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Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
TUC: The Growrh of a Pressure Group 1868–1976, by Ross M. Martin.
The Decline of the British Motor Industry, by Peter J. S. Dunnett.
Haward Business Review of Human Relarions
Not For Bread Alone: An Appreciation of Job Enrichment, by Lynda King Taylor
Whatever Happened to Shell's New Philosophy of Management, by F. H. M. Blackler and C. A. Brown
Managerial Rolcs in Industrial Relations: Towardc a Definitive Survey of Research and Fornulation of Modek, edited by Michael Paole and Roger Mansfield
Evaluaring Management Education by Robin M. Hogarth.
Professionals and Management, by Russell D. Lansbury
Advances in Manugernent Education, edited by John Beck and Charles Cox
Work Creation International Experiences, edited by M. P. Jackson and V. J. B. Hanby
Employment Outlook and Insight, edited by David H. Freedman
Masters, Unionsand Men: Work Controlin Building and the Rise of Labour 183&1914, by Richard Price
Occupation and Pay in Great Britain 190679, by Guy Routh
The Future of Pay Bargaining, edited by F. T. Blackaby
White-Collar Proletariat: The Industrial Behaviour of British Civil Servanu, by Michael P. Kelly  相似文献   

The History of the Transport and General Workers' Union: Volume One, Parts One and Two: The Emergence of the Labour Movement 1870–1922 by Ken Coates and Tony Topham
For the Good of the Game: The Official History of the Professional Footballers' Association by John Harding
Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations in Industrialised Market Economies Volume 1: Labour Law edited by R. Blanpain
Les Systèmes de relations professionnelles: Examen critique d'une théorie edited by Jean-Daniel Reynaud, François Eyraud, Catherine Paradeise and Jean Saglio, Editions du CNRS
A Handbook of Dispute Resolution: ADR in Action edited by K. J. Mackie
Public Sector Industrial Relations by P . B. Beaumont
Multinational Banks and their Social and Labour Practices
In Search of Flexibility: The New Soviet Labour Market edited by Guy Standing
Industrial Harmony in Modern Japan: The Invention of a Tradition by W. Dean Kinzley
Poor Work: Disadvantage and the Division of Labour edited by Philip Brown and Richard Scase
The Sociology of Work: An Introduction by Keith Grint
The Political Economy of Pensions: Power, Politics and Social Change in Canada, Britain and the United States by Richard Lee Deaton
Labour Relations in Eastern Europe: Organizational Design and Dynamics by K. Petkov and J. E. M. Thirkell
The State and the Spatial Management of Industrial Change edited by D. C. Rich and G. J. R. Linge
Public Policy under Thatcher edited by Stephen P. Savage and Lynton Robins
Consumer Culture and Postmodernism by Mike Featherstone  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Conflict and Change: Aspects of Industrial Relations by Kevin Hawkins
Industrial Relations: A Contemporary Survey by Richard Lowndes
Handbook of Industrial Relations edited by Derek Torrington
The Workers' Union by Richard Hyman
Teachers' Unions and Interest Group Politics by R. D. Coates
The Amalgamated Society of Textile Workers and Kindred Trades 1871–1971: A History of Trade Unionism in the North Staffordshire Textile Industry by Frank Burchill and Jim Sweeney
Labour and the Law by Otto Kahn-Freund
Strikes by Richard Hyman
Dockers: The Impact of Industrial Change by David F. Wilson
Ford Strike: The Workers' Story by John Mathews
The International Firm and Labour in Kenya: 1945-70 by A. H. Amsden
African Businessmen by P. Marris and A. Somerset
Japanese Blue Collar: The Changing Tradition by Robert E. Cole
Towards a New Philosophy of Management by Paul Hill
Job Evaluation by T. T. Paterson
Spirits and Demons at Work by Harrison M. Trice and Paul M. Roman  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
New Collective Forms of Work Organization in Eastern Europe edited by L. Hethy, M. Lado and J. E. M. Thirkell
Industrial Districts and Inter-firm Co-operation in Italy edited by F. Pyke, G. Becattini and W. Sengenberger
The Re-emergence of Small Enterprises: Industrial Restructuring in Industrialized Countries edited by W. Sengenberger, G. W. Loveman and M. J. Piore
Women Assemble: Women Workers and the New Industries in Inter-war Britain , by Miriam Glucksmann
British Social Attitudes: The 7th Report edited by Roger Jowell, Sharon Witherspoon and Lindsay Brook
The Attlee and Churchill Administrations and Industrial Unrest, 1945–1955: A Study in Consensus by Justin Davis. Smith Pinter
US Hegemony under Siege: Class, Politics and Development in Latin America by James Petras and Morris Morley
Butterworth's Employment Law Handbook, 5th edn. , edited by Peter Wallington
European Industrial Relations: The Challenge of Flexibility edited by Guido Baglioni and Colin Crouch
Trade Unions and their Members: Studies in Union Democracy and Organization edited by Patricia Fosh and Edmund Heery
A History of the National Graphical Association by John Gennard
Changing Job Structures. Techniques for the Design of New Jobs and Organizations by Michael Cross
The Strategic Management of Technological Innovation edited by Ray Loveridge and Martyn Pitt
Industrial Training and Technological Innovation: A Comparative and Historical Study edited by Howard Gospel
Improving Incentives for the Low Paid edited by Alex Bowen and Ken Mayhew
The Economics of Human Resource Management edited by Daniel J. B. Mitchell and Mahmood A. Zaidi
Macroeconomics and The Wage Bargain: A Modern Approach to Employment, Inflation and the Exchange Rate by Wendy Carlin and David Soskice
Inflation and Unemployment: Macroeconomics with a Range of Equilibria by Ian M. MacDonald  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The State and the Unions: Labor Relations, Law and the Organized Labor Movement in America, 1880–1960 by Christoper L. Tomlins
A History of British Trade Unions since 1889 Vol II 1911–1933 by H. A. Clegg
History and Heritage by Alan Fox
Man Mismanagement by Alan Fox.
Casual Labour: The Unemployment Question in the Port Transport Industry 1880–1970 by Gordon Phillips and Noel Whiteside
Employee Relations Bibliography & Abstracts edited and compiled by Arthur Marsh.
Dismissed by L. Dickens, M. Jones, B. Weekes and M. Hart
The Future of the Automobile. The Report of MITs International Automobile Program , (1984), by Alan Altshuler
Innovation and Management Control: Labour Relations at BL Cars (1984), by Paul Willman and Graham Winch
Consent and Efficiency: Labour Relations and Management Strategy in the State Enterprise by Eric Batstone, Anthony Ferner and Michael Terry
Women's Working Lives: Patterns and Strategies by S. Yeandle
Women's Work Histories: An Analysis of the Women and Employment Survey by S. Dex.
The Sexual Division of Work by S. Dex
Industrial Relations in Latin America by Efrén Córdova
Disorganised Capitalism: Contemporary Transformations of Work and Politics by Claus Offe
Industrial Realtions and the Law in the 1980s: Issues and Future Trends , edited by Patricia Fosh and Craig R. Littler  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Beyond the Workplace by Paul Marginson, P. K. Edwards, Roderick Martin, John Purcell and Keith Sisson.
Trade Unions and Socialist Politics by John Kelly.
Conflict and Class: Scottish Workers 1700-1838 by W. Hamish Fraser. John Donald, Edinburgh,
Engineers in Britain: A Sociological Study of the Engineering Dimension by Ian A. Glover and Michael P. Kelly. Allen and Unwin
IndustrialRelutions in the Public Services , edited by R. Mailly, S. J. Dimmock and A. S. Sethi. Routledge & Kegan Paul
When Public Sector Workers Unionize , edited by Richard B. Freeman and Casey Ichniowski.
Management under Different Labour Market and Employment Systems , edited by Gunter Dlugos, Wolfgang Dorow and Klaus Weiermair. Walter de Gruyter
Managing Technological Development: Strategic and Human Resource Issues , edited by Urs E. Gattiker and Laurie Larwood.
Shopfloor Politics and Job Controls: The Post-War Engineering Industry , edited by Michael Terryand P. K. Edwards.
International and Comparative Industrial Relations , edited by Greg J. Bamber and Russell D. Lansbury.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Industrial Relations. A Marxist Introduction by Richard Hyman
Trade Unions and Revolution: the Industrial Policies of the Early British Communist Party by James Hinton and Richard Hyman
Psychology and Work by D. R. Davies and V. J. Shackleton. Methuen
The Psychology of Training by R. Stammers and J. Patrick. Methuen
Psychological Testing in Personnel Assessment by K. M. Miller (ed.)
Managerial Stress edited by Dan Gowler and Karen Legge
Equal Pay for Women: Progress and Problems in Seven Countries, edited by B. Pettman
Labour Input and the Theory of the Labour Market, by G. E. Krimpas
The Industrial Relations Act: A Review and Analysis by A. W. J. Thomson and S. R. Engleman
Productivity and Law by Richard A. Farnsworth
Industrial Behaviour. Theoretical Development since Taylor, by Michael Rose. Allen Lane
The Social Problems of an Industrial Civilization by Elton Mayo. Routledge and Kegan Paul
The Foreman. Aspects of Task and Structure by David Dunkerley. Routledge and Kegan Paul
Organizational Structure in its Context. The Aston programme I, by D. S. Pugh and D. J. Hickson  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The System of Industrial Relations in Great Britain by H. A. Clegg
Labor and the Legal Process by H. H. Wellington
The Battle of Downing Street by Peter Jenkins
Measure for Measure: Reforming the Trade Unions by Stephen Fay
British Trade Unions and the Problem of Change by Will Paynter
The Growth of White-Collar Unionism by George Sayers Bain
White-Collar Bargaining Units under the Ontario Labour Relations Act by G. W. Reed
Labour Disputes in Soviet Russia 1957–1965 by Mary McAuley
The Trade Union Movement in Nigeria by Wogu Ananaba
Labour Problems of Technological Change by L. C. Hunter, G. L. Reid, D. Boddy
Industrial Democracy: a Symposium edited by D. J. Coyle
Workers' Participation in Management: Expectations and Experience by J. Y. Tabb and A. Goldfarb
Industrial Relations and the Personnel Specialist by Peter Anthony and Anne Crichton. B. T. Batsford
Race, Jobs and the Law in Britain by Bob Hepple
Training in European Enterprises by Frederic Meyers
Le Play, Engineer and Social Scientist by M. Z. Brooke
Industrial Organisations and Health. Volume 1. Selected Readings edited by F. Baker, J. McEwan and Alan Sheldon
Organizational Climate: Explorations of a Concept edited by Renato Tagiuri and George H. Litwin
Motivation and Organizational Climate by George H. Litwin and Robert A. Stringer
The Theory of Organizations by David Silverman
Conflict and Co-operation in Business Organisations by Eric Rhenman, Lennart Stromberg and Gunnar Westerlund
Company Organisation: Theory and Practice by M. C. Barnes, A. H. Fogg, C. N. Stephens and L. G. Titman
Dynamic Supervision: Problems and Opportunities by Maxine H. Bishop
Supervision: Situation, Individual, Behavior, Effect by Lennart Lennerlöf
Work Role Involvement of Industrial Supervisors by John G. Maurer  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Labour Law-text and Materials, by Paul Davies and Mark Friedland
The Law of Redundancy, by Cyril Grunfeld
Hepple and O'Higginr Employment Law, by B. A. Hepple
Trade Union Low, by Richard Kidner
Differentials for Managers and Skilled Manual Workers in the United Kingdom, by Michael P. Fogarty and Eileen
Economic Change and Employment Policy, edited by Robert M. Lindley
The Economics of Women and Work, edited by Alice H. Amsden.
'Occupational Segregation: A Comparative Study of the Degree and Pattern of the Differentials between Men and Women's Work in Britain, the United States and Other Countries', by Catherine Hakim
Disadvantaged Groups on the Labour Market and Measures 10 Assist Them, by Harish C. Jain
Labor Economics: Choice in Labor Markets, by Don Bellante and Mark Jackson Worker's
Capital and Labour: Studies in the Capitalist Labour Process, edited by Theo Nichols
Women at Work, The Transformation of Work and Community in Lowell. Massachusetts, 1826 1860, by Thomas Dublin
Workers and Employers: DocwnenLs on Trade Unions and Industrial Relations in Britain Since the Eighteenth Cenrury, edited by J. T. Ward and W. Hamish Fraser
Masters and Journeymen: A Prehistory of Industrial Relations 1717–1800, by C. R. Dobson
Transition to Workers' Self- Management: Its Dynamics in the Decolonizing Economy of Malta. by Gerhard Kester
Responses to Participation at Work: A Study of the Attitudes and Behaviour of Employees, Shop Stewards and Managers in a Manufacturing Industry. by Mick Marchington
Co-Determination in Business: Workers' Representatives in the Board Room. by Robert J. Kühne
The Denigration of Capiralbm. edited by Michael Novak.
International Encyclopaedia for Labour Law and Industrial Relations, Editor in Chief Dr Roger Blanpain  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The British Prices and Incomes Board by Allan Fels Management and Productivity of Engineering Site Manpower edited by S. H. Wearne Problems and Policy in Industrial Relations on Industrial Sites edited by S. H Social Intervention: A Behavioural Science Approach edited and with introductions by H. A. Hornstein, B. B. Bunker, W. W. Burke, M. Gindes and R. J. Lewicki. Collier-Macmillan Developing Effective Managers by R. W. Revans. Longman Changing Hospitals: A Report on the Hospital Internal Communications Project edited by G. F. Wieland and H. Leigh Managerial Decision-Making: a Study of Leadership Styles and Power-sharing among Senior Managers, by Frank A. Heller Race and Employment. Managing a Multi-Racial Labour Force by David Wainwright White-Collar Blacks. A Breakthrough? by John S. Morgan and Richard L. Van Dyke Multi-Employer Bargaining by Akanimo J. Etukudo. Arthur H. The Emerging Worker by William A. Westley and Margaret W. Westley The Economic Analysis of Labour by M. R. Fisher Work Organizations by Curt Tausky Organizational Elan by Louis Schroeter  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Mast Uncommon Jacksonians, the Radical Leaders of the Early Labor Movement by Edward Pessen.
The Slavic Community on Strike, Immigrant Labor in Pennsylvania Anthracite by Victor Greene.
A Century of Labour-Management Relations at McCormick and International Harvester by Robert Ozonne.
Radical Politics and Canadian Labour by Martin Robin.
The Origin and Evolution of the I.L.O. and its Role in the World Community by David A. Morse.
Problems of Equal Pay by G. J. Mepham.
Industrial Relations in Construciton by W. S. Hilton.
Productivity Agreements and Wage Systems by D. T. B. North and G. Buckingham.
Productivity Bargaining and Industrial Change by N. Stettner.
Productivity Bargaining and the Engineering Industry by E. J. Roberston.
Labour In the South by F. Ray Marshall.
Critical Issues in Labor: Text and Readings by Max S. Wortman, Jr.
Labour Relations by Arthur A. Slonae and Fred Witney.
Manpower Planning: a Bibliogrphy edited by C. G. Lewis.
Shop Steward in British Industry by. J. F. B. Goodman and T. G. Whittingham.
Personnela Administration and Industrial Relations by J. Valerie Grant and G. J. Smith.
An Occupation in Conflict: A Study of the Personnel Manager by George Ritzer and Harrison M. Trice.
Immigrants in Industry by Sheila Patterson.
The Employment of Young Workers by Nancy B. Keene.
Enterprise Planning for Change by D. Wedderburn.
Man-in-Organizaiton: Essays by F. J. Roethlisberger.
Group Dynamics by d. Cartwright and A. Zander.
Experiences in Groups and Other Papers by W. R. Bion.
Studies in Accouting for Mangement Decision edited by A. M. Bourn.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Inequality of pay , by Henry Phelps Brown.
Worker Participation in Europe , by J. R. Carby-Hall.
Worker Self-Management in Industry: The West European Experience , by G. David Garson (ed).
The Economics of Co-Determination , edited by David F. Heathfield.
The British Coalmining Industry 1870-1 946: A Political and Economic History , by M. W. Kirby.
Improving Produciivity and the Quality of Work Life , by T. G. Cummings and E. S. Molloy.
The Sociology oflndustry (third edition ), by S. R. Parker, R. K. Brown, J. Child and M. A. Smith.
Social and Labour Practices of Muttinationat Enterprises in the Petroleum Industry , International Labour Office,
Trade Unions and the Media , edited by Peter Beharrell and Greg Philo.
Industrial Relations: A Textbook , by Michael P. Jackson.
Collective Bargairiing: What You Always Wanted To Know About Trade Unions and Never Dared To Ask , by Clive JenkinsandBarrieSherman.
Futures We Are In , by Fred Emery, Martin Nujhoff,
Concentralion in Modern Industry , by Leslie Hannah and J. A. Kay. Macmillan
The Nature of Law , by A. Watson. Edinburgh
Behavioural Sciences for Managers , by R. L. Boot, A. G. Cowling and M. J. K. Stanworth
The Social Organization of Strikes , by Eric Batstone, Ian Boraston, Stephen Frenkel.
Sociological Research Methods: An Introduction , edited by Martin Bulmer.
Personnel and Industrial Relatiom: A Managerial Approach , by J. B. Miner and M. 0. Miner.
Policy Issues in Contemporary Personnel and Industrial Relations , edited by M. G. Miner and J. B. Miner
Redundancy and Re-employment in Ireland , by B. J. Whelan and B. M. Walsh. Dublin,
Worker Sit-ins and Job Protecrion , by J. Greenwood
Winners and Losers, Pay Patterns in the 1970s , by C. Saunders, S. Mukherjee, D. Marsden and A. Donaldson.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The New Workplace and Trade Unionism: Critical Perspectives on Work and Organisation edited by Peter Ackers, Chris Smith and Paul Smith
Managing Employee Relations in the Hotel and Catering Industry by Rosemary Lucas
Productivity Management in Hospitality and Tourism edited by Nick Johns
The Comparative Political Economy of Industrial Relations edited by Kirsten S. Weaver and Lowell Turner
Enriching Production: Perspectives on Volvo's Uddevalla Plant as an Alternative to Lean Production edited by Åke Sandberg
Labour Law and Freedom: Further Essays in Labour Law by Lord Wedderburn. Lawrence & Wishart, London, 1995, xv + 464 pp., £24.95 paper.
Future Skill Demand and Supply: Trends, Shortages and Gluts edited by Hilary Metcalf
Acquiring Skills: Market Failures, their Symptoms and Policy Responses edited by Alison L. Booth and Dennis J. Snower
The Youth Labour Market in Britain: the Role of Intervention by B. M. Deakin.
Incomes and the Welfare State: Essays on Britain and Europe by A. B. Atkinson
New Inequalities: The Changing Distribution of Income and Wealth in the United Kingdom edited by John Hills
Management, Labour and Industrial Politics in Modern Europe: the Quest for Productivity Growth during the Twentieth Century edited by Joseph Melling and Alan McKinlay
Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Organizational Behaviour edited by Nigel Nicholson  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Beyond Contract: Work, Power and Trust Relations by Allan Fox. Faber & Faber
The Next Twenty-Five Years of Industrial Relations edited by Gerald G. Somers
Piecework Bargaining by William Brown
Workplace Industrial Relations 1972 by Stanley Parker
Trade Unionism by J. A. Banks
Workers on the Move: the sociology of relocation by Michael Mann
Manpower Planning Models edited by D. J. Clough
The Role of Trade Unions in the Development Process, With a Case Study of Ghana by Ukandi Godwin Damachi
Flexible Working Hours: a case study by Derek Summers
Cloth Cap and After by Innis Macbeath
The Politics of Organisational Decision-making by ANDREW M. PETTIGREW
Management and Morality: The Problems and Opportunities of Social Capitalism by JOHN ADAIR. David & Charles  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Workers of Nations: Industrial Relations in a Global Economy , edited by Sanford M. Jacoby.
Britain's Training Deficit: The Centre for Economic Performance Report , edited by Richard Layard, Ken Mayhew and Geoffrey Owen.
Gender Segregation and Social Change: Men and Women in Changing Labour Markets , edited by Alison MacEwen Scott.
Skill and Occupational Change , edited by Roger Penn, Michael Rose and Jill Rubery.
The Future of the Trade Unions , by Robert Taylor. AndrC Deutsch,
The Dynamics of Workplace Unionism: Shop Stewards' Organization in Three Merseyside Plants , by Ralph Darlington.
Enterprise without Unions: Industrial Relations in the Non-union Firm , by Ian McLoughlin and Stephen Gourlay.
Trade Unions in Britain Today, 2nd ed , by John McIlroy.
Strategic Negotiations: A Theory of Change in Labor-Management Relations , by Richard E. Walton, Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld and Robert B. McKersie.
Management in China during the Age of Reform , by John Child.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Industrialization in Two Systems: Essays in Honor of Alexander Gerschenkron, edited by Henry Rosovsky. John Wiley &. Sons
Industrial Relations in Engineering by Arthur Marsh
A Collection of Teaching Documents and Case Studies: Industrial Relations in Engineering by A. Marsh
Strategies for the Displaced Worker by George P. Shultz & Arnold R. Weber
The Fawley Productivity Agreements by Allan Flanders
NATSOPA SevenQ-Five Years. The National Societ_y of Operative Printers and Assistants (z88g-zg64) by James Moran
The Labor Arbitration Process by R. W. Fleming
Modern Trade Union Law by Cyril Grunfeld
Cooper's Outlines of Industrial Law by W. Mansfield Cooper and John C
Manpower Planning in a Freesociety by Richard A. Lester
Manpower for Hospitals: a study of problems in some West European countries by B. L. Donald
Britain's Married Women Workers by Viola Klein
Women Workers, Working Hours and Services by Viola Klein
Workers, Unions and the State by Graham Wootton
Sociologie de I'Action by Alain Touraine
White-Collar Trade Unions. ContemporaTy Deuelopments in Industrialized Societies, edited by Adolf Sturmthal
Les Ouvriers et le Progrds Technique by Jacques Dofny
The Dynamics of a Changing Technology by Peter J. Fensham and Douglas Hooper
Growth and Structure in the Economy of Modern Italy by George H. Hildebrand
Japanese Trade Unionism by Alice H. Cook
Labor Poliy and Practices in Spain. A Study of Employer-Employee Relations under the Franco Regime by Fred Witney
The Dynamics of Management by Waino W. Suojanen
Human Dilemmas of Leadership by Abraham Zaleznik
Marketing Research Management by A. B. Blankenship and J. B. Doyle
The Theory and Practice of Time Study by W. C. Glassey
Selecting and Training the Training Oficer by Nancy Taylor  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Law, Society and Industrial Justice by Philip Selznick.
Form and Content in Industrial Democracy by F. E. Emery and E. Thorsrud.
The Liberation of Work by F. Wilken.
Strike at Pilkingtons by Tony Lane and Kenneth Roberts.
The Development of the Colombian Labor Movement by Miguel Urrutia.
Vuta Kamba. The Development of Trade Unions in Tanganyika by William H. Friedland.
Report to the Government of Zambia on Incomes, Wages and Prices in Zambia: Policy and Machinery by H. A. Turner. I.L.O.
Teacher Unions and Associations edited by Albert A. Blum.
Communism and the British Trade Unions 1924-33: A Study of the National Minority Movement by Roderick Martin.
Railway Expansion and the Capital Market in England, 1825-73 by Seymour Broadbridge.
Victorian Railwaymen: The Emergence and Growth of Railway Labour, 1830-70 by P. W. Kingsford.
All Change: Railway Industrial Relations in the Sixties by Charles McLeod.
La Prévision de l'Emploi by Jean Vincens.
Manpower and Planning. Papers presented at the I.R.C. Symposium
Organizational Behaviour by Joe Kelly.
Organizational Analysis: A Sociological View by Charles Perrow.
Men in Mid-Career: A Study of British Managers and Technical Specialists by Cyril Sofer.
Job Evaluation by a working party of the B.I.M. Management Publications Ltd.
Industrial Organization: Behaviour and Control edited by Joan Woodward.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Worker Capitalism: The New Industrial Relations , by Keith Bradley and Alan Gelb
Self-Management: Economic Theory and Yugoslav Practice , by Saul Estrin
The Economic Analysis of the Japanese Firm , edited by M. Aoki
Sparks Fly , by Frank Chapple. Michael Joseph
Industrial Relations Research in the 1970s: Review and Appraisal , edited by Thomas A. Kochan, Daniel J. B. Mitchell, and Lee Dyer
Industrial Relations and Management Strategy , edited by Keith Thurley and Stephen Wood
Employers Associations and Industrial Relations: A Comparative Study , edited by John P. Windmuller and Alan Gladstone
Power in a Trade Union: The Role of the District Committee in the AUEW , by Larry James
Industry, Unions and Government: Twenty-One Years of NEDC , Keith Middlemass
Contradictions of the Welfare State , by Claus Offe
Women in Control: Dilemmas of a Workers' Co-operative , by Judy Wajcman  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Workless State, edited by Brian Showler and Adrian Sinfield
What Unemployment Means, by Adrian Sinfield
Contested Terrain: The Transformation of the Workplace in the Twentieth Century, by Richard Edwards
British Labour History, 1815–1914, by E. H. Hunt
Skill and rhe English Working Class, 1870–1914, by Charles More.
Little Moscows: Communism and Working-class Militancy in Inter-war Britain, by Stuart Macintyre
The Microelectronics Revolution, edited by Tom Forester
The Impact of Micro-electronics, by J. Rada
Microelectronics and Socicry. edited by Trevor Jones
Microelectronics. Capitalist Technology and the Working Class
Microelectronics and the Engineering Indurtry, edited by N. Swords-Isherwood and P. Senker.
Work, Mobility and Purticiparion: A Comparative Study of American and Japanese Industry, by Robert E. Cole
Human Resources in Japanese Industrial Development, by Solomon B. Levine and Hisashi Kawada
Industrial Dernocrucy in Europe by Industrial Democracy in Europe
Labor Relations in Advanced industrial Societies: issues and Problem, edited by Benjamin Martin and Everett M. Kassalow
The Mearunmenl of Unemployment; Methods and Sources in Great Britain 1850–1979, by W. R. Garside
Work Design, by J. Richard Hackman and Greg. R. Oldham.
Control and Ideology in Organbations, edited by Graeme Salaman and Kenneth Thompson
The Politics of Work and Occupations, edited by Geoff Esland and Graeme Salaman. The open
Work and People: an Economic Evaluation oflob Enrichment, by Henri Savall
Changes in Working Life, edited by K. D. Duncan, M. M. Gruneberg and D. Wallis
Women Returning ro Work; Policies and Progress in Five Countries, edited by Alice M. Yohalem.
Strikes in the United States 1881–1974, by P. K. Edwards  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Developments in the Management of Human Resources by John Storey Business Performance in the Retail Sector: The Experience of the John Lewis Partnership by Keith Bradley and Simon Taylor Incentive Pay: Impact and Evolution by Michael Cannell and Stephen Wood Democracy at Work: Changing World Markets and the Future of Labor Unions by Lowell Turner Labour Markets under Trade Unionism by John Pencavel Empirical Labor Economics: The Search Approach by T. J. Devine and N. M. Kiefer Policing the Workshy: Benefit Control, the Labour Market and the Unemployed by Alex Bryson and John Jacobs Industrial Districts and Local Economic Regeneration edited by Frank Pyke and Werner Sengenberger The Market and Beyond: Co-operation and Competition in Information Technology Development in the Japanese System by Martin Fransman Workplace Industrial Relations; Australian Case Studies edited by Russell Lansbury and Duncan McDonald The Contentious Alliance: Trade Unions and the Labour Party by Lewis Minkin Forged in Fire: The History of the Fire Brigades Union edited by Victor Bailey. Lawrence & Wishart Hidden Conflict in Organizations: Uncovering Behind-the-Scenes Disputes edited by Deborah M. Kolb and Jean M. Bartunek The Sociology of Organizations: Themes, Perspectives and Prospects by Michael I. Reed. Harvester Wheatsheaf Capital and Labor in American Copper, 1845–1990: Linkages between Product and Labor Markets by George H. Hildebrand and Garth L. Mangum  相似文献   

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