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一、资本经营对搞活国有粮食企业具有重要的现实意义   (一 )资本经营将会有力地促进国有粮食企业组织结构的调整从数量上看 ,我国的粮食企业已相当可观。但从质的方面来看 ,企业的组织结构极不合理 ,严重地制约着企业经济效益的提高。一方面 ,企业规模过小、数量过多、集中度低 ,难以充分发挥规模经济效益 ;另一方面 ,企业专业化协作水平低 ,缺乏合理的分散化。我国绝大部分粮食企业形成了“大而全”、“小而全”的组织结构 ,企业之间资源重复配置 ,大、中、小型企业之间没有形成互补关系和协作关系 ,没有形成合理的分工合作格局。缺乏专…  相似文献   


The results of research on the US economy are discussed. It is based on a file of 5.6 million business establishments which is used to study how each business evolves. Underlying relatively slow changes in the aggregate totals was a set of large flows, and substantial ‘churning’. Most regions in the USA lose about 8 % of their jobs each year, and the healthiest economies have the highest losses. Small firms were significant creators of new jobs. Studies in the UK found that the contribution of small firms to employment generation is small, that the rate of new firm formation depends upon whether a region is dominated by large firms, that subcontracting, cheap premises and a good general environment are important. Births and deaths of businesses balanced each other at around 8 % each per annum, but some regions were declining because they were not sharing in the growth side of the equation, as in the USA. One difference between the USA and the UK is in terms of micro‐ and macrostability. Microstability is that of the individual job and business, and macrostability that of the economy as a whole, and the two are in inherent conflict. The choice between these two forms of stability is a very painful one, and a price must be paid either way.  相似文献   

论我国小城镇发展的特点和趋势   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
小城镇位于农村之首、城市之尾 ,与农村经济有着千丝万缕的联系 ,是实现农业现代化的重要支撑点 ;又与大中城市关系密切 ,是大、中城市进一步发展的基础和后盾。认真研究小城镇发展的特点和趋势 ,对于在新世纪中促进小城镇的健康发展 ,具有重要意义。一、建制镇数量增加 ,乡镇数量减少 ,基层政府驻地小城镇总量减少我国的小城镇主要由建制镇和乡镇组成 ,此外还有少部分非政府驻地小城镇。从 1 988年到 2 0 0 0年 ,建制镇从 1 0 60 9个增加到 1 9692个 ,乡镇从 453 93个减少到 2 40 43个。由于乡镇减少的数量大于建制镇增加的数量 ,建制镇和…  相似文献   

日本扩大农地经营规模政策的演变及对我国的启示   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
从上个世纪 6 0年代开始到现在 ,日本政府一直在试图改变本国小而散的农业经营格局 ,在这期间 ,也提出了许多扩大农地经营规模的政策措施。这些政策措施有的取得了成效 ,有的收效甚微。但是 ,这些政策实施的经验对于我国制定扩大农地经营规模的相关政策有一定的借鉴意义。本文总结了战后日本扩大农地经营规模政策的演变过程 ,并提出了对我国的若干启示。一、战后日本扩大农地经营规模政策的演变(一 )鼓励“自立经营农户”发展 ,提高农户收入的阶段 (196 1~ 196 9年 )二战结束后 ,日本成功地进行了农地制度改革 ,建立了“耕者有其田”的自耕…  相似文献   

股份合作制度是我国农村目前比较普遍的经济组织形式之一 ,其基本特征是将资本和劳动进行联结 ,实行一人一票 ,按股分红。各地的实践是丰富多彩的 ,产生了“横岗模式”、“温州模式”、“泉州模式”、“阜阳模式”、“淄博模式”等各具特色的模式。深圳市横岗镇的股份合作制作为一种内涵丰富、个性鲜明、包容性强的生产要素组合形式 ,其产生与发展是一项影响较大的制度创新 ,必将随着制度环境的变化而不断演变。十多年来 ,“横岗模式”的制度绩效引起了人们的广泛关注。研究其演变趋势 ,对于乡镇集体企业的改制具有重要的理论和实践意义。一…  相似文献   

宋元诗文有关水车的记载集中在长江下游江浙一带,又以翻车记载最多,筒车次之。有关记载表明,宋元是我国水车大发展的时期,但发展是不平衡的,不同地区各有特点。翻车在长江下游地区空前普及,成为农家必备的农具,是塘埔圩田、陂塘水利建设和南方水田精耕细作不可或缺的工具和手段,对唐宋以来长江下游新经济重心的形成发挥了重要作用。本文还对王祯《农书》设计的牛转翻车的实用性提出质疑。  相似文献   

The Externalities and Multifunctionality of Agriculture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

本文以传统水车中的两种——筒车和井车作为研究对象。关于筒车,比较全面地论述了宋元筒车发展的大势和各地区的发展差异,专节介绍了宫廷、贵族对筒车的利用,分析了有关筒车起源研究中的某些疑误、不足和需要继续探讨的问题。关于井车,在总结前人研究的基础上,提出新思路,发掘新材料,作了某些新的探讨。  相似文献   

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) cropping promoted by different researchers, and the subsequent crisis regarding the safety of food derived from them, has resulted in strong public mistrust towards the authorities, both scientific and political. The aim of this work is to investigate the perception of Italian undergraduates and researchers towards the introduction of GMOs in agro-forestry. The factors determining attitudes towards GMOs were examined by means of 66 questions divided into three units: Knowledge, Opinon, Trust. Anagrafic and socio-cultural information were also analyzed. Data was processed through a multivariate analysis approach. The hierarchical clustering on undergraduates and researchers allowed to distinguish clusters of respondents skilled in biotechnology from those skilled in off-topic disciplines. Principal component analysis and K-means demonstrated that the positive or negative opinion toward GMOs, as for undergraduates, does not depend on their knowledge, but it is associated with the level of trust in the institutions. On the contrary, for researchers, it is related to their expertise level, without any linkage to trust in the institutions. This type of study may represent a key step for understanding the social, economic and scientific components underlying the choices of citizens, communities and society about GMOs.  相似文献   

土地承包经营权的法律性质及其发展趋势   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
一、土地承包经营权质态的多样性、不稳定性和临界性90年代以来 ,理论界有两支力量对土地承包经营权的性质展开了大量的讨论 :一是法学界的学者 ,主要是民法学者从民事立法的角度对土地承包经营权的性质所做的法学研究 ;二是经济学者 ,主要是农经理论工作者对土地承包经营权的性质所做的产权经济学研究。法学者的研究大多沿着“将土地承包经营权纳入民事法律规范中的财产关系体系 ,然后从物权和债权区别的角度探讨其法律性质”的思路进行 ,形成了债权说、物权说和折衷说三种主要的学术观点。与法学者的研究不同的是 ,经济学者则大多从法外权…  相似文献   

快乐原则与解决"三农"问题的科学路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“三农”问题是困扰我国国民经济发展的难题,也是我们全面实现小康社会面临困难最大的环节。脱贫、就业、启动内需,样样牵及“三农”,却无奈“三农”。文章认为,在已经初步实现了工业化的我国,“三农”问题远不该如此地难以解决。问题所在,是我们自己对经济发展的终极意义缺乏科学认识,毁坏环境,伤及根本,导致解决“三农”问题的大量行为的效用相互抵消,农民的福利水平改善缓慢。通过解析快乐原则,认识人类行为的终极目的,以此形成科学的发展战略与制度安排,将有助于我国“三农”问题的解决。  相似文献   

This paper uses Indian data to investigate the existence and nature of gender bias in the intra-household allocation of expenditure. An extended version of the collective household model is estimated where the welfare weights, i.e. the bargaining power of the adult decision-makers, are simultaneously determined with the household's expenditure outcomes. Significant gender bias is detected in some items, most notably in education, and it is found that the bias is considerably stronger in the more economically backward regions of the country. It is also found that the results of the test of gender bias vary sharply between households at different levels of adult literacy. This is particularly true of household spending on education. The gender bias in the case of this item is, generally, more likely to prevail in households with low levels of adult educational attainment than in more literate households. This result is of considerable policy importance given the strong role that education plays in human capital formation.  相似文献   

当前小城镇发展的状况、问题与对策思路   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
“十五”计划将实施城镇化战略作为其重要内容 ,提出要把发展小城镇作为推进城镇化的重要途径。因此 ,在“十五”乃至更长时期内 ,小城镇在我国的社会经济发展中 ,仍将占据重要地位。本文将基于对我国小城镇发展现状、问题的分析 ,探讨促进小城镇发展的对策思路。一、我国小城镇发展的现状改革开放以来 ,我国农村经济乃至整个国民经济的迅速发展 ,带动了城镇化和小城镇建设的迅速推进。 1985~ 2 0 0 1年 ,全国仅建制镇的数量就由 795 6个增加到 2 0 35 8个 ,年平均递增6 .0 4%。除建制镇外 ,作为小城镇雏形的农村集镇数也有了明显增加 ,目…  相似文献   

学习十六大精神全面实现农村小康   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
举世瞩目的党的十六大是一次团结、胜利、催人奋进、继往开来的大会。十六大就新世纪我们举什么旗、走什么路、实现什么目标等重大问题给全党和全国人民指明了方向 ,对我国的改革开放和社会主义现代化建设做出了全面部署。江泽民同志在十六大报告中提出全面建设小康社会 ,开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面的奋斗目标 ,为新世纪头 2 0年我国现代化建设描绘了宏伟的蓝图。一、小康社会与现代化(一 )小康和小康社会小康是一个充满传统文化色彩的概念。据考证 ,小康一词最早出自《诗经》 ,其中有“民亦劳止 ,汔可小康”。意思是说 ,人们有劳有逸 …  相似文献   

This paper examines the economics of the adoption of sustainable production practices for soil erosion control. The research was conducted on three case farms within the Saint‐Esprit watershed in Quebec using a two‐stage process. The first stage involved the use of GIS (Geographical Information Systems) to record erosion characteristics (slope, etc.) for these farmers'fields. This erosion information was then included as input information in the second stage of the process. Mixed integer linear programming (MILP) was used to model both individual farms and the watershed. Increasing erosion constraints were applied to these models to investigate changes in crop production mixes for farms and the watershed. A comparison of the results (farms versus watershed) was used to investigate policy questions concerning an optimal erosion constraint for society. Results generated indicate that farms with higher net incomes would be advantaged by erosion constraints set at the watershed level, whereas farms with lower net revenues would be disadvantaged. Thus, trading of pollution permits could be encouraged. Cet article examine les aspects économiques de l'adoption de pratiques de production durables visant a réduire l'érosion du sol. La recherche fut effectuée sur trois fermes situées dans le has sin du Saint‐Esprit au Québec, et impliqua un processus à deux étapes. Le premier étape consiste en l'utilisation du systéme d'informations géographiques “ SIG ” afin de noter les caractéristiques de l'érosion (pente, etc.) dans ces champs agricoles. Ces renseignements servirent de données au sein du deuxième étape. La méthode de programmation linéaire à nombres entiers mixtes fut employée afin de modéliser les fermes individuelles, ainsi que le bassin. Ensuite, les contraintes d‘érosion furent appliquées sur ces modèles de manière croissante, et ce afin d'étudier les changements dans le melange des productions de cultures pour les fermes et le bassin. Une comparaison des résultats (fermes vs. bassin) fut accomplie pour examiner les questions de politiques pouvant mener à une contrainte d‘érosion optimale pour la société. Les résultats obtenus démontrent que les fermes ayant des revenus nets élevés seraient avantagées par des contraintes d'érosion établies au niveau du bassin, tandis que les fermes aux revenus nets plus bas en seraient désavantagées. En conséquence, l'échange de permis de pollution est recommandé.  相似文献   

In 2008, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reached its fiftieth birthday. It has been a constant factor in directing resources to the EU agricultural sector, but the means of channelling these resources have changed considerably over time. This article charts the evolution of the CAPs principal policy instruments and analyzes the welfare effects of its major reforms. It also analyzes these changes in terms of the institutional context of the principal reform pressures, namely international trade obligations and EU budget concerns. We will show that the link between these two pressures was never one of simple determinism: the CAP and its reform can only be understood in light of these pressures and of endogenous vested interests to the policy. En 2008, la Politique agricole commune (PAC) célèbre ses 50 ans. Cette politique a été un facteur constant de l'orientation des ressources vers le secteur agricole de l'UE, mais les moyens utilisés pour acheminer ces ressources ont changé considérablement au fil du temps. Le présent article retrace l'évolution des principaux instruments de la PAC et analyse les effets de ses grandes réformes sur le bien‐être. Elle analyse aussi ces changements dans le contexte institutionnel des pressions de la réforme, à savoir les obligations commerciales internationales et les préoccupations quant au budget de l'UE. Nous montrons que le lien entre ces deux types de pression n'a jamais été d'un déterminisme simple: la PAC et sa réforme ne peuvent être comprises qu'en examinant ces pressions et les droits acquis endogènes qu'elles génèrent.  相似文献   

In this paper, I compare the formation of food regimes during British and US hegemony, which were mirror-images in terms of the degree of free trade and state regulation as well as the direction of trade flow of grains. Many scholars recognize that the foundation for each regime was laid by the national policy and dominant political coalition in the world-economic hegemon, but my analysis pays particular attention to the divisions and coalitions within agriculture as forces that drove the shape of each regime. Though important agricultural divisions existed in each case, the political power of the resulting agricultural coalitions – and those coalitions' relations to the nation's dominant coalition – are central to understanding the formation and spread of each food regime.  相似文献   

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