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美、日社会性规制政策演变的比较及其借鉴 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
社会性规制的主要目的是为了保护国民的安全和健康。美国和日本由于其不同的市场经济体制类型和社会传统文化的巨大差异,在社会性规制政策的历史变迁过程中,也分别表现出了各自不同的特点。美国是“自下而上”型的民主推动的规制演变过程,日本则是“自上而下”型的政府主导的规制演变过程。通过对二者演变过程特征的比较分析,可以对我国的社会性规制建设提供有益的借鉴作用。第一,相关立法是政府有效规制的首要前提条件;第二,应当引入成本一收益分析,在社会效益与经济效益间取得平衡;第三,通过立法来确保执法部门的独立性和规制内容的合法性;第四,加强对政府规制的社会监督。 相似文献
政府经济性规制行为是政府规制的重要内容。在我国渐进改革的制度变迁中,出于应对市场失灵的政府经济性规制行为亦存在失当,对其进行规制势在必行。这一规制应以有限政府、有效政府的双重定位为制度矫正的终板目的。 相似文献
石油产业政府规制改革的国际借鉴 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
石油产业的政府规制是指国家根据有关法律 ,授权有关部门制定和颁布规定和条例 ,对石油企业生产经营行为进行的某种限制和规定。中国石油产业组织的优化离不开政府规制力量的推动。本文通过对规制理论的分析 ,在比较各国石油产业政府规制改革经验的基础上 ,提出了我国石油产业政府规制改革的目标和政策建议 相似文献
政府规制伴随着市场失灵而产生,但是产生的各种理论学派多从供给者角度出发而忽视消费能力对政府规制的影响.本文对此进行详细阐述,提出随着居民消费能力的提升,政府规制范围应不断缩小的结论. 相似文献
电力短缺、经济增长与政府规制 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
对国内电力供求形势由"九五"末期的供大干求向"十五"初期的供不应求变化的研究表明:政府长期电力规划应根据电力需求增长率与经济增长率关系而制定,以避免电力波动对长期经济增长的影响。因此,建议政府在电力规制过程中,应制定"电力先行"的经济增长战略,以实现电力供应安全对经济发展保障作用的目标。 相似文献
公益性企业的健康发展既有赖于企业经营管理水平的提高,也与政府规制质量有着直接的关系。政府规制改革应当兼顾社会公益目标与企业财务目标,同时公益性企业的效率最优也体现为消费者福利满足与投资者财富增加的共赢。公正报酬率规制与价格上限规制是国际上应用最为普遍的两种政府规制方法,资本成本在其中均发挥着基础性作用。资本成本估算值的大小直接决定了政府规制的质量。本文认为,鉴于我国经济环境以及公益性国有企业的现状,我国政府规制更适合运用公正报酬率规制方法。 相似文献
Ideas on how to make the fruits of capitalism more braodly enjoyed are not new. A rich body of thought exists advocating a redefinition of socioeconomic mechanisms to this end within the context of private property. This article traces the evolution of this thinking within the United States from before the American Revolution to the present. The culmination of this intellectual tradition is the universal stock ownership plan (USOP). The means of, and prospects for, experimenting with such an initiative are discussed. 相似文献
We examine the determinants of the choice between rate-of-return regulation and incentive regulation in the United States telecommunications industry. We find that a state is more likely to select incentive regulation in any year: (1) when it has employed incentive regulation in the past; (2) when the Republican party controls both the executive and the legislative branches of the state government, but the Democratic party has controlled these branches historically; and (3) as the firms earnings under rate-of-return regulation increase toward the industry average. We also find that appointed regulators are more likely than their elected counterparts to revert to rate-of-return regulation. 相似文献
College Quality and Wages in the United States 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Abstract. We estimate the effects of the quality of the college a student attends on their later earnings using data from a cohort of US college students from the late 1970s and early 1980s. We rely on a linear selection on observables identification strategy, which is justified in our context by a very rich set of conditioning variables. We find economically important earnings effects of college quality for men and women, as well as effects on educational attainment, spousal earnings and other demographic variables. These effects remain roughly constant over time and result primarily from effects on wages, rather than from effects on hours or labor force participation. We find that, over the lower part of the range of college quality, increases in college quality (which entail higher expenditures per student) pass a simple social cost–benefit test. 相似文献
吴海燕 《湖南经济管理干部学院学报》2011,(6):37-39,42
2010年奥巴马签署的《美国金融改革法案》旨在解决此次金融危机中所暴露出来的金融市场系统性风险,在不断推进金融创新的同时,加强对金融业的监管,最大限度的保护广大投资者的利益。该法案是近年来对美国未来金融业发展以及金融机构监管较为深远的一项改革法案。它将给中国金融市场提供有益的借鉴,要求我们既要尊重金融市场化发展规律,推进金融创新,加强市场透明度,同时也要在统一监管方面做足功课,并积极促进国内监管改革向国际接轨。 相似文献
Kwang Woo Park 《Applied economics》2013,45(15):1929-1938
This article examines financial linkage of systematic risks for 20 industry portfolio returns between Korean and US stock markets. Time-varying beta coefficients of Capital Asset Pricing Model are estimated and Granger-causality tests are carried out for identifying the significance of the industrial relations between the two stock markets. The empirical findings show that the strength and the causality of international financial linkage vary depending on the types of industry and the shocks in the systematic risk. Some Korean industries, including financing industries, iron and metal industries, service, and textile and wearing industries are relatively vulnerable to systematic risk associate with US industries. 相似文献
Professor Sung Yeung Kwack 《International economic journal》2013,27(3):105-118
This paper presents alternative measures of the real cost of financial capital in the United States, Japan, and Korea over the 1975-90 period. Japan's cost of financial capital was the lowest among the three countries studied. The U.S. real cost of financial capital was higher than the Korean real cost. Our statistical analyses provide some evidence for shrinking the gap in the real financial costs of Japan and Korea vis a vis the United States. This is the reflection of increasing goods market integration and financial liberalization occurring in Japan and Korea. [F36, G15] 相似文献
中国已成为朝鲜半岛最重要的经济合作国之一 ,在地区经济合作中有着良好基础和条件。本文分析中、韩、朝三国的双边贸易与投资的基本情况及特点 ,提出进一步实现该地区紧密的经济合作关系的可行性及基本构想。 相似文献
本文描述了古巴、朝鲜和美国的农业模式及相应模式下各自迥异的境况,探讨资源限制对农业发展的长期约束,并联系中国的现实展开讨论,指出危机下的中国农村发展生态农业及相关产业比绿色革命农业模式能让更多的人安居乐业。 相似文献
Given its significant policy implications, the nexus between public expenditures and economic growth has been the subject of an extensive and often emotive theoretical and empirical debate. The nexus between two types of public expenditures and economic growth is examined in this paper using both linear and nonlinear causality tests. Both spending on highways and on defence are regarded, albeit with not the same intensity of conviction, as useful counter-cyclical policy instruments and as stimuli to economic growth. Findings reported herein from both linear and non-linear causality tests offer evidence in support for the growth enhancing properties of the former type of public spending but not so in the case of military expenditure. 相似文献