresponding distributionQ is given explicitly in this case and the general case is treated by some well-known measure-isomorphism. This method of proof shows thatQ might be chosen to be of typeQ=Q 1+(1–)Q 2 for some satisfying 01, whereQ 1 is a probability measure, which is absolutely continuous with respect toP andQ 2 is a one-point mass.  相似文献   

N. D. Shukla 《Metrika》1979,26(1):183-193
Summary The estimation of the regression coefficient of a population, defined byE (y)= +x, incorporating two preliminary tests of significance has been discussed. The experimenter has two random samples of different sizes from two such populations, as defined above, with regression coefficients 1 and 2 respectively, where 2 may possibly be equal to 1. Besides this, it is also conjectured that the common conditional variance 2 of the two populations has a specified value 0 2 . The two preliminary tests are used to resolve these two uncertainties.The author has rejoined Lucknow University, Lucknow India on Oct. 4, 1976 after availing leave for two years.  相似文献   

Dr. W. Sendler 《Metrika》1982,29(1):19-54
Summary Let gn be real functions,U ni, 1in, the ordered sample ofn independentU(0,1) distributed random variables, andc ni(), 1in, 01 be (known) real numbers,n=1, 2, ... The random quantity , 01, is studied. Based on a method proposed byShorack [1972] the main result is the weak convergence of to Gaussian processes, where , 01. The convergence is with respect to theSkorokhod [1956]-topologiesM 2,M 1 onD (I) and the -topology onC(I), depending on the conditions imposed on thec ni().  相似文献   

S. Dahel  N. Giri  Y. Lepage 《Metrika》1994,41(1):363-374
LetX be ap-normal random vector with unknown mean and unknown covariance matrix and letX be partitioned asX=(X (1) ,X (2) , ...,X (r) ) whereX (j) is a subvector of dimensionp j such that j=1 r p j =p. We show that the tests, obtained by Dahel (1988), are locally minimax. These tests have been derived to confront Ho: =0 versusH 1: 0 on the basis of sample of sizeN, X 1, ..., XN, drawn fromX andr additional samples of sizeN j, U i (j) , i=1, ..., Nj, drawn fromX (1), ...X (r) respectively. We assume that the (r+1) samples are independent and thatN j>p j forj=0, 1, ..., r (N oN andp op). Whenr=2 andp=2, a Monte Carlo study is performed to compare these tests with the likelihood ratio test (LRT) given by Srivastava (1985). We also show that no locally most powerful invariant test exists for this problem.  相似文献   

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